u.a -V 4fc.t.., -.. . .... ,? IT I .- 'WiTaawft- feily CoastfMail F TSLSPMONE, MAI 451. i- ir-i . j-jii.f nfn- 'i ' rf " ' ' Entered in the Postofflcoai Mfersh field, as Second Class Matter. . MAIL PUBLISHING CO:? Prop's; P. C.XEVAR- F. X. HOFER, Edi tors' And Managers ' G.W. Woodward, Foreman. Published EVery MV"7nB, Except Monday at MarsbiiellCoop Cotiaty, -5 ' Oregon. DAILY. TEUMSBy mall, tor .ndranco pay mfiitoBly.SOcentsamontn, 1 montha wr 1.00. When not pald-n advance im price is CO cents per month, straight. t WEEJCLY . " it 'lss0"i every Saturday.! I Terras in ad Vane $1.50 a Tea. 10 six mouths. (Continued fro First Pftge;) i.i HIGHGRADE PLAYING 13H SB PO A t 0 i. '4 McKone 2b. & ?& Westeifcergeee,. fl - J. T . 0 ' 4 Streib lb $ 1, J 0 Adaminabb " 4 o'' 1 0. Pelland,ll ;-4. .0 .3 0 OOawell e 3 0 1 ' 1 Echofield rf. 4 1 .2 .0 0wellWcI 4 Jl i 0 Baaarp 4-0 0 '0 ti - o 0 2 7 0 1 0 Total .38 512',! .,2? fe 0 T.VW tSOK&lHts'Hm BfLS'SISGS . Maraatetd 12345678 fl-ToUta Bia b o Q'b 0 0 0 0 0-i D f Hlt Beaden-fe' 'Sane K"' 0 0 2 D 0 0 0rl (- 3 .; 1 SfS 46 -T-89 Totals 0 0.0 00 0 0-2,3 6 0 10 11113 4-12 MMMiKY .T&e base bite, Felkad 2,'efleldl, Weeafearg if Na'dler 1; street Lby aam 7, y Arrellanea 1 jbltby plber, 0-weli;ee on balls, Strobe ; Time of Raise','' :39: BBipira Morrison. ; v XORTH SEND tb COQUILLE Tbe garae at Nerth - Bend lathe fore- Boer between the borne team aed Co- gaiBe.drew a wed attendance aad waa a geed eleaa geaae, altbeegh BOaaewbat OBeaided. The field waa in flop cesdl tloa. The North Bead teaea benched their bits well. A feature of the game was Beaton's baiting and MeKeowa's Seldiag. Gewrd WUtied i'geod aue and waa ably caufbt by Bliw. 'North BdBdiagoiB(to do her beet' to beat HarebaMd next Sunday, and it will nn doabtodly be eae of tiaa beat gasaea o the seaaoa. -, Marehfiald bati beatea North JBesd 'beta ttaae asd bow ifie Bead beye are golez to try and tars the table. TbaseafeeftBaaday's geme vss aa K- follows. Oeqalll , ABR VgH PO A E 2 iFobBeteaeM 4. M 1, Z ,1 4'I ferrkek .s.?? A'.:a.Wlw Baritkab; - f' ---ilUaWi,Sr 4i'ki frT"r"r - - " e lofaz3b . 'i-9' J 1 0 2 0 0 o o l l o l Bewail el Bea&aaarf Johseealb 4 4 3 4' 4 ,01. 0 0 , 6. 0 Baakam J Nefigerp 1( ivi.r. 3gSK ir 34 12 S !- .! NortbSead 'ABX'BH TO- El cKewmaSb WrQte'aii m 2 16 0 t,- ' i-t SiH -,J&. ibibailfiaVJliil n p ho'n f sQ 2 0 laaaaia i i !. 4 . u - .. i KaH); ; ' 0" (K n . r: rt. . Baatoa af , f 3 aV ItHtrd W , t -. Jfe -' ' '' T'i"Triii vm mt tin-- no f Caf o Hrra3T innikus Coanffiii T2 3 4B8'?7 8 0, JToUt Rnnaf Blta North Bead V'RoBa i '. HUa , 0 0 0 I 0 O'O 0 0-1 'ill 2 1 1 1 TO-9 a S 3 4.5 7 8 0 Total ?0 1 0W1 3 0 1 -0 " .1 1 Ofb 2 2tO 2 -8 FOUMART . Btolen baaea, Coqailla 4, North Bond 3 ; two bars hilt, Johnstone, Beaton ('!) ; doable play f, Bliss tAKulp'j passed balli, Coquilte 8, North Bend 1 ; baaoion tail ed ball, cH Nelaer 2, "of Gtraid 1; atrack ,Wt by Nefaer 0. by,Gifard:12t hit1 by pitched ball, LoreaxiJ, Johnton; left PB baeee, Coqallie 7,Norlh'Bend 6; umpire Wright; Scorer, Foralead ; time of game 1 hoar 3d mlautee. Base Ball Schedule AT HABSnriKLD. ;May 24-Marhfield va North Bead.