-it ( M i iii il mm aafri . gr .Jtf.'rc". - &h m. r r"n' & - - i- '- . . '" ''i'-'ti vrr" V'; J3tf' jf aaWlV 4 .T'ff -n W "' laily Coast Mail L.J-. -.T TELEPHONE, MAIN 951. --T -,,-S !2ntersi,frujha Poitof fice at Marsh tiela?r.vScoad Claafe Matter. lC0OS!BAY PUBLISHING GO. - WrpUEVAR, Editor and Managi Tfl(F , 1 ' n.ti , . . vk, T ' t. A, huxceusuh uny Asiior 0. W WOODWARD, Foreau:i, . . .. Jiu.j w - ivexy evening, uxcepvounay )gi ,Ct r. JmP v PAlLV. , 40 cents per month by null rORADVANCK'l'iTMKSTOULT . Oho Year i"jJq Tht33 months WEEKLY , t SulserltittoB.oue year . r oJx TAinntlia j jOo m tSF It;u iu advance Sl.00 a your. - MM m !M 1 .PI Li" II .".,. ",- ADVERTJSIKP KATK 1 1st page 1.50 an iiieh per month 2ud. 3rd or 4tlt paged ?l 25 Short timu ratw rn application Kea-liiiR notices 5 certts per lluo x EDITORIAL ADOFHNU TBS PROPER METHOD JS'fTdegram) . Asaousceiaeni. has Wca ma3e to tKo ;t'hl(tan aotifo crodc" against fr5 11' -l . -l-l Jtn Un . auguratcd through educational meth ods in tho public schools of Portland. ThVplaa proposed fe-ft simple one and seweboliuvc, Ijhs the merit of effect- tiveaess. It costem plates tlie delivery of lKJwTtht shalfpresentt in a slm 1 ., iiKerheasivo manner, the feofa of o'igarerte amok- klly wHere the habit ia lulged by children of teSrjKfcr Folldwing these leo- tu?sw it, too classrooms there will be tho praaitios of auticigafette leagaj ambpg the schola: both girl -and hbye tbS dbjoct w 6entImeHt pi&PriU use of 'the. cfcarotte. - It Is entirely superf no MmMili dash Meal Market V- . It - ' Henry Holm. Pro 1'y.t Fresh and Oared Meats, 1 n-d 'and all goods luufilly carrirM in 'irttclaei) rhop. Courteous at. tendon ami (air treatment. : i Pflone 181 Kr"iilrliieiy tb any part of the clt) Marshflold CJC ffr ' washday n Is a dread ten-" y a lur working hottoOHife. "a need of this. Our JJOUGH DRV mahml Is an in duccrnent that will be appreciated as an tiOiiomic.il labor pater, Don't hrnak your back nt the wash ixmrd when nt small expense, our machinery will do your work. ; : Hough Dry, 5c ber pouud Try it COOS BAY STEAlieMKY , UNION' BUTCHER SHOP Newphop. New building.' Everything dean and frwdi. Complete line oft'r tlte choicest lieef, rork? - Mutton nnd VeaJ. Bum dooi Sooth of Postofflce. Cftas. & Sichard Jtobfc, fiyis. Marsiuieia, Iwwmmmviiinnwin ImijiataliBfHKttmi uSraraKiaHMPPrr..' Pndalge I wrm ) ( COOS -BAY IRON WORKS F. E. NELSON.jPROPRIETOIt. ' MA.NFACrufelNG CawMtw fas Iwtn snti Brouse for 5w Mills, milresus, Mines and gets Cawse, ' . , ' -Ur. b.al.A 1L. I..- ffilliiah il 'iMoaAtiMn f-TiTwsir 1 ... e rmmmm imo way syuwmivv uuu l C .. - ---T--... -1 TUtEJUQN 48, a-1 T ' . ' ' tiftWi" ,of this habit Is nccoUutablafor moro llrontalml physical derangement among the sohool children of tho coun try than any other yltbin,the toaoh of . , educational cr legal Influonoe, This fact became so1 ndtcnt iu tljo city of , New Yorl; that til; Superintendent of ivtlMnfl.wi fnlf. imYinnil trt talm i.Yt ....... .- -, matter practically in. hand, with t&rS resultant organization of a NatioaaJ , .. k . , . V naaroyjuuu wi. wui.a uun.f., nmongtlw schools of the couptry. Thd - labor has been carried forward thus . ... far with very satisfactory results. inr Willi vtwj Btu-iainuiaMjr joauite. A toginnlng ia to bo inado in Portland with tho hop0 umt progress hero will bo commensurate with what has been made elsewhere. Thoro can l no de nying the fact that the method of pro- cednrejis tho wisest coacehaWfl, nor is hero any doubt that it will bear feood 'fruit. Chicago Wlfat Market i Operates friendly o wheat see do mandredy to overtake supply. Po aitioa of the leaders Will corn shorts be distorbedr Weekly reVioW or grain trado and exceptional market conditions furnish ctt exclusively ixf the Dally Coast Mail by the house bf Fifs,' Manson & Co, Hoard of Trado, Chicago. in wheat tho simple proposition for the owner o'f tho cash property and tho trader in futures is this: The market must in the end be made on the supply and dfiihand. The supply is certain to bo reduced; tho deniawLAMHtipin to overtake the supply. ;HHbBn. other proposition