ft Ij ,""rj,(.1 N.-3! -T A f . t-. mf iri - - t 1 ? V f ,! . , . t S t"1iM''l'n'HI UJJVK III w 1 vrt fi Coast riail. MAHSIII'llil.l) OKI'.OON prom Oundny'n Dolly. Tint tmliiiou cannery ling clotctl down for tho reason. Frank JCelly, who lion been employed nt tbo eaniiury, will tnko clitUKU ol tho U.tfgo tomorrow. Ami now tbn .Myrtlo l'oliit Kntcrprleo Jma ncor; jt vision of whnt la described In tlio Hun ua n "hunch' ol J'kIuo," nud la reucliliij; (or It. Mm. K, II. llejcrii nud Mrn. Frank Hlatk, o(Biminor, returned liouio yet torduy, oltor vleltlin: frlenda iu town over nluht, Major Tower was up from Umpire ynttardny nnd measured tho now achooti. or Tftiirui), IIo found Iter dlmnntlons to hi', length Hit. 1 ft. bourn 10 ft, tloptli 13 It. llor tommim will bo nbout 541 tons. (.'ul thin out nnd tnko It tn tho Hod Ctom driiK itoru nnd got n fn-a tiwnil) of Uhnmburlaln'ii Htomach nnd J.Ivor Tablet, tlio beat phyalc. Tboy plraruo nud iuvlKOtnotbu aloinnch, liuprovn tbo uiipullNi nnd irculntn tho ImKo'it. Rg uinr "Ixo, i'ia por lox. For nalo by Jno, I'reuia - - - - Eugene Hclntlor, who eamo up on tbo Arcntn, wna greeting obi frlcnda In town ycaUirday. jjo will spend rotno tnontba on tbo Day. Mm. J, T. Jt'cCorinnc received n lottor yesterday front MI11 Mnry lllack, In Han Krntiolfco, Baying tbnt alio bad hcon Ipilto tick nt n hotpllal there, but wna now getting hotter, nnd ex pec tod to innko etndy pro(rces oil tbo road tq couiptotu recovery. Through Inndvortnoco In our Itauo of yntuidny we uientlonul tbnt tbo hour Appointed for tbo mans ipeolliiR of tbo IMnralifield Fire IVpurtment to bo bold nt tho j-Ju(Ii)o llotifo oudny ovculuc wna 1 :C0 p in, when It nhqtlld bnvo rend 7:30 p pi. OJllcera nud uienibera of tbn department will kindly brnr tho correct hour In tr.lnd. I-'iixlnoor ilollenberk, towiultomnn qf tbo (ireatContrnl, who laid off tbo ll.in totrualtu nud baa recently been doing tbo aaino work on Kiuney'a nddition to l!ojchnr, la reported married. It Koma that nbout n nook ngo bo eloped with n yountr lady employe of ono ot tb Itojebnrj; i!vthii: bouaea, nnd they have Bona to llvo on his claim up in Wutho lugton. Q. Lavoll, n prominent lumberman of WiinblnK'on, npent aovornl clayj In tov.'n loet weok iokin over tbn ground with n view of dolnc aomo bualnosn In tbla county. IIo wna nccompanlud by bio tccrctnry, 0. A, Cmwford, nud wife, who remained here, wbllo Mr. I.ivell ;unt to I'opol)itrh' tbo lust of tho week en rouloto I'orlUud to look nftor bualneta innttoiti thlrc. IIo line been doing aomo lluurim; wild parties nt tbli rlty, Lut eo fur there linn hcon nodollnito arrange- nuiitH iinnlo. Coquilbi IIorad. CITIZHNS' caucus MAKES N0MINAS10NS Tbo eltlzoiu' ciiucua latt cvcnfni; mndo tbo following nomiiiiUionu of cuulldntua to be voted on ut tbo city elootion D c. 2: for reeordijr, W, U S. Ilydt; for ooitiieiliuru, H. II. Cathcart, L'oter Jolin ion, Cluis. f;tiuiff, J, Nelhon. I.esi than ti kcoio of cltizomi wore Iro?oiit, K, L. C. lMnlit preaoded over (ho meeting, with uront dignity, und F, H. Dow porlormed tbo arduous dutlcH ol heerotnry. l'vilur ,1011118011 got H voto.i out of a poefiibl? lit, What to do Until The Doctor Arrives "Ono of my children wni taken with ornmp nolle nnd 1 tiffored t overoly." pnya B. H. Klroo, of Monolt, Mo. "I tllo phoned for u doctor, tlion uavo n doro of (Jhiuubiirlaln'H Collo, Cholera nnd Diar ihnen Heniedy, ami n few mluuleo later 11 (econd ilu;o, Iehmi tbodiHitor canui tho ehibl wuB relieved." For b1o by Jtio 1'rtuBa, W" Utility Mlko'n Jlniy Nov, 2.1, 1WJ To Ho itboiit your kooiIh la llko ilyln your linlr ynu can't do jt bo Biiccoflaful ly but that you trill bo found out. Clmrloy (hoto nddod to bin popular ity with tbo Indies by hio llbcrnl patron PKO of tbo Uanior Friday night, und Innt night bo wna obaorvod ordering Ico eroam enough to fill up n row ol grin ning urchlnn whom