m jjr Hi iy i f i if l. X - . ?! ' ' 4 if EH ; 9 m$ 1 f , 1 trrspba. fc Jj'T). JolHlMt! B&lh Mnftbfleld tf -' aVfclbfcy tomorrow ' feulenriM assortment of Bamboo work . At tho Music, Store. , v , i- r, i V, B., ir, Haikln, tlto FoUtfcv" farmer ciroe to Marsbflold yesterday. IHKn house In jBHfetut. Notice Ufa nd DHerdt hail iMPr '''' - "j iii,1,.1" " ,1$$K At BaccIiY's A Jar of Grcme do Krle in ' . K. Crawford, of fiujnuor km doing 'batlne hvtowa yesterday. & ., . ,, Thobeetla only llioinral you Want, 1 and you. Ret it herc'ABroiler. '"'' ' '' p ," " , Tlio Alliance is duo tomorrow from Eureka, and mny tall for Portland the same day. Voiicam wear anr old clotM fp tho hUFrjuaraile ball ! mplrs on Feb 21st. Itr member tho date. '- iii Lcckhart returned ycnterday by pw4y A brain from ccveral weeks ttay In can Franoltco. ' Full Una ol -10a Alualo at Ibo Mnsle Store call and got a catalog. t'h'oodoro &nton arrived yiaterday, from Ireland lo iriinhN brothers Iia'a- nett and Korejrt, of this place. finow PHft Floiw never flla tqvlve porfcot ratlifQtlD-Vyiiry tack Kttaruii teoJ. Ak Deaa A;. Co. .. "I Dr. Haydon of -Station who hs been pending mveral Jy oi the May pcce to return tey- , ? ex 9-i- i . it-- "awK SBRkt?! r for Ibo Km!; M4rrlo 2tt wtll bo ef v4 RtJwiv'I'lo. ..,' oiei. bupperfi wir nmjiN. 'B " ' i ' ltav!, of Pofik4i wM Iravola . Vaut(Btw aniil yetter p 41 !$$ hi. itn. 8' Stoamer Flyer will call BtKortb.nend for all wUhtnc i.i-tako In tbo (rami ' ; Jlpequeradn Jlall RjTjmplro on Feb. Vht. The A, N. W, Club met' yesterday nf- te'ruooa with Mre l. 'K. Koblo, and , bad o of. the plntst eeesloua of .' o ,.'.BupperwlltlMto;ve.t at mldblgbt nt Kmplro for thiiao . rtm. attend ilw maruiaerade ball oti Fub 2UJ. , WWWIR Wo notu that tho product of tho North JBerid Woolen Mill Is alroidy nn i)U . play iu II. BenBstneke.i'asbowwIndoAs. 'II. 0, 1bps up w't!i "tho tfmes. i ' RMrcoaeopIo vIowj. &X differon! vltra .riCaoniiounty, ut iiilndod,i BtAiiff'a ,rvlloe.(lon. Anv obo wlihloi; vlowa tall nt Uliri'a irAlh-rr. . ...-. - . -.i ry ---. - 'ampkll's. Corner . .? M'QNETOO. 4 GOOD FOB YOU. Tho best Offops aro none too cond for you. You should r-eothf quality of our several brand of, enrftn' that are eultcted and shipped by the r:Most Experienced H Coffea GroWersr,. Every ear Is taken to vrsserye all IfojnKl qhrIUIos, and yon wi ,bny ' good eoffoe bote from He w ilOJ Jior .i ' '' ' - . i .. tWWfl' tlW IKtW J' i jet iurt, ,,'TMlj A. bhhm, kttite Js the' employ of the raHts!; 6, Lerllle, whota employ Mr; A WW Ml Ktreii timber, crater IndulfllBf; 1 a At of lomper not qui? makes mi old, halefal.and 'ugly, hot Actually atiortme hfsJlte fo obviate one of tbeW'HU, Hl. at, tbe Ifroller. Tho Hoaxer BMlvd from nn l'ran km ycotcrtlay ;tiio(nioE a4 ha!1b for ,,Vj . . . . i . . " . mat port tbts morning witu a Iondni 'edalfrOm tho Llbby mine. SUaB.r Flyor will Jeavo Newport! rr.iuKur nv 