which Bif Bjt8 plain; if, while suppliLHe mand, tho prices are heUHKd vanced, what will bo the mcHHL so- nwhen demands are in, excess of awpilos? For the week past prices ohed a level -Jto 6 cents oyer low point of previoui week. Net gains were to 2s cents. This gain was made while" the flour trade was ddll, whilo the rains mo'ditied the dry weath er and Hessina, fly complaints and whilo stocks of wheat increased. Thero aro numerous reasons for tho support whtoh, forced prices higher.' Thero jwaSywop in tba Argentine supply SBiptftwintry bad wet weath er andrffiijjSg iiaih of Bdenos Ayres njuriug irftfiroaching harvests. For tho PUfftfop in weeksSjiverpool reportea-nKwbeats held dearer. It will ndt lrl4g uqtil ioo will Stop Rusildn porrs'aSl Europe in oaso of accident to tho Argentina provinces turn to America to try to buy bread- stuffs. Spring wheat receipts at North? west markets fell off for the week 095 cars. All western markets Hurt on three different days nearly 500,00 bus. dally less than same days last year. One powerful Ioftal interest is bear ish and short, declaring that a break of 10 cents is due. No doubt a decline of half that muoli would allow tho big short lines to bo covered nioely. Mean while twenty other interests are waft ing for oven a moderate drop in price to accumuluto lines for tho fnturu. There is a Wall street holding in wheat which may become a dead' weight if liquidated or a great bull force if held and enlarged. With the lines drawn In this way the market may easily turn on one thing thotfall ing off in receipts. Another thin' for tifies buyers; they see little chance for a break in contracts for December or May whilo cash prices are at a pif mium over futures in all markets. This is the Are whioh keeps up the efcoani. Corn traders are crossing n bridge between tho old and tho new crops. 'The last olfthe old corn h going Kast iu any dissertation oli tho fcvii,tefc8 of the oigarctte habit; It fe fact long since ostAish(5d( ana sabliahod beyond dispi'to, that (ho ovUejypote pwtummmnvimv'mtwwiwnmHtmnwiwi' ,W aSPAtR, Ahh . kiad of ,JJM.Iir, SiwW aad (1a XbIbss, oiu sa4 Hkyilw. . . , , , P It:. Bm4 U aak aw -- ';. "r ,--rr,-T- ,. , . w-pwpp MAjmidWkD; 6umo6h Ju atftHwy pxiofe: Tho first arrivals or new Cera arc bringing prloes from 1,5 to of oaate, regnrdlesi 01 tHwatoc which rcrvkts'tho ruooipU 4 and np gr.tfl This is tho situation which zavorp uuyers icnipornmy. win tno squecaS for cash corn during the lloit fortnight foroo tho Docombur itrioo so high ns jio alarm tho short tollerfl for AtJ t M.9 IJUUHUUVU 1IUIS iiuvnuj 4v- od tho May prioo from 15 to 47 cents. lidt thoro is boforo tho trado tho 2,450 million crop. Illinois, Nebraska and Iowa havo bumper yields and thoy aixs the groat shippers. Jt looks liko spnso to expeot tnat theso states will uiovo n mountain of now forn boforo this month ends and that supplies wll bo burdensome boforo tho year undsi Ad vanco iu May prico for any reason should invito selling. Thero is gradual ltHitiening of oats prices, absence of selling pressdrd, prospeot that sales from present stocks will cauHo removal of hedges and this likely to 1 fault in n mere notivo mnr kot. Chicaifiiin Market (By tSF j?Kor. 10) DHcemberitajKLbSJg 1.07 tS May Wheo 'fc .oS gj-j Corn, ' 684 8Jy Oats, mi- IV LYNCHING NARROWLY -AVERTED Suicide (ieavejs ? Note . Charging6 MtlrcLeff . .iP. ... . .,"&$ jnouteau,.Aiont., rnov. 2J wwiaiBg to spare his parents the ignoniny of . rjr: t northern Mbrltana, suicided and left a message stating that his former port ner, Jamea Fisher had shot hini, ind then fired a bullet through his abdomen. , A courior dispatched to Itfalston's dabin to notify him that his father was dying, found; his corpse nnd hftnoto. A passexwos organized and a search for Fishpr began, when another note was delivered tolling about dim suicide and reo,fleath?g those who found tho body to 'keep mum''. The first no.t6 caused a sensation and for a time there wero threats of lynching Fishor If ho were caught. The coroners'; jut; on investigating rendered a vgrdloi of sa'cide. PRESIDENT WILL VISIT ROUGH RIDERS