bo bid marshaled along 0110 uldo of tbo bull. A Liberal Offer Tbo umliirilmiod will ulvo a froo nam tdool Uhuiiihorlilii'wKtoinauh nnd Liver Trthloli to iuiv otm viKtiliim a rellablo remedy lor rilsorditrs of tlio nlomach, iiiiinoaixiM or constipation. Aim is now remedy 1,'ruuso. nnd n good ono J no, l'ort qrford , Trlhung Tlmlra speculators, J criiltom nud homo seokora nro numoroui In Ourry county. Tbo woods nru full of 'urn, nud tbeyr'o atlll n comlnij. Within nnolbor year every nvnllablo ncro of vacant Innd in tbo county, poaacieliiK any Valt.o for cltbor tltnbor or agricultural purpoeud, will be located. Tbo utiMir voyed lands will bo located under Ihu homestead laws. Citlzoua of tbo coun ty who atlll hnvnn tlmbcror homestead right should take tmmediatn atcpa to ac euro claims, aa It will nosti be forovcr too lato. From Tuesday's Dally, Mntt Mntton wna down from Cntchint.' Slouch fnrm Monday. bis K. M llnrry, of Kilkiim puld Mnrtb fleld n btwlucea vlclt h'unday. I'lghtCfln mon nro employed by L. J. Rimpton, in ovorhaulinx tlio Porter pill. Mri. J. T. McCorrnnc went to Ccquillo nnd Myrtlo 1'olnl Monday, for a few dcya. Otto Hcbotter la expected back tody from a brief vltll to hla home In tbo Krcon woods of Tioga, The Coo liny creamery rblppid 120 bnad of fut boa on tlio 1'mpiru which came in Saturday. Tliq Mandalny nrrlvod into tbo Co quIltoHunday, bnviux no trouble In en taring tho river. Fred Wlljpn brought down from Hum tier n lot of Tbankgiviug turkeys Monday (or jvruca Stauff. Ituaty Miko'a Diary, Nov, 5, 100-'-Advortlalng Is liko driving epibm you must keep cauatantly pounding away. Dr. Prsntlawlll bo out o! town from Dec. lit to loth. HavJ your dontal work done before ho leaves, d-2 w-l-K. K. C. Brown, who is woiklng on the addition lo tho Iran foundry, reports that they expect to get it roofed in to day. Among advertising there ia no folly llko that of buying epaco simply becnure 'it does not coit much, ''Town Topics. Win. Bonobrnke.who assisted L. D. Smith in driving a band of cattlo to lUneburp, returned Saturday, whlloMr. Smith went on to Portland with tho cattlo. Contractor Small is pushing work 011 tho Belt Lino grndo iu npito of tho bad weuthvr. Many men and tc.ima aro em ployed, and tboy are making tho dirt fly whenever it ia nt ull rnctlcnblo to work out ol doors, How sin proves It: "Maggie caya Bhtt'a n dnughtorM)! tho Byvolution." "Can bhu provu it?" Sure. Uor father runs a morry-go.rouml. Philadelphia livening Bulletin.,' Frank Flyo retun ed Saturday from AnouorU'H, Wutli, whero ho hia been uperintendii:g 11 salmon cnmiery, IIo roportH n poor tun of ilsh, 21,000 oases being packed.; , nlnanrliwcl W I liinatfreicn mmiirmw'mrM M (Villi Kurtki )lir- Mm&4kiT. rtrti on, II . - . tlili lli dump, tftf j H I IwSW ndtul. 'iitjVtV V . WnB ( hunt tt rot iiWT. .V v" JB tooling 111 V'fhv ty, ter"? M ntw, iiut MJ V , J4? I n wtsri llt TrJn . uj m'c"" M lloorbYllKl lfkiJI ' A 3Zr V 31 I H uMefKuflm T'T'CV Wi IIrniiUlL, JKfyU M I Bold rtrrLT Inont tliliti. Mid by Standard Oil . i Company Fred "I bad n full lat niubt which rondored mo unconecioua for eovoral houm." Kd "You don't mean It? Where dl I vou falll" Fred-"I fell alo?p,"--Tit-Hit.a Teccbor Wboi Is an IiUnJ7'' Drlgbt boy (who lind been rmdin tbo uowrpnperfl ulr.co Dewey called into Manila Hay) "An hland Ian -body of nnd entirely eurrotindcd by tbo United Ktotce." Naw York timoa. Kmll Krlckon, of North Bend ia having a icrloua tlmo with ono of bis (inceri, which bo .'oceratcd eomo titno np,o with n ruety nail. Wood polioulng bua tut in and tbo hand is in a bad onditlm A ,eal Sum. Tho Methodist Ladles Aid Socloty re port that tbo Bazinr held Friday atnl Saturday in Lutheran hall netted B1, after all expenacs wire paid. Tho ladiea worked hard and their aucccss was well earned. Hold Onto Your Timber Tbo Puset Hound Lumberman tells of eatlon of