IM N North Front Street, Marshfield. Oregon, you will find COLEMAN the Blacksmith, where he has been for the last four suc cessful and prosperous years, in an up-to- date shop, fully equipped with tools of all kmds. Also a complete stock of hardware and iron for re pairing and making buggies and wagons. Also horseshoeing in connection, in fact everything in the line of General Blacksmithing. 3. T. COLEMAN, Prop. "- -.-- nataif iiii c. f. Mcknight, attorney-aT-law IIKNNISTT . WAUTITM IIMIUK MAHMHI'lirUIJ (JMKUUN -Palace Choo House- J. W TIBBETTS, Proprietor The Popular fijiting IIoiiku of Mjit'Khlfielri. Opon I)y mul Nlht. WkIi (iiiine, mid OyKtcrs in Hon son - FIRST DOOR NORTH OF BANK, MARSHFIELD Hall & Hall Attorneys tit Low Insurance ReI t j HsUite Agents MARSHFIEM) ""oftF:.