Washington, Nov.32It ia officially" announced that tho President will at tend tho reunion of the ItougH 'Kider at Ban Antonio nest Muy. Ho. will make only one speech on tho trip and that will be' at the reunion. Swils Treaty Signed Washington, Nov. 31 Secretary Hay and the Bwlss Chargo d'-Afaira Probst this morning signed ij aflitra tian'tre,ty in Ijehalf of !h''j "fruited States and Switzerland. j 4 ing tnodlurfi 6r' Phofflp Coast - I . having a son suicide, JacobU,"! t0 , Aarprft Jn Noth,Dg one of the but known trapW L.tf foiad oi his 'jo'&ft&ft RIOTS AT "' -ZEIGLER ST6CKADE 'rl hion Miners are Wounded Benton, 111., Nov. S3 A hundred shots wero fired into Loitor's stockado at Zoigkr early this morning. Doputy Marshal Powell is rejMrted killed, six non union miner wero wounded and it )s said that some of thorn died. Tho shoritr bus goiio to Zeigloz with a posso of 75 mon. Ten deserters from tho Zellgor mine nrrivod here today nud roportod nil tho millers anxious to leave. ... . & t e M A y&T&i -. wURuFHS AND 'OICIDB Fresno, Nov. aii-Jhnioa Bigby last bight! in a fit of jealp&yL shot unci killed his wife and her eorauanfoii A? V. King,. It is asqorted that IMgby and liis wife had n-eparnted owingito tho attention paid tho woman by King. The latter had bocn warned to desist but paid no attentoin. t San FranciHCC, Nov. 31Chas. Cooper, aged 22, a student of tho Uni versity of California, suicided this morning in Golden Gate park by shoot me himself in thn hoail. HiA lminrt 11 perwwi oid r cau for tfea4yd. v r u, . Moody Will Not Resign W Washington, Nov. 31 It was on. nouueqd at tho Whito Honso his nf tor noqn that Atty.Uen. Moody 1 as rooor s'idorod his dotorniiu'ntion to loavo the Cabinet His reappointment Is assured. Packing House Burned Fresno, Nov. SI Tho Drogorult Co.'ti mammoth packing honso and' its contents, consisting of hundreds of tons of driod fruit, burucft lust night. Tho rolling stock bf ho Bonthern Pa oifio was also destroyed. Tho loa is $100,000. Just Received A large assortment of Fleischer's Ynni, Shetland Floss, Saxony aud Ice Wool in all Colors ojkI 'ffatsflt':. , H. FineiFs J. D, SPRECKELS BROS, S. S, CO. , FACT EXPRESS STEAMERS BRBAtWATBR & CZARINA OARRYlNfl PAS8ENORR8 AND FRKIOHTOIRKOTTO SAN FRANCISCO io, r lOOLLUM b HmUUU, N6M r; j. Title Guarantee and Abstract Company ARSTRACTS FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE'. . '," ' We furnish title guarantee certify bates from the most reliable houses on the pacific coast. also under Writers seburities for Industrial bonds n"3v Henry Sengstaeken, Manager Douglas Block, )) Holiday Goods First eo'rft first nenedi I hnva a cholcs tin f Christmas Novltls and It will pay you to call and see mi before purchasing elsewhars. - - GULOYSON'S FURNITURE STORE ,yj A . ' at " ,-' ' W if 5J" i E, M. FURMAN Dealer in Pianos and Organs Marshfield, Oregon ts New Chairs If you wnnt a chnjr for Stylo, Durability nnd Comfort, BfMho jiow.-, wljustlbio spring .Morrln Clmlr, with tootrmt. Mtaioii stylu , Knekcrs in wnntlicrcil onk. .. . .- "irH New line just received fintst e.yer brought here. Union Furniture CAUrURMA AND GRE60K1 COAST STEAMSHIP GO Cee. D. Cray A Co, Cen. Ats 4Z! MarK0t St. 8 F t&r&M S.S, ALLIANCE H AKDWICK, Commandlnir. OHy AfeuUr Lint Bctwta PORTLAND vkt COOS BAY and EUREKA s, mkxt BAiuia from JIAItSIIflELD OS OH ABOUT " Hound Herth, Nov 17 at umyicx OKTinw L. W. IHAWJ ACEHT. Office is Dm Larebflf OomrHy'n cevr wsrehoH. Phone 441. ' M4RJUriBI,D, ORKQON A4rttiiM i 0 COAST MAIL, 1. j A ffl'a(Af...'w ' Marsliflcld, Oregon twMimnnniMmnMtMtm NC i . .'-fc. -? J."l J.' JLJ .-!? f. rw" Store. I.BEfl 4ii lytvery, leed n'lCpal'i Stable, FirstJaU -raddle hotgeg J & nlwayi rii"i ff't ,rpady. W.MllWII M 1 1 Mausupikid OUKOON' Str. Cpujser: W TlMIt '?MhV, t Leatci North Itend for MarsIifioU 7 Nt " MsrsJifield for Kmuiro1 ' 8aM r i- MftfthHold for Kmplro vjiPSi ' KlilnlrA for Maraliltnlil HlV ui rt nJ'.i " ... ..""i... TI Khi)Jm f k A.Hr4pW (t i 4 G w l J JFareiscls, ' Rotuiil ttj a wis. XSortH Utflcl aud MMtiM as. m ii.iniBiiiwMWMaaii tmmlmmihmmmmmmmammmmw i 'A '4 .. J - it 'A 'i . &.$& i-