The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, November 22, 1902, Image 6

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RSaaBjBMStW., f i (''?' jJf,5JM4iJ3iiJM3ttM
fWPWI. " (m-orrf F W'?W "in liviwb.1 W?wm -TBjJ ,'5RT;T "
United StAtcs Iand Office, Rcsebttrj:, Oregon.
Nor, I, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. s8;8, entitled "An net for the sale of
timber hmls in the States of California, Oregon,
-Nctt!-. and Washlnt!toii Tanitory." ns ex
truded to nil the libl!c Ltnd Stale by net of
August 4, i8oj.
of MarshSeki. co-.tntv of Coos. State of Ore
Kon. Ims this day filed in this office hi sworn
statement No. S6t, for the purchase of the
NWjf ofSWi-t. Sec. 6, KM of Slit-4 & lot 8
of S 37. Tp s.j S, K No 11 W, and will offer
proof to snou that the land sought is inure
vtlimlile for its timber or stone ihnn f.r agricul
tural purposes, and 10 cstalilbn J claim to
mW land before W.'U. Douglas, U, X ( oraJ
Htbsroner for Oregon, m Marshfekl, Oregon, onj
rvturu.iy, me 10 tint 01 i.taiury, 1903.
He nanus nv iitnerv duties' Wljpint.
John Midiribrink. Kiel Noah, of Allegan;, Or.
is YV. Nosh, of MurshrVkl. Oregon.
. Any nml nil persons cUiniitig ndvenlr llie
abovc-dffcriONi lanJii are utjtwtted to hlo 1I1 tr
claims in this ofhee on or tviore Mid tc duv
w , ipea. . T. llKtoo KS, Krsistcr. t-8
Unilra Stntoo i.nnd Oilico. Jtoscburj;
Orison. Scit. 'J2-1WJ3
Noticdts .'icii;by jjivon that in enm
jiliainx' wllb tit provifiinnj of U10 net o(
Consrcisaf Juno 8, 1STS, .titi:lctl "An
net fur 1L0 fftlo o( limt'or Intids in the
Stnleeof Cttlifornin, Ofocon, Nevada.
and Wnhini;ton Territory." as extended
to nil the Public Land States by act of
.of Marelitlold, county of Coorf, Stato
of Oroeon, has this day filed
jn this ollicu her sworn etntemont No.
S62t5, for tlio purciincu of tho N. Y. I of
Section No. 2 in Totvnship No. 2 1 S,
Kango No. 11 V, nnti will offer tucof to
tho- thnt tiio Inml fought u more
valaabie for its timber or ttono than for
CKriculttirHl purpoifs and to ujtabli'h
Lerclairu o eaIiI land befcio V. U.
Doiigln?. U. S. Commissioner (or Oregon
at MnrshUeld Oioroij, on Saturday, the
v.thdayof Dec, 112.
.Slio names ns witneesei I'd. Wiro
Jr.mea Underwcod, . W. .11. Morgan,
Jl. D. Cutiip. ell of .Marshfield. . .
Any and all pernoiu rlaimins advcric-
ly the abovuHlo'eribeU lane's uru rc-
qnctl to fllo their chime in this office
on or IWoro said Oth day of Dec. IV0"2,
J-T J. T. llntucEs, llvgistur.
United States I.and Ofrkr, Hoburic Oregon,
Nrpt. nth. 190a.
' . Notice k hereby rWen tint in ccnuNanee
A-..ll. lM..AUI.tA. . f at m.-.t a
-.AIc1-j.,iC73,iiui)cU "An act for the wle of
nraoer wno in ir.e Slates or CAWonriii. Chegon,
Nendu, and WnUiingtoa TerrHorv." as ex
tended to R.1 the f'ubbc Lasd Statvs'by act ol
Argust. '891.
of MarsbfidJ. county of Coos, state of Ore
Kon, luu thi diy filed in tins oftk hit sworn
Matetneet No. y,U. for tle purchase cf th
.Southeast rjjruf of Section No. jo, Tcrrnship
so Scutb. of Range No. 13 'e. ant wiij
Otter proof to thou thnt the .-nd tourkt i tns.-
SvltMbie fcir its umber or stone than for ngrtcul
tural ptvrpoMs, and to tsublwh I w claim 10 said
4nmj brfere V. U. Do'jkUs. 17. S . CotniiuKn-
r for Oregon, at MarsMrld Oretcon. on Fii
day th ih day of Lfeieiiitt-r. tcst.