4 ;v B. oi. HiiujtnoimuiMU ni o r-2 m. All, ))fitiR(!ra carrjrd froo both ways to the MntqUcrade balPat Empire! M1pj Ethil Md Myrtle Boono, 1 b'lmnw, ap vlfrltinK their (liter,. Mrs Wm.' ."Kiti&II, and other friend iu towh. '"'r1 Fresh Garden Sereds and Onion JJets at Campbell's. (luj Mad who 'recently underwent1 an oporatlcn for appendlcltli, ( . sblo to rolurtr'today to his home in Coquljlr, aecompanlod by AVm. fiuzli who liiS bten nursing him. Itoety Mlko'i Dlsry, Feb. 20, 1S03 The adyertismants and blta of. publlel(y that go in tho watte backet ar llko tho proverbial clock in (ho Insane asylum It'dfebt all rleblor It wouldn't bo there. B,:.t !-;::.. -i$;uisnu jiHrqucrnon si iimpirr mo :Ia of, the reason, bvforo Lent, FcV21st. 'Tl! tmltls sivcu by tbo Einplro dunc- uik ci!j acu on aro insured a ursi-cuso tima. Mutle by Andoreon'd orchestra. lYWolIf, who has bceri .working for the L B. K. & E. lit It., has accepted i potllioa with K(f. Absrnetby, e'cn Cineerof. the portable mwmIII wlifcb the latter (i pajtieg into operation abova ,- J Dr. A. A, Asm,- Um faglttvo Miyor of Mlnaapolti, who baa hu arrealfd in New Hampshire, ws iho- Irat city editor of Ik'H Hollad?? Porthiwd Dalletln. . The pepec was' started, In 1S70 and died iu 187 J. Amos . was brought there-from Ban Fi'Mclrco. At - "111. )TJ '"t tkMUmahi was about 30 ycN-ace, " 'rtf ' ..." ' rta remained in Portland aboat sco ytar. k vve. Jiavft a pleasant sreetlnc tor you - - . k . r Wcfeel that wo r.ro furnfthfn you with the best to lm obtained ami .tb way wo serve you will be of the bibt cbnrntcor. No order to email to reeelvo pur beet attcAtlou. piollcr, ' Coflccfotojj Afternoon' Teas , Tho aftormoon tea lea favotlta .mode of onttrtalnins. It la thu beat mathed of bocplnti lu touch with enn's ftiende, as nll ns to introduce, a visiting friend to one's general 'acquaintance; and It Is nlto tho accepted fttth'orj for ilia, rt- aontntlon of a daughter. A feV spiU). points In regard to this function amtf v. cm iu t.o Mnrclt Deltntptor, toitthtug upon tho matter and form of luvitutions, Uio dullei of hostesr, aaslitanta and gucots, and minor mattora; To Press New laws ; Attorflty.Gencral Knox will lose $i time In availing hlnisrlf of thb new law Ktvlng anti'truit suits precedence in the Federal courtB, ' Ho will first ask to have the suit ngainct the Northern Securities Com pany adwaced; so tlia, the Bupreitie' Coert may paae pn coBstii;tloiial, quft- lians Involved at tho Oetobcr teriu; t Del MoRle WareJrtHSt vTh Doll Monta Milling Cs,m; 1.1 v J,-'f wTt" CkiMHi . A.IBBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBBr irafr related by k TbcaT aent jtndf ill orders Itou' 8a Frflucirco T. AV tSiigssCer in here acting: or the c')&4 pahy la closing up tbe business, J; V'. Flariagaavwbo lias been ecthnc as agent! for the 'company, ud pushing it pro ducts or all thoy were, wprlh, will on ter tho employ of