Daily coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 1902-1906, January 11, 1903, Image 11

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j P
M 0 N (I tin limner
on different location
In tin h retell of 15
mile around thl hcuu
tlftil buy mill liiirlxir
selected from time to
tliiii by different pur
tics in tlu ImmI flirty to
liny yearn, tin1 prcscni
towiisltoof Ninth Hend ha ever mill
anon been looked uiion liy all eluc nf
people a tin most beautiful, scenic, ml
mitagluu iiml nil until ml admirable
liicallnii fur t lit int rijM Ik t tint iinmt at
Hiiiiin itay In located homewhero mi this
liiirlmr It vim will ruiiHtilt tin gco
logical miii uf Cuele Kiiiu'h nf .Inly, IWU
ami follow mi to tin I'xtriMiii' ' Ninth
i'inl"or tin "lli'inl" yon will final there
about a beautiful a niitural gilt us
"tlmi In hi Might" Iiiih created amy
wherc. At an elewitlun of ahniil W feet
ymi stand among n gmte of tlplcal old
llr from :i to it feet In diameter, who
ii-arli majestically heavenward a If to
il fv tin elements, while at your fret on
will m'i now anil thru a ll-di coming
playfully tu tin suifaec of tin placid
ohl Coin, Looking about, ax for tin
echo of a waterfall, yon lii'lmlil In tin
North anil Wist tin deep him unlet
of the I'jirlllc, with swollen rhrft ami
angr, mli'ii. as If rimmed, casting It
waliTH hluh on tin sandy beech Ami
those sand hills! Till hiII N not of n
xamly nature-u hero I that sand from?
N-lcutllh' iiiiii I'liilm that forage tin,
xaud has been coming ilowu tin Coliun
lila river from tin haircu desert of lat
iiii Waxhlugloii ami cwr tossed iiIhiiiI
hy whiil ami water ilowevi r an thl I
n material ago ami wo me not utile to
describe the wonder of natnie with the
paetle phantasies ami oratorlral (lights
that the surroundings hen htiii to tie
inaml we will turn aliont ami look ut the
commeri'liil pluiheof thin Hunted loca
tion. The emigration from the eastern
mill mlihlle Htatcs towaiil the Puellle
slope has been plicnniullially heay for
the last 15 or 1M yearn ami Is constantly
glowing. Utile did Wo dream III IHsli
when the N. I'. It It. dime it golden
spike on thehleak hill of intern Mini,
tana that an "Kuiplre" could bo built tip
along ItH track In hi short a time. Hut
the tralllcot thin line Increased so taplil
ly that the business of It territory wax
hhiii contested hy another truuscontl
iiental It, It., ami strange to cay the two
Hues or roiul have all the tialllr they can
conveniently liamlle. When we stop '.
coinpitre the country of these Northern
linen to the country that a mini from the
Kast via Salt Lake to Coin lluy wouhl
traverse, many point or advantage lu
favor of the Coox Hay mail can he imiIiiI
eil out, A rich fanning ami mineral
laml, alternately, to the (Vcuile llnugc
and mi unsurpassed territory of tliuher
dairying mid coal lauds In the Cniteil
States will lie iiufohleil to jour vision
in the t'oiH Hay luihl . That th h mil
mail Is soon to he hull! In now ackuowl
eged hy the hot posted llumichrsof the
illfTereiit iimiileil renter of the country.
The civilizing lulliieiice of a rallroml
wllh It contiiiueil (low of liuiulgrutlnii
have long In en I'HtahllHhcil. .Many of
the Htiirily pioneer of Hit early fortle
ami little who with the courage of a
Hon fared the many danger ami trial
of an overland trip from the Kind, have
found their wiy here, attracted hy the
exhlli'.tatimtcJJiiiHtlc liillueiiceH and dl
virllled resource of Oil wonderfully
rich country. While Home of the deserv
ing pioneer Iiovd pasH'd to that foreign
shore from whoso bourne no traveler over
rcturiiH, many of llieiu are left who, it i
hoped, will soon enjoy the fruition of
their early anticipation. .Marslillcld. a
town of about III km people, three tulle
South or North Heinl, which ha hiiilt
up by degrees from a Miiall fld Ingslmck,
now ha many heaiitiful home ami
the Simpson litimher Co., n man of the
world with hi life before him, to con
reive the Idea of building a modern city
on thl shore The Simp-on Lumher
Co., an ImliiHtrlul corporation i w wel -known
on thi roast thnt it need no
ri'coinmendntlon here. It long mid
notable career of commercial Integrity
ha gained for It an enviable reputation
im one the foremost, stiongcst llnancial
concern of the I'aclllc coat. Thl Co.
ha for many year operated the mill
known a the North Hend mill. In re
cent year it hauriiilred iniiny thou
aml of acrei of timber land tributary
to thl Hay mid in addition to the North
Hend mill the Co. ha now a ptroiiK
fora of men ft work, remodeling the
ii -,-f rf W .W"jr " "Z - '
Shipbuilding at North Bend
pleaxmit HiirroiiudiiiK ami il neoiile
with cliariicterUtic fnmller hospitality
extend to the many Kaxlcru liivitnr-i
already coiiiliig In, a welcoiniiig liaud.