He names ak witneskes: Herbert Irkha'rt.
Hiram Wright. Uy hAiub, I D. brnith, all
of MarttilwkJ. 0'gon.
Any ftAd all pcrMaos claiming aWersely the
above-described lands are reuumterl to f-'e tkMr
clainss in tats oltms on or before said mil dayol
December, joos.j, 1. uaiDCts, i;esiur. o.7
Vnitwi btaiea i.and Ollice, Hon l.ura. Or,
v , ' Oct. 1 10W,
1 Notic ta horeby jiiron that in compli
ance with tho jirovhiinnH of the act of
Conurew of Jnmt .'J, 1S78, entitled "An
xctfor tho aloof timber landMn the
HUtos of California, On-ann. Netudu,
c-jd Wfltlibcton Territory," flit-Moiid-
sio to mi tno nii.iic J-nnd btntou by uct
Ol .-U3UWl , JBV.',
ol .Marshflli, ounty of Cook, etalo of
Orogon, has this day fllwl in thia olflce
hid'frworn rtitmttit No. 36bT,, for tliH
Tiircha of tliM SUl-J, of ?ei,v .Vu.
UHinTdwrivljipNo 2i S IianjjeNo 11 W.
unl will offer proof toiliow that tho lantl
roughtia inoro vnlunblo for its timber or
Ptontt than foraricultnrdl piirpojw, ami
to eatnlilifth IiIm clului to caid lat.d liefotf
V. U. DouuhiH, U. H. CoinmIHionfr for
Orexon at JlareblloM, Orcfin, on Satur
day. tho 20th day of Dec, IJ0'2
I1 tinmen ns witiimses: J. A. Sinitli,
0. L. fitnith, Fro 1 Taybr, L A. AuJur
wij, all of McirahltolrJ, Oroyou.
Any and nil poron cljitnln? advono
ly tho nbovc-iloecrll i lands nn ru.iuiir..
ed to filo thc-lr elaimf i;i tlti-4 ofiieo on or
rloro fcald -"J dav ol JJer, luoi.
tt) II J. T. I3k:jiuks, HeSUter.
TIMUElt LAJfD ACT JUNE .', 1878.
United Suites Laud Office, Ko.tijur, Oi,;;on.
S'Pt II, l02.
Notice is hersby giroii tli it m compliance
t.lth the provttloni.01 the net ofCowiressof June
3. 1878, cnlliUd "An nut far the sal? of tiaiber
faisds in the States of Qtlifw id,.. Orsuon, .NVvv
Hi; and Wnshfiigt8n'Terrlloryi"ns wtwinhid to
rJLtlte Public Laud States by act cf Avguit .(, V)i,
of .UarshneM, county of Coos, State of Oregon,
has this day fileil in this his sUorti sute
luent No. 3165, for the purchase of the
KKofSWjJ mid Lots 3 and 4. of Section
No. 30. In Towrshlp 99 South, ol Kange 13
West, and will otter ptuof to show that the lano
.sought is more valualitc for Its tlmlxr or tont
than for agricultural purposes, and to establlsl
lib claim to wld land tniroie V. U, Douglas,
L! S. Cdmniissioner for Orecon. nl Malificld
Oregon, on Friday, the 3ih day of Doe, 190...
lib names at witnesses: lbcrtJt,l.ocHhar.t,
llillie Smith. I.cay Smith, l V. hiullli, all of
Marshrteld, Oregon.
