Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, November 29, 1902, Image 4

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    lqii Mil
ftGrMmmmttt . i , win f&'ir'm.
n, ynst,,,. , i B,n umii. iKWWipftii iinumfr
' "' l'hM.'4JV'W'P ''
Published Every Saturday by the
Mail Publishing Co.
subscription rateb
One year, (In advance). ... w .1. $t5
Six months. ......
.Three months 5
a. w will tw en ge I when not pil I In .vlv.in
On Saturday wo pnulishcd a communl
cation from Jus. H. Flanagan, president
'0! the Chamber of Commerce, In which
Mr. Flanagan points out the- cause for
the apparant inertia on tho part ot that
body tojwbich wo mndo rcferenoa a few
days ago.
It seems that tho Chamber ol Com-
merse coniiiti of a very few member,
and that til. burden of whatever work
'has leen done hes fallen on tho few;
that tho business men of tho town havo
feiled to tako an interest in the matter.
This is not at all as it should be. The
question is whether the situation can bo
'mproTod, and that is a matter which
iies wfth the people themselves, not
with the Chamber of Commerce or with
the newspapers.
If the people of Marehfield nrc content
o tit down, liko Drer Fox in tho story,
and wait for the fruit to drop into their
'mouths, then it is of little ute for any
one to try to infuse much life into the
Some there are, however, who wish to
see the town take advantage ol its op
portunities, and if there ere enough of
theie, something might be dope.
Mr. Flanagan suggests that the time
is tipe for a new and larger body and
that the present Chamber ot Commerca
is ready to stop neide. The Mail would
suggest that an addition to the member-
ship of tbo present body by the enroll
ment of a sufEcent number of the live
business men of tho town, who arc will
1 .
ing to give some time aud attention and
a littlo money to adyenco the interests
of Marabfield would accomplish the
same end.
The present Chamber has dono good
work, and as it haB all fallen upon about
two individuals, the town should ap
preciate their efforts. Rut tb!a is work
that should not bo laid upon ono or two.
Every citizen of Marehfield, and especi
ally every business man, should be in
terested in beving something done to
attract population of the right kind and
to encourage the establishment here of
industries to give employment to more
If Marehfield wants to keep abreast of
the procession, ebe will have to beetir
herself. We Buggest that some thought
be given to this matter, and wo invite
pommunlcatioui from any ouo who has
n euggeeicp to make.
' A "Knocker" is Generally eupposed
to carry a hammer with which he beats
into small bits the reputation of otberr.
Tho "Knocker" doea not need o bo
acquainted with the person he knocks,
or to bo envious or jealoue, he knocka
because he loves to knock. "Knockers"
are born and not mnke. He knocks be
cause he is a "Knocker."
No matter how highly praleed a man
be, a "Khocker" knows eometbing to
Ills disadvantage. Ho goes continually
about swinging his hammer and reduc
ing to ponder the reputation of every
flMtfTJiesKnocketf! has a croes, crabbed
look adU usually has rubber heels on
hti'ahoes bo as to 'walk with a cAt-llko
trend nnd enonk upon n rcputntlon bo
(oro it hns a chance to tea him and got
away. Ho Is not parllcnlar what ho
knocks anything, from tho crauborry
pio at n .boarding honto to tho latest nc
count of tho 1 hllnntrophy of n famous
Nothing is too good (or tho hammer of
tho "Knocker."
In a recent address Bishop Totter de
clared that vre can never approach the
saloon question intelligently so long as
wo ignore many of tho vital features of
tho problem. Wo must remember
that alcoholic etimulns is only ono ot
tbo rcAtona that eond men to thosalcon.
Sociability and bodily comfort aro quito
as important features, more eo in many
A nnnr mnn ... ... ...
toilote conveuience, information and con
gonial company. Where but in tho
saloon can ho find any of those thlngo?
