? 4 .- ,.1 fi "r rw m . jp i J.4 . &, .its ;iiok uiiaai aaaa-.Ptaii WANT, , RA?a t-AdrertliMfienUi a$tfscW f I Iwawlll bo Intern J under tlilifidlj jj tlmej or s nt, or i month for ' FOB, RENT-f.Twb'fdrnlBhodied rooms, J Inijuiro of K. G. IMooer. 7 14 Ct t i in i i' FOR RENT A New two-story store building, wftli llviDK room, nicely finished. Knil! rotorwn, North Bend. 7.12-U. WAhTJEpS-Lady to, do wwlilng at . home for rcetsorant, iii;r i , Broiler, c-io-itf FOR RENT Fivft room fiat with bath. Apply to K. Ii. 0. Farrea. 7-2MI FOR EXCHANGE A bicyeleor a boat. AddrtM, Charles Doane, MarihSeld, Y-lB.jl" k iLOAL-3- ?sSK -. ... . . f mtktil iiap a new snoe meteor sua Biiem wiiir. ,'iSnyder ot Myrtle Foist spent jMarshfleld, yweri'lersf ioatlBiot'twstore, 7 $ iod,. clean, whofseeese mWl, welt siand served right, ell for SS eeato ittbelnoiler. ' "yWgK-1 ' :, It helBe belllste oTLlbby Have ar- Ifcea a-Hiae, wua Arjaawra Iked -L.'r fretB'ay..rBBa torrty avu sffii ?, U4I eaaieeite"w mms? m&m ilnr.;n jls.are &(th'e(lce.K jn.'of Empire, had W U qM ia'towesterday. Ul I -Igf . . BllrS' WANTEt The aaderslgned will receive bids up to aad Including July 0 for 610 more or lees 90tt eedar itlephoaeipole" ie be de livered at any eUtloB on railroad. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. For fi'rther'lufarinatlon F. 8. Dow Standard Oil Dock, 7 7 tf Mirahflold, Oregon. COME AN1D "SEE " ireaewllneofFresU Yegotablps, NeW Fotatoes. CabbaaV, Canlillow er, Spluacli, Oa-rrots, I'eas, String 'Keens, AepaVaaas. (Iseaa and Dry 'Oatoas,and Garlic, Rheubarb. KRESH FRUITS Orane, Lemons, Bananas, Ap ples, Cherries, Strawberries and Ap- rieots. jtesaeau jtm. .tclsee NfUfeel Nats and Caadles, Also a,. full , line ef Olgars aad Tebaece, Frae , delivery, Paaae I4, ' Vrs.e; J, HANSEN, NEXT DOOR TO FOST OFFIOK (,, Beitoto lata aiorara rwe lfclut"tl Ml Wseatt'l aCtoftotttetftor hwHh as4 saos , p?ds-fft rae l?n imato'eeaaatta; with the GariaMOato; '' 'i" , ' , The Marferlte fleeter Car., will 6 to, Marihfkjd.Bext Frilly and Satarday night for (heir two last pstfoiHBi cm thli trip to Odoi, to this will ba the last opportanity tobwr this ercell&at little (pbi patty. Yon certainly iave eaten et the Broil, er, 1( not', doeo, (or to bare been In Marsh, field and sot to bare eetea at tie Broiler pate you la tide rear- rank m to boliig tip tomato. ' School Snperlatoadant W. ,11. fcancb was In toyrB Saturday, oa an official toar. Baeehl Is still in the lead for, fancy groeeriaV. ' Dea't forget thatr'And he ii aleo therewith the goodi, In the' line of ataples. -re- Mrs. Ollia Walter of Coqnille came In on the ' train yeeterday and left hk morning via the itage for Eugene. Wickmaa',4 Wleknaa have reeeired a frerh lot of Irnit ssd Tezetablofbicb will o at the betteee crlee. They are head qnartera f er farty groceries etc. m X pleatare party cosaposed of Mrs JerraU, Capt. end Mrs. Magee and Mrs. Wlckraav. el Xaaplra and A. YTtekmaa the greeerymaa olHarahfieldare camped atFalrvIew. - j fa i i a . i ' Affected eyes ill recelroa ec)k'if)c aBdraotlcaicreeerbln2 wlthoatOharuo. at. Cefitral Hotel. Carefal examidatlon with we4fH iBetraaaest. 