m m - XVMMIJl'VIHmVJMiMiJkxvwVw IBM Mt-Vmdpgaiwg v")!-- p s'i ,1' i v in r THE OLD REUABLE FBI cGpa charge-' of' the plledrlver, ' ' Plana for tho hotol at North Bond havo been about completed, by P. Tog gle tho architect. Tho building will bo 100X160 (cot, threoBtorioB In lio!sht, thoroughly' modern in uvory particular nnil far'flio finest hotel on tho bay", The Ministerial Union aauouncos that Ml tho principal morcbanta have now grc6d fo koon tliolr atoroa closed on Suuday, and tho matter may bo consid ered tu sottlcd. It la expected, that tho agreement will bo in effect next Sunday, bo you would 'bettor llnloh up your wook's shopping on Saturday night. From Saturday's Dally, Dr. Prcntlawlll bo out of town from Doc. 1st to lGth. llnvo your dontal work dono boforo ho lonvot. d-2 wl-lf. Making POWDER AbsoIutelyiPure WEMISNbSUBimrUTE A caucus will bo held Saturday ovou. 'Rlunt 8 o'clock In 1.0. 0. !'. hall, for tho purpose of nominating two council man ami n recorder to bo voted on ut tho Dccombor elect ton. Kvery body Inter CHtctl in thu dovelopuuut of tho town ehould turn oat and take part in tho -fEK,S03STJLIL, .AJSTD LOCAL From Thursday's Dally. Fine Stationery at Norton'.. bia. Steclheads aro running in tho Colum F. 8. Tow'a experiment of froosincr clams for shipment blda fair to bo a brll llant aucceee. Tho batch froton at tho leo works camo ont in perfect condition and flavor when thaned. A can submitted to tho Coast Mail ns a sample stood an unusually sovcro teat. Tho editor bid them away, bo that tho rent of tho hungry gang would not find . caucus. and dovour thorn before ho could got them home, and ho hid thorn to well At tho mothcro meotlng Saturday that ho forcot nil about them for thrmt Nov. 1C, a Womnns' Olub was onninixcd. days. Thoy wero then still swcot aud whjch will meot oach week. Tho 0(- nlco. ' fleers aro Mro. Marsh, Pros. ; Miss Hernia Shollflsh preserved in this way are, Vlco Prer.; Mrs. 0. F. McCwty, Sec. fflr Illtwirlnr tn thn rnnnivl nm,1.i.. nnil Mm. Rnlnman. Trnnanrnr the flavor is not destroyed or impaired I Saturday, Nov. 22nd, thu Club will br cooking or any artificiat proccee. meet nt tho homo of Mies Hotnla. Topic, lullucncu of teachcra with pupil, Mr. and Mrs. L, J, Simpson wero up from North Bond yesterday. Tho Illanco camo up yostordny after noon, after sovornl days vacation for ro pairs. w . CORN bKKAP, - Tho latest from thn Alllatico la that aho will sail from San Frauclsco Monday. Tho city council will moot on Monday evening Nov. tilth, na a boord of equal Ixatlou, to possupon thonrsciGinouta of property for tho Improvement of U roadway. A. B. Campbell received on tho Signal. a nickle-in-the-alot peanut vendor, to andle tho product of tho roestor which be hoc had in operation for some time Scngstacken ia yetting hlsPony slough camp in shapo to put in anything from a toothpick to a hundred and fifty foot Wo would liko to havo, for our Christ trtn nnmtiAf a rttntitvit l?. ,-.. !.... .... Nuiiiii, w r-.vnt u tiuuk s.iruk , as it appeared at 1 n. m. veaterdav. Thn 8Uor program, consisting ox music mm Kvcryono inturestod in tho'o tonics aro invited to attend. Thoru will also bo mail had Just driven up to tho pout: office, aud Old Bones nnd Aug. Farley 'a 'recitations. Tho funoral o! Clifford, tho baby bod of Mr. aid Mrs. Claud Nolluor. who died nt tho homo on Ifayuus slough at fl a m Thursday, will tako placo from thu Methodist church nt 1 p in today. uog wore id iron. o( tlio Kid Cross drug) Hort'a a lato storv anont Glir'allan store adding a chapter to the history of Science: A Boston mother said to her that old feud of tbolrs. Between tho Uitlo daughter: to attractions It teems as though tho. vou h.d .,.,. llttfl,n(,. rn nil1l, who'.o