Before we talk eo much about restricting
or abolishing the saloon wo must ask
what is going to tako its place for the
man circumstanced as detcribed. Tho
problem is confessedly a difficult ono
but tho Bishop thinks that tho most
favorable plan yet suggesteJ is ono now
in successful operation in England. This
is tho owning of bjUoods by the moder
ation societies, tncmselvs, an agent
beina appointed at a salary to conduct
them, These agents receive no com-
mission on the sale of alcoholic '
liquors but do receive a liberal com
mission on the salo of coffee and ''soft"
drinks of all kind. Their profit Icing
in tbo latter, they ere likely to push
them to tho diaA.lnta of th ,nn,
harmful wares. A' plan which is suc
cessful in- another country is
trying In this. Ex.
The Congress of Americanists.
Tbo meeting In New York of tb
thirteenth annual congress of the Socl-
. , , , . , , ...
ety of Americanists brings together a
notable group of scholars and savants.
Though the society has for Its purposd
the study of the archrcology, ethnology
nnd early history of America, this Is
the first tlmo that It? congress hns ever
,- i.i 1 1 .1 ,. ,. , Jl . t.
been held In tho United States. It wnB
founded In Paris by the Duke de Lou-
bat, who furnished the first funds for
the association, ns he Is providing those
necessary for the thirteenth, congress.
ne nnd some men living In France
were interested In the pre-Columbian
history of both Americas and In the
theories regarding the peopling of the
new world. In order further to en-
, , .,
courage resenrch In these and kindred
subject pertaining to America a sod-
tty was organized under the name La
SocJeto Amerlcalno Ue France. "Tula
association," as said In a recent Issue
of the American iluseum Journal.
,. ,..,. , . . , , .1 ..
"flourished to such a degree that its
members conceived the Idea of nsaem-
bllng an International congress of
Amerlcauists to meet in Nancy, France,
In 1S73. The meeting at Nnncy wns
atteuded by representatives of varloun
countries, nnd statutes were adopted
which established the broader organ-
Izatlon on n linn basis." Sesslous of
the congress have been held since J87J5 I
at Luxemburg, Brussels, Tnrls. Mad
rid, Copenhagen, Berlin, Turin, Iluelvn,
Stockholm, Mexico and the last tlmo nt
Paris In 1000, when It -was voted that
the thirteenth cougrcsu should be held
at New Vork In 1002 under tho presi
dency of Morris K. Jesup nnd with the
Duke do Loubat as vice president. Tho
lutter, as well uu some other distin
guished Americanists, arrived in this
country Eomo days ago.
Tho proceedings of the congress aro
not likely to furnish as engrossing
newspaper "copy" as thoso of boiho
aesslous of our congress that meets In
Washington or perhaps of tho British
parliament or the Hungarian diet, hut
to tho Btudloua and thoughtful they
will bo full of Interest nnd aro sure to
add much to tho store of our knowl
edge of tho early history, cthuology
and archaeology of, this hemisphere,
concerning which there ni-o'vot mnnr
I things: to learn.
Alexander Urquhartand wf, to George
Uellonl, lota t nnd 2 and e2 of nwl, a 18
lot 3 of b 7 1 2S r 13, 151,41 Acres. $(1000.
Isaac Bnrklow and wf to Mauley Bntk
low, 30,05 acres in a 8 t 20 r 12.
Bert Kirk to Waltor 11 Phillips, ne4,
s 20 t M r 0, 100 ncres, $750.
HFSl,HllorandwftoAlphoa,orier.:a2,M;23ri:50, lM " "' ' f ' "
tie, lot 4, sc4 of swl, s2 ot ecu, a IS lM r " fi0 nmS! "2 pl "' ( '
r 10, 171, OS acres. 11032. . I ' " f "'' " 2 M r ,J1' tfl nCr"
Otilllo K Krououbcrg nnd hus to War
ren C Parker, e2 ot sw4, e 15, 2 ot nwl,
e22, t23r 11. fSOO.