9 - Dr.T,A,Ptch. . - """ ! I WU te Jbuk the eepl (if Mtr.k fietd .tor their atreMfedHrlng the pttet 18 raeatW. I a Tesredte3eall klde e( wateliaadelAecKorkes short netiee,' All work CMrataed, T. MieUewritftit, warsMH4 uei, ; CCoaetwieffrrsea Vlttt Page.) nrti.T.. a'liim iilii W ! i?4-fei 0 IS DEAD V1 - J . Set; eras "froea him. "! of aeeeeap tJv4, a .2r ' HaMM;itb r$ ii nfaOKivmfiSltm. m odvi- rf':: . " &&, . - "tV Minm i ritcWr Kd Stein, onco with Break- b'Hto twlrll&g for 'amatear teameTlai TJctrett; iPWaak Drill, the crack Oeorgetowa tylkf catclter, has joined the Broek-rfm-.sisfi v",. " j rreatat'FalHam says t'hd Ohkagoe' arc tlio model erganlaatloa of the Mat tlonal toagaeV t Tho SH. Loato dub has corralled a pitcher name Donnelly, who cornea from Amherst college. Fivd .Clarke lends tho Pirates In hit ting. BUchey, Wagner, Beaumont and Phillips nro nbovo tho .300 mark. Pete Chtlea nnd Heary Belts, onco fnmotl in tho National league, nro now niuviftcr with a tlnv team at Fortuun. ?Cnl. Malinger Selee ot Chicago Ima .mro luck Vti discovering gootl lnfleldore, LaBt yoar he enpturod a plpplH lu Tinker 'and this season has Bccured one Just as good to Second Base Mas. Ev era, FOR SALE Col ilxirtoort HsHiMfind Vw Lata. - CUmnI ra of s felK first? ln lM GOING Thb Cooi Coonty Teachers' -Institute will be held aHJftndop, Aaguetl7tbeB'd 20tb. 7 21 . Uy CHy SM Cloes . The Bay City, school closed Friday July 17th for a Taeatlon ol five weeks. , Following are the names of the pupils who averaged GO per cent sad, over In tbo final examinations. Flonie -Jennings 09; LIkIo Tellefeon, 07 7-12; William Aaderton, 05 3-6; Jay Richards, M 1- Gilbert Steckel W, Edith Aaderton, 04 5-6; Blanch Tellefeon, 04; ftusle Richards, Oil Johnny Tellfeon, 6'4 'Aya G rasa by, W)-8;, Emit West, 03,- Katie Thurman, G2; Jennie Tellefeoa 01 7-8 j Maggie Robertton 81 2 6; Robert Rich". ards 03 1-5 OUIe Richards, 01i Vlclor West, 01; Hilda Week, 01 j Martial Steckel, 0; Oscar Federsoa. DO. . ' fsT r. . Rear Estift TrsMsters ' Eeama NAsbBr'c to John Graat, Ix)t 2j' Mock W, JCasfearg'a Wd, Md. W' .. Robert J Cliatoa aiadw'to AO 8ua-erlla-aeKolB w H ee U ?l. r 12. tm. UBtoJasW Ityers, jl-2 ol a" e X, se Keliv X to Twf ilM r 11-153 10 seres. ','- W H Waliiir'iSiV'to 'All Badge tots law!2, btol'iH4' e-J'i'6lJ MtPt. tyMfcV ...iL ., t?i vwe Bsvsral isrtlaiUiJaifeisSt playew ,ave beeae afi jtiT reaff aa as glvet,he,S waise 'Wta by a ' BBS hjtoitoeBlach dlealps Trirtt lbs lsfnd?.. Whiskey and baseball playing are Wvy clnb against' m. The, . baseball will be tbo saan 'all these habits. has been for- Anipatlon." and -A "goaa" money by Sdv'oBj whprn baj wiuaudleflpatloB. 4 ' 4 .jttdCHt; , Ai. . . 