population and eomo visitors wero havo no toothache." hurrying up tho straet and it looked liko , Tho child replied John Wickland had good succein flth Ingfor silver aides Ihuradny night and brought quite a lot of nlco oncn to this market. the Fourth of July. Tho Areata arrived yesterday after noon with a largo amount of freight, in cluding tho paper on which this isaua ia printed, and wa acknowlcdgo ep ccin .courtesies on tho part of tho Cret and second mates. Cut thia out and tako it to the Red Croaa drug atoro and "got a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver lamots, tho beat pbysje. Thoy cleanse 'Well, mother, if yon had my tooth acho, you wouldn't havo any faith." Bjatou Herald. Nov. J. I). Hideout, formerly Pastor of tho Probytorian church here, died at Los AnyclosCnl., on thu lOltinst. Hu hud many friends hero who will regret to hoar of his death. (ilar Juo. Preusa. Jtbas bcn fifty-fivo yeara ainco tho .first log was sawed up ou the KauClalro, ia Wisconsin. Now the last log baa been cut. Lumbering on this Coast ia jjsually epoken of as of very modRru date, but over fifty yoara havo passed eicco mills wero first run in Oregon and .Washington. (Rosobarg Review) Major L. D. Kinney baa just roturncd from Portland and reports matters con .. ,,,, .. . ., nectcd with tho C rcat Central .ra way ... ., . , ' ' maBpuorauo which thoy aro preparing progressing very favorably. Work a . , , , ., . , , , , . . . . .. , ,, , '. to hold on Thanksgiving Is go ug to be going ahead on tho now bulhtings hero, , .., ",.., ...h ,,.,,. , - ..w K.w.viS. Bi.nu u, niu Ainu ever icuii despite tho frequent ralna. Major Kin .,..,... ,. t ney now has the plana completed for a K(lflI, -. M. ,.,,,.... modern two-story reeidence, to cost ., ,,., 41 ., . ,, . , ,. .m ,,,. it goes. W 1th tho Uncut and largest hal about I3CC0, tho erection of which, on , .,, ,,., . . I ., , . . fhoeminenco toward tho north ado of . .. , , , , . . ,- n .!.- -.......- . ... MMte.nndpwp.owl.ofcnowbowtOKi.t good timo to etcor tho festivitiep, (lift f Itl liDaatilu !... .. !.f ... il.-l 1 m, 1....I... i i T"" """ l'on u .V..-.- w. Dt.U. 1UrK . M wlH bu ft Kraud juccc uot ui ucuv lu ungua aro aiso to uo erect ed tbero as rapidly as tho work can bo accomplished. Regular Sorvlcoi al tho .Methodist church Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 .10 p. m. Subject for both eorvlcea "Tho Family of Gcd." Strangers cordially invito J to at tond. nd invigorate tho stomach, improvo tho .,...,...:, -m.t t ,., . uu,!l ppctito and icgulato tho bowels. Reg- lheDe-toe addition here, will bo u lareire, 25c per box, For ealo by commenced as soon aa the nccousry ti A. K. Kick worth has laid a now wide cldowalk in front of liji homo propeity in Soutli Marphficld, a weicomo improvement. Albert Stemmcrman and emo of the other loggera from the north fork of Coos river wero down yesterday bringing tho last of a drive of logs to tho 'boom at the mouth of Cooa riyer. Including thoso which ftcrted on tho last frcshei about 6000 lopa aro reported aa haying como come down frcm above tidewater. from Bartram Hancock, a Scotch coal ex r pert wai on tho Bay rccontly and J thoroughly examined tho Glasgow coal land, in which Doctor Tower 'nnd Borne Portland partita aro interested. He mado the investigation in tho interest Bort Anderson and Cy Noah havo quit of anEnB,i yndicato who hava in viow fithing, after a successful fcason'a run. ' tl10 I'u,cIiaso wnd development of tho Thoy will co an to assist Fred Noah In ! P'OForty. Ho waa much pleased with Tho town has been full of logom tho past week from tho North and South forks, who havo been running their logs to Lyotij' nnd Johnson'a mills. Wo aro pleaded to tay that they