M M M M 1 1 II M I I M I M M H I I It Ml I HI H H III I II It I II II II I I II I I I II Mj J. t t fUs V A. B. CAMPBELL GROCER fcymrg?HS NAME IS, WITHOUT DOUBT, ONE OF THE rJj&l p best known names in Coos County. Hardly a man wo GmH man or child but who at least once a day has oc (V 5 T) casion to think of Mr. Campbell with a pleasant thought and smile. As far as the grocery trade goes this name speaks for itself Mr. Campbell has a most attractive store, which is filled full of staple and fancy groceries of all description, and of the finc cst brands. Fresh fruit is received by every steamer, and a full line of canned goods, vegetables, flour, feed, candies and nuts arc always car ried in stock. His Teas and Coffees have an unexcelled reputation and arc unsurpassed. Goods will be delivered to any part of the city One of the lead ing features of this store is its cleanliness, a most commendable attribute, I w i m mt mmwmn Bwm - Hill t-f-M-v-t-M-M-4 -M-M I IIIIIIIHim