Georgian. Poley nnd hue to .WaVrcn
O Parker eS of s,4, s 15, e2 of iw4 s 22
.,,... (K)
t-sru. ?sw.
John F Hall nnd wf.JnmesT Hall nnd
f to Robert Marsden. lot 4 and u2 of
lot S, blk I, Coalcdo, $15.
William P Murphy nnd wf to L J
Slmpmn, net, scl, s 11 1 29 r 11, 320
ceres. $1300.
Til bhctidnn and w to Simpson Lum
ber Co, t2 b 21. sol, a 20 1 27 r IS, 00.
J O sheridan and wf , to Simpson Lum
ber Co, nw4 s 20 1 27 r03, ldOacros. f 100.
R S Sheridan and wf toSimpson Lum
ber Co. sw4, s 20 t 27 r 13. 1100.
Charles Eckboff and vrt to H O Dnck
man, Chas, Grcsswell, A Gttthrlo Har
vey nnd C W Hall sol, a 31 t 20 r 12,
150.S0 acres 500.
Maud B Bradbury and bus to L. J.
Slmpeou, lots 3 and 4, e2of sw4, s30t
27 r 11. $800.
Carl Albrecht and w to L J Slmpton
i-2 of sc4, s 5, n2 of nc4, s 8 t 23 r 12, 100
acres, $10.
Coos Bay Logging Co. to Lyman N
Noblo, w2ol ne4, 2of ee4, e21t25r
13 j
K N Smith to Petor Calvl, Lois 2 ami
3,53 t2(5; lot 2, nc4 of sw3. n 31 123 r!3
15s57 ree2of net, swl of r.irl.r.it'.of
fe4, s3l, s3 of nw4 of n5 ew4 ol nn4, t
' 33 t 25 1 13, 220 ncro?, w2 of swl s 33;
'ne4 of eel, lot s 34, t 2d r 13, 220 acres.
w2of sw4, s35; not of et2, lot 4, s.'ll,
t 2S r 13, 15 930 acres nw4 cf c4ofect,
s2 of net, lot 1, s 3 1 20r 13. ISO.Cu acres
n2of sw4, apt ot nwl ot nwl, lot 4, e 2 t
29 r 13, 100 40 acres. $0300.
U S to John II Vlinn nw4 of nwl, e3J;
net ot nc4, e 32; b2 of ec4, s 29 1 20 r 11,
100 acres.
Eva Gaaimill and hus to Cethn C
Prey, lot 4, blk 10 Bordor ADender's ndd
Mvr,ie w0int $I 0.
.. .. . u . t. t ti i- .... 1
N C Hermann to Francis I RiJor, tind
d2 of lot 7- n s2 l - r 12' 'lH Rcrcs ?33-
W E Plctce and wf to DeWitt C New
man, nnd 1-0 lot of se4 of bk4, e 27, o2
o( nwl 9 ,9( t . r 13( $7C0.
.,.,.. , . r 1 r- n
W h Pierce and wf to John F Brown
und l' Inl of te4 of BW,, B 2I- e2 of nw4
s 2S t 25 r 13. $700
Fonny E Albrecht and hus to J L
Sira,,son( ,ot8 0( 10, 3, j, 5 and 10, s
mo.oo.jo tn, -1 acre JSQ0
" l -- r - I0J-1 acros ?bU0
Charles B Brndbuty and wf to J L
fijmpson, lot 2, swl of ne4, r.2 of ees, s
. - ,. ,,. c
1 k -I I-. iW UI.IC3 fZVJ.
,.,, , .
U DiUsIsa and w to,Sinpson Lum-
uer Co. ee4 of nt4, s 4, n2 of net, s 0, ne4
of nel, s 10, s2 of nw4 a 10 t 27 r H, 240
Ccrer. $ie00.
r...i- ri . r. , . .
ijiziu jjurce, Aaron i.oauroo anu wi
Ad-'lardo Lobreo and Rsuccci Ubroo to
W U Douglas, oelcf nel, s 4. n2 of ncl,
s 0; ne4 of nc-1, a 10, 2 of nw4 a 10, 1 27
r ji, 210 acres $1800.
