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About Daily coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1903)
R i2 3C I 1 I ; Lli hHnRu akkaV 4aaE' nbm moR Ptr J J M raaaawii T .' JiiW IH Ulntcrt4J yniJefUiltfitadlntfj tinici or x moain lorji. fc ' l"i V FOKjW llllllUKJffi AaMfif. 'INT A New two-story store villi llvini, rooms, nicely Kmll Peterson, North Hen J. Lady to do washing nt ino lor restaurant, apply at we roller. 0-lG-ltl KENT Five room flat wltli bath. pply to K. L. C, FarrOi 7-2l-tf R8ALE Good Bagy d Harness a FlratelaM condition. A Barsraln (or cash. Icqiilra at this office. 7 22 lai to do bouse ork in fcmall fttmlly, Ykw $13; I WMNTKD-GIrl, tafcetnee laqulreat 722 3i LOiJT A Bag gy KoIm between fern dala aad MawJifieliL . Suitable roward vtill reW by O. Wower. 7-21 St HIHHh"lll$iplrt Owing to the threatening weather. thW,orfmarT pic nlo which was fo have boon given at tPlper'a Crovo to morrow, hae been post poned until a later date. 11 I. . C, Pentleud, ot tbo Qrogonlan, who hat been looking up tbo number of gasollno launches ,oa the bay, stated that there are now at leaat4i, and the investment of capital represented Is over IW.OOO. tSv- .r!5 s 1 rv . ; foF r ill 'y - - -" - If fly 6Ifsm sj7--- L ti Wolf pi Bendon was a business jistfor In Marsfefteld .yesterday, "V '" 3uoAO. : Hi .;.,.,...&. .,....,.. If It. Cooa Bay Mill A LaabW do., dealers In a'I kiad ol lumber apd .lrult-bpjee, Alto elale 4ad faaoy'fHreeeriet, Eastern Hams, Bacon and Lard, Farmers Pro duce cakes in exchange or bought for 7-IO-lCt ? 'MiW Wd4?r?' KSterrrsT!fesrJafti4il UteftlllijUaraeM ekop fogSaddlJi TkeU,. JJ keM teMK Heat few same up tfee bay W MarnhfeM yaeterJar ,wotk. At 4 glUlSloT" if flf flnleaei, b"e death IP, n Spaad JWTn it tlw try. Ee PON'PKbA Y-'ii1 " ! ' 1JLI UXI " a ' ' M," ' '' ifrt, H ' ' ' I U , n 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 ii The caro of your teeth or It will be too Inte to tairc them. If yon will come today and 'Xny Pr. ?rentis apply some trcsl.T.fnt be may be able , to prcvtmtj tanner uecay. a email uning may save anholotootb. s plan )s to protect Itf PIlyIn6 rebvedy without delay. DR. r. B, PBEKTIS Telephone 1081 C State and General) John Hatialien, a miner employed at the Gold BiiK-Griixly raise, was severely injured Friday while preparing a blast. He waa drilling a Iiele when tbe drill point came in, contact with a charge put ia on a former occasion, but bad aaietsd irtMMLwM overlooked, Uanaha, pcSoui of h'a danger r- ekci t4 twee of the explosion in his iliftrUewMd face. Fortunately fce win tiiMtd, hot bis features wore hiMfybtfluA,, aad disfigured aad hit rlj&t WaV-Hured by the drill bete leteat iirW,,'H::k, The aate,a Fortafe Railway CniuiwtiiaMii, eowpeeed el Governor OtMtaatoaislMSjreiary pf State Dunbar ami eiaiit ! Mesre, will fecelra mmJgtimiutirj wrvey en tbf prMjBipfakl ot the road. Tlie ( phf the workr jMnswe, aad aa'leM tkere Mty fcoataveeeW will GWe; d MsiWiitfmmH a4 dfmt the eitiaFer.iMi elee .KfHeeat IUb liaajUS'SiMJad io Muuica tha maaati REAL ESTATE JARGAIN notweasd Seven Lota in Seats 'HaiebfteldTat albarn gala. This is a aaap. . Apply to llALbji. Hall. MarffitrUa , f (s9her;' Cew, pny rtetlght an Saturday night.' . waiet coetusM. and every womsa. coa aiders at ,lt ona shiit-walet.tewn ol Uht'WeJikt wol of silk a -feeewaary addUioa te her ordlnkty Jttreet, ffock. The aaaaVteet oi the frocks mimtypl Uaead'leeaayae, witk bad sA bvstOM fer,twMaastiioa. , The la, iMae cpt haa .proved ibU so dilsabl namemt that it k'iaeku1- m w every wnaMatM.wiBHEHj aa4e et ia Frwaefc eiefc,4HiH hfilHftwiftM a4 satea-.Cear- eaayaa aoate aee won skirt to toh r" at&aaHmmi tat tilth !i , rn -w :iv renmiie Lakes The Ideal Summer Resort t mKm JBMIB, BOATING, GAMPIXG Vnn mn find nA VkAftr nlapA fn irnnrt vnnr -v-AC&tiAB ntuu Nav T jvp is now prepared to accommodate a limited nSaTwr with cabiaa X nd rooma.r td "directyou to" good camping grenade, to proyid. boats, and to maKe nimseii generally aeetai w visitors. ' write Vq bim at Lake, Oregon. t For eoayeyaace to the,lakee addreee S J. A.dams.'Sa'ay; Or. ' ' , i ' i I Hi! 1 1 Hit 5 1J M 8 I II II lis ill 1 HU III 11 1 1 i III I HI III I i uiii nj it 1 1 1 y lit t qiiiiiiiiiiMimuimw T, , At the Broiler you get what you buy and you get yoar-aioacy's worth. We do not sll style, but wegiveyoap-teatyot'the J, , solid substantial well' " cooked,,-and clean for -,L . t your money. , '; ti iiiniiuiHiii i ii iMXlijjTii 1 1 il ii HU 'JJLHailt '' TaaHEftsSP paWBr ti am OLaa.BrfaiUaJL Ill HU iHHiWH .3 T -srvnaaiBBBh JaVt'aailiwlJWi'1 ! & ,&r.uiu& i !-, ?i 'mXtSt9