had n very Biiccesoful tlrivo. Ccfiuillo Herald. From Friday's Daily. Major Kinney ia expected in Roeebur in a fow days. The reason for non-arrival of nortborn and oaetera mail Tuesday morning wao tho derailment of the north-bound over laud near Cottage Grove Sunday, which prevented the eouth-bound from reach ing Ro&obnrg to connect with the state leaving there Monday morning. The 'delayed mall arrived horo yeBtorday about 1 p. m. the delay bolnij caused by a lae start from Rceeburg, a heavy load and a cllght accident to one of tho hor9ea. hia logging camp on Cooa river. W. 0. Christensen left yesterday for Jarvia landing on hia return to his homo in Jefferson. j tho indications, rnd tho Mail is inform ed that ho.haa nude a favorable report to hia principals. A young child of Mr. and Mrp. C. A. Nollner, of Haina slough diedyosterday. j It was one of twins and was aged about 3 months, J. If, ihrika, aurvoyor for tho Board ol Firo UndoWitcrp of tho Pacific, hnH Icon on YiYo Bay thia week, looking Into tho llrc-riek situation. Ho Informa thu Mail that ho flnda tho town In raithcr bad condition In eomo respecta, and and many nccdlcsa exposurta to danger Rusty Mlke'a Diary, Nov, 21, l(X2 : irom lire. At tho same timo, ho flnda ' L. J. Simpton haa bought the Chris tensen & Johnten plledriver, for use at tho North Bend townsiteand work wijl Boon commence on driving plica for the ''largo dock tbat,w;ill be put in at 'the iwaterfront. Harry Nobis will .have It takes "rocks" and good advertising to roako a merchant tolid. Jap Stock returned with hi brido from Douglas county yesterday, coming in by way of Drain. A big fat bear made a fatal mistake Wednesday, whllo prospecting around near S. C, Rogera placo on Cooa river, ana chose to travel tho path on which Frank Rogera bad set a trap. Part of hja carcasd was brought to town and ison sale at FJanagan'a. tho firu department in very satisfactory condition, tho Iioeo in good order tho npparaltiB well kept, and tho volunteer firo companies amplo and cfliclent. Mr. Banka expects to finish hia work on the Bay thia week. Misa Ethel Boone, of Sumner, waa ilarohflold visitor Thureduy. Arrivals by Areata Nov, 10: F R Mc Mullen, B F Davidson, J3 Reed, A J Bakor, A J Blakeley aud wifo T W Schotter, 0 Bungrelia. Tho flnnl. To cllmh a lltllo I own r J tho height; To hrluhtor inaku ll worM tor aihcra: To bow tho imh-J nml Hprtail tho llnht; To teach Jovo tor our Biruucllnu hroth ra; To follow In the wnyn of truth; To incet tho i.-IhIm of each tomorrow; To keep tho hopo ami hart or youth, ilioUKli obo ntcala on with hurt anil sorrow; To Irorn our hunltnn to etuluro; To loyal ho, ihouirh othi-ra rail ui; 1o ktcji our rjilrlts nn-cct nml pnru In Hjilto ut nil who may uaeull uh; Umr to Clonn 'Inc. Zinc limy ho quickly cleaned by flrsl V7nhln It with wnnn nonpaud.i, wip ing dry nnd then rnlliln thoroughly With a cloth dlppod in pnrnlllti ami polishing till tho whole Htirfnce ahlnrb. A .S'nt't- fiootlier. Voum; Wlfo (ixietlcnlly) Vou nhvnya scented to li:iv plenty of money bo foro WD woro innri'lcd. Lovh.K Ilushiind It was only ncciu us. I had very little. Youn Wife An4 you told mo you expected to ho rich. Lovlni; Iliiabnmli fun rich, my dear. I'vo got you. .. Voaa Heeolleetlone of '(he IP.yii ha Ilueenke nml riapjnrk. With good meal npd n cook following the'lcB0oiiB nnd .tradltlouat'of tho old cgliuo dollcloiiu lirend may bo bakud kt liidlmi inenl. Hut wo huvu Kntvo doubtH whether It can bo baked ax well In u ntovq.iin In mi open llroplnco: but, nliiH, of tho hitter only it few remain. Tho nnlicnkp, of vourHP, muat huvo nnhcH. They tiro IndlBpcnanble. A run try to prouueo it mint julep with lilt mint. On tho other hum), "flap. JiicIch" need only