, . .. . . . r ,
J" Lyman and wl My" Ir
Crouch, r2 of nwl, cv4 of uw4, h 13; eol
of nel tH 121 r 13, PJ0 acree. $000.
ii0 Goodman to Charles Webb. Intn
. .w.w
1 and 2, blk 7 Elliott's add Copullle City,
G M Short and wf to W F McRee, lot
0, e-ffllt 20 r 11, fat)
Florenco Sheridan and hus, E G Flan-
agau and wf, Mary Ella Uarry aud hue.
Jas II Flanagan nnd wf, May McCullorn
and lmo, Anulo Hnnlet Flanagan nnd
John Winchester Flanagan to Flanagan
Kb Into a corporation, all real aud per
sonal property belonging to tho Patrick
Flanagan Estate. $10.
O Ii Merchant and wf to John Butler,
lots 37 and 38, blk 43. railroad add
Marehfield $120.
Frank D Fish and wf to Albert II
Fhb, lots f8, 20 and 30, blk 15, Woolen
Mill ndd. Dandon. $300.
tJ H to Oharloa, E Edward ne4 ot n
W4,n'i of nc4 a 22: Be4of ae4 h in t 91 r
j 11 100 acres. George R Davis and w 0 F
Jackson & w to Jacob (Jocrltt & Unrlmra
Bccrlst. Lota 6 nnd 0, blli 11, extension
to Myrtlo Point, fll.33. V
John Koteh and w loEphrlnm Ollvonl
Hall, lot 3 nnd 4, blkt) ShotterV nil,
Mnrshlleld 130.
Wallor Sinclair nnd wf to Wllll.un
Conch, r2 of btI, U(v ot a A I, sws of ai4
lots 6 and 12, e ", cul of nc4, of eel, a i)
2!) r I'J, I3l. 81 acres; lola L't itu-l 1(1,
0 3, 2 of e 1, s 4 1 21) ri:i, 101, 38 acres,
w ' nM' 98' l mv,( " " l r "
' m ncr0 ' e2 ' ow' "'1 ol "4 l7' ,,nl
of nw4, s 20 t 21) r 13, TOO acrerf tin I ol
..I , ,, 1 , 1 .
9w4( 8w4 ' ,m4' 8 ,7; " J of w, tlUlA
I o2 of no I, s8, 1)2 of nwl, s U t 20 r III,
net, a IS t 20 r 13, 100 acres; u2 of tiel,
8 20t2Srl3,FOnores$I0.
Km urn M. Lyons, cdmlx e:t of Jns A
Lyons to William Conch, t.2 of tel, lots
Sand I s 32 1 23 r lit, 131 13 acres; lota
7, 7, 11 nnd 1 1, b C, t0, W nvrc.j 3a 1,
, ,. , ' ' , ,
8, 0 and 10, n 5. 101 80 ncres; lots 2, a
nnd 4, e 5, 178, 5!J acres; 2 of rl. scl,
ol ec4 sO lot 13 iu, 150 0I ncres; lot 3,
nel of sn4 sc4 of nv4, s U, 14l),2.i seres;
lots 1 and 2, tnl cf net, e 0, 170 ocrr;
soiofno4 lotO, 57;ew4o( nwl, nw4 of
swls.S, tC004acns: w2of neli'iof nwt qurstiuu that ulnnys ImjUipih him. II i
s 17. 100 ncros: c2 of twl, w2 of evl s H wni,t t0 k"",,v " i '"' tuo ho turd
,. , . ... . onco, loino tlmo ni:o, innkei tho suino
HiOncres, rw4of nw4, S8, u2ofnol, r.ot.ilm,.. p.uiio connection! It tho nrlco is
of nu4 s 7 100 acres lot 7, s 7. an I ol awl' ,
a a u ui nm u w iin ui r.t-i, r is, loo. uenrii or runti ol iitmntis points ol Intur-
11 acres ; all in t 20 r 13, $30 Ct). "l 'l1 u' 1w,:''1 ?r ",,J, w" tl,nl.'V