- Won by Marahfield 4 to 3. June 7 Marahfield tb Baadon. Won by Ban d3o, 14 to 2. June 28 Marabfleld Ta.Coqullle. W'ob by Jfarehfleld 3 to 2. July ff-Mars-hfield va North Bend. Game postponed. July 19 Marahfield va Ban don Woby Bandon to 0 'Aug. & Maraheld va Coqallie. Aug. 10 Marahfield va Netib Bend. Ao(t. 30 Marahfield va Baadoa. Sept. 20 Marahfield tb Coqallie. AT.COQOIIXS CtTT May 2f Ccquillo va Bandon. Woa'by Bandon, 'B to-1. Mar 31 Coqailla va Martbfieid. - Won-ay Marabflleld, 7o,'.2. Janel Coquille tb North Bea. . Woa by NortbJBend, 13 to 8. t July 5 Oeqoille tb Bandaa. - Wea'ay Baa'doH7 to 5. July 12--Coqullle va'MarahCeld. - -"Won byMaraafieldG'toS. Abr.'S Ceqaille tb" North "Bend. Aag: 16 Oenilleva Babdoa. Aug, -23 Coqallie Ta Marabfleld. Bept,J3-3Ceqall!.vaJSprtniBead. . ATTJ0aTH'3Bl'-V June 7 North Beud va Coquille. Woo-bf. North. Bend 10 to 4... wj Jane 14 North Bead va Marahfield. Won by Marahfield. 7 to 6. Jane 3S North BeBaTvs Baadoa, Woa by North bend fl to 4 July 10 North Bend va Coqallie. Woa by North Bead 6 to 1. Jaly 26 Worth Bead tb Marabfleld. Aug. 9 North Bend va Baadoa, , Aug. 30 iNorth Bond va Coqallie. Sept. 0 North Bend tb Martbfieid. Sept; 20 North Bead va Baadoa. 1 - AT BASBOR May 31 Baadoa va North Bend, . Woa by Bandoa 4 to 3. 1 'Jobc 14i-BaadoaTB Coquille. Woa by Bandon, 13 to 2. Jane 2t Baadon va Marahfield. Woa by Baadoa, 4 to 0. July 12 Baadon tb North Bend. . Woa by Noth Bead 4 to 3. July i-BandoB va Coquille. ' Aagv 2 Bandoa tb Marahfield. ug. 23 Baadoa va NortbJBaad. t, 8BeB4ea TCeallIe, -t. 13 Baadoa tb Marahfield. . RAKPBFSO TBX 'CLUBS Woa Loet Mhfield, North Bead 4 i 8 6 0 tan .11 i b Coqailla Baadoa . w. -fc'e anr M4. Hm Wanbur. A MaJ7krtStBUe of a peace: fa deetdiaK' aa aetloa 'agalaet a railroad eempany r, killing a cow near a read eroseJag decided the case, in favor of the BtalatMf' for pM jfeajeV that. "41e defendaat bad ao alga ap at the eraee- ing." , t ,. r it I,- If you bare aalU.caatlefl.ta tbotair year work rfeed Bo('Bve.loetrTa.J wkcre taey saeaU tut Mew, set f ohb datiesa aader beai-Taeea'ii. fhy She Woirid o.Pot Marry lOHgisall ,d ,' fgWJMiMiBfBSH, Mark vd, a.Cat W, aiWiia LeM.Mw.OdtroM Baerala, tolerated 'the awtaera tv tWt tfaof "tb )& jUottMr add ato ter, bulit a eabia unit aettle. tbeBV Mask, OaMar bMiaM fijMp. PP he wonacVrork. nraH vraa a gooa looking -wrjinaa thirty years of ago, and had not fecen long at tymo.jSttir, Gulch beforo iho vraa aoiiglA in mar. riAJte by aentTOlnora. 'ghojowovcr, 'Cooilnod tho attentions of theta all, do? viniuiii WH W . .v,V.i .V v- brother and wonM not leave blm. ' There was one, howiv'cr, vl per tistod. This vraa Balpff McCann. Ho Vn a fair hnlrcd, blue eyed fellow ot twcntylght and bad a very attractive win ttth httn. oapoclally for wouicni He Soon nmdo headway With Sornh Colter, Ivho'dM n6t frotn the flrat turn to htm the cold ahoulder she bad turned to ucrothcr suitors. Mark Colter, in atcttC of rejoicing- in tho. prospect of being relieved of the aupport of a Bis ter, ft5e4tVn'heracceptanc;of the ttcnt!onf XcCann, whom be at last forbndeLTf-"i8e. McCann appealed to Snran nd by him In preference" to her It t, hut Sarah did nothing but wecA -tl wrinc her hands, KTi gently alio waa bound to her brother by Borne extmoruinary tie. nndtlt "waa plain that abc had fallen deeply In Jove with the Stranger. One evening after working hourai Colter and McCtinn met on the road road - way nhinlng between the fow houses rnuged on cither side and known as tho town of Iauo Star