I . J 4. 1 ' Daily Coast Mail TELEPHONE, WA1H 451. Entered in the Postoffice at Mnrsh iiiid, as Second Class Matter. HAIL PUBLISHING CO., Propr's. P. C. LEVAR E. X. HOFER, Editors and Managajfe' G. W. Woodward, foreman. - ""' "f1"" .11 1 H. -,- fc-M.I M Published Every Morning, Except Monday at JCarshf ield, Coos County, Oregon. . DAILY. ... . T J' RMS:-By mail. lorf iJdvahee, pay r wit only, 30 cents a month: 4 months' U t LGO. Wheu-not paid in advance u price iff 50 wnte perwouth, straight. WEEKLY f IAW everySatHrday ' Tenna in ad vance 11.50 a jettti 1.00 six'inonths. OF BENEFIT TO ALL. SENATOR DANIEL ON THE VALUE OF GOOD ROADS. ."Wnky They Are Economical aail "What They Save Should Do Spilt, to Vamt. f Tit' Am , Object Leou. lu Virginia Canwty. , - IrrtfMfl.tf vwiVOTt Hnn TimtaVi Ktntfwa KAnttl' fc-:t-iZi ii.t u'i-Mri lp-Af -iUU'.I,rjyj. - viSrvuu"Jy SHMi weiifBiH os Kot"euwa3jiasiuiumj,ni wNM&f syufflg! IlyngacU'oi'r' Htia V tsff ..'- an,rtaifew.v,, fifteen oc twenty miles "away -over a bad road. iuT cannot got there ana sell tt before breakfast But on a good road ho can bring bis produce with the dew of the morning upon It ten or even fifteen miles to tov'n and get It to market while It Is most valuable. "Think for a moment of the effect upon the man himself. Let him havo a rlcltcty wagon and a bad horse and twenty 'miles to go to town through such mud as wo havo up in this coun try, and he will be ready by the time he gets there to appreciate tho legend written on a dial in Spain with refer ence to tbe flying moments. "Each rsfr wounds, the last kills." But If ho Is Journeying upon a good road pleasant, thoughts come to him. Ho has oppor tunity to think. He has opportunity to take in whatever is pleasant around blm. Ho will enjoy conversation with his companions, and whon.be gets. to town be Is a rational, contented man, ready to face the next duty In life, whatever ft may be. "But it is not only, fnT Baying that good roads are economical. See what they produce increasing population, better society, better schools and in creased vjaiue of property. Just as soon as you"get a good road in your neighborhood the valuo of your land upon each side of it will more Jhan.pay for Its building. There Is not a -single thing that.ypu can suggest Jn tbe .way, of public enterprise -which -offers a more Immediate and more certain re turn tot your investment than good roads." Rational Aid For Good Road. It .looks now as If national aid was hunrid in come In the near future. AJ- fready many sfaie' legislatures have pat themselves 'on record-In Its-favor. - - "Honalterf lll903 IVJ903 l li' . .,,vA. , '';. yi)..n Mall PuhlNbluc Co.nnticn ol tale -CLCS C O Drydc'n, jb printing (or cf . ficos ' 7. 60 R L Polk .i&dCo, copy ol Uiafltiierji? 