5 ,. ilBBBBBBBBMr437''lS8aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLBBBBm . ! second Ill plsce u( llir Stale hatcheries, ami Ml. Miutli tielievrs ny inciesiitig I lit- ir tn thr present building llir output C4li br in riraird i.000.000. thus liukllli! , lir output ' fur thr tinning yrat lO.lSO.CXX), 1 MV.'ii TP.Itl The Masonic Temple ihw under i-Mitr uc lion by Blanco lodge No. 4S, A. F. A A. M will b the finest building f he kiml in this part of Oregon. It it a two story wooden bultding SOX 100 feet In size. The loer story will contain a modern ojrra bouse cap able of seating 1200 people, equipped with opera chairs throughout. Thr stage will be 23 feet in depth and the procenium arch 30 feet In width. There will be ample wing on each side and room above th stage for shifting scenery, as well as spacious dressing rums Their uui ! two ln t mi e h lidr of the atae. Four ruts whit ijfrty i of thr audience. Thr lodge room on the up jwr thwr U 50X55 feet in sur and a luiiuti hall 30X60 m aim provide!. Th- bjildmg will 1 batd Buuhrd thlotigliMat, hra'td by furnaces, well ventilated and lighted t electricity, it will coat over $30,000 I he ! contra? in; builder is IVirr CI. turn, l th c 'v. and the construction of the tiuiMmg s under thr suwrvision oi I'rtrr I "jfjjir. I ' North Hi-nd, rrpirsentirig thr lsnyr GBiisiMLMBiCTg?siR J. W. UFHNEKTr'b NfW KfSIDf.N'l- Tolophonos in Coos The telephone service throughout! Coo county is as good as the best. '!he towns of Marshfield, liantion, Myrtle Pout' and Coquille, each have an exchange; con necting in all over 500 subscribers The prosperous farmers for some 20 miles from these exchanges are on the free switching lists, and within the coming year it is expect ed that nearly every farm in the county will be InuLcJophcmfc connection with tho sys tern.i:,T,h,e farjnera of, the,Gqub, and the Coos river valleys are fastjaking, advantage of fow rates whenuiey construct their own ltnes;'and dtrring the past year they have put up ovrr 7A -miles -o wiro to connect 'their homes with this rapid met hod of communication. Tho Coos Rlvor Hatchoiy Four years agu, the stair t Orrgun rsiab llihrd the South Coos River Hatchery on thr Mc Knight place, in Coss Coun.y, and the first year, undi-r the supervision of F ( Hrown, the hatchery turned out 540,000 Chinook fry; the second yrar under the su pervmon of O. A. Hrown, it turned out 2,-160,000; !he third year, under the super vision of F. V. Smith, it turned out 3,560, 000, and the fourth year under the samr able supervision, it turned out 6,115,1.00. '! oo much credit cannot be bestowed upon '(he superintendent, and particularly Mr. Smith, for by hit skill in changing thr racks and careful mavagemctit he has increased theiiuipuiiovor the fust year 5,575,000, The South Com river hatchery now ranks fits t f-i M j i i