Catching Slough If a rl 1 give Herewith i view 01 mo iwngnsotino iniiucun I W I ""'', ,,y ult. '' "'" "" ,',,, t.,Mc,,lnii hI'hiuIi romo noiwoun numner nni ,w tritinmm. i u iinpNr linn of thoso swift ninl romhirtnhlo bo t with Hit aim-In nnii row bo it which did hII thn llifhi IhinI- nesa on this ronln n low yeri two, will furnish an Indication of what on bo done by on man of nnory mid prugrfFivti Capt. Hnrrlacnmo to tlm IU from IIumtuMl, vlth hit tun HKMBff "Cnl N Q I Ik I j3mBhH9k The SumncrBoa's, ilv, In July I8!'H, At Hint tlm tho routo Irom S.imniT to .tfmnhflold had been a-rved by it row-bo it running nltont threti tlmrs a wck. Cup. Harris placed on tlm lotittt a stern wli'til tfillnu which lin had hrnnght from Humboldt. Nezt rprhw ho rnnteit I.. M. Nonius lints farm nl Sumner, And com menced bringing hi i milk to tho crauierv. At thai timo tlm Catchlm slnugh rounlrv was an 1 vl ti wc IS can of milk n tiny to Hm creamery. My furnishing latitfiti-liiry delivery fervid nnd giving very iun.urge ment to tlm hniiiRlry, Citpt HitrrU at onro lucrnaed this output. Tlm fnllo'ving your, lK)i, tit) launch shown In III" diii-IIT picture wit- hu It ntiil pl.uvd mi tlm route. Sim nerved llm trade until tlili summer, In r if or. f miter mid tunc 1 1 mom commodious craft aa ordered of .I din IlloinqulM, mid ahj win place I on tlm room thli Full. Hm oMttr boat WKi repaired hiuI will ho nl mod in handling tlm lucreardni b.miim.. Tlm lienellt to tlm traveling puMlo may be Keen from tlm Net llm fnro on llm gasoline li hut 2." contt. while in lornmr dayn tho writer lu often paid 50 ciuta. fur llm prlvlleito of annulling 4 or f hour In a row boat ou tlm way from Suinner to Mrahflitld, working hit paiiago with tho ora n good pirl of tlm wv to kmp wirm In llm mean tlmo Cant Harris Installed a cheese plant nt hla pUroat Sumner In 1101 nnd commenced the manufacture of n high-class full cream eheeio. for which a good market win nt once estahlWhed, both on tlm Hay and at Kitteka, Cal. Thlsi-lirese haa taken Unit premium nt the ntalo fair (or llm lust two years. Koum butter of n prime quality haa alio been made, but cheero la thn principle output. The opportunity aflordcd farmirholthe Sumner andCatch ing alough country, to turn their nl enilnn'p.irtleiilarly to tlm dalrjlng ludualry. Thn out put of milk dellverod to the creamery haa increased from IS cntia of milk a day in tlm Hummer of I8W, lo"0 canaot milk nnd cream, niulvaleut to over lOOcaunnf milk, nUy In thn Summer of 100:', innnv of the fnrmcra hnvlnit put In aenaratora and bonding only their cream to tlm urenumry. Thoy Itnvu iileo Improved their linida by tlm infiialon of butler blood, nnd thu production will hi doubled within tlm next few er . The reel Ion mimed la one of tho richest In Oregon III ita Kriiis-piin.uclnK qualilleH unil la partlcnUrly ell ndiipted to I ho lUlrylntt buhmria. Thn aettlera nrn pro'peroui nnd pin,rouivo and aru luclilied to make lit- innil of ihnlr rplemlld oppnrtunitief. Tlioy km improvlnit tho.r atock and thnlr plicdi, dykhiK In miro iiMr-h l.ind, cluarhu up in m Oollo u, uittln bdiler bulJiiii uml In it Konerdl way keeping up with t jo proceailou ajBjBBJBBJBJBJBJBJHBJBBafSlGL BVY lAVH akHsaBuHJMj BBBBBBBBkBVI r BMI 'Hflll ' If knaBBBBBBBBBwM pHf r!iaal lAABMm ull1 w UI'lBBfaBbBBVW kW'! .iMB''aJBll W tk till A SPbhUI aBBBBKaBBHaLBBBBHHaWI John Bear's Livery, JOHN Hear ban been In tho llvory atablu hualni'H In Mnrnhfleld rhice 1HHH, when ho bought out A. I.n A Hon, who hod iHtnblhh cd t tin buMnusii n fe w yrarn before. Mr. ll'Br'a cnetKy nnd n rlct at tention to the work In hand haa kept his hiiltiuR rnov iik and it has fully kept pacn with tho growth of tho town His (sUblirhuirnt is now thorouuhly equip ped with rixsof nil kinds, kept in first c'afa order, driving liorsen apirlted or gentln to suit thn driver, welhtralned PAddle homes nnd iufact ail that goes to tutku up n modern llvory stable, Includ ing h haiidsomo now henrse, added h fow montlia ago, A roomy wagonette I- perl of the outfit, nnd dining Ihodrlv. Ing aeason many merry parties are taken to Hoeky point nnd other places of inter ot. Tho feed branch of llm buiinvns is not neulecled nnd transient Mock is glv-n thn bent of treatment. A general hauling and drllv-ry Lu IntHa la con ducted nnd several 'nains nr kept con rtnnllv liiv IVod of nil kinds la hn lulled, mil deellig In wood ana coal forma jii impoilHiit ol Mr. Heai'a activities rocx;oooocoooooocx;coooooooc 4l NEVER CATCH UP The htiHlnoM men who fnll to nppri'chite luhertlHlug lire likely to llud theiiiaelveH ho fur behind tho time tluit they will never catch up. II In nlunjM lieller to ndver (lr h tit lit lim much than mil iiulle enouuli. It Ih better to line n little more time tlimi Ih uevoiouiry In the I'omddenitlnti of ndvertlHliiB nod the piepiiriitlon of ndvertlrie luentH tl'iiu It Ih to be ever ho little 1'imli'KH about It.