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About Daily coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1903)
' y-fHmTHIr 'fTS ; i f '.-' ' ' ' :- . 11 I I I 1 I I I I ...... , . ,,, ,,i.. Vol. h - art: MARSHFIELD,: OREGON.'THURSDaY. JULY 23.903; JZ,2&m .. - - - i. -j J ' - ,.-,t M., .i. ..i. Urn fln -'. i ;. ........ i " , ' " ? -T?' ',"? ,7 """' NO. " T LIE-IN STATE Por-looks as if Sleeping- Harmony! Between .Church and State (0W Veoo M iBjaads) Rome, July 22 A private view ol the Vqntlff's body, by church dignitaries "tho diplomatic corps, and the Roman aristocracy, whtoh ordinarily occurs at tliu Slitlno Chapel was lield-tod.yln tho throne room, in accordance with tho Pope's wishes. '. " Tho removal ol the urn containing the viscera to thcQalernal chinch la widely .'commented on, as It !a the parish church ol tho Kings palace, and eonio belleye ,,. tho action pressgiw a greater harmony : . I" ''hotweea the church and state, -.. j , ., : .... ji.vw(-rhijPop,4ic8 baa assume! a moro ' natural expression, although tho. ox- trome thinnosa of great ago ia plainly apparent, lie looks as though be wis . in a gentle sleep. Oroglla and Rampolla, bave become 'oernplotcly recoiicllod, U"s adding the forruor's chances to be elected. - 'Ibis morning tho I'opo'e body war Mill in semi stato in the throne room, butMt lso.tpfcttdit will bo removed to St. I'etera tills evening. Tne posttuor- .tonfjias shown the vital organs healthy,. : lth tho exception ol the lungs and pleura. 4. i ' PRESERVATION " A -OF FOOD. 1 PRODUCTS ,w (Special to the Co'as Mall.) -p f;t. Minn., Jul 22: Today was set apart, as "Manufacturer.' day" at tbeeonvefit y, tlon of tho National AssocUtloBof Stato Dairy and Food CJintnUsIcr.vsM and was given over to addreeSifey rnaiiufscturers and dealers In food products. Tho speakers include, beslds tho state conirolieioners and chcmUU.a ItTgi number of reprrsentalives of lead ing manufacturers and dealers in pre served meats, flavoring, extracts, cop. detieed milk, baking ponders and other food prpeucts. , .". AGE r 178. IotIed STEAMER ' -CRUSH0 e.? fe. Gr aw VII nanao . runn VUJJUO 'J1U1 ern Cold1 Special to the Mall. . London, July 22Tle steam whaler1 Vega, in which Nqrdenskjold accom plished tho northeaH passage; was crashed in tho ice' at Melville bay, April 1st. The ciew made, a 000 mile jqarney in on open boat and reachedsearest settlement' then reached home without casualties. " ' -: PALLIUM fV J WFrn Totnnn jnDnhfnpmc the Ceremony ' Which Invests- Arch- 5 n8e, mm. sviaM34't 'SsBP IMS. , now ii Ciena F'rrlni'Pn t Do not scrapo a frying, iin. as it It lli'ulc brn, Instead, rut; well with it hard crust of .brcftd ai wash inliot water. PHYSICIAN 100 YEARS:1'! .. ' ; of (Special to the" Coast' M'ilil) :Allcntwr, r July 22- Uolfrkh; tho oldest citizen of County, and probably the. (& klclan In rsylvftna feiay the 100th iBBlversary'cg.i N'l.twlihBtandlne his advanced ilelfrlch'ia still vigorous in rM?ad body. In Lisdny ho waaa noted byl latt.tnd even uow ho occaBBlonallyajrrrb- r '. Coming on Alliance ; Qpeolal to the Mall. Bm Francisco, July. 2 -lj4MWAl-llanco sailod nt noon WodneSdwlth the following passenger, list" fsCo'os, Mayi J A Ltfso and wife, L FkMia;rIT Maxwell, Henry Wleddr;3aret Gro Ane Taylor, Mrs L A-aylor, L H Lawlnr, Mrs W O Oweri,iliSve imb, J F McKtM, K O CaHfldr,i,and wife, Victor Rudlnos Bnd.w)f..4CelBS, W J.Hust Q T Willlams.jf JlBhara," KF Nelson, Mrs NoUon, V Hi NeJioa, M Wilson, J Williamson. ' '. " YAGHT& STILL PRACTICE "& . ..u ecrfbes for patients. -iMifrbTrn isitu '.XrMTlJQVLiU- llll'll- .X . - . . wold" compffo 