Ice and Cold Storage Plant Rivears' Repair Shop! TliU M ONIIH T thti new Indus! lien complct. diluting theiiutt year In the Coon lUy leu A u'oltl moriiue Co., imorpomlfil Mar. II, 1(H)'.'. with a capital Mock of V',uuu.lKl. Iimllliillon. whli'h Ih owned liv local capital, lilln n limit fell want mid lin nlrnlv. tlio only In operation nine October, shown great piMftliillitlfn miiiI In putting coicldahh; money in clri'tilnlion, health' developing minor Industrie Hint would he lmpisihlo Inn for colli storage, flll'illtlllN, While tliitroitMinity Ittcor in tfd t on March II, It win May Intfiirn contrujtloi wnik ntiiilly commenced, duo to tlio dilliciiliv In obtaining 11 suitable location Ftnin Mmv I tint wnik ummip lively pushed alone through rain or thine, hut owing to the coutraclorn (or the mnchliiciy fail' I UK In complete name no tl n it whs not In op eration ii tit It Oct. Id on which date tin plnnt was liirni'il over to the company The pin tit cnnMsM ol 'J III lioir-M'powi'r tubular hollers, set In iiinonr j oim :t(( horn-power en nine, mi I nun 120 Inn ammonia ciunpriHooi; together with n complete water distilling, anil piirlylnu apparatus. k ifft'lar' G Ice and Cold Storage Plant K N !; U A I. KepalrShop.ChasWvears Proprietor. Fro'itHt., Marshflald, Or. TI1I1 business wa staito I alio it three fotHHei and ha grown to an extern slvo Iriaind". ami far beyond the expec tation nf M. fact Klvears'shop has become n lioiiMil'oltl want ith many, as here ik Hit' place the IiuImuI nnil housewife irn when hii lltll" j'th i WHiileil in the way ol repairing furniiiiie, or havti'tr (Inn brackets or woodpolisli. imtdoiie, Mr. Idvearti has nil t ! work lie can do, and in the near luliiro will put In oino ma chinery to eriHhiH iiim to meet I lit Mrgedemnnd, One of the p!eci8 if wot k ricently completed hv Mr. UivHain. wn Him cabin work on V. 8. Wlfeler'a uailine Intinrli. This work speaks for ll-elf. No launch mi 1 hit hiy has a cabin in which till Hy Mini iieaiity are no charminuly combined llnnj" wood, polishim nntl ttildintt dwe up in the b-t style of the wood wot kern art lend the cabin a laoiy which must tie seen o lx appreciated. V hen in need .( mine nice piec at inlaid work it can lie tinned out in ihUphoptn imr f'Otio'i. A full Hock of tare knurle In all kinds of wood always on hitiid. ThttfrtiiNc tv of the pliilit ht '.'0 Imiik refri ueratlou, of which -I loriit refrUcrnilon In iitlll.i-d touiatiftcliirt ice; tint lmliic iifedfor cool 1 11 u .'llt.COl cuhlu feel ol Mpiott, fiirli uptcit t eliitf il vidnl up Into room riiilnliln for various pllrK)HHI, uch M iiit'Mt, t'Kif, fl h and hutler mid k pt at teuipernture vki.viiiu from rem to ! lichee, Fnlireuhelt, Therti In nlin 11 r renin try nttachctl which i modern and up to tlale in every rcepfcl, uhlch ti-celvea crcitiu from I hit ntiinlilfirliiK ritiiclieN The hfHl of billed lahor and the urrnteNt care and econouiuy lire used In tl.e man rfneturn ol ft n hiiller 11 ml wiih n ery trn lllyli'k' npiili re Irn, the faimerii realixliiK liellef price for their linller fat, and the public ycilliiK n cop 11 lor nrtlcle. Throuith iheenuri.'it tic nml- untirliiK ef forts on tint part of Itn tnuiiHtfcinciit, the company ha rtc veil a larue contract for fri'.luit HhIi nlrn a contract lo lit" jr. crahi nml cliitne. Thna three new fie dustrien nrtt rendered posflhle, nod tl mm Hii(.s of ilollarn ant hrouuhi into the couif ty, all ol which help lo build up tint town and cnm.nunily at larue. It la no exnuuern llon to ray that thlt company have the neated, nml hert equipped plant of it h nlrt on the I'iicIIIu CoHHt today. Tint JJompany's ol tlcerit nre: i). II. NicholNon, Prim and Maunuur; I.. .1. Klmptnn, Vice I'resliN end and J. 0. Mer chant, Secretary nml Treasurer. ;IIHI -M-f4-r-M-f4-r4-44-444H H----M44-444---f44---r4-t4 f44-m 4-H4 -f4-H-M4444-f-f- : rftfwkr'ftT HE Kerosene Lamp Not bad, not bad. Except the smell, the smo'cc, the rushing the can and the trimmin' of the wick. It's all in a lifetime, yours too. You