....... . overltMjktd on tho trip hit mndo. Did
r W Kroncnberg and wf, JS Lyons not tio ll.unt Imvbiish fin lind not ttmo;
and wf, Win II Lyons nnd wf, JoIo O ,n,,nl.k,,Y7 ''." ifow,,,l ,0r U,"J M,,n"
' inonvy; did not know ho could got n
Lyons nnd Ltnmn M Lyons, holruof Jas. stopovur. Thoio nto hnndmU ol qites
A Lyons dectaeed to Win Conch, tI0l j'o coiltl liveakrl, nmiiy UiIiirs
' "", lt would llkot havi) men nnd tnnnv
aboved doicribcd lands. $1. ! nccotninoilntlons he could hav cnjoynl,
Willlum rnMiin,.ii..n m u-,.,i.... 0"I)'i hndll notliAvo tiinii to look irto
""' ""'" '
ina auovc rcscrtiini innils, jl . per ncre.
. ..
Goorco W UoaI and wf to L J Simpson
sc4al2t2Irll !SC0.
Victor Nylund and wf to John I1IP-
j . ., i
strom, lot 8 blkS'J, Vasburg's add Marsh-
fii,i im inifts wit!i all tlm wosturn trunk line,
ut'0' ,,u IsiidtlHOiiahthun. with nil their wt.
I E Roso nnd wf to W Smith, tots 1, 2 '" connection. 'I ho Illinois Cunt nil
1 nml. l Ni'iRrii -.1 ;-. ,.r... B-n I duvd not earn which llnu you ttsn Initio
3, and I, s -d t -8 r 11, ,0, . ucrca $fU). , WvhXf mttnuttt CCI1(MI 'wttt or ssu-ith-
C H Merchant nn.1 wf to Roto M Phe- "''"t, tecauen It connects with nil ol
Un lntw l nml i.ii- i? w , ' llii'Ki alio la nlwJiliittily iinpartiul to nil
lan, lots land ., blk 1-, Western addjAUy0ll mVo to do li to drop us n not.,
Marshflold, $ 100. (tell 110 your dct!nnlion nnd atar'liiw
P.rrc r Kini.inr.i .i ..i tr. i ... doliit. In there anything in the wliolo
I crry C btoddnrd nnd wf to JonnntloKjoric,u, ttMt tlllU Jou wnnt t0 nw
Pressly nwl of se4 w2 of ne4, h4 of nw4 1 tho wnv? Mention It. Wo will nrratiKo
a 22 t 20 r 12 Part of sw4 of aw3 s 23 e2
of ec4. b 22 t 20 r 12 lying n of chnnnel
of middle fork of Coqulllo river. $1500'
C E Howicr aud wf to V I. Phebn,
sw4of nel, ell t 20 r II Jl.
Coos Co. Oregon to John Flanagan, lots
1, 2, 3 and 1, blk 24 Empire City jl700,
J Henry Schroddcr nnd wf to School
District No. 3 ISO acre In a 30 t 23 r 13.
Henry Heclon Lute Jr, Emily O Wren
and hus, Robcccn F Stump nml hus and
J A Luso and wf to W E Raines and Her
bert J-ock heart u2 awl ne: of cvvl s 12,
nnl of nwi a 13 t 25 1 11, IG0 acres $10,
U S to Augustlno M ChcKtam, u2 of
ewl no! of bw! 0 12 nwl of tin I s 13 1 25
r 11, 100 acres.
Eugeno O'Counell and wf Win P Mur
phy and wf to John Grant lot 0 blk 3,
Forndalu f253,
paiai iuaiKiiiiUMi mvc
Chlld:en'adubloC.irq Mioklntoahesustnl price 3.23 aud'350.