'tb6" ceremonial;, the m'Mrsejr f cere'mbniea escorted a deleja tlV.hl rolnW Jate'tyu witnin iH'e tt&etlify to 3eirvi!rn'iddrta.t)f coa graBlatWa. Jltc'iibfsuop Parley jfe pWidH'!wHh mDcb frelice, thanking tbe for their ezpre'ssions.of.kiadneee. Tbe Milan, meaning literally 'a'cloek5 cr,aEsl:tJtt,Jsa band of white lamb's wool; embroidered itb itirple crosses, - i " " ft ia worn abcct.the neck by the Eopo un4 all prelates of arcMeplrcoa! rank' laveletdiGg. patrisreos and metropolitans. la farmer times it' waa madaof'purpW "; ' ' . rr, , et)fe-idered linen and w,as worn by all VwippV. It h4s'''twQ pesdaats; 'one1 hiahnn With Power m 4 huiflhzdowa th breast and tha other dto wn Iho hack ik IhH'.wMrer: , The pal ll'i l worn at all times by tha Pope, fcatpnlr on eolenia 'oceassioss by others', itlpan never' be transferred to 'sVi other p scw aad Is afvray s burried with the' (Special to the' Coatt Mall.) Highlands, July S3- TI e two Bbaai rocks put io tea at 0: SO tor another turn ing eplu lu a very light breeze. Bhara Kxk. Ill strtbd at JlhvriS1! bet 0 eecbnda .later over a SO mm Vourso. The Challenger kept the lead easily, oat footing and outpointing the old boaf. 1'aBquo Island, July 22-The Kellanee passed here at 11 :30 this Wrnioe en the race to Newport, tho Columbia be ing a minute behind her. (Special to the Coast Mall.) New York, Jaly 22-St, FatricVa Cathedral waa filled with an assemblage K'Vagutsbed preiatea ana raemws bfijfeo clergy'-of the Roman Catholle OlMSrcb ioday when Archblsh'op Joha.M'. FaHey, the' new metrbpolitan ol "ew Yafic, waa invested with the pallium U msjtk of his high ecclesiastical office. ;-' 'The sacred vestment was placed opee th8khoaIera of, thejrchbfshop by Ssgr.j leofik,the papal delegate, at WuMh- to(, acting for Cardinal Gibbons, who hrj abiMt abroad. Jlgr. Falconio -was i sje4 by a score of arebbkbops ii blsiip ! d Iwic'e as many ptlete. A(. tere-ptoteetltisal bad- beee rcpdwtslL, hj thecbolr the letrolt waa chastedisi the sanctuary aul the celebratlosi ot pontifical high ' mass was begun. At the conclusion f the celobratioa as Re quest e'ermon was delivered. At tb conclusloa ot the sermon Mgr. Falesss rii flntv SlnUn nose Crcm. Sonk, t)drty Kralna 'of tthoto gum trag ncivntii iii aqvjp'iT ounces 'of rosewater for two arys strnl.h forcibly 'through musjln ami tuW one-half ounce of 'alco hol and one-hnlf dnu'co of glycerin, l'orfume tp suit Use lirUncdlately aft ,cr balldtiff. ' tlur to Clean Leather. To take prense Stains out of leather opply the ttltlte of nn egg to the spni nnfl dry It In the sun. Repeat tho pree ess till the otula la eradicated; , Iwldf of the m who wore' it daring We; , So.stiict, Indeed, is the role about tke fear Jal of Ihe1 pallium thate-veH in ibe caw where an archbishop is drowned l. Tfc 4 sea Bnd(his body isaanot "be recovered It ia ordered, that the" his pallium must eKfeer be buried Isrtbe ground or burned. If a arehbisbop;k'"trnfeflted to a" new m, ir U a SeeoBd'arehbishopric is con 'early education w'as received in Ireland! He came to the United States btlore the Civil War, and located in New Yorkr; He. entered St. John's College, Fordhamj aiid'was graduated irom that iBstitatiOH inl8C6.The same year he entered St,- Joseph's Provincial Seminary at Troy to stady for the priesthood. His prollctea- nsjr In histtadks waft so marked tbrt Cirdlnal McKloskrey' took an interesHa him aud senhfm tit the American Colf lege at Borne to .complete his theological studies.. He was Ordained In Rome aal our bis return to-JSew York; was.apoiufei asflstant pastot of Bt. Peter's cUnrfUy Brighton, 8 L In 1872 he was-mado secretary to- Cardinal Mcliloekey, and' twd years later be became Chamberli to tke Pope, which gave him the title of koBeiiBM-. i. ehott time alter Mr. . Farley.