timber land InWnehlugtou bo log recently sold by tho itato for f20, C00. Yet peoplo aro idling goodquatrcr rectlona In Cooa as low as $1000, and ttomo for lore. It ia no wonder that tho records of real ertato tra infers are full of timber land hiIcu. Commitlcc Appointed. At tho mooting of the lire dopartrnont Inat evening for tho purpoeo of making preliminary arrangements for tho Chrlatmaa ball, tho following committee was appointed, in whoso handa all matters ncro placed: Aug Farley, rep resenting Knglno Co. No, 1 ; Geo. Ferry, Hoso Co. No, I ; John L. BoundH, Hobo Co. No. 2; E. L. C. Fan In, Il'ook & ladder Co, The ,ine -up Tho line-up of the High School foot ball team f Jr tho Thanksgiving game, when tboy will contest with tho In depondaut team, will bo na follows: A. Sleep, C; J. Towor, L. G; R.Tib botts, R, G; B. Dlmmlck, L, F; S. Marsden, R.F; V. Bernltt; L. K; It. Towor, U. E;T. lbnnott, Quarter; ' Full Bask, A. Merchant ; Left.Half Back A. Campqoll; Right Half IJnck. E.J Strango; A. Cumpboll, Cuptr.iniof tcara.( The Christmas Number A largo number of views hnvo recently beoutnkonfor our Christmas Number Mr. Strum id taking como oxcellont , .,...1,. 1. .ni,.. . 1 '"i... . ' views for tbo work, rhoso who havo not yet got their plvturoi reaJy hnd I ' J battel do eo as soon us possible, Tho Ilret butch will bo sent away today to bo made. Tim nlii will 1m Hrct; ,.m,!,. till) pia.ea Will Ud llrSt Kraao half tono work nnd tho edition will lm , . , .... . . printed on good (iiiality pnpor. covered 1 uitha bwJ eubstuntbl cover eullnblo for tl.C shlSB ol work, I Father Donnelly's Success A lotter rccolvol by K, O'Connoli from Father Donnelly hist wceu indicat ed Unit ho was mooting with good suc cess in raising funds for tho hoepllul hero, Ho I ad ccourcd flop in San Francleco with promises of much moro. mmwvmmitBmmmmmmmMmmmmmnt, ".""' 'ftf'f" Mlts I'Jjelfln had presented him with' a chuck for $I(X) without walling for him to auggofit a contribution. When tho loiter wai written, ho was on his way to Los Angola, where ho ex peeled lo ralgo a coiif Idcrnblo sum, nnd wa fcclliifj vcrr ranch dhcoa raged. IIo Is not likely (0 get homo boforo tho latt of next week. Tho meeting of' the city council laal evening, to alt aa a board of cqbnlization onnreretmenta for tbo Broadway Im provement, failed to materially for lack of a quorum. Adjournment wna taken to 7:30 this evening, Chao, Jcckron baa been (caring down tbo old pot houroln Wet fMarahfield( having bought it nf tbo Southern Oro Kon Co., en wbojo land it was built, and will uee the lumber to construct a barn'. J)t. llorefnll, who was called to Ban- don Friday nlbt lo attend ono of his children, who waa aick with dlphtborln, phoned tho Milt, laet evening that the child was better, and be expected (0 reach homo today, A "Mall" Muse Wo wluh It distinctly understood that the Ntwe le not the only paper afllictcd with a poetical devil. Hero is some vcrecr grouned out of our own machine: See tho Lnockors with their hammers How they knock, knock, knock, Beating all tbo Katacnjaramera On tbo block, block, block, Aa' a public exhibition Of tbo backwoods atyle That can't connect with progress By a mile, mllo, mile, Is it really any wonder Tint tho outside, world Thinks wo're anchored to the mudflats With our ealls and pennants furled, Leaking, enten by teredos Of our own beloved Bay, And having no ambition For a brlghtpr, better day? And tho journalistic yahoos, With their Ink, ink, ink, Who are trying to stir up a Buntelc:: what do you think I They'll eomo' day wish thiy nover Had been bora, born, born. They aro public benefactors In a born, horn, horn. But with all tho "outl" howling Of tho mosM-back crow Now blood fs taking hold to ree What cntcrpriio will do And against thu tearful protests Of tho gang, gang, gang, ,, Old Ccos will hit tho center With n bang, bang, bang, Pain