Gulch, "Colter," said 'McCann. VI wojiM llko eonie explanation with regard to your objections to my attentions to your Bis ter. We are devotedly attached to one another, I have soino money and a good claim and can give the best of references. If there ia any reason that 1 can explain away" "All I have to say to you. Ralph Mc Cann, is to lot my sister alone." "I certainly will .if aire desires it or if you will give me any. good gruund for your opposition." "VOu say you'll let her alone if aho, desires It Do you mean to toll me .that -,ahe doesn't deslro it?" "She clings to you In preference to mo, but her heart" CoItCr turned white. He tnado as If i to draw his revolver, but lnstantiy changea' hla mind. 0 "Let her alone," he cried fiercely and stmle away rapidly. The nxt morning a note from Sara,h ,Was left at McCann'a door .begging him to deilat from any further attempt to win her or even to see or commas! cate with her. adding that she coulg never be bla wife aa long as her broth, er lived. McCann, knowing by the oa of bcr letter that she was In earnest) made no further attempt to see her. k Ono afternoon when the coach passe 1 through Lono Star Gulch vl atout wom an with a resolute look oa"uer face get oT with her clothes tied win a bwidM in the place., YSTbat the'Wonwn, 'whw called herself Mrs. Wilbur, waa to.de In thla out of the way mining town did not transpire, but there was a surprise among the citizens when it-was knows a tew days later that she' had gono-te live at the Colters'. The surpriso wnj occasioned by tho fact that Colter rtnlt bla sister bad lived entirely alone, netr er receiving any company, and thorp was not a. family in tho gulch where any one, especially as unattractive a woman as Mrs. Wilbur, would be les likely to find board. Tho day after the event there were ramore of high words being heard In the middle of the night at tlia Colters; but as there were no evidences of trgu. ble, except for the grim appearance o Mrs. Wilbur and a certain whipped pur look about Colter, no one could surmls? what had occurred that Is, no one' but Balph McCann, who got bla explandt tlbn in this wlo: , ' Having need to go to a neighboring town for some blasting material, ho set out early in the morning and was re turning In the afternoon when he saw' "Sarah Colter on the road coming to ward aim. "Where aw you going?" asked Mc Cann when they met "Prom the man with whom I been llvteg." bav ? Tourbrotberr , H, i Bapposea ne was; my. bbdsbu, r- piled Sarah, with a .rmnor in ber votce. "but I was deeetv'ett He bad a Kwlfe. before be married Bje. Jiis name ta Janea Wilbur, andfcta wxa baa ap peared with proofs ofclwf Marriage to MeCana sat for a few' minutes tlmn deratrock, flrat Jaeeoeed. at th wronj that bad been done the woman be loved, then a Joy Veiling np in his heart Jbat there was nor inearmouBtav ble barrier between tbenv "So thk ia the reason yon cluag to Colter. pa sweeeea yea were j... nriru . vw rtw iiui vnn naaiai iiaoHiiMM- uriu -ltm -t 1 aim X .1..11.- . ttatorr . ?r -' Tf "lie foreed me to It, maklag a pre tended cpnfeaeioif 'after we were mar ried tbat.be bad bees Involved in un fortunate bualaeM traaaactloea thai would caaae crlBalaal preaeeatea if he was oaad. Hia real rejoa ,waa it avoid his wife, who woeld'be let llkfr ly to trace oaa living with a Btetertsaa a wife." r "Wbat are ye ajetog to ky bowT" ' ' "Get away f rem tdm." . eryre. 