Ladies Mnckintoshos. larcc
Boya Mackintosh's good
i I
S y
Amelia Nelson and Iiuh, to Wllllittu
MinS'cill, lot 0, 0 2 ol owl sw4 of sol s 10,
1 23 r 12, l I 61 ncres $1000.
O 11 Merchant nnd wf to Allco L Finch
tola 4 nnd 0, blk 20, Itnllrond add March,
field $200.
Robert L Wilkinson to Henry Honi:
nt.m ken sol of so I, i H, r-2 of mil, ne I of
eel a 17 t 2(1 r II, 1110 ncros $500.
Martin Wnlhcu to L J Hlntpson, n2ot,
evl nw I of o.4, v of net b 27 t 2'i r 12,
trn ,,, mw
1L0 ncro? fHOO,
of ho Id "vy fr o m Zv ,, -S'
S uLZ" TU? Hambvleh Vnlaud
ulphabet linn the Unit immvil number,
111,1 thi inriiiii iim iut
U, f"r""' ' '"'
Tho lettem In the varlotta nlphnhoU
ItutoKiin'n l.riutlmr TiMrcra.
Rolognn'M two tAittaro leaning tovvcrn,
tho Gailxoiula and tho AhIiicIII, are
liuiri utiii-HIm- flifiti fli liitt'iit nl IHuit
alio AalnolU tower In :il5 fret hluh nnd
wan built In 1100. Tho Gnrlsenda wns
J""1,. ltw n",a " orlKlnnlly
taller, but t now only 1KI firt lilttli. '
it inelliintlon. however. Im ervntcr than
that of tho other tower.
When tho ordinary rltUon Intends to
go eat, orient! for frlindn or tulntlves
1 til lflfmiMrt. Ilin I'luirMnf rmtl.n !
i,"!,"l,1lil; " ,l roM" ,.l, ,.?II,DI1I? K? V
s It did to cntni' west. Poislhly. ho lia
the sub ?et. nnd It wns I
too much iKJther
--- .-.. .
Hern Is a suectBtlon that will nxvo vou
nil that trnut.li-. wvntlon nnd regret
ITho IllinnU Cuntrsl Rallrosd Compntiy
J ,n,,PB" ,Tl ?""," "T Sli '4',,,
().,- a,,,i s I.niU. nml north from
New O'Ii-uhh. Attluto points, It con-
for it If it can In dona. Perhans vou
will want n stopover. Wo wM naraugn
thut too If It in postlblu for anyone 1 1 tin
it Just innku n ruucentlon ns to the
western llnu nnd we hIU clahornto I1 for
you ;tcll you thn tlmo you should s'nrt,
when you should Hrrlve nt destination,
what nicoinmtxlat.nii you will onjor,
what It will com rou, nn Itinerary for
tho ttip, nnd Mill do anything wo !
ribly eun tomnka yourjourney pleamnt
and comfortnlile. That's what wo umi
hero for. lln l.nvn headiiunrten In
Portland; AgentH In Portland nr.d
Senttlii, nnd Traveling Agents thnt will
come nr:l tnlK it over with vou iltiv
tlmo uud nt any iriacii In tho norilmvat !
wiuioui 11 u inline you a cent inoro Hum
n postngo ttnmp. Chtrago buslnois in a
spozinlty with iim. but wn hnvo otir ovn
rnlls in a dor.HU different htntea mt ol
St. Paul, Oinnhn, and New Or enns,
nnd can ticket vou to these antMviivn
over a dozen differunt routes. Vr to u.
By tho way, do you want n nlc wall
mnp of tho Ignited States, Cubi nnd
Porto Rico? Heud six cant' to pny poit
nge, js. ii. -irumlnill, Coiii'mrcial
Agent. Illinois Contral R. R. 112 Tnlnl
Ht. Portland, Oro.