4.t jJar.oW.daagViler bj. Sir Id ' '"" M . imfeBtauy iiik, sear, ;e.Wadaedyevaatog, Jba; jre earoate fromthe FtlfW . to the Rogae River ValMf, ajaaV ere camped aboat S mile? betow liere hen'.the.fatal accldeat orred. h bedding was of tha.wagoa' . i. , . selnz uttea irom in k when a pletot -fell ea aa.d, strikieg the tongae was cxatoajsel, tke ballet paseieg through the. (Msfe g4rV,bady. fbe wM plsyiaf whh her easall VW-toaib , free afJsa,wtoa, aid lmJ!yH b4a,sMt Iwaaef her father a; throw the revel ver.away s that no one visa might beklWl.wlih It. Mr. Warner is aa Oddfellow and Knight ofiFy thlas, aad the taneral was conduct ed under the auspiees ot the twa ord -rs, Ral Estate Lots In Railroad; Addlttoajtwlthln a short dletaace ot the; JSoelness Center ofiMarshfield for 50aud Upwards i ForptUes.Ctorettoa; Bl3i iws. tatioa ' IP T DdN?TDKS-AY The care' of yoar. teeth or It will 'fee (seriate to (ave'theea. If yo irill cosae IpeVyana. let $rt VffH apply eoe treatineat he ay be able to, pretest further decay. A. seaall filing may save a whale tcctli, Bis plan ie to protect by applying a remedy witboat delay. 1 . .' f. DR. A. 3. PRENTiS i T!ephon.Wl. 1 iii Ka?ESTATE!lARIAl Honse d Seven .Lots r. Booth Matshfeld at a br- gala. This Is a snap. ' , . Apply'to Hall ik. Uiu..tr. A HEHblC DEED Irilurtd Logger Carried ti Milesjby ?."Cbmrade8 aiid Exples j'-" v Thri atrenaoas life of the weeds aae jaeffarnUhed aaother story of cearaeje, aneoMcidas heroism and death ia a waeblagtoa logglag camp, Albert Lob te, a yeflag employe at Kelb's log glag camp, np the Wlsbkafa, was canght aad planned by alire log, aad hie left leg badly crashed. Mr. Kelb at eaee started' oa' horseback tor tows, 28 miles dlsstat, andl4 of the mea improvised a atfeefce aad la jrelays carried Use weemaed saaa 4 miles to the beeaa; wltoraha was met by Dr. Seslth, aad take jey boat the remainder of- the way aad pK lit fha Aberdeea. GeaeralHespt tel, wkee allthat m.edisal setoaee eoald 'do waedeae. The pattest was Wave aaeaarageoae,. bat taetaalare al tbe lajanes ana aa saocK ..proyea raiai, as ba.dtod early la the ,oralag of ThBri.- ayt The Body "Will ba shipped to hlB hoaaaiiifi Witeeasia. The saea who iliagfti hlaa ie iW'h;rji?if. a4 traveled as fast as' poseiblew!thon toM,' water or rest, bat' they were .not v II eeftseitts of doing aBythiag aansaal. T B0&AGBTMMBB ' t. SANDERSON I Phono, 72 1 THE, MBSHFIEID. , YiCoodmaa!8, fresh, eSfoan and airy rooms. Ootid. Mda and courteous treat- V, ,iseent. Board S4.S0 per THIRD & A STREET. T At . CHLCKERING' 1,? j .wkdER' pUi'v N rt s .ARTISTIC DURABLE, - . POPULAR ' CljaS, ikUm Ma'SrCVCmjaa7 'ALL MUSICAL IKWTRUMBMT8 JI K -I vWlo aawaastsaaaaaaaai -Dealer la- Nk?fiTH sfeWo r! AL ESTATE" i . H V fi' 5ftBKECBT rw JL i T . m ij m 1 1 1 w i i toje;M ii YT . f - MM 9 m 'I' 'if I' -'III 111 II The IdcrtSummcpReaoft t A mXTIXS, Fllfin X'zb&L. Toa ea find ao better ple to cpea yoer' Va;tHoa. (At Kdt rto ie aew prepared to acsesBSseaato a Hat toa nasaber wHa eablas1' aad rooms, or to direst yea to'teeel eamplag greaade; tejsT6Jd bet", aad to make hiwwlf iwasraHy asefal to vleltdm Write ta aim at, Lake. Oregea. Far asamajnee to the lakes address K. Fi tr . ,,.., I .. -i . j. 