'I willlW'wRb yo7 Neither Kalb MeCaaa aor'Barab CoHer. aa alw bad beea called, wa,) ifvffiiiifr la, Lew Akr fMra aaaia: TieVVe a very bapfy hh hi s waAVT KLAuaBCav Jar aBjBBTae wmtiMim " 8CIKA3JST.t, The four prtate t-ned4 of Greece1 gTaln, coal, jron ahd Utnjber are tho Mta which the United' Btatee- would beaibe able to supply. , - "Tbe "yearly ft'tu earnings ot tbe United State Steal corporation ae ap proximately equal tot'he gross revenue received by the. United States govern ment. .- SeventV French flhna manufacture motor cars and thtifc combined output last year waa !,000car. The industry employed IfiO.O&O workmen, eornlpg ob' annrerafce$360'a.yea'rach.. ,. Irge deposits of .'Ston equitable for. ltthographlo pa'rposea have been dis covered" and opened ln'Thesaly. Greek experts report that thla stone Irfsr su perior In quality to the beat litho graphic atoua heretofore known In Eu rope. ' Under the heeding;, ,MA,New Oerman Industry," Oerman papers state that the manufacture of quarts glass. It rapidly developing in that country Quart glass conelaU essentially 61 melted quarts and la perfectly trans' lucent. ....... The membership pi the umtea wine ! 1 wowsera or America, a inm nun- the number who paid the per capita tax durinir the month of March, li larger than it haa eTer been In the hU tory of the organisation. Lost year it reached 33,000, while this year it li S6M39. Peat S uel in freight locomotives In Sweden haa hauled the maximum load, the cost being about the same-as with English coal. To avoid the expense of tan extra fireman, however, the peat la now mixed with an equal weight of reol, and tha mixture haa proven so aatur actorythat itis to be tried on pna psnger trains. The shape of the rudder Of n. vtsael seems (o b of more Importance tlyin haa boen generally supposed. Experi ments la Scotland by J. Foster King Indicate that.tha rectangular form haa decided odvaqtages, aa It presents a larger aurfaee at the lod line under all conditions and requires a, smaller stock and working gaar than curved shape. With sufficient tire the nar row blade la a cftVtiv aa the broad cme, wall It eaa be set more rapidly, WOMAJT RIJEOIf CHAPLAI. ' " . ,- ; . .',. - :r ' M(atotae a)ailaasVxtaaaeaa 'eus-MMl awttM "aa !b- The only TVaBaao .Twrtd ea- 'L, twm May Preataii HvmXfr ' Wyotater, ! mrmmmw an,d aha perjtsefs hi 0WW with a teal that ia weiaar siM'tnise, Sho - g't " TT? frT SSTt-r ot over' a prosperofakfhairtfc. byit se sees her. duty" He amotf tM veva at iAra- mle and has 'eb'oaea iaat.aa her field of effort, report tee Ckloptr icle. v' Mrs. Sloseoa. rtceir grto granted to a worn university, where she w years after she had ren ter's degree atlliUsdr igan. , j ' After graduating professorship ofiG'k college, Nebraska,, aiv 1891 to Vrof. Edwin k f eaaor of chemistry, aCJ of Wyoming" in LaranV In Wyoming the1) state penitentiary kept without work' c, opposition of the' tratifc, thelr employmaat. Menj tbe saving grace of work; to what part of tha coromv. belodgi oon become thrown o their balan.ee. That happened tu.t prisoners, who got jnto a peculir morbid and unruly condition. It was In that frame of mind that , Mrs. uiosaon codcmtkj tn iaeawnioi(- tbe aataoriUe permitted her to put InK practice. She arranged for 'a aerirs of Sunday afternoon talks and experimental lecture by tbe pWfea bo of tbe university. be herself gays two lecture before the eoarlcta, a&d when tbe minister wao' wa'(a3tng' as Ae chaplain left -.he town the pfieonera petitioned the governor id appoint her ehaplala. 