doubtless remember b:ing propped up in bzd with an exciting book and to that point where the viliian was about to grab her the darned old lamp went out! Cold night, oil in woodshed, you turned over and went to sleep. Many a good point lost, many a gay time marred by the idiosyncracjes of this chattel. Safe to say it never recovered after Mrs. O'Lcary's cow gave it a kick. Jl F it were daytime and degs we 'iMiH wouldn't say a word, but at night, when the cat stalks slyly forth, you need light; not dim, dusty, dismal light, b jt brilliant, blaz ing illumination. That's the hour of our triumph, and your hour for careful investigation if you don't use our light. v Steamer Alert. ; AL things being even Thioiii-h thick nml thin. entiiMtiopliy or num. dollar ortii i.iMiimlH. REMEMBER This: "it illicit Imvf been." BUT hy limine; your huiifc wired IT ISl 72 Avoid all danger by using electric lights. The safest, best, quickest and handiest light in existence. Marshfield Lighting Co, JPKHU. m. rKitiumiKtjr, uwncr. ! . . . "r S4-M niiiiiiiiini 1 1 itti-4-ttt-rt-ffrt-4--w'44-i--tM I fHttum; Tbii well equipped liver steamer tli-H between Mafhhtlrld and Allenany, the lat er point ieiuw; at the head ol invitation and tide-water. 011 the North rink of Coos Itiwr. The stiomer Iihh recently been re modeled and made burner, ninkiutt it the largest and In si of ile ce runtiiiiK on the riier. CaptiMii Kd wardfl has gained an enviable reputation as t-teaiiiboat en pi at 11, and Kid Alert in bin hands is capable of lutnllinn a lart;e amount 01 lit.citH'w. Thei steamer makes retfiiUr trie carrinic the mail daily, be tween Allegany ami Marshfield. A regu lar established route forcarryin milk and creant to the Coo Hay Creamery ia the piiiK'ipal traflinbefiid ea handling the pro duce for tliOHj livinic 011 the North Fork. The icuular rcheduU of thin boat In: Leaves Allesanv 7. A M 4 MarMtfleld 2. V M. Arrives " U. A. M. 41 Alleanv P. M'. Thoro is n commod ious hotel at Allcpnny mid it is on the Klk-ton-Alletfany ubkoii road Allegany is on the road to (idden Falls a place visited by many who admire the beautiful reentry at this naluinl water fall, a view of which will be- found in kn ottier column. Ifyou have never seen this mngiiitlcent piece of Oregon tcenery visit It at your next outing. II. A. AN0IIK80N, Livery Stable. IT if eeldoin that in 11 town l.:e nix of Miirshlleld one can Hud to ihnr nituhli cquippida liery stable, iin thai :f H. A. Ainlerniii ihla hatii is Ihu pioneer llveiy biru ol Coom Hay. Throuuh 1 1 it piiiiiHlHklnif efforl of Mr. Audoremt a larue liuelii h Iihh been built up, bo Ii in f -ell coal mid u'i-ihthI livery, mid burnetii hm-iiiifH hna been done, nml Mr AmI'thoo ik now Hu'eiit for Ihe tHiiioim Sluib aker wauniiM 11 I'd other vilnclex iiihiIii hy lliia reliubbi linn, Alt, Aiiileranii ban held the fiont rank In ihe pun In which he ileii'a and I'hhih the repiilHtln of luvinu every tliini: tl) -'0'ileie unl ki f abmtt (I till lIUH'C ill bin bll-ll'Ul-H. If ou want a riu at reiifninbt vatea here ia where ynn can lind one. A tlrt-t-cIhh heataii ia kept nnd ritch work h tiivin etpicinl alien ion. l. W. ISIGGS, Photojifjiphcp, NO N K of th aria come so I'ttar our linnien and nffr-oiimi ax does photour phy. My ia meanH the iiiwir at well aa ihu licit are enabled to preoerit the pictured S"inMmico ( IovmI one, and to adorn their home.ii with pleasing re pr iluctioua of Ihu beet wok of the ina-ltirH. One of the heat reimsentiveH d tlie jirofesnion in .1. W. Itik-jts, a true arils'., though uupreto iliona. yet of high talent and attainment, and whoee. heart is In the work. Mr. Hiu i now better prepared than ever to do the heft rasn of uoik lit reaHnnable piicve. Thin estahliahment turns out pioiurus of the mocl modern up-to-date warkuiMit Hhip and ii the host iquipped gallary in Coos Ciiniitv. TbN ualleiy ban recent ly been refitted and overhauled and has a 1 lead) nt itception room where all wotkeatt Iih examined. The gallery i in the Mnrki buiMiuk. v.N