MarshiWs Fire Co. ''jHlMBBWBWBwfl BBBBvBBBBBBBaBBBBBflBBBBBBBB ibbH BffaYBViVanVaVBViVanH 'bLVB H H 'bYbbbLbbbH "bWbbH H yBYaYal ' bYI bwBbwBbVbbbVbbwJJbVbbh bVbb I The "Broiler." N till itwllt commercial age, the modern cafe I n boon to mn'iklnd, ml linn heenmo thu n.ont popular retort for mutt ug thu wnum of I tin Inner tnnn. ItealixluK thin Pint knowing t lint tlmtuwasanirhtt in Marahfiuld lor Juit mirh a p'nr. Mr (Iro. N. Farrin Matted thu "Droller," Mr. Farrin has had an experience nf twelve years In ilm tuttnuraut Imw iiit-pc, mid ha rtrnlvril lUlteih g nntku fiom t lio leading Hotel Journal? cf th country. In IKlHl, Mr, Fnrtln letved n harqu t for llmUinnd Lodttu f. 0 0. F. of tal. fornln for which hit received an euuroaf ed vote of tlmrikn fromth (Irniid Lodgn. Mr, Fnriiu tlrn rcr il n bntihiiel lor Senator U m Stewart, of Nivalin o( the Hotel Welbnn of which tliu Han Francl co Hotel (S'xet'M a): "Senator Wm. Stevtarl of Nivatla Man tendered n liniiii)t at tlm prlvntodluing rii'in of thu Hotel Welhu, Thnrtday ever.iug 'Ilm way tin tnltha were set nml ilrror ntcd rellect groat credit on Steward 'Ueo. N. Farrin uml putlilm in llm front tank of the leading caterers of tlm country. Senator Stewart r trn'rtl Mr. Farrin with a beautiful testimonial in rrrngni t ton of hi ability In condoning tliu bate iiit in such an ablo manner." Mr. Farrin served two seasons as S'ew nnl o! tlm Hotel Hnlleuhei-k. In Lis Armeies, which wiunllhut tlmnlhu lead ing hotel of that city. It will tin neett that by till? special coi.rcu of truiulug Mr. Farrlu ban qualified himsell for his chosen vocation. Mr. Farrin is a staunch believer in I'nlon Labor, and employes only tlm moat com'lant whllo help 1h Droller makea n rpeci lty nf oysters, and ia tlm coin ngeut of tlm Morgan Oyster Company's Standard Shell Oysters. Tlm success ot "Tlm llroller" haa far exceeded Mr. Farrlu'a expectations, ami today thla abort order house and roatur nnt enjon a largd nml growing patron agu. Mr, Farrin being a thoroughly competent rcataurnteiir ami knowing how to cater tlm wautn nf the moat faa tidious, koeps abmaat of the restaurant huslti'sn by supplying his tabtos with tlio best the mitkut affords, nml bin natrons can rest amured that, If theru Is n good morsel of food m be bad in town, it cm bo had nt "Thu llroller." This in odor n calu ia open day and night and Is appreciated by thu citizens of Mtirshfleld. The find volunlcur fire company in Mnrrdifluld was organized in IBS! . with .1. I), Oarfietd,tumpornry president, and 0. II. Merchant, President: Hilly Dnub liutr was Forumnu, Jim Ferrey, John Norman, John Hull, Andrew Nasburg, K, A. Anderson, Dr. ('. 1). dolden and eight others wuro charter ummberp. Thu first meeting was held in Ilia rooms over Dr. (J. II. (iolduti's drug store. For this company tlio town purcbared tlm hand engine "Jumbo" at xuoxpenio cf eighlein liutwliid dollars and built ihtceciMertiRiti the street to fuinbh water. The engine nnd ono of tlio cis turns did good work In tlm Ilagelateiu firo In '88 Old timers Hill point with iirldu to tlmtimu when "Jumbo" stood between them an i thu Firo Demon, and mully ren-nt any Intlnuittlou that modern apparatus Is mnreelllcient. In IH'.ll. the llrt flrn company of Marshlleld had practically diehanded, '4MSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV9aaaaaHf3 B vZLLLLLLLLLLLaLKs.! TOaaaaaaaaaaaaLBr 1 llaaaaaaW)' JaVaaaaaaaaHA it "' irlaHalsSaalaal -LB iMaBBLaHflLBLBLBLBLBB'HaBLH BaBaaBBflP BBBBBBBWaflBnDBBHSBBU''BHBSaaVBA jaaaaaHBair