Hut North Hend. richly endowed with
natural location. elevated to a couveii
ieiit height with a rtlopiug plateau af
fording good dialuage ami deep water
at it edge. U ilentlned io become the
nucleii of that cnmmcice ami trade
about to be established in Ciln purlioii
or the great I 'a villi' Northwest With
the great national expansion, colonial
pd-sessioiiH and constantly liicieailug
trade with the teeiiilng million of in
habitant or the eastern heiuNpheie who
will date to doubt or expres Hcoru at
the idea that we will. in another genera
tion, have as m ny ami populous cities
on the I 'a el lie Coiiht a we have on the
Atlantic today. Hut it r ma lied for I.
.i.Slirpnii a man or about twenty-seven
Hiimuier. young, aclhe. Mmng, cool
headed, well educated mid ha, lug mi ex
cedent business tialiiiiig, manager of
Hurler mill, ami will begin operating
Hauieon Jan. I t with a capacity of Km,
ux feet per day. In addlton to this it
Is supposed that among the many other
iiiauufactormg plant to Im erected here
heie Is a other large saw mill. Mr.
Sliup-oii now Im control of all the water
front from the bend of the bay to Center-
Hie, a distance of iiImiiu "J't, miles. We
are reliably informed that he will be
gin the Immediate construction of a
huge and extensive city duck or wharf.
'.'Id X 1010 feet with mi approach the
roll width of the street at that place
fm nierly known us Yarrow. This dock
when completed, Mr. Simpson, with
cluirac eristic liberally will donate to
the city of North Hend with theiestrict
ions that the city shall not lease sell or
in any wise dispose of same, also prohib
iting excessive dock charges, the idea
being to give all classes ol people at all
tiling access to dock facililties without
being subjected to exorbitant charges.
The Idea Is certainly a good one ami can
not he too highly recommended. A
thorough system of waterworks tosupply
the city a well a all the manufactur
ing plants along the bay ha been adopt
ed, ami work on construction of name
will begin Immediately. The supply of
water will come from the Kast Hide of
the bay. will ho piped ncros to the West
side and from hereby means of a pump
ing station will he supplied to all parts
of the city. A contract has been let for
a suiTleleiit amount of electric light pole
to illuminate the streets of the city from
the I'orter mill to the I'avlllion, a dyna
mo with sufficient capacity having also
been ordered some time ago and will
soon be on the ground.
Already a force of men mid team are
at work grading the streets. Thl force
will soon be doubled and the main thor
oughfares of the city will soon be in a
most favorable condition. A neat ami
commodious Hank and office building
iVlxKK). two xtorie high will be con
structed on the N W corner of Virginia
ami Sherman The First National Hauk
of North Hend. n coriMiratlon recently or
ganized for thl purpo.-e and hacked
with ample Kasteru capital, will occupy
a part of this building, the construction
or which will be pushed with nil iw.
slide spt'cd. as everything is in rcadiue-s
to open up for business.
A hotel 100x150. three stories high
with basement will Im erected on the
corner of Sherman and Vermont as
ipilckly us men ami material ca'i be hud.
A most charming site has been selected
for thi structure, commaudiiiga it does
a view of the whole bay aboye the bend
It would bea difficult tusk to find a
more siiitahleaml pleasant location. The
hotel will be in all respects a complete
ami modern structure and we predict for
it a great success. Contracts are al
ready let for the construction of about
two dozen houses hy private parties for
mercantile and residence purposes
among whMi is a Dry Goods ami Cloth
ing Store, a Hardware Store, a Grocery
ami Confectionary Store, u Cigar stand
ami u number of hoarding houses.
Iteferrlng again to the manufacturing
enterprises, we are authorized to say
that a number of institutions or thU
nature will positively he erected here in
the near future, hut it is deemed mlvis
ulde for the present to say nothing
further about them. However it is said
that among others are a sash mid door
factory mid a shingle mill There is no
room to doubt the necessity of the last
limned enterprise us there is not a sash
and door factory or shingle mill iu the
county. In this ion nee t ion it is esti
mated that the pav rolls of the different
enterprises at North Head together with
he logging camps in the timber d's
trlcts for thedinereiit millswill average
at the end of the present year about
10 000 per month.
WiththlsMeiidy tlow of wealth, exper
ienced city builders estimate that North
Hend will support at least :t00t) people
mid possibly .mmki ami this without a
railroad, should the transcontinental
railroad materialize in the meantime
our chances ot rapid growth would be
very effectually Increased.
lijB ' l'K9 SIX "' -' . " ;H I I ' lH
BLjll iil&l $L j 1 1 i )Ali ivm nm
WWm Ktmto
North Bend Wharf.
Simpson Lumber Cos Logging Railroad