Military enpen uettnl prlco 4.t30.
extra good Mackintoshes in Brown, Green andNdvy ubiiiiI
heavy quality down to 1.30 each.
Wm. Nasburg.
llo hi n Point Aliotit iluuil llnllrm nml
Tlieli Vnf,
Every roinl In mndo nmoothor nnd
hinder by rolling, nnd dirt rondo nro
no vM'cjttlitti to thin rule, citya lnaae It.
Putter. Wo linvi) nil nulleed thut tho
himti'Mt and mnoothcNl pnrtH of n cottn
try load are the narrow" hII'Im which
mark tho jtitHiiiito of tho wagon wheeN
nml imvi. I'linn over- It. 11 nil theno imrW
imvo iiwotin' hnrtl and miinolh I'cuih6
' the whceln have itcli-d a roller. Mat a
wagtm wheel In not always a very int.
I Ufctl,ry ,,wU,,r rr the rtmniiii that tho
wheel tlrei are too narrow, and wiittn
tho rond Ik wet and roft tho nnrrow
wheehi nliil; Into tho mirfneo nnd form
H '"'" '"l" ,lx Ml ,n,u:,
""'' ;, 'J ZaSTit M
:wil qunlUh f llio ion hn. If nl
tho vo'jH tiHid on foitntry roailn
M w n.vl.ll wllh Hn four lnelic.
..i, 1.. id, ii. u-itiitit mil tlm mufiiL'i) tanro
nrnoottily nnd more iiulcltly, and li
winilil he In fairly good condition for
neatly the wholo year round.
A good hormt toller will norvo much
to euro this illlllcully, and nuoh n roller
noLi.trai with wihk tjiiui.
enn be bought for from $S0 to $100 pet
ton. A mller weighing about flvo touts
In about the proper thing. Htoain roll
eri are luemnliu inoro generally unctl
from err to yoar In our cltlea nnd
to wni.' nnd tliru nro mntiy places
wlicr- tlwy ean be lined to ndvantngo
In citivi'iUdutliiK tho earth roadi of tho
miliurl. They nro geiiernlly inoro cf
fiTtivo in their work and If kept busy
r.ro .tally ehwipr to operate. They,
welirli frrti heven or eight tons tip
wnril. the ten nml twelve ton Uca bo
laic perh.iim the itiiml M)pitlnr.
Knllliig Mhould follow rlosuly upon
tho wnrl: of the nid grader or acrnper
no ns to etitnoliilnte nil the Iihino enitli
wlileli the netloii of the SKMper liaa
laid In the llui' of lh jondrny. Tho
rdler nhould ;mii many limes over tho
wift.T jN.riloim nf tho rond, nnd whero
tho road l.t cry dry nnd not Iticllnctl
to pnel: It may bo Mlghtly moistened
to humeri tho notion of the roller. Tho
rolling Hhiiuld Iwgln at tho hide of tho
road and work nrntlunlly tnwnnl thn
ceiiter-thiit h, the roller should bo
priMcd from end to end nloug tho aldo
of tho road, ami then tho M.-tond pn
nngo of tho roller Hhould wltghtly lap
the Ilrst until tho ceuter of tho road la
e.criim In .'Mtlk.
The only effective way of killing tho
'rcr,"" of "P"l(;r,u. tylitll and other
Hiicli illhordern found In milk In to boll
tlm milk for nt least twenty minute.
To warm It inoroly In iitto u'wlesa.
Boiling li'iwciiH tho poteutlnl nutrition
of mill; by reiidrrlug certnln of Itx con
ktlttieutii moro dllllcult of dlgcstlou.
AVtirn (Vrvnnlrn Nuildrd.
Ill "Don (Julsiitu' Hanelio rontlnueJ
to rli'io cm hU ans after bavlug la
tuei.til the atiltual'ii death.
rt..!.. CCt ctr- 1.
rriwu) epti) encii
price, JpiJ.uu cch
Pnuo 0,50
price f,A, S5 cucli