L-. J. BIrnplcn, com mencing work In tho North Bend store next'Monday, riT yry Bppreclatlvo judge of meat iya ro glvutliu heart etfeuUs lo bo hudiind w'j'fntendipieverytbtnB In our poyrer to nittlrttah that reputation. , 'Jiioilar. BANDON TO HAVE ANOTHER IfAttllFACTURIljO BUSIIIESS We are reliably informod that a new mantif.icturirjjj industry Is to (r.ke tho place of the Bacdoa Woolen Mills, the Same 'building to boctillzcd which tho lato mill occupied. Tho. diftrenco be wo;n the two. bains that the now one will employ doublo tho number of peoploand ibo pay roll will be larger In proportion to tho number of people employed. Wo aro not at liberty, to announce at present, tho nature, of this now industry, but a;o assured that it Wilt be a great thing for Iiandon. Dac don is blessed with' business nfen who can see tho necessity of a manufactur ing Luriceif tl icnic kir,d,cr.d tlieyare not slow to take thne by, tho forelock. So tbo now bueiness ill be put in opcr Atioa ns coon as tbo old ono is out. Our reputation is behind ercry meal wo serve," wo are olwnys;onxlpug to pro vide you with tlio bvft at B. roatounble coat. . . ' ATTEMPTED HOLD-UB . pF fttAlL GABBIER Bteve Lapp, who carrier tho Mitl on tho MarshfldWanJlsor route, reportoJ when he arrived ia ton last eveaini; ihat- anattesipi-hRd bce,wao to held him up. -, At svItbSitiiMway o his rMtfefTj a mas atepf fnfft'nhe road a bead b NiTtn, hut htSjhow was going at a gocd peeaauuai(ivp9VMf, Alter pasfiBC. Lapp tnrpnd iartdi. t4r.it ehot at the I ' fellow but didn't wfte ita tffect. " - '& .1 " ",ClJft Large supply of fresh Itjaliari Rye, Vetches White and, Red clo.ver. just .receiytd -t-Cp.tVip"! JJUll o WORST. STORM - -t What Residents on Pacific Coast ,.' Are Escaping Iho wholo country with tho cscrp tlbktbf thu J'ucIQb sIoim). has bccunf feeing tills week from atormjthe tc erlly of which can ot ba roallatHl .by thu natives of this favored toctlun.,, A late Chfc-.'.go dlipatch rnyss 'Tho.Who'q country froxn the Atlantic ;lK4r!3-mX I UKAINli fflAUMAUK pLL f At Libby, Or., fiiVAn ...w.. I WH-M-H--H4!H-WhH'IM-WHhH": MMYBMA3!r BJ i i Chas, Deweese" Ant4ri- r jn 1 1 jar b& a YV GMi,CilUU-VSJI , ; 'A AW&H -'!tKHlIIH-KfHli-lll it-n 11111 M finori rviiiQir M.1I1 i-m nrnvirfiarfi Admission, 50 cents LadiesV,fH &&? :' pprat tn- uiikey Hotel bu cents SS! Coist to the western slope of tho Rocky Mounteins Is suffering froas tho coldest weather kbown la February for 3 oars. The bbow i terra which swept over the Kocky Mountain Stales has trarrkd east ;,nd routh nntll it covers tho whole ro, ion 88 far ns New Yi.rk m the &$ and the Gulf States on tho couth ith. 't, i$ - - 5d ;rJtak:, ' Beginning in Wyoming and ". where cxtreate cold and deep enow have cauied great loss of livaetoctroa thj range, (he stornVcxtendcd gradually nil- til kanofls is under a foot of snowaad Jiat tcmperatnro below zero. ''Oklahoma has bad snow to take tho plaee'of rain, and Texas has sbkhv a foot deep, In the far J?Htk west, "near tho feoaqdify of North Dakota and Canadn.WJllhtoti is the esldest place f tbe.JJnlVt Elates, with tbe temperature 42 deg below aero and tbo thermometer registers from 20 vt av LH.