'ju 1 i ttMfl I-f l-t 1 1 1 ;l 1 1 ,1 a law kxrs hi ii ii 1 1 1 n ii 1 1 1 1 1 nt ii H , Attlfkr you get what yek- ky and you get yor lasicy' vrottb. YVe do ih e style, but wegivj3Wieaty ot the solid !wib8ta,tial well ; -i f p. if. . "cooked. :JmA ' your mojtyr THK sWIOJLER '., III 1 1 IMiMJII H IJ 1 MJt ISH'T IT' FLEASAMT ' to have year water cool, yoar batter hard, year milk' sweet? Jsn't Jt JEeamerrca! -tosavethe Jeod.tobHy mere waa. . eaeagotorose saeetf ' a j, Isn't It Wlsa l ' ' "." . to phoae yoar order e aa to. taw yearieeaeHvaredayery day?, , CW5 IAY. ICE Ie CHI STORAGE C' ics AKpiwrrntRl ' Agcatt. for., oririntti -itcCRAY.AND 4aE&feHfrW.V saaat M I Mil 4ttl-U 1 1 1 III "T..t . " - Jai'- 4 saiteiL2 igsT5 " fc BflM rs Take Notice Tha "HronasK Hardwara fo.ipaaea i hood at alt tlmaa tHihWi&iimmiml framataocto'ffnlah. Vfm cmrrj-puigmr PIna Deaa, Caelar Doors, Wtowejwg of very daarItlori. MaKa waM avary. , .body carrHMt tham. Wa liava thlnfjloi, Jtt-ickvJUhtt and. Camaht, ath Raom and Kltchon Furniture, Painta and Oila, IncIueMng'O'tennell'a Mixad Paint, ki which avary taar savMSOpareftnt by reason of Ha?dH-abI(.y.-. Thirty years of practical axperlanaa proves this, at thaPiONIafll HARDWARE" STORE.' E -I'fO ttHI.MU'l!lHM'fr THE ARLIIdBTOR . Private JNardtag aad Raaastog 'ftoaee, aaadaeted oa -the Base Mea ptoa.-TaMe, Tabkif Hea. ftoatbaeal ttyto aaoatac. Mas. JdaaNieaaaa,. Frer, Cesiar tt, . MansWleW. wmmmmmmmmBmmmmtmliistmmmmammmmm 4H I H I t-l I l.lj 1 1 1 N;l M I U I WE HAVE . Tu malar s Jelly Classes' Maa- Dlahaei, . Plnln.WhTteaisMFanay CreKry, Dishes far Harveatlniffieeds, low" priced gaads for Summer Cottaejea AM P;akiiers. jNumareua varNtea to Wt fr'ofn flrloae which leaves to ' eu -'af-'ler sweausn. m Jt- immm MMUrVE: i 5 i untti srfjBWM KiP V T 1' "Tl " Jt-iS'-., 'J . ft i ii i in i j vi j I0AT1K6, JMMraK -.-..... .T.---f; 1 1 1 j s i u i 1 1 1, i ' i n in i m iiiii i ii n m 1 1 x clean for s t"i f ' ' i. f WMIU1 J ItWiH ' n ! MJ Ofltoe- fcewsl l taiatotd i.to .4 FsiedeUvswS to . . FXoaa 731,. aaaaaggggggi , l,,i Is .1, ,'..,, ji m ., ' LJaeasga U'H'IH 1 1 1 1 1-HI'lHM-t 1114 i rt 4 ! V. WN E ' " ILUC HtJNT MATS pf aay towasala ia , Reeebaf jr. Qrf .sjeaLaajdBieartet, thewto all va ena t laaip tot M eaato easfc. Ifyoa waa ajasy. Hstossaasiaa isaea. vae u a. Xda4 ajaaea aCarsas. Trrut fhsi-XAXifaa,. Lw Co. rr Reeeaa, Oeaaea. 1 11 M I iH I II H III I II H ON 3AJ-E 11 . , mL V$ ' S 31- 1 IjKOS ; MniiHaHMMMM assr.. . , . . n j,i ii i i riggfcn - - i -.n t M,fjKJIDHij2Sga bk F4CaHnmlimmn KaVm. ggsBw'1, CjT; Ts&fllSnBSaWstSKSBgsltH lkeilrflMlHBmVtmlaslslslslslV 'aaBSsr SgC sIsftmmCsLmmmmmmmmmmmVSZ'LfAf i -J nmtm s t f' !!. j 4J-: W, U. DOUGLAS. eitoaiayeipSBaslaehea'a Mere. . lotatoo. Asualy to H W. WOODWARD, at this offlos. V- nit aeaaerty Js jadvaaeJag tflUkl-aj aLaajl 4jkA laaiV Wjn',W OlW sgaayaj wtmx w IsM WW 1 ij.w Z t V aataM' i ... nt .. . , ' Pt npfH t i'iiiliiM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i f 1 w aj pplli i it H 1 1 ... ''