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About Daily coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1903)
full lif ill mill IiIh renliTM mi viIiiii1 Ic that lip Iiiik been retained In ofllcc from it period ho rt'inoti Unit he can, lilt i:hI r. (eaiTi'ly remember tin ago ni which hi commenced IIiIh Important hits Ice. Gertrude E. Englc. Mrs. P. M. Wilbur. UtttJttttttUtUUtUttii: Whose Ad.? rrluteri' Inl. iihcmii grenl nian.x ailvertlHlug UIoIIcih In fart, iihch no other. They mini' In ux fiiHt an wanted, ninl ery iilce and handy they me Wlniar Milrrllaiiurnla nrr mi Ilinar lilullrmf All. Unit Ih a thing the l.lttle SclioolimiNter never oliNeniHl. or. If ho did. he never lenieinln'retl ami does nut now remeiiilier Milt lie lllii'H the lilottei'H.-l'rlut er' Ink. Thin crltlclm In never np. plleublo to udvertUlnif in your local pupcr irfii''loiiHi'ni'"'"iir'inl''i'p'i'Hiin;i BBBBBBBBBBBB i BBBBBBBBBH bbbBJu' 4,. f'vH il I..-.H, ! .1.1 ..ill Report of School Clerk. John F. Hall. MiiihIiIIcI'I cli ml cmplnyK eight tencliciH. 'I'lii' imIiicIjiiiI rrci'l ck h Margaret M. Anderson. alary of one llimwaml iW.Ut n year. The llrnl mulMtnut nrrin !"' cr llinillh, (hi other tcachcrK rceehc. 4I'" itT iiiiiiith, lln j nlliT rct-citc. HUM JMT IIIIUllll. At tin' lat Ct'iiMiiH. (June lrl) there were In the district of cchool itm 2KI male ami 'I'M lenialc. 'I III1 IMIIIiImT of pllpIN Ittfcmllllg chool duilim Ihc lift year were 211 iiii'im nut lt: fciuulcK. Till' lllllll t OUU K Hl'IpNll building which f iiih eight riMiniH ami a Imminent. Iiiiill in IS'.H. Tin' InilMIng. heating nppatiitii ami furniture Iiiik nwt alNiut iI7.iiui, MARSHFIELD'S PltOlt 11I.V mi town in the Northwest Inn ho little mini in IN HtreeK in lui-t larrhllelit. In fact on the IiiihIiicw utrcet mil tlirougluuit a gnuil pnrllou of the re-liteuce part, tlicie N iiohiicIi thing iw nut I. ami nlenrl iiiiiN can criH4 the ntrci t at any point ih comfortable ui on the crowing. rottloiHof IhcM'Htrcetrt are plunked while portion am covered with Inirnt lire clay from the slack title: of the adjacent coal mine. This ma terhtl Ik red In color, mid pack down Into a Miiooth hard cement, which Ik not utTecled hy water or heat. inakeK neither mud nor ilutt and iIim'- not hIiow any alTcct from heavy trucking. Maridillcld'K KtroetK are therefore the lu'-t pinslhle. Front Street, Tint illMtrlct Iiiik it ImmhIciI indebted- iii'hh of in.ixHi.ui. During tint year ('inline .1 iiiiclfi. (02. tin rccelptK anil dlHbiiwniciit Lbbbbbbbbbt bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLH KBbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH bbbbbbbLH H bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLb Mary Foshay. M'rc: IticciptK County aportfoii- limit HS2S Id State iipiortloiiuiciit tflo m Tuition from mui-rchiilciit pupil tiTil 55 Special Iiixck l"l IS l)Hliurf'iiit'iitrt t'jichorrt Haliirlen I8IH 70 Fuel ami h'IhmiI HiipplIeK 278 Ml Kcpalrrt to building ami liu pruwmcutK to ground- ninl MreclK :MH 55 Insurance 210 All other cxciikc., including Janitor wage 'Avi w The iiImi includes the whole year from March 1WI to .Mine IS. Hi2. GOOD STREETS Looking North. The (Htliuatcil exiK'tiHci foreach month of Fchool taught in: TcaeherH falarlcH $101 W Janitor 10 00 Edvacda A. Ericksen. Fuel 25 00 IliclilcntalH, Including water 25 (o Total for one mouth I'.U CO Nine months are tnmrht each year. The present eorp of teacher are V. A (ioldeii principal. F.llen Iteamls asslst ant. fiertrmle Kugle, Annie W. Hien. .Mary Fo-hay. Kthnnla Krlckwm, Mar garet Anilerwin. Mrn. Willnir. grade teachern. The present Itonnl ix C. A. .lohuoon, Ir. .1 T. McCormac, Frtnl HagelHteln, ilirec'.or, John Hall, clerk. iiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiii; .ii.i.iiii...iiii...... . g fiootl MtlvrrllnluK U the nuiKiirt mIi I oil piilU irn . Yon may have Just as good values as the other follow, but If he tells the public about his ability to do better for them than any one else and you do not he will get the trade. Tell people why It In to their mtvantUKe to trnile with you. Toll them convincingly and keep IcIIIdk them Chicago Dry (Soods Iteporter. The tlrntvlnnr power of nn In Knuurtl liy Ita clrouln (luii. If on unnl to r en eli thr people. umi llila pnprr. a"- ii in 1 1 1 1 1 ii i ii ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1