"WW .". CT ft I- Sfc t : VOL III Every Eveningeot Sunday "' wKiX,- OREo6iTl7JE8DAY' NMBER22, l9cfc " hO 11 t u:m wtteimim. ul -4! ;,: v Kv ";"' ''? j4' 1 E9m-.'- 1 " Bi " HKr1 -ri I W: ' r 'tssaawsa:.?: -. 'JSraHuf. UK. - f K -.11 " i -"" r" . 'FT n - -. . ... . . . - . . : : ''- " i H'W" -mmm-mm- .iiwbi IWH n .. . . T ' f'' f - - i -w- " , -. , r r"-- v r '- - r ' ' -1 -' " ' ' K . LrsczjxmmmmmurAi"itiimmimmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmm iiiiiibiiihii am 11 1 '? u - "? f ' . .'. . - 'lfflt?TOm$ X - - vii ': a vPI Ralston t V1 -, V ? V ,HN H'"'' I'', - - ', - Por solid health and enjoy hicift 365 days iu .th'ti . slAI Cflr- eatr'RArtN! A; goodufistauUal, K.. 3 . , "honest food with Mstick to tlie ribs,' quV.ity aud J1K U J1V.1J UISIU Ul J.'Ult, W11U1C WIlCUli (Cooks in Flv Minuts) Most.Economical .- (Ona.Pa0k3 Mks SO full Sauecrs -h. Order now from your grocer Magazine offer4 KKlne,, Acme Hills Co, Portland; p Afc t V J8& fW - mtmw & i,j v n wl 0N!8 a BEGANS rrt rro seution . Claims s trong Ca Attempt 'to Shbw Pistol Waffibught for OseS'of Defendant and Crime -;$& Planned CERMAN STEAMER 'I. NowWork Nov, 21 An ontlincjor tljo ieojilo'H .ciiBO ognlnst Nan Pultor- ' uou wns.prcsontod to tho jnry today tiy J Aiwlstan Attorney Baud, whotold of , , , . 1 1 t)j0 roJutloui? txitwecn tho .dofendafit was today, ajipoteted. 1 member of thonnd tho booku. nnd dwolt up,m C?eHUefEmpirdftUd Commlttoo tttnej?ed' motivoa which U10 prosecutor Mlutatera by Imperial decree. CAPTU feastrjirig to Run 1,5 'tt- , ',? tne Blockade ?' MOB DISPERSED WITHOUT ACTION ' . ... titer nlmstltp nnd JUoxiU8tou,,Ky., jsov, M, jiejnaU ... Wali imthuwa-Mtly tlib tnwitarifi PJW'W '' ftnoh thedirL ihawaA wlth.kliu',-cPnB,ttt!d & I. j. 1 " T: ' " Hq Fighting Lately on M- .Shakhe i ,oNd(-, 21 Ua Nov. idththB aki?'itli tqundrou, cruloltig olf Vou iAto'Wghta a ve.el teamig for Port fcrthw, Tha "Banboat TptU -oVort liKjileil hts and whs proved to bo the . i)n fWHitfr Sa(elaii; rhiol vim .frying to run the bjobkadb. Sho.'-wns goaded wJth wlntcrolothlnp, bltedka; 'ediolso aad 9luiio meats. ThtTvcs m was tttl;od to Sitaobo. ffltls, Nov. MDWMt)m reelve i '-y&to? WatiHHh'U?fhJ imi OJ m "fMrtlr rbtly bctwaeu. the Mufeiaw H4 JVn3rio Rt tfe'eHi-iM .Vlver mS SSMwfty unimportflH't 8fwilia liave HHrasyv.'Si'.. ' '" KaBP? ' -'.. I imifpioii BTJtfwnC- '-'- i-l -. J mm v ' ' nn'. rrmn &',.' v. "iiijip?I' KMi'" Ti. ..;.'- ia'a1-' PHILIPPWE . EXHIBIT WILL .-v'i. nife EngUsd 14 years ngo aa an " ' I 4 1' Ito,ofJjl3; entry into the racing yor. fi his ctioceeS .with the racing gfe. Ho Baitt.ha lived the .life o aiaWinf jcau qeu drank heavily. . Hoyrever; he "iiotl thq lii;liodt;9ci of hosor, gais- bier thoach ho -vtts, and ahyayave fair odds,, never welched a bet In his lifa nud 7g known ampag bis ellowa na fill, easy mark- Zo exeraisod .a - Lowis. JJartln. iho tUvcrcorf hnpaSdN alngnlarl) grea(t inflnonceyover women ofiMiaa PatterwD, culled, upon her at Landvas hlmsolf easily sntoeptiblo to ' tho Tombi thia morning, and cheered thorn. Shorty after o oame to Vxb hln