-Siiglniiw (Mich.) KxenltiK Newn. We nilvocote enrrfut nrcpn O ration of ropy nnd frequent O cIiuiikcii. (lit oflcncr tho bet ter L" ooooooooooooooooooooo Corner of Red Cross Drug Store Tom. Mtcklcwright, Jeweler. One of llm craftsmen of Marrhfleld who has made a place forhimtelf in a very short tlmo is T. Mltkelwright, the Jnwrler, who has his bench in the wlo ilowof i ho lied Cross Drug Sure. Mr. Mh-klewrlghtisanexpert practical nnd theoretical jeweler, who learned his profeMm In lnudon and has worked in fonm of tho first class ahopt of the wnildV niHtrnpoli. Ho camu lo Marsh-ll-ld in lest Mitch, and made a business iimntemout with Mr l'rouss. proprie tor of tho J'ed GrofB Drug Store, by which hia workmanship is made to hlepd with the jewtlry and rilverwnie department of the store. Mr Micklo wriuht at ouco took front rank na tin ex wrt wotkmiiu In tho lino of watch making, repairing of dolicnto euraical and icientlilc instrumonta otc, nnd has ulieady built np a steady and prodablo trade. Mr Mlcklewrlght, exemplary habits nnd genial munnora have won him many friends. Any one having work in his lino and desiring to patron ir.o a reliable nd thoroughly competent workman can do no bettor thnn to glvo Mr Micklowrignt a call. Pi Thomas Hirst's Store, m w w-r Unro nfThomat llfrt represent" Ill's one of the first business venture - In Marshflold Tho store was open ed in 1800 by Andrew Nasburg in the build ing which is now occupied by U.T. Coleman's blacksmith thop. At that tlmo there was co Front rlreel tonth of A, and the atoro was reached by h narrow walk along tho rntidfUt. In tho early seven! lea Mr Hirst bought in satfHlL. sBkBHaaTsM 3 4m -9rflHp3PJI jWllflWIlH 1 Hill"' teaem with Mr Nasburg, and they were associated together until the tatter's death in IS'.M. Tho postolflce was located in one corner of the store, Mr Nasburg bein postmaster, a poriilnn which he held untlil lio resigned anil was aoceeeded by Mr Hirst, who retained the olllce uutill 1885. In 1877 the pres ent store building whs coistructod. A goi.oral merchandise business was conducted. A largo stock ws carried, nnd a uood tiade was always enjovod. Tho aim of llm proptiotori Lelug lo carry only goods of the moot rellableqiality. Since Mr Nmbura's death, Mr. Hirst has conducted the husines on the established conservative lines. His adopted rou, Milton Hint, was given a good training in the bur-inees, and when Mr. and Mrs. Hirst started for a visit lo their old home in Australia lart, for a few months well-earned vacation, Mtl'on was left in charge of the store. At this time it was determined to chanuo somewhat the lino of buxl ners. Accordingly the lines of dy uoods, clothitijr. men's fuinlshinys, hats, shoes etc. were closed out, and attention is now given exclusively lo tho lino of grrrories, Ihtir and feed, In which the stock is bo ng amplified and enlarged, nnd the trae'e is correspondingly increasing. Marshficld Presbyterian Church. A Presbyterian Church was organized on Coos Uty, iu 1874 perhaps at Kmpire City bv Itev. A. II, Dates, whomiuist errd to it for some two years and returned to Illinois. He now resides in Washington I). O. In 187J Rev J U. II Hew itt was rent to Coos Hay but he did not remain. This Church appears iu tho minutes of the Southern Oregon Presbytery in 1877 but in 1878 it disappears from the minutes, having been disbanded. In 1878 Kev. J. A. Ilanna, ny appointment of Presbytery, v'sited Coos Hay to investigate the condition of the Cnurch then. In the discharge of hiaduty he traveled iiiQ mlloa visited -10 families preached 11 times and found the Presbyterians on the Hay dishoartenod. Nothing further vr done until thn spring of 1R83 when Hv. A. R. Hickonback came, nnd spent a year on tho Ray, living in Marshileld and' revived the Church, but when he went away in 1831 Hi Church went to bleep again. In tho fall of 1888 Rev. J. B. Hideout was sent as a Homo Missionary to Coos Hav. He organized the First Presbyterian Chinch of MarMilleld Aug 3d, 1S30. with 7 members, His woik was prospered and ho reported .'(I members in Apr., 1891. During that vear tho house of worship was built. He remained with the church until the (all of 181)5. when he removed to Whilter. Cal. He was suc ceeded by Rev. Geo. Gillespie, who served the church mot acceptably for about II years, when he removed to Port Or ford. Rev. 8. U. McClelland came in Dec ,1000 and remained until Apr. 1M02, During that lime tho church building was removod to its present silo and the mania was purchased. The present pastorate began June 1st, 1002, and Uev. F. G. Strange was Installed Nov. 12ih, 1002 Since ho came 10 members have been reoiv.d, increasing the membership to co. The Church has been painted and the manse has been gieatly 'mproved and the outlook for continued growth it en-(ouragirg. HHHHPHrv H The D. L,. Rood Residence.