Daily coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 1902-1906, January 11, 1903, Image 20

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"1 MMKNSK and magnificent IkhHm
JL hemlc-ok abound. I ho following
standing in t hie county, is received from
tty n former iure)or ngtees (Ubatanllaiiy
Raft at Simpson's
N nl So.nl So ill J N . ol
town nhge .euiions I f-ot
2t - i lnsoo.mn
2 2 I',' I oU)HIIM
2.'i .', IS i T.'IUOIOM
M n l'.0 I USD.UMOO)
27 II IS i l.-CMOMOK1
1'S 15 Il I 3.VMU1IKM
2) i 10) OMIHOO.)
SO o 7.1 (Itl.(Vr.iil
Ml A .) oli.i'0 1.10 '
:a i :t.i 2M no i o ,
Southern Oregon Com pan v. Location
ol mill, Kmpire City, U. K. Shine, Sup
erintendent. Thfamill, when in oper
ation, will cut 110,000 feeto( lumber per
day, and employ in and around I lie mill
70 men. The men employe in the
wood 4 will approximate 175.
North Bend Mill. Location nl mill,
North Rend, L. I. feimpson, Superin
tendent. The cutting capacity ol this
mill is 50,000 I et ol lumber per day,
and it employs .'Jo men. About 73 m-n
are employed in tlie wood. Die sleun
tug Columbia, Captain Jame Mu-e, is
attached to this mill. A. M Mnpon
& Co , ol Sin Fram-i-ci, California, are
the proprietors. Tna mill is running
night and day.
Porter Mil. Wat inn, Por er. This
mill (it present shut down) will cut Si),
000 feet of lumber daily. Hxiy men are
emploved at this mill when engaged in
cutting timber, all I 151 m n in the
Oakland IUrrel and Box M inufaUorv.
location of mill, Cenlrevil'e. K.O. Hall,
truperintendeut. Thi mill produces
each working iHv. 23,000 to .'W.OOJ fret
of lumber, 10.IOJ box shooks and 1500
keif t-hook and naves Twenty men
are emplcyed in the mill, but the total
number ol those who aie employed in
the various departments of this industry
will be seventy men.
Bay City Mill. Location, Isthmus
lough, Robert .M 1'ann, Superintendent
lssssKHH4n9iHsDBs rlSHKiS31JffMyS(9S, i l3nSISM!BEtlKl
HsSFiBBBcVwJm kp-aaktjaMajspyptsJiHiw a Ultl C&jiiHiiKiHBvN
tlMislHslssssslissssssssssssssBs jkKBHfly
ssBkL ' ''j: r.uj' '''I' " i2ft& - - tTl?fJsssssssssssssssssB TT' ' W ' ' '' J'!Ns9k
sLKBisMsMsLLLfc?., !EBKf33EKKBKTiBKIRmKKfitbJKHki& . 1KtKbHKBBB&L3tr sA-fij tMtatt wjJsfii . SmBnu
mvrtle nml
veil uttnato the amount
cl timber now
the county surye.utr.
tstimnte made
with wis:
Camp Coos River
This gives nn estimate ol the mer
chantable timber now standing ami
available (or the market, ol thu ojuntl
ty ol 7,7t)7,(XW.(K) (eot. 8ome ol the
logs arc nl immense sUe and it it no un
usual thing for logs hrc light to a mill,
measuring 111 feet in length, to scale
from (our to fix thousand teet, nml tree
are simoti ne (ouiiil that will scale
20,000 fee:. The bv is well supplied
with streams tributary thereto, lh. thu
timber H ea-ilv reich'td anil brought
down to the mill in raft.
Dean & Co., proprietor!. Sixty thou
Hind feet of lumber daily is the output
ol this mill. Forty-live men are em
ployed at this mill and 1.10 in the woods.
The Ploisjnt Point mill and shipyard,
the property of William Boss, on the
Isthmus sloiuh, has not vet commence I
to rut lumber. To sea going steumers
havd been built at that point,
From the abive it will b observed
tlut, ex'-lo litw the PIhamiiI Point mill,
the daily cutting captcity of mills com
tiined is 10O.O00 (eet of lumber. 10,001)
luxes and IS DO keg. Latin ami broom
handles not taken into account. The
total number of men employed is SI0.
The (act that some of these mllla are
shut down is not owing to a luck of prof
it in the lumber industry, but to the
fact that they are owned by stock om
paniea of non realdents among whom
dissensions have ariuu, wiih thu ii'iial
result. The mills owned by lumbermen
and properly managed run the year
around. The Southern Oregon Co'm
mill at Kmpire, with large holdings of
timber laud, is in process of changing
hand', nml tli new owners will undoubt
edly develop their property.
Another large tract of timber land,
the tlneit in the country was recently
liought by Jastern parties and will he
There is still considerable timber land
in the county which can be bought of
the government for f 2 fill per acre, though
it is rapidly being taken.
of i; cedar, sp-tice, maple.
not the heid for ocean steamers nltliorgh
ndjacetil coat;t.
" St' BS9HRF .(trCasHBSkbLLLB
SHiIbV . .itiiiiir1lsi''ri ' t) ?jfS$irsHaftii
ndHlaVsnFKMwf? jsti t SH
spppppppppppBprjEffsBvinBiiussro" MMHiaiiiL.EVfl
iiBPHW Tr"' sflb0)iwlyHiLI i MiLLLH
sWL2i,"v'-JJiJfcsirf-Jaj,KlVl vsWiB isViiiH
Coal coming from Newport mines to the bunker
The country has not been thoroughly
prnHcteil for coal and but few shafts
have Imhmi sunk to any gnt depth, but
It is estimated t..at In the Coos county
coal fields there are (our hundnsl n-nsre
miles n( coal strata. The amount of
coal in such a vast Held can hardly he
estimate!. Alt ihnroal which ha Innm
shiped heretofore from tills M'i'tion Ihs
not workel out two riiiare miles of ter
ritory. Several mines hae tx-en opened
on the b7 that ar prepared t shlcnal
ns soon as rail co nection with tide .tier
Is completed.
The Nwport coil mine, O'egnn Coal
and Navigation Co , has lontinued work
Steamer loading
HMSjf huiMMMaMlMgslsbii t J3WWflLr!iM
UK coal which is (omul In lliew tneni-tircs is iinltorm. The
strata cwlng to position are harder in some places than In
others, but the invariable denomination Is'.llgulte; some class
It ns brown coal, ni'vcrlheles, Irrespective of iinin- onclaturu,
It is the U'st for donicMle lire of any found on the l'aclllu
ernst. It cariies but litllo dust or root ami tiiirniwfll. It la
It Is much iiK'd for that purito 0 on the
during many yean, and thu Industry has
been profitable; employing about lol
men. It has a railroad about three
miles long, from thu mine to deep water
wh-re the bunker is located. Thu ship
ment of coal (rum the above mine aver
ages bOOO tons per month. Slum the
bar Improve merit has proved successful
and permanent, freight nncoal has fallen
more than one-half. Following, Is a list
of other mines now on and ready for
htitlneat: Heaver Hill, John I). Hpieck
les Bros. owi.er; Cresient Coal Mine
Maxwell ik Co; Lillian Coal initio, L. J.
Kimpvin. The llrst named ships contld
vrableoal no a.
coal at the bunker.