From Inflammatory Rheumatism Would Have Killed Our Sdil. ur, xiiies niirain ruts Saved Him. "Wo began to use Dr. Mllci Nerve and Liver Pills six vcars aeo. Mv wife hail liver trouble and a neighbor gave her some of your jlvcj pills to try, nfter which we bought a bottle ot them i.nd mv wife useil them un til cilrcd.f Since then 1 have used them and J must say that I have never used any pills ,hat ' nc ,ht 5a,isaction these have. V ,ai'V5?DMil"rA,,li"1,ain r'l,iwith grcitestatlsf.iction. Three years ago our jon Harry had inflammatory rheumatism. had not elven him Dr. Miles' AntM'alit Pills nc nau kuucren fo mucn um 1 oeueve 11 we wiucii rcucvcn mm aimosi insianuy ne woum l,aveileJ. I am nlwavs nlad of the ODDor. :..i...i. ...n .. . -. . . .. . .... ueveu mm nlmo tunlty for praliiir Dr. Miles' Remedies."- I -' -...,..-.--., --- ..- --....- 1 am nlwiivs c James fcvertt, Alton, Ills. i w nfillctcd with neuralgia for years tftM.fS!y They arc a sure cure for headache and neu rnijpc nains. uniy tins morning 1 recom mended them to a friend with a severe head nche and in a half hour Its came into the I store smiling. The headache was cone. We , use them in the family and find them excel, lent for the women folks. This hieh altitude makes them very nervous. Grandma says I thcutd tell Dr. Miles she could not live nere were it not for the Anti-l'aln PilU that ha takes occasionally." L. B- Morris, Helena, , Montana. All druggists sell and guarantee first bet. lie Dr. Miles' Remedies. Uaud for free book I mi Nervous ana Heart Diseases, Address ! Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, (From Sunday's Dally. Rogue River a Total Wreck (Fort Orford Tribune) Tho rlypr steamer Jtogue- Itivor ia wM-cko. In nn ntternf,t to reach thi Copper mines with an outfit for a atamf mill, Captain Burns loat his vend and thocntiro cargo, Including tioilor and engine for (ho minos and cevcral tons of frofidit for parties fllon tho river While making tbo h'.at rifllc, and witnif one-half mllo of their deatlnatfon, th( lino with wliichStbtiy weio kedgin par. ed, and tint Eteatiior, unnblo to contro lierielflu tbo raging Mreim, ntruck r reck, damnglog her wheel and disablim her rudder. Heoing that alio was leaking badly, and drifting belpletsly down the atrenrn, tbo crew latincbcun boat at d pulled to abore, nhlleCaplain Burns nr.d engineer Jontcn romAlned At their post until there waa no longer any po-aloill y of gaining control ol tbe'r vcaiol, who ihey too,deiertcd her. In a abort tine ahohnd atruck n rock and lurried over1 part of tbo woodwork tearing looteanr lloatlug down tho river. Before- loving tbo yeee'.l the crew made repeated effort to ariub thejr boat, but each timo th lino tnappl like a whip-cord. Evei) mcana was restored to ch, ck her bat tin rushing torrent proved vastly aoperloi to the power of the faithful crow. Tht miabap is another miatortune for Mr, Uurnr, but comes as no surpriso to the old settlers of the county who have apent ycara In learning U10 treachery of that roguclb stream. Mr. Flanagan Explains. EmTonMAiL: In your iesuo of the 10th Inat, you spoko of tho inertia of tho Chamber ol Commerce and of the necessity of a good live body of that name. Having been been dignified with tho title of president of the Cooa Bay Chamber of Commerce I deem it but fnir to atato thai that or ganization, aa It now exists, is not as representative as it should be, and con sequently cot as effective as it might be, in carrying out tho work that naturally falls to it, as it would bo it backed and supported by a full representation of tbe business interests of tbe town. For the last two years, during which time the J50,U00,00 harbor appropria tion was secured, Mr. John 8. Coke, Jr. And m toil havo been the only active members ot tbo organisation. When tho present Chamber of Commerce was organized a strenuous effort