'lie icceded to the request, and slnee July 1899, aha haa .filled tbe office sot only to the satisfaction of the authorities, but, What ia mort important, to tbe satisfaction of those who are the en forced members of her congregation. The prisoners' number some 220 and constat for the most part of young pien win, iiuvc kuiib whi truiu u npiriv inw aaveniuru sua itave gov into irpu- VX - We either thrdugh drink or from get- m oltn.r tlirllcrfl ArlMr n, fi,n tnt4- ting the brand on the wrong cattle," as cattle atearing la euphoniously re ferred to by tbe mta themselves. toutiiiiar to pty mm wr. . 'A Bervous bridegroom, after be bad been married by Rev. Charles ,M. eldoa, of Topeka, searched , bis pockets' hurriedly, asd then breath leaaly declared that be bad neglect ed to provide for the elergyman'aWee. "Bat,' be addW, brhtelng uV"I . II, ' H i AUJ.. HERE'S A StiPtff " . Uael ovoryday In ovary borne. We selHotaoMt.fti)d H'e alwaya (reah n,l lm ftfaVtllvYiTaaklrtir tor usa ,. (ajarKO or email qnanUtiyi. Canning Soason, ' We want'to furnish all ihn.artjmr you neod and it will he to your ln trreit to call. Our other staples aro ol eqnal excellenc). T. HIRST Tzsrrrrr: Headache F t Klality-flx oat.ol every .one acnes, uvnr nan oi these naTe A harmless retnwly thatcoeta nuin lorariuuonug. AMERICAN I HEApACrlK POWDKjK Are a nnrely s cieatjSd are aaratlen that caret wlthaat the pOTsioimy QLoaraa. neaBt. (nits. PrldrSSetale. . , . ' v?' Strtgstaokn'c - uH?jri & fMilHJ'mt- IMW 7r ;fr' .VasWaT.- .. . .rr-TBBBBKlffitO? i rTMaTlTn JElR .-,1 iiTrfmW . uf Jb. .fi. miBt' &L.' . -Sli 'BBasRsas' asBaaeasssBasaBaBa)UBBlBM aBfcfcc. i'n 1 1 null iiiiiiuMWiiirlsnliiiiH'l wTmi i STEAMER II A H v-a. Igsjjttg rpulr trlpfai "ly?!F.7 vssfjjiirai rrwiBjnssefii.jB; F. A. LAKE, kml, MtTSllillkJ. iiii hi tail 1 1 tui m.ii.ittl.M i i Hni nmmi lal HM a HMalMlll ! HIBBBlBBMHd i Time Steamer flyer LKANRfi, Marsh Meld, 8 aim. Empire, 10 a. in. Marahfield, 2:30 p, tn, Empire, 4:30 p m. Pare froni .Mafjijifield to fcM4''n Hr , fJL FOR YOU. The piper for you Is tha West madei the prettiest and moat tasteful, Art Is a familiar Irtend to every school child, and tho borne walla should carry oat the . teachings ol i thescboolr Ifynnwant arttstlo designs, good qualities, and reasonable prleei, you want 10 see our wan papers C'-.apHWSON UrilortiEurnUurrtSte a K-yWt hamlred- Bee inem at lreUt little and actaal,. t I I ?,; JX to ia,e aaa prompt ia ie- I -. ' x -, i SMf.rrJ mnrwmwm, wt'tj mziji--, n -i 3 v$L ptnH k :a safc. 3f jsbte fwlilBaBr . a fflBBBBanaBBBBBaaar, HSm M ifi -riaaWai rasskeaaVfaBS't 7-r'-! t . tmmjmj .ft.tt.. (f twn t jhi ; rrrt( . I .1 ) Table 5teafl0rB,alK LAVaaS1 it mplre, 8 a. ti s Marahfield, iorto. Empire, a( p. va, Mrsh6ld. 4 p. nn Empire and rtnta 75c. " 'SaWBWBBBBlBH.' , I ..,, .... milHHHtllt'H- 'vv -$i t- '' ', i ' suaaS' ' ItwataalBBm- A-i. i . i .. i'SBrtwiaBBBBl StJi'-! lafllQsBBBBBl I i V J lkr -wltlJt 'n.'wikrOkn.' jMf. JBBU fWf tmnlkmmmidtoMmmmbmkmmmmmmnmmnmsaw iL TE 'FrFmt- BBiBaiiiBmK TmBStlF' 'flEf