former vfo (villi ooiHlartluR words i-ii-tnft nr& tint n ,5 . vl . " - );yon arcsatwungi crimd -vrlth"whlch luff Wllllani Mniim in ft n1h'nn wiv BOU ':ar- ??" BMW1', lastnlsht, aiaphnied wlthoht making 0f ooUr8 hT Pente on thold the attafct. i mnn 8 oi 4 'B04' importancb and , niuiit bo considered." ' ; ? ;-m-man aa woll aa preparations for tailing Yonug, &nd would establish a sufficient mOtivo. , Bo said ho would show that Young bad no mntiyo tor killing him self and, that proparj tions were mado to kill .Voangtkirtcae hours before tho crime was iojaltted. He said he, wouldprove tne 'cam by ciroamstan- u(u evioeuce. ' j . - ; Tho prosecutor told of tho life. charged wcro tho notnal cause of thq murder. Mtas Patterson sat with -k' tense esprossion on ..hor face and occa sidnally clutched hcr'father'a hand.-' r'Ceasar" Yonngj'hdw became in u.iareiSq ; tne jiirj itanasaiq: VThe manner of living of this yifoqg wotnnn mvt not be held aijalnS; bti-.ij AUTOMOBILE ' -; UUBDfeff HfefEfi t' rf nair Way of Being Cleard up SJjt: CWesgOjNov. 22 John Heanfl.a yosHg farnW residing soath "oflia mont, claim ho was a witwwft.t:.ifce myaterkaiwrdr of Wn. $at&b is as auwmoW!Wiet Friday aifht. He says heJHtaaB in tjU rear a. This, tcgSSr wit 4beatatemeDt '4 Peter JSowlwiw, -who itearS slot je& 15 mniatealater; two nifss , freia the Henns'fafa, leaidts thepolieWSlive that tw.Q jKRrders hve lRa ,conalt rod. 1 DotectiveshavQ traced a aan an swering the description, ol Ow lnajW "DoveVl;rom the soesie ot ihe mnrd'e? MJRi WAR!" -Mcteir-LE3fe. ' Sims taM . tPiAii Statute 0 :- S lUIIBMIUMT ' fill X p ! "'; . , Portland, 0r,, . ti7 &.D, It f KeKfeUjr, JUrie Wo, ; JftmaJt Fatter, fori Ware, j MIm H. lgoMfltjHM-. W. TarpW-ite' fendaMaia he tost oC he wholXjt lBd fraud, AgMtfrnMifa wbrt, Attoxsoy, . JeiH,;iIik'op jiikrt ''fof the vj r . .iriv '!"? , wros8tip 8fA..HtBOjay4;rka for tk defendants. ' ' ; . ' ,J ' - , bj-wt ola(sli oearred,. owr the ia a3-!4wi of he, alkjpa,i aAa-, vitew)4ch the cowrt took''n4o' sder.jct, M ' . iiifteraloped :ifa jEcroiag .tfeafct " toJplietasd thence to Mflrris, WsdBeul otelsdaiary' nKb the hsnt is being prosecated to4ey.- Safl Npv. 92 The, mkrdrer eif .lehaaffeur, whose Kdy was u aBtomobile liear IamoBt, oap tared near Morris, 111. ATTEMPTED TO WB -PASSERS! tetaWlsiMf tbff The jr-jMe'i iijto NeVv. Orleans rTw tl-tJecretars-Taft and Ws-paj ti tbBel, ' is for Pawwcokw entente to Paaa- - ffl Til dnan aun Marlln marrlQd wwjwoa-whoa UU I U rUn I LflnU shD was 17 and they livod together tto vl yoars. 3h ia now 32. V. St: Louis. Nov. , 25-ABrecment was I Nu Wttowon broke, down during rpaohbyth'o-PIUlIppinegOTernmbnt '' d camo.into., court Uiia Iwardfor the 'twovnl of part of th'o '? wlti an weeping. Philipphjo exhibit to tho Lowls audi Norman Ooo. rt photographer, was Clark expoBitwn. ! tho iirst witno.. Hp Identified several . 0 .j i photographs of tho scene of the uinrder. jt Jbhu Irolnud. an nrohitcot presented a LliM AjJjUlltl diagram of tho call,; in whioUYonug w-1.1 w.- ,..