Any and all persons clttimlng adversely the
nbee-dscitbed Muds ate rtpeste'. tu file their
claims In thfs oftiee on or belorc U wilt day
of IVceni' er, igoa
9 47 p . T. UKlDOt., UegUtor,
Nollco is hereby tven Hint tho firm
0! CliiHiuen ife'Jobitsoh It b been dli
rsilved by mutual i-onae ul ol the parlies,
W. O. Clirittenreh rutirintr. C. A
Joliuroti will ronlitttto tho busmen ntul
pay nil obligations ol th firm. All per
coti.' irdebteil to tho former ilrm (d
Christenrcn Juhttrou aro roq.Jeetuil to
tctllo before Nov. VJ, nil account not
nettled Ixiforo thin will bo given for col
loction, interest nml coats milled. All
nccoiintn u:ny be reitlett with either oi
tho parties or at their lormcr place of
Dated thin day of November, HJJ.
V. 0. Citf.tsTcxs&x & C. A. Joii.sson.
r.fc'd whenver tho Englhh Lauguac
.s SpoKen
The Ththc-A-Woefc World wa a
brilliant rttccesx in the Uginnin) am!
linn beon utendtly vrowint ever hi. ice.
Time in tho test of nil tliinc-, nnd has
bot iw r,nl of upprnvnl on tho Tliricw-.i
VcU World, whiih ia widely rireiil.iet
in every Stato nnd Territory of tho Un
ion, nnd wherecyr thoic nro people who
can read our mother tongue.
Thi.i papr for tho coming winter and
the year IVX, will maku its news ser
vice, it possible, inoro esteneivu than
over. Altuvuntaof importance, no mat
ter , uhuro they happen, tiro re
'porled nrcurnlrly afitl promptly.
Tho r-nbscriber, for only one dollar n
year, get three papers every week nt.d
moru ncna und general n-ndln:: than
most yreat dailies can furnish at five or
tix timet the prire.
Tho Thrice n-WVok-Wcrld in nbo
lutrlv fair in its politiral newn. I'ar
tnan Idas is nevor cllowed to tftect its
n: us column, and Ddtnccra: nml He
pub, ica 11 alike rati obtain in ill twins
trui 1. nil nrctnints ol nil tne reat puliti
In addition to nil tho neup, tho
Tl'ricc-a-Week-Woild furniahoM tint
boil rurial Ik-1 ion, flaburaUi marl;t
rtfiflrts and other features ol interest.
Tins lhrice-x-Wo. k-VorItl'n rit:iilr
eubscriptiou prio a only f I.UQ per vet.r
thin tinijitnlwd newspaper nnd W'oeklv
COAST MAIL together one year for
Tho regular snbscriptlon price of tho
two pajursis ?'J.C0
Col.'ipsable P o c k c t
11h MtialloBt S'erwifropo with th
strii;pcNt optical (fleet. ihflilvr.nisIiM!
in il fT -rent culora with rich 'ohl nnd
m!vt I'ecoratioris (rrioiiiitiri'"), luclud
Ii 'J V. F. I'luitoirratihy, Viewji of art
fgniiie). I'HICIi ONI." !' K-.t prepHbl in lutr form.
agk::ts wanted.
FOKKEVr IJLILW.Nuf Philadelphia.
Ctll on or Write
0 (A fir (9 Mn-liinfl n,-l... '
The Inle Milllonnlro ?trntton trouhi
proLablynot have found so much plas
ure In ninkliiK bin foituno if he hue
known a fow of tho things thnt wero
Kolnu to happen to it uiicv ho v?nu
Fro"m WeHnoUd'hy'a Dally.
ltttaty Mlko'a Diary Nov. 10, 1002
An ntlvortltctnont wltero tunny kinds of
typu.nro usctl looks worso than n suntll
boy on tho 4th of Jcily.
T, J, Toworr, who hns boon viflttltK
in DjurIiI!) county nml looking over thnt
teoilon, rotuiitpd yesterday very much
Imprcesctl with tho cuiKrlor!ty of Coon.
High Water
Tho henvy rnln is cniulng quite n riao
In llioetieamo. nml n liU'h ficshct s re
ported on the In tonvcrratlon
cvor tho phono teitturilny with n cenllo-
m:in in l'rorpor, J, V. llunuelt watt told
thai tho river was higher than hln In
tormnnt had ever rcen it in n rctldoncc
thoio of nbottt ten jcaro.
No More Cgps.