-1U7 uii iiiiuo)(BiiiiauiiiHiio lint, The snow reached New York last night when four laches had' falleB.' f oUowJesg. closo upoq a sleet etogra which liiil'uj-? V r 4, r w moit stopped trstBc.. lliB Weather Burceu predicta.W,jxoff,&nd rxtrcmo ojiu ior tun Tvnuia vavibbuo uobsi. xno Si mo conditions- prevail all aIonhe lakes, i: vj ' The rSth is just escaping from Mods duo tdjetivy raiarwhfch extend fr?m .LonUvIllo routlicaajt to Georgia, Cjoly to fall Into tho tlpf tbef lit tercet iiorm of the WIrilii'r. Trains :SdclecTaph lines, are.' earalizcd .mw re - .iav . - . . -r 1 i.Tii -. r v - 1 SM 1 all'tnrotign tbe "West; B4l.t'a)yc!lis street-cars run frr'tjUt'difflculty. 3wr ri. ' '"'..V4 .am " c ". r? " tmr ".ftji ir - ,PH, -if SERVICE "lijpbfrt-iThe 1st bat. ' If, tba Joarteenth in- rt"?VByiia today for San- e thoy will sail on the for tha Philippiaes.? i ' ' 1 1 tepj! ftery Slock E, J, Coffelt has accepted the agency for the Oregon Nurcery Qpm pany.pf Sajera, Or This firm hsw a large tp;ly, of . tbe meet reliable ;tmuif 'BtocitfvV.the lclfic coaet. jThey gaarantill,w6cV true Jo namn. This conrpkty Km nurwti9 atSklem, Los Angele Mil rorth Yakima, It wsa establlr-hed in JMT AH Bonds Knsraateed" trap to lbt orjuioney refunded or BtocR replace free, 13. J, Coitki.t. . ?iTarshOeld. Oregon . Hostfetters Bitters. "hi, 85" Cents NELSDU'S Feb. 2 1,, 1 9031 hv thA " . - v..w ,, iSSHLsssssssspev 4ABBBBBBBBB 'M 'mm -LHiaBBUMK t4HHHp.n 'j . . ? 4rt5;!- NO I A WISE WOMAN' . becnare her health, eoWort and beaaty ritrirtfrli nfUtev Oa Ihrim. A ' X- nmluatlcn b'y the dentSet at least twice h year f a secetsity. Pr. Prentis Gives Ik MUsil TuikitemiSkWtiCm ' atd his artificial : tf?th cannot be die. llngoishcd from the -natural. DRA;.tlB. PRENTIS ' ;- .jiXISTATfilAtlAfN s)6 mcnUamJi salles from Marb field i:aojwSTovftieBt. Moderadj- IIoww, W'H - '; Aw?t0Hili,&Hitu. - '" . f . .r !in oiCTTnewDarij:., ,Mjri-. .. ' i- -iff . .: v,a 'ct..! tm fc-jBt. -, wm- iv BLUE "PIINt MapF . Or any IowbMjIp ik- Koetnr; Ore- ' gon Land Dftf riet?.hewfMc all ra .cant lande for 69 csnta eaeh Ifymi want anv :Infortio frsi the IT S. Lud Offlce, a4dres. TlVtK GCABAKTB &TAkV Co Koebrx, Oretoa "rv; j California IIojbmI i clear, to trr.00 lor Jiarrtism Bdjt for UnMmyig-Jm, T t imoand tlkltw, taBot'B, BSMHia4tI. ,: coma J. - -. " ?A PieasitngProspecti Every, day ynn djne here yon pan onticjpsto'.wlih r.leanrtltc i6ea you will, sejronn reujfmtxjr w:ilh pleftsUrtbe'riieal ycii'itldgt-t. AH &y menna comprise thu heal fod, 1 and it's nil sorvea Ta the lest way alt fer S3 cents.. ' THE OiLEt1.. :, THEWmCS -IV OF FROST. Vnll iftn nnt Have trlf ell' thrcrigh H'O .jafj. thorn, Yo. !;a, Yen iloi-'t want ijiav.e Umi ht'4,Hrtt, vnnr allrtiraiu'.vtan itirtviil. U nmk it bpeiW havoj $po Maler nlliHJ.4 tlir.eucoil lmttfr.'irj6i.