a well gnmNcd frying imu, hut nklll la required to turn them, Tlmt la dono by pttchliiK them out of tho pnn into tho nlr nnd making them como down llnp on tho other aide. U'ho corn pouo may bo cooked In a utovu or rnugo, Tho hocenko wnn originally cooko&f on u hou In tho fleldii mid In tho negro cnhlii. A nklllet will do well enough for It, but must bo well grenned nt tho bottom. Ho, too, with rcipect to egr; or batter bread. Ah for corn .milling; tho nppllniicfo of n rnugo nro nUmlrn bly ndaptcd to them. Wo wlah noma mllllonalro would lit up n Mrglnln country homo In nnto bellum ntylu and among other thing hnvv In It a big open ilrcplncc, h blade cook lit n Klughnm drcas, with n rcij bandanna on her bend, nnd alio bnvo a half ucru mint bed, nn Jcehouio and an ojd time gnnlen tilled with raapber rlca and gooiiebcrrlen, thyme, aagccur rnutM nnd ull tho ordinary tnblo vegetable. When ono of thono old timo homes nnd gnrdeiia and kltchonn fa restored nml. tho hoNt and IiohIcmh lmvo Cntertd Into pOBseanlon, wo dealro to bo llhlvd na a frequent gueat, with a renem-d aent In tho chliniwy corner. Then nil wo hIiiiII want will bo the tent, tho np. petite, tho vornclouMUPfia we iKMMeuaed when wo could cat elghtocii rolU and wlx t'Kga for brcnkfnt nml conmimu n whole wntermelon ln'twrun mealu. Iui, olau, It would tie enaler tci reatoro old walla and open flrcplacon tlinn to brlnu nacu tho diceatloii nnd atorngo capacity of a youth thnt'a koiic, of n timo thnt' pnt nml never can rotUrn. Richmond Dispatch. THE COOKBOOK. Tut a pinch of btenrbonnto of nodn In tho wnter when bolllni: nalmoti. Thlu innkea It n beautiful red color. When roiudliiK fowM, put them Into nn Intensely hot 6ven until carefully browned; nfter that cook Mowly, boat. Ini: frequently. When gravy In being mndo from roast von I, lamb, href or chicken, tiso imiu iiihicnil or water ndded tu thu brown drippings left In thu pnn nfter tho fat liaa been poured orr. Beforu bnklng a bluellHh tho creolo rooka pour over It n aauco modo from f i cab or canned toumtocH In which cnrllc la chopped. It In thv" baited un til tho llcuh of tho flnh llnkca, ndmlttluc (hu nance. For a quick enko beat until thick four eggH; mid four tnblvapooiifula of Hiignr, half a cupful of Hour, a llttlq cluunmoii nnd lemon rlud; bent well and aprcad ou n linking pan; buko In quick oven nnd cut ut once. Cooking tenchera any that the Ingro dlentH for pnncnkca, frltterH and thu like Hhould bo mixed fully two hour before the batter la needed. This, tucy explain, gives tho Hour a chnnco to irwcll, 'mid tho batter lu better nnil, moro wholcBomj:. nnnlly I'ZxjtliilllLMl, Mr. Iloi'implko You know It Is mU that tho femnlo mouqulto Is the ono that does tho biting. .IIojv do you nc count for thnf ? Mr. Hornsplko Somo man oald It. Kxclmnc. llo liayv Tlicin. . "Did you see any shiuks when yon crossed tho ocean, Mr. SplfkhmV" asked SIlss Purling'. "Yea," replied Splfldns Badly: "I played enrda wjth a, couple.,' MARRIED I.AWI.OR I10WlKI-At tho roih donco of thn brido parents in Marsh field, Or., Nov. It), 1002, Win, M. Lawlornnd Miss Klis.ibolli V. Howard. Rev, F. G. Blnu.ipj ollclatlng. Wo aro promlred a fuller account of tho wedding for toinmruw'o papor. Nasal CATARRH In all Ita stages tharo aboum IA) cJciQllaou. Ely's Cronnt Ilalm tIcDici,iootbeinilbcal tto dlieaied membrane. It euro catarrh and drives away a cold lu ttio head quickly, Cream Ilalm la placed lato the notrll, spreads over tho tnembraoe and Is absorbed. Keller Is Int. medlato arid a cure follows. It Is not drinc-dott not produce miceilng. Large Sire, so oerits at Drut ilitiorbytnalli Trial Blie, io cents by mall. SLY SnOTBZaai M Wanen fiUeeU How York. SSBAUSX Ersi&X'mwwT JLiElWfcml HUT" "K lJPxJ i