M- & r.i n LADIES' -,j The New Season DEPARTMENT llokirly, Gluvrt, l'oirU I)MtlCll, l'unctet, Utnlnfr, Ijew, SUki, tUilM, awl a ge&tl awUwcM of all that wrr -t of 1904 1177 mark onr of Ihr most rnlrriri.sinu ami pro'Jrrssirr epochs in Ihr hislonj of Coos Ha ij a n tl. ln rshjlrld a n d irr do no! hi I r ad lo hr hrhad in Ihr 'Jood.s irr rairij. Call a nil srr. ukokuk: re B I. c . . l- III ll.lINS. I'lluNK IMI! i ' GEKTS' DEPARTMENT Clothing, Hals. Shorn, Sorkl, Suiju-ndcti, T!i5, Underwear, Sweaters, Ttttnka, Telescopes, Travelling cases and alt that a man ncnU for general use . i M n -I dc V. YmY Prneticiil Sign, Cnrmi&e inu llnusc Painter. Window flucoriitiiij, firniii in, pjipcr hmiuiiiii inter ior (leaoriiiion specially All vorl Virst-cl:is mid iuirnnico(l. Agent ior the best unci Int est designs in wull pupci I'li.mc nr E R Pktewson liuil r.Hijitc Itcntnl ft limtirtincu A tc nt NOIiTII m'.Nl) OltlHiON t. IV, German Pnlntor, Paper-hanger and Decorator. Mssea J: ' Spvk Inl attention lil.n to Inrii: con I IriiwtH. ImiiIi In tlic Clt mill wininlp) KEEP your eye onCoosBay by subscribing for the Coast Mail 4 Wll2S4j jAViCJAlM"; a JT MARSHFIELD ORE