was made to havo nil tbe butinees interests repre sented, but when tbe meeting was call ed to organize lees than a dozen business men appeared. Even with this email organization, I think that it will be ad milted, that the Coos Bay Chamber of Commerce has succeeded in no small way in eecuring benefits, in tbe way ot appropriations for thebarbor entrance, dredging, range-lights etc., for Coos Bay. But, tho time js sow ripe for a more ef fective working body which tbe present organization is ready to makq way for, nnd to which, I might add, its tqembere nro willinc to lend theli support. J4S. H. FlAnapax. A Grand Success. Tbo Bazaar held In Lutheran ball by tho Methodist Ladies' aid toclety was a geand success. On Friday evontng the hall was Jammed, an d tho receipts were eomethinz over $60. Yesterday's report has not been handed in, but tho indica tions wore vory favorable, and about everything eatable had been devoured when a representative of tho Mail wont over last evening and grafted somethiug for tho gang. Tho ladles were feeling justifiably hap py over tbo success of their labors. " Th iMfneaorcr A nenr relation of tbe lato Baron Munchausen on the mnternnl Bide, llucally descended from Aunulns nnd Snpphlrn, was tcllhiK n party of friends nbout tn-clug n bull buiTnlo lu oue of tho great trees of California. "Tlmt story lacks likelihood," re marked tho man who knows every tulnjr, llko so many other meu. "Tho J buffalo belongs to tho ruminant fam ily, has four or live stomachs nnd walks on hoof.-t. it has no claws at all nud could 110 moro climb n trco than a Jf rsey cow." "Aa n general proposition you nro right," said tho story teller, with per fectly unruffled mien, "but tblH enso was qulto exceptional. "Wo were after tho buffalo with fouv of tbo most vicious dogs that I ever know. Ono was n boar houud, ono n great dane, one a psovle. or wolfhound, nnd tho other a registered bulldog, with Jaws llko wrought Iron. "Well, tboy brougbt tho buffalo to buy at tbo foot of tho big trco and pressed him so blamed hard that ho, just had to climb. That was bis only salvation.'' J?ev York Times. - -:' " a syr r Til Kwi Who Yltur - IC A Hit CD 9 C fa ''' evitjri ains lift Oiled SuKm 'ami Slickers TTarrtnUd Vlrro6 Xnd lo lUnrt Hr work nd roiiRh wmtlitr. t rr -xtrk. ir jnr dnlr tUxml Iiat lhm , Mt (or r.UJ6(ra, ,T. D.IUM4 ntl(.( 111.. 1., Si Jilt.. Mia rnlM. ' n.a.AtTTRoj,i.i.Bfrt., Itn lin.rwt.. nt.fc The Old Reliablq Firm, $ B.B.Dean&Co. C. II. MERCHANT sMSMEa Is constantly adding to lis-' stocfc of Gnnornl Jforchan- -disc, already tho Iargeat in Marahflold. Tyhen you buy ' at tho Mill Store you know: tbe goods aro first class and tho prico 16 nil right. All kinds of lumber and building material, feed and sup plies at wholesale and retail. Coos aj WlolesalB Lipr HEADQUARTERS FOB H I 0 1 1 GKADE LIQUORS ' ' CHOICE WINES AND PURE BRANDIES. LEADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEEH pottily Ordgrjj ottcttcd. SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELE BRATED RMNBJJEER Family orders for Pops, pinls nnr" quarts, delivered by the case. Robert Marsden. Fast and Commodious Steamship ALLIANCE cooooooooooco - SABDWIOK, Master Makes regular trips between San Francisco and Portland via Ilumbolpt and Coos Day, calling at-nbove ports each way. Tho ALL;Ia1TcE fa .1 first clnstf passenger boat, and has all tho modern convenience EOT EST B& and is ono of tlio faste-V Steamers oTher clans. E& ' j 1 ear For Er Freight sF nud Passenger -p. Rates or Sailing:' Pates, Appfy SDCT to H. SENGSTACKENX Agent, AIVRSHFIELD, Oregon. H es is m e eh ta ra m st m m ta ks CM a :gee pee. "! DEALER IN tJROCEltlES FRESH FRDirS.VEOE TA DLES 1 It 0 VISIONS, FLOUR FEUD, ETC., OF THE BEST O UALITY. U u u M H 1 1 H aa w m m 5 PldOES KEASONABI.K. FROZEN OYSTER H g EVERYDAY. - : ' ; J A Street, Marshfield, Ore s. i L '?$. u43i'aBM