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About Daily coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1903)
Mrs. Avins' Store. m i .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH bbbBBMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWpW!!? Major Klnnoy In the head and front of tliu Great Central project. Wlio Ms backers am has nover been disclosed, but that some onn baa placed money In largo quantities at his command ling been amply proven, It la aald that considerably over 100X) baa already Iwun txpendeil, nnd that la probably a fmall itilirnato. It may bo aald of Major K'nnoy that whereover bla talents bavo been cxrr clrcd, tho ror-ult ban been the employ ment of labor and tbu building up of (be community, and that tho experience of Coon Hay ninco be tuned bla alien lion to this section hai been In lino with that record, A largo number ol surveyors went kept in tho Held for several mouth". Diffei entrnulea wem exam tied. Tho st.rvoy of a lino to no out by way of ilm Ump qua and Diain wan bought and tho route looked over to Kugeue, Or., mid the passes through tho Carcado mountafna enst of that point were examined Finally tho route over which the Coot liny Itotehurg and Eastern road In al ready projected to Itosoburg was chosen. Magnes & Matson's lflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS8BBBBBB9BBBBBBBTBSfH' f,j IbbT 'BBBBBJ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBS9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBby JEy This locatnn tin lino on the eaileit rou'o Itolwceulho Hay and tho Houlhurn Pit rifle Hue. which will bo crossed at llose burK. Tho lino will tan tho rich Co iUllo valley and paid through a a ctlon of country wher Immenro retervea of timber lie practically untouched. Thia will provide facilities for dirrcl shipment to tho Kaat of limitless (uantltlea of tb finest tlmlxir on tbu const, furnishing not only tralllc for the road but inntkut for one of our main product;, Tbu advantages of Coos Hay, aa n harbor, nro partially ret forth in another part of thli publication, but tome joint will bear reolltlon. That it la the livat harbor on tbecoant between Hiu Fran clrco and Piigel Hound in very vagutt and doe not fully cover tbu point, a it doe not show wburuiu tho superiority exist, nor hint at thi fact that further im provement Irscn-lly atlaluablo. With all Pacific cottit hurbora tho bur In the main (entitle. "Tho navies of tho world" can tlout In no hnrhnr until they nut Into it. Tbu bar, then, It the crucial Hlnt and it la at this point Cm Biy cxrclr. The government chart and re porti tell tin Hory, though those nro tivallrhlu to but comparatively few peo ple Cook Hay bur baa morn water on it todav than the Columbia bar itiolf and ha had for inontlii. Thin depth Imi bum attained with about half tho work projected by tho government eiiglocera. A north Jtty and n sojih Jolty weru planned lor thu purport of attaining and mitlntulnlrg n depth of 22 feet at low vater on tho bar. Tho noith Jetty waa built (irat. and buforo it renchrd con. pletiou tho depth waa more tbnu at tained, and it has been inalulalned ever since. With thia dentb from a current only partially controlled, no doubt can l.o entertained that with the Houth Jetty built and thu full force of thu tidal tl iw directed to tho channel on tbu bar n much greater depth would bo given. It la a clear rand bottom with no torka or ledgea to interfere w 1th tho scouring ef feet, and it la rnlimatod that well up to 10 feet of wuter would bo attained by tho completion of tho work planned by tho government Further than this, inn bar I an "easy" one. It Is a short straight chiito out or In, a vessel running alwaya lit right angle with the swells, and re ItifritiK but a fow inluutea to cross from rafoty on tho outride to rafety in harbor. Ho much 'or the main point, to indi catn that thia hnrbir la capihlo of nc comr.iodatlng tho ocean carrying tradn. I.lku other harhorrt, it would require oino work inaldu, to fit it for deep draught vessels, but this Is simple matter of drudging aaud or mud from ridges and "Hogs-backs" hero and there. Ho miirh for tho harbor it'olf. The mapa will iliow Ita location with refer unco to tho coast and trariiPaclllc trado. Tho map will alto allow that it la much nearer Halt Lake City than ia Han Fran clico. Tho Mini) wituo a will demon Mrato that tho country to bu trnvtriod by the Great Central Hallroad is com paratively a virgin field, uud a field that ban waited Ion; for tbu transportation farllltlua to got It! products to market. That many portions of thia country through which tho road will pass tiro but sparsely Hitll-M la owing to this wry lark of trantortalion facilities, and oucu tliero nro provided the tolllemenl and reclamation of tho land from a w Id statu will bu rapid, mid tho history of many other such -ecllons will bo re located. Where now immense tock iuiikcs exist, Iwrause cattle form tho only product which can bo taken to market, tho (train Held will Hipplaut the the range, towns will rpring up, uud a mumerous population Mill lc suppo'ted where now only Jackrabbita and coyotes abound. Ami thu products of that scop) of country, such aa reek shipment by water, will reach tho toahnaril a. Coos Hay. Tills is In ilrolf sulllcieuttOKUran teo a profitable tralllc lor tho proposed road; allhnuyh it cut but n crmpnrn tlvuly xmall tluuro hi tho benefits to flow to thu Coos Hay country. Toeutimurnts all of those benefits would bn Impossible. Kven the com pletion of n railroad to a Junction with thu Koutheru Pacific would caueo tho work ln of a mirvulous chaiiuo hero in n few yeara, merolv ty breakinit up tho l-nlatlou of tho community Mko Com Iliy easy of access from thu interior of tho statu and thu increase of population would bu iniuu'iiMt. Tbu manifold op portunities now overlooked by our poo pie would bo grasped by soino of tho visitors who would como. and now in dustries, now mil bought of, would eprinu up. Tho