bbbbbbhC'iIebbI RBHslaBuX asKL SBnsaLsaV : ' ?Wi i?OTfc BBBBBaHr VJBBBBBBBBBBBI . ViiC.') C9m2IBTBhi IH SBBBkBBlBBBflH. JSBBmTW BPnT frXnBHI 4amr BVBSBBBBBBBBBBf Bk !20Sa bBbbWIt1 "BbMbkbBbbBbbBbbBbbBbbV " '.Bam-' WVl IHk' bVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVa BBBbV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl. A' HbbIf Marsh field Cash Meat Market d'nt, John Snyder Jr. rerretary and tteaeurer, John llerron foreman, Win. Cox BHslstant. Hook fe Lndiler Compnnv; K. L. C. Farrin president, BillloSmflh yice preai. lfn, J. J. Kronbolm Jr. serretury, (.'. F. McKnltdit treasurer, J. V. Flanagan foreman, Archie Kruce lat assistant, W. I. Dungnn 2d asi-fstant. Coos Bay's Commerce. Figures for 1002 are not available, but the commerce ol Coos Day for 1W1 Is given as follows: Keceipta Ti-ns. Min-elluneous freight l'2,'U ShiptiMiOtt Coal 70.0GO J.nuilwr (4n,ri0 000 feet, board mea-tute) .'W,88i Laths l,4.-0 Mntchwool Vl'J I'ller, poles and spars 4.07H Apples rnd potatoes 1,'HM Duller ami ihee-w Tfoi Hide and leather Di !miiIo and hogs 274 Woolen good 13S Mhrsllautoui 2,2 COOS COUNTY COURT HOUSE, Coquillc City. 'BVflBVflBVflsVMsVfllBViViViViViViViViViVS P bbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbBBBBB1BBBBbH BBBBBBBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBb2 sbhBBj F, P. Norton's Store and on Anitutt I h of that jear the pre eeut Fire Department ras organized in llieulllruol tlie-CoaeJ Mall." C. W. lMterrnn wuk tlm flrxt fl'u chief, with Jim Hill art-Mant. Asniesuttof this orgnnie ilion, the town has phicIihhmI a modern f tea in lire eiiguie, four huso carte, with ample hose, a hcMik and ladder tmrk, and erected u buildingto houtetheapparatua. The erghm ia kept in rendlnem at all times, nml llmono hundred volunteer flrumen are well drl'led. The orKnlza lion ia one that we may well (eel proud of The piuenl lire department courists of (our companies. Thu full mumbof vhip of each company is twenty five nml encii ha now nbout twenty members. Kich company elects two deh'frates In i central board. Of this body F. M. Fried b-irif ia now prerident, August Far. ley secretary and Win. Nasburg treamrer. (leorgu Ferrey U lire chief and W, 1. Murphy, nstdstnnt. Thu olllcersof the different lompauies ar as follons: Enginu Company No. 1; W. A. Toyo preHidunt, L. It. Hoburtson vice pruil dent, Uonnott Swanloti secretary. Ceo, Wlticheiter treasurer, F. M. Freidlwrg foromnn, Aug Fntiey assistant foreman, Win. Uhapmnu engineer. Hoeo Company No 1 ; 0. K. Nichol son preeidunt, J. 7. Hall vice president, A. U, Campbell acting tecretaiy, Geo. Ferrey treasurer, Otto Schotter foreman. Hose Company No. 2; Henry Welder president, Frank Denning vico preei Totol 134,0111 Number o( ve'els cronslng Coos Bay bar during the 12 mouths: Itiround '281 Out hound 27S Total :,wj The vlueof the exports from Coo County for HXll is oh folio n Farm product?, collecting of wheit otp, bartti', corn, peas, re po tatoB, hay, beets, canote, b-aue omoiiH, honey, yrara ured, liojia mid tobucvo $ iflO.KXi Fruits 20 (KK) fcjh'ep and wool lo 000 H ga, baron and lard 23,000 Poultry and egs lo,W Ibitter, cheere and mi k H0,(KXI Value of cattle exported and i-otmimed 70.WHI Lumber, 60,0(X),0(H) feet, at an average ol 111 per M 60O.OOO Coal, 70.WK) torn", nt t3 210,000 Canneil salmon, 1 .'1,(100 cases at f 2 60 32,500 Craubriries 1150 Iwxes, at $2 50 2.87." Total l,:iS.'i;i7o MHbbW ' Vbhh AbBBBBWJBBhBBMBBBbp BbI I'HflaVIHBpMBBBVBBBl Bs4LgCJSBBBBBP P. L. Phelan's Residence, West MarshfielU