-t etneisj' pa v. ra!li!o. IVa vent ta kbavV jebunkon'yoily doorstep' or put ft iu yourrouiubrator. ,Ciss?eyIcBSCIt ICE AND BUTTER AgaU for the pelcbmc4j MjCBAY AND GI-AtJER gK$ i -'i-8aBKl ?9rM' vi 1 V drHssBBS- W nt3 V II , WSIBIBIBIBIBK H BABpBBiflrBj9BPLw4 fcstNy'LjBBr JBiaBJMMMt TC.7 " BSiS' .K4 i&TJ''"'1"' BA5T8TSlfe ;' i ' '' alt ''""Ssf1 KATES: ArffrttxWwtM.ectit)g fire 1b will be terlxl umh thl hlf 3 tinn er? eeatf, or-ijinoBtB foisc. ' FOR SALfiSIx raijeh cowjj, frcjih. UiU sprisg. Apfly at this nfilce. '2-21-2S Aa energetic manager for ofilce io bt opened ta.thircliy.forijrgcmanfi:t" ntln concern. Salary ' One HtuVlicd Dollars per inonih wttra rommIdorii BBd expenfes, Five Huodrnd Dr.lUra cash eecnrlty reoulrcd. L'eJrf.r-B-r-, eccee. Addrets WnnagCrl'.O, Jffst'12t Sbb Fraseisco Calif, 2-1 l-lm- TofiutT Four elegant tarnished rooms . electric light aid bth., Also snit! far housekeeplsj apply t theBroihr. 1 TIJKKIIUK n I am prtjrl to Nwa-ieat SLUM PKINTi 8 oat. ehwrt sssike 4 ,n .tat- to Leakl V VOvsv sjw ,X WBsT HtcLaaWI T.vf-. Vjrvy-M; j n iimi 1 1 1 1 it.i iin itii u i JC4US. fit!SSK iwco.1 &. Pfaaos'"nl Orgawi? ;V' Ji'Sieowi fcad Ftaso for're4rfe T . . . data ttAl ' " .j ...... ...,.,p ..'io, I I. rHIHHlIIIIllHlHl Wholesome' Food. Economical Food .. ,. Tlier k aaore food value In . " .oweal yo et!er y&rtr brtut than treea. anvtbiB vott 0 select, aad iharf"i asuch I'it. This Steam Cooke J J3realifat Food Will give yc strength for yojar la) t p.!Mra ia, the ealieg aad i st fia in cUJ dvote to yon. Tbs wj arelwss you can mak Ut yoar tt,bta THOMAS HIRST i-; eigrdj sod HifSBilas Ky4t !; IMtftwiw hi niswry, tyvm-m mmt- I inHatlili Mm sMialsM. . . .- &?, !!?, -. rrevW.giBaHSs - v ' i - ; ' y .'77 fcg-ja'jiixjiujgLyw ',;j '., :,., , ,. j.,1.1, ' it T fflil '1 ' 1 'II I - " " TSB t ..' -f1" m ' "' -4- - 'ifeiwit j i L M ZJ a1 &TLW iSSz-, Sn-Am f y.TjJsSa-r ly - - .. ff rtf- iSr ' ' Jft " -ii , w i li' if nwi Md . - -1 - - - !iW ' j ; i Oflic hours, t,. iiii 3 .-i j'5 Free deHturv- TosmTM i ,-. - m)m in '. m: rnmrnm ji k m a wOWMtMBBr IjBMti. HlnsjB,.:.S4laB4 iBKSjB '! ? f P tw "Cttsl ai 'J'C.l 4 " M r.i V". I t ..1 j4 " k Is ii V II O'OONNlLIi-BUIlLDINGI V.W ' t .'-. ,.l I) Uu. . .. inuniiTiiiiiu vv sl i i i ri t I'lfirri i I nrr , ,ij ud Ita dlsributiBlKepoidMf, Ii . It . i I.. .. .1 iu.l& &..u J Grand lyiirchat 8:3p p m v, :: ." it J t ( t !.V CartipljtJ.... ill Hi nil 1 1 1 1 1 Hi i Hi H t 4 . i it H mi i I'aaasft A4..f. (ni ih vommnei inumrnnm ,s fy lh expeisirM eeAiV,'')! m m . u a",. Its wareliouaa u .tiannMW i r-T-BBBBBBBBBBBBTn a .a m a i Hi a a . 4.jr.-j . - s .a .a. a l i si sl . I IfelBlBlBlBlBlBW J adBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBWl . TIBi H ( Rf '