No more Salmon cgs will to taken
this Benton nt tho Coos tivor hatchery.
at tho high water has unshed out the
racks and traps, Under the energetic
management of Superintendent Frank
Smith, howtver, nn itiunenta number of
rrK hnvo nbrndy, nbout been eecured,
about nil at could bo handled in any
1 1 -
Who Wouldn't be a Printer?
This oilico had another pleasant tuir
prise laet evening. A patty of Indies
and gentlemen from tho Dcrcn olllonor
with hearts as Ak as tho U'keto they
carriwl trooped in nbout 10 o'clock. To
ece the flghtitiK editor hustlu the can
out of right was n caution, whi.'o t'tt
other ono loaded tp a doughnut on each
finger and n cnudwich beUeen each
two. That's tho tort of people v.e like.
- -
Handicapped by h Name
l'ugot Sound I.timbormnn
Slowly but r-ctely Western hcmluck
will come out from under thu odium,
which attaches to thu Fastorn variety.
1 Uotwcen the two there is no rimilarlty.
only in same, l'.cauio John S.nith in
WiNontJn h n rascal, that in no tign
Joint Smith, of Washington is one.
Uecontl7 tho department of Forottry
hnb iiBiiodr. hnllethi, which will be help
ful in t-preadin the valno of Coaat
Thu conclusion from tho publL'allo::
aruns follows;
The wood of tho Western hemlock Is
far cupr(or to that cf tho Eastern trie.
It in fcuitcble for ueo in nil ordinary
building woik, it furnishes y,omi paper
pulp; it if Millicicntly light ttud Mrong
to make u.tce!lo;it woodenwnro Ltcck
ai;il it in parthularly vk!ikiWo for indoor
riuithiu!. Ita baik ia half "gain n rich
in tannin ns that of thu Eautern tree.
Under favorable condition tho West
ern hemlock rejroduccBn!ittndantly nnd
thrown vttry rapidly. Slneo theo omdlt
ions uiimlij difadvniita;,coua to red
llr, hem.'cck u.ey oflen lw counted upon
to jo-(orof.t cut-over lundj wltun rol fir
would probably fail to iibtubllih itself.
Tho Western hemic tic Una tjgiw to con
tend insinly wititti jirtjudico hlch In
lia.-od upou r knowledge of tho Uasttirit
troonlone. Tl.ij importance of bringluir
it into tho iiiarkeJ on n laro I'ca'u m n
Ktibjtilutn for upruco und vliitu pinu Is
growl:,;; rurally.. Its qsalitlcH vnllU
it to rank r.monu; tlio vnluablo timber
jotooi tiiia continent.
Tills hulluiin, No, '.ii',, la o:i of gioat
intrcest to tho tumlwrrnoa of thl'I'oast.
It wno carefully propurid by, Kdwr.rtl T.
AUi, onqof thi most JrttolllBCiit youw
ni'js'In tho field,
J. L, Durraml, of tho Day Olty mill
lnlilup wilh n ioro hntul,
Tho Alljnnno is tohodulnl lo lenvo Hr.11
rrnuoltco nt C p m FilJny.
Mr. nml Mro, r. J. Militant, Who hiivo
been vjtttltitt rolntlvca nt ltolto, Idaho,
nrrlvvd Tuesday hy way of tip. Drain
Wen Nowlnnd of North tloiiub, linn
p.ono to tho valley to sputul the tlullilayn
wlta tclntivet
Lluomnn Ed Coin linn uonp down t).t;
conkt to.llx up Him phono liner-, l-'ino
weal her for n tilpof that kind.
Emil Erlckion, of North Iluud tr.iH up
to town xostordny to roe n doctor nbout
n tinker on his right hand, which lino
laid him up for rovcrnl duys, thu remit
of rumituun rutty null into It.
Mr.t. Ivruiu arrived yesterday hy way
of Drain, from her homo In Cal, llur
daughter, Mrd. J. A. Matron, whoso III
nosscauied Mm. Krtueto boeutninunrd,
Is ruportetl getting better.
Donn ft Co'a mill was cloiti.l do for
tho day nt 11:30 p tu Monday nn'. nt
.StISO p m Tuesday, on account of tho
high tide coming into thu llrcroom.
This is tho ilrrt time this has occurred
In nbout foiu jearr.