- I wna shot and .these word iilso piaccd i JI opMluavuii, iiun ''luui.i AJ. sburg, Viw. aa Aiexior? Lapp, Washington corresiwndeut of the Now York Evening Post, hns been appointed CotutnlHsloner of Indian A (fairs to Buocoad Commlsslonor Jones who hna rplguod. Tho appointment takea tlfeot lu January Qvidonoe. .Y Rand said ho would show that thrdaWworo mado by tho young wo' cptjntry 11. .married a awoct woman vrhoin '4hd olwaya treated klndlr. ,in $b fttl oi 1 S03 pn tho wsy to Cal Ifnrdln, Iiq met Nan Patterson, At that jtime she was married. They traveled , .together; in Calif orulaaa man and wife. It is aaid the couple went on n debauoh in Berkeley last spring and then went to Los Angeles, -wliqpe .Mrs. Voting found them in A Turkish, bath, recovering from a debauch Miss Patterson was given $300 and edit tb New York, Whan Yonng camo east lastprlng Wisa Patterson appeared aud old rela- Coiltlnued on Fourth page H Wk Blanco Hotel ;Thi$ hotel' Jias ben nwfy 'fitted throughout. ' 'Spiclous; sample room, for traveling men. Bar fin couneciiwi. ? t' .'i 1 Frry K rimagitn, Proprlttors.J t. VY;.r. v,.. Maratiiieia, oragen fi7." ' Men tvaJ Motel i t : Bar In connection, ,. V,Pieat joomsjn the anneXi ."' , Sample' r9of Kcwmerciai travelers. A. J.Snyder, Projirietsr Cdr. Front an3 A Stj MarhfiId l 4 .' k. 1 Uk.,Aii, ,h fn UMI A frit A A h, A A , ftiAil A A l,,fc A4 fc A ft.lb 4 4A A4i4iA I ? agi'ii''M'j wf f y vwiTVwmf f v.f rt v t HtTTinrfnMHyr tVi ywyvyt' fTi t VF k ( 1 ..i I NORTH RFNH HOTF IMHMHMIiilMWIli MHMMM VAECiKlX't'T PrP - , i ;"'Mii"1 ' v., " i ( . - 1 ! JHaw, Furnlturt, Frnt Rochvi hi. Ia UnaurKiBBsaal. Mr ifnkjl wwltU ' i ROSEBtlROMARSHPIEtD STAGE LINE , PS, WW CilRYINa FASSHS Ltst :M fykMi Mm to tin S. P. Mmi jnrrm mams cowri r LP AT 6 A. M. BAU.T AHB if wain It wsvJw I 1. -.Vjjf.-... : "T " JC-DBa3JTCL?S C;fVBARNARD V OTTOtCH In I I A If M ill tl I I I I I J -"' . Iti TH n ,.; San !VaH4eo,Nov. 21 An attempt waa'mafeihtstnlght to wreck the local fast passenger train on tho Southern Pacific, running between San Francis 00 and Los Angelea near Godhem. Spikea were pulled .npg-sd the rails torn off. The1lWMftrwaa averted owing to tho faw M a extra freight train precooded 6d, but with r JUPki nIV- irl ad was ditch- life. .1 tl X COFFJEE SoWbblylalrtiiittift3 '' 1 , 2, and- $ pounds cHas, stauff M6 Aget. , htebi I DRESS SKIRTS tx AND ETT1C0ATS 5 ?" MAYELSOME WtjO WERE NOT FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO SECUSfjl-GARHENT FROM mw., -yui-u ww uunu V tjp - ,,j KNOW THAT OUR NEW ARRIVALS JUST &'-M OPENED COMPRISE S0lE OFA'TMtegBfJ PREH1EST STYLES WE HAYEJIA m;fret wiilch-we bid V'W" ),w4i'Bift iNt w Me iert us a jrrMP nwnt ptM purchasers. The Style, Fit, Finish and Price CowMifrtloM dave never been MiueKel tiwiik- owaprevlous attempts tewcuretne best. j t,v JW (M &N,EaVMiT s. U , "" ?,t t C' nli ' v '-..,' 't;- - "I 1 ' "' is. ", . ..jt W; isWmmiw 'if Lori, 0ii6iWf: (V vrmifita S 4,.!Sgf, ' 'JWwstii r. 4tliKDl 5yi,ftW ? ? iMi rtjlf l'"l l,jJjiAAiMllllllyyljljMMM',VI "U.. IIH,mifcNill.i ' i .S&te & 1 4 .' 1. . i 1 jMfjthijtLm'"lt C ilWerrr- i r .wvt p - - i , V 1