00 Rosu E.Moaru & Co, Blanks (or Cleik v4 05 PayotfUj'ham &rCo, Bi. plies (or , clerk'" " lM Bullion): & Co. supplieaiorcluik ilO Indigent audi utano vp-'- LVTm Jeukiti Sc Sn, ,ujpj!toJorJfv Mm Hodra MA"1" R V Bullard, supplies (or Fully y; and Mary (Indianr) 5': Joe Ferry, supplies for F FWia$j tr ' . M:gQ '.xjSV'. EG Flanagan, supplies for Josh;' ' Kls-'.n . .,,.l42 Dr W Colin, MhHmI attendance, . $f' prlioncrs arid quarantine ' Ei.'K) Dr J THcCornac.examioeStui.V,' . infann , ,5 00 V 11 H Hyde, examine ititaneper- tons 1$ 09 Dr C W Tower, exnmlna intina persons .;"' W) Report of Kuperlntendaat of Tierjltm' nccarittd and tbe .(olbwlce .oriwedAt"0. paid ; -'5PM . C M Skeelf ,tn)dee ert K Torenz, mdse ect C H Fry, Salary $1435, ,B'!3cksn-4ltbtrJz,$'2.08 ?l 87 03 "9115 145 81 'Billbtaof tbeNorth Bead election for Incorporattos and for tk-e eAcers of lh Icorpotatod goreraffla"t eaHvatned, andiit ,ae foaad that L J-. Bimtm km elected: aaavor j CitM , Kckbf, Aagi ft ySrn1JOjXFrrki leted m jCorporaMen, M ifit f 39 0 -WMaMWmCIk .s com Adiim Prrslitnikrr mid wl I0C.K Sud den and Edwin Ajyil Clirtti?nou ol of sec 10 c-t of n4 bi-c 10 t 28 r 14 SCO aornlllOOof an cre iwlteclG t 23 r 11 UK) auria lot 8-eec 17 t 23 r 11 ex cepting 5 acre, $100 Adam t'orvbbikor and r( to 0 "jl-to'i-' d:n and B A QliviBtenwn, J;du land fronting lot 8, Sec 17 t 2i r li, H. P K Sudden and-Rr(, E A qiulstenscn and wf to Prof par mill Cp c-2,k)4 of nw4 bw4 and 11.100 acre tn tve 10 t 8 r It; lot 8 ri-c 17 1 28 r 11, extepf&tcres, $Mi; 0:E Sudden arid f. E A Chrhtenaou sad i( to Profpbr fMill Co tide laml fronting lot 8 eve, 17 t J8 r 14 100. U Lewellen to W II Walker loUiS and 0 blk 7 Border A Bender add. Myrtle Paint, tr.00. .L J -impo:i nnd Ml to Chas Ecktff Iota 20 and 27 blk 13. Yarrow, $200. L. J, Sirppfon and wf to John Eckhoft lot 22 block 2i( Yarrow. flOO. L J Simpson and wf to Chav Eckhoff Jrlot8 and 0 block 21 Yarrow, $300. , L J Etcaptoa and wf to Milrietta Pdln- trlot2tl2 and-21 bl-ck 21;, Vm0- E,nitia J Sle.w&rt and hue to (?, I' Stewart lot 4 Uk 28. Brown'a add Myr tie Fplnt, fSIOO. .. - , B SI Olaen and wf to E K T.oRrlav i'.'l 4 '- '-.1 !'! o .- n. -no lt -Jrjfc "Wlh Li vi im 0 on; u'kua t i4, f.i?' ; -cf yii N Saultb and w 10 Dly 5 JlSI-wt 2 77-10 acres in kc 17 1 99 r ItV,. u w Stewart to Jatw K mmwnu; blk 5 Myrtle Point, $60. " "$ . ' Bh of Flora K Skelly to W-A lHr acrtaaWHi 13 t38 t'l&flfa 1 "J H Krewaen and wt to J i lit I Woek 21, ElltotU,. ad, ie08; r 4 . ' i Jfti,A JM Wl T XaMHPtMLaV .. May 21 Marlifild vb No'tli Bad Wo!byMifi)d:4.te 3.- 'Jtw!"? '"l1 aK a i -i i ?imB jm As. fVi I'voryday In every home. Wo full ln( of it mid 1V alwjiya lnyb and clean.- 'tv ideaciritf lur 'uiu in htri?e or stiirll ij uvtriluu. . J,Ff:ft;.Pr.aeon. wanning oenson. -j. ii Wtt want to fornih all tho 9itr ynu need and it iil ho to your in tcreat lo call. Our other ftsplerahi of vpial I'xot-'llpiico. T.. HIRST JW W ; " - kwrt ". itff, HERE'S A STAPLE mmAmmm . y FOR YOU.1 Tboptpor for you ( tlie'betC' saa'de' the pmttlett and mott tete4,u. ' Art I a Utnl,llar friend to every school child and Uie hone walhi .tiM carry, otlt the ttaedlntta of l9ftchool.r (f yon want' artittle dBtlja, good " cpinlitiea, and reasonable prleas. you want to aeo our wall papers. ,i?.-r V ni o rjsirri 11 Mf 04 rjj SViTomV ' WsSttit I '. , r fe ! 1 fil J I ;SeS.ifV , ,t Wmm 1 HwU'irjilMm vls