thousands of acres of tillable land now Iving in tho wild statu would bo bought by immigrant)), cleared up and put under cultivation. Tho Inrco arena of marsh, wbiob needs only dvblnir to become tin n:mt productive rddered thnt those experienced in auch nutters ray that 4 city of G'J.OOJ inliabl trttiti would pracfically 'ccupy tbu wholn peninsula. Thnr? is little doubt but a city of that slzj wool I grow up hero within ten years af'or tho cornp'e lion of tho pronoied road. Tlilj would lo4o tho ux-aiini' towns on tho bay as parts of oiio lrgo clt, Tho nucleus hmI center of this city will ho whure tho towuaituof Bangor Is now bid out. Hure will bo the terminus of tbu rail road and hero ship and rail will come tootber. Aa will be seen from tho illua tratiou tho land slnpea to tho water's edko. At n matter of fact the deep water tloes not como to the e3go of tho clear ing, ns might bu InferruJ from the pic ture Ilia perhaps n mile to tho deep water channel cf iho bav, tho tide-lUta extending tcrocs tho in'eivening dii taucu, On thedu tide-fltta there is urn p!o room for thu terminal grounds of tho projected road Any needed dredging cau bu done with eatu, and tho mud re moved will pUy a useful part In filling ii tho flats. That parr of tho situ shown will prob nhly be the bu inos heart of tbu city which will eprrnd over thia peubauia, and a picture of the tutnu ground tak-m u few ean bunco would butr littlu re semblance to this. From thu Bangor townslto toward KmpiroCity the laud is rolling and nil well adapted to building And abjut half way between lies n small lake which will soino day form n charming feature in a public park. Toward Murshtleld it is more hilly, but not so much eo as thu site of Seattle, for instance, or parts of Kau Francisco. The Bangor ami Not tit Bend proper ties Join near Pony lagoon, and it is like ly that tboio two towns will grow toward each othbr until thoy Join, uud will then spread toward Marahtleld and Empire, until tho whole water front on that nidi of tbu bay ill be built up, when tho uiowth will bo inland tin il the whole peninsula enclosed by tho bay will bo covered. . In this place it may bo will to state that much misconception has arisen from similarity of names adopted for tho (treat Central Hallroad Co. and the Great Central Laud Co. This has given many people tho impression that tho two corporations are really all one con cern, with the same object and tho samo backers. In roatitv, wo are informed by thoe who know, tnat tho two corporations are entirely distinct, and whhu their management Is in some instances vetted in the same parties, the capltnt and the financial backing citna from entirely different sources. Tho Great Central Ktiirotd ia in no way dependent on tb Great Central Lind C). or on the sue cess or failure of lit) plans. Too former is bvked hy Ettrn capital, the latter by WeHem. ihe IUilroid omniny is in no way connected with any townsite proposition. The Laud Company is organized for the purp tie of dealinic in totvnsitu property, not only on Cooi Hay, hut at any other point on tho line in Oregon. Thu connection comes from the fact that tho success of the Lind CVh oper ations, the value of its towusltes, de pduds on tho construction of the road, lljre Oi tho Uty tho Lind Co, has ce lected Bani0 as the most su'tablu Ioch lion for the terminus of a great trant pontinental lino, and it- Judgement hat been approved by :sanv men of furgu experience and sound judgement, who have visited tho Bay fur .lie purpose of looking over tho situation. T.ia Com pany then, has aecured a large tract of this land, aud baa donated an simply sufficient acreage to tho Railroad Com pany for terminal grounds, and tbero is no doubt '.bat the terminues will be on thU laud, as it is the best spot avail able (or that purpose. Tho construction of tho road by tho Railroad Co. will bring to tho Lind Co. the fruition of Ita plans, for it will then own tho most valuable townsite on tho sea coast north of San Francisco. That Htatement may bo qualified by saving that it will own what it has not sold, of the townsite, for a .nrgo ortioii of the lots already platted have been sold at this writing. With the advent or Spring ait the commencement of con struction work on the miin line, Bangor property will be iu demand, as man of any experience in suclt matters must realize something of the rise io valuoi that muHtake place oa this land, which a 'ew years ago would have brought but a ttw dollars per acre. And hero tneold taK will ba repeated. Ton year from now wo will haer man telling how cheap they could bavo bought certain pieces ol land for a plug of tobacco, now worth so much a foot. 9HHHHH W T bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbH PVMfeBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBijfl BsBqSbbbbI ' .k',-;xti bbpbbbbbm!iiPibbTbbctI(SPVvj2-' -W ' f -' -?' JRf, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai Sengstackcn's Drug Department. of urns land, would bo reclaimed. In fact, this seclionwotild get itssitarooftho Immigruthn which ia moving ioto Ore goo and which doea not now find its way into this corner of tho stuto. But tho Great Central proposition is somuthiug eo much larger that it dwarfs tlio other into insignlgcance. To make this hut bar Ihe Patlllu ccnHt terminus of n truiis-cuntiiiuntal rnilroad system places it at onco in the class of 'great Beaports, When wo consider what that means, in view of the (act that tho in ru ntime activity of tbu world is fast being transferred to the Pticifla ocean, and tho further fuel that only two other baibors on the cohst can claim rupeiority, wo co ul oucu that thu next few years uro buro to wiliu'itH n development hero to which it Is hnrd to place u limit. Thnt a lArgo city will grow up on Iho bay gueu without saying, and that it will bo located on the penlusula enclosed by the curvature of the bay is equally cer tain. In thli connvctlou It must bo con- HHHhH Nelson's Machine Shop.