-was made pastor oi St. Gabriel cbarch, ia east 'Twerity-seraatb streeti with whkh pwiek be Wmalaed IdefltiQecl He was thesaoet was again robed in the fnll vesmejita of bit office and the ceremony coBferrWg tbe pallium1, which bad be ea placed? tbe epistle side of the alter, was has) Jed the papal delegates, who arose ad placed itiuon, the kneeling arch shoulders. 'After conferring Ika'; taenia, JHgr. Falconw who wet to t gospel side d( the alter, while the SV blafaon. with the nalltum am kis .J .. ' . -, ., .-M snouiuers,.arote anu ascenuea nistnnHw. before hocoald' give bis archiegjoooa'ld bencdlctioa to the congregation,, wale '-' tH -1 fasvejsl apoi Kim in addltioB to the first. W BW saake affUeaVlon to tbe poatiS ff a, teeadfaJUBBa, aad whea he dies. a i Wrii fit iMrWr jjlviw to. bim ferthiproviaCe is which his demise has ta&ea place; His' tittier pallium must be rolledap.aad laid, uader bis head. ia hlptomb. JohaM.'Farky, the new Archbhihop ol New Xori was born In County Ar BMtfb, Irelasd, April 30, 1842. His !y"r"y ., '' '.Jij-Jj-Li!- t cnanv rurt. trusted advisor ar&aseeetae; 61'tke lt Archbishop Cerrigas. -, THE WHEAT. ; :; ;crop IN . , ,,.washingiton' (Spclt t the Ce HM.),: rA-. era estimate tatsyearNwnc&i'Eiofi. w ao.000,(0 to 22.OOO.(J0O busfaela aboat tha prodactioa e-t "last 'year. '.. BaA weather and lack of rain has decreased theyeald la'some tfistricte; bst'thk k largely cosapeasatad tor by 'Bcreaeea acerage. tiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiHiiimiiiiii R0SEBUR6-MARSHFIELD STAGE UK. I 1 1 Chipest and- QHkkest Route to the latfread- - Leaves MarehSeld 7 a w. Daily, Connects with North.ani South' ,boed f trains at Roseburgi. - . , domfortib! JStas;es and Careful Drivers; : Special Riga on Short Notice. GTTQ'spXETtER.Ag&nt., $n n n m i ii m i jn m il ii i' 1 1 i,i 1 1 1 1 n i frfrHH- t ahh.1 ng, 1 1 1 .iyMHry-H H-4"frl Our Shirt Waisls Ate almost all gone very tfev, nrjtj Jep ' . 4 THEY ARE THE 'CHEAPEST t t V. i j And best Waist ever shown Jfl this ci T -t v ' . "'.A LWE , AVE RECEIVED . T,, ' i From the East a loi of Fall SkirU for . f RAINY DAY 'SKIRTS They are the handsomest garments, overseen. We shalllbc pleased to thtriueh our line, frbm .oO to U'ifi : - I WlUiam Naslnifg. I. : u 1 1 tit iVWti i fi'i 1 1 i H'riij 1 1 1 ij H , ;--.-;4 . I'l IMIIHIlT & 'i iWffir ' ' w i . MkrslklWMBi- ' i lylK?. :: . -fiasMkHsjsnb - itiSMal ' ' ' . PHtMSCil. , g' ,- mK ' - i ?'J0f''i ' 1 ' . A- ' , II.' till I MM 11, 4 ijn . . - . . , 'SVSV'SVk avvayfvy1 : 'V f... m ','. ,. ,.... i. i- .-u: . .-isf.' ?" US, Ot SHUUia uc, cvciy man uujcv.1 im ihv. , 5 ,a Making a Good Home means tnat you Wan A GOOD HOME Wi I the best of hiaterial for its building, au Want' ") it at a price that is within reach. ' ' This J3 our . specifatly futnisintagitUeUcst . ..... t$u Biiildill MateHM'3- 'if Iffl all lit 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1H .i LUMBBR NAILS, IftlNGBSV LOGk, D(ORS,3 B R IC K , SHINGLO6i'Vli0W, tetc; V SIMPS ;lUMBErVCOMANY, G E O R G 'S; OUTING SHOES Tr BaselMU and Latrsa, YachtingV Bathlrtg, and all-oufr- doar Spttrii and iatrma The pleasure of any of th'ie ' amuseraents'is gteatlyjiuceas? ed if you, wear suitable fekoesi We ask your inspectiQU of Qtir' 1 1 'i G E O R " nii.-j .t vr HwfiMAirfin NORTff t 4t .kyMMMSr1 ai, a a s s t J '" $ ' - ftF'ARfiR&JT S: f. 1 ;; . AJkA v-r w x Mjm Sn K L.lii una tft, V th .,. "I . M , '... " 0 4 t Ul 1 Qsl ' U