II. Sengstnck'Ui has a rntplcrry hush
In hi yard width ia nbout 8 fi ot high
nnd on which hloewm and fruit In vnr
Ions stotitM of rlptticM wcru hanging
Thu Ccos Hay Creamery, hni rnhul
the ptlcuof Ilutter from -1." to DO cenla
a Puller has ntlvnr.cco in San
Francisco nnd tlio farmers aro happy.
Tho Areata had not rihown up last
evening. If aim doesn't gut In today,
you nru liable not to get tity much of n
Daily Coaar Mail tomorrow morning.
The South Marchlleld l.o have
catipbt the fsrvor, nnd they wcroorgams-
tun it footlrall team lost cvanitig. The
team will bo called Tho IlltiubllM nud
tho trn nliii; iuartori will bu C. II
Morc!int3 burn.
Tho Ilcar-.Mutklevitclt uttsu is litirg
(Jirethttl out l.oforo Uufeteo FraurcM
'JiCiond, in J.W. Itaunutt's ollicu
dally. Tho tsktriy of lutjlimony was
oommor.Rttti last week and tho end is
not yet in sight.
Comlujj Tliis Way
(Purllaml Telegram)
A pnrty nf ids Hpokauo in u pass d
through Portland Friday night on the
way to Coou Day. These men aro goiu:
to look nftor land not tlui'ijr ItrJll
11101)1.0, opportuuitiu.i for ougagiu;: i tho
murunnlilo huihiers nt Martthfield end
I)ntj!or, thu ne.v tovrinitu of tho (
Central Ilnilwcy Company. A largo
number of Spokane people aro becoming
interfiled !u tho developing country nil
Jacont toCoos IUy.
Thla office is in receipt ol n copy of
tho .Mi'.nilrt Cablenouy of Out' Mb.
It contains mi elaborate account of the
msrrii!;eof Dnuiul II, Williama, arculnry
of tho civil Commission In thu I'hlllpplu
en, nnd Mies .Iospbinu M. Dow, n e later
of l''. JJoiy o; thirdly.,
Tho ijmrrluo connony Va'j porforirtod t
by Tho Ulght Ilovorond HUhoji llront. 0
tho Eplicopnl cliurch and tho wedding
wm n brilliant society affair nnd was 11 1
tu idud by Govurnor Tnlt nnd nearly nil
tho pnliica olllusitls.
Of tho high contract lug piuttej, tho
Cnbleuuisn hnnlhlstu otiyr
Mr. Wlllliimn, tho woll-kuotvu rcoki
tury ol thu Civil Coiumlislon, cntnu tu
tho Philippines with thu Coiumlssloit In
MHX), and h:n reiunluod hero tdnce. ,
Sotni) t lino ago ho wns ndiiillUd to'lho
praclltu of lnw before tho l'hlllppluo
Cuttrto. lie la recognized ns ono of tho
futttro moil of affairs lu tho Philippines,
whore bo hits di elded to cast lib lot.
Mm. Willlitma is n native of Kttu Diego
Cilllnriih. where, liccntMuof her beauty,
Intelligence, ntul charm of manner, ehu
wns extremely popular. Him eanin to
th Philippine!) In I IKK) na onuot thu II ret
uljtht tenchtrii lo engagu in odik'iitlonal
tsntk hero. Him w:ti hlghlv locominnnd
id liv the President til thu University of
California, of which luntltiitti rdm ia n
grr.diinto. l.atelv him hnx been itnt.Htunt
principal nl the Manila Normal School.
VVhlKkoy Homit?.
Something nbrolutiiiy new
. aid with which wu have
oNperimented for years.
One hepit imikeH glnta
NttdUlal Whiskey (lire or
:o uIkjii); lx IVani to the
pint. Jtikt thu thitiK for
truvelerf, nnd convent 'tit
for tilcnlcj. excitrsi.Tnc, etc.
Contains nil tho vlrtuo of
tho heat whUkn'i without
tli deh'turlou iff v-l, Made
f r .-tu thu punt vrgctnlile
inatter. and g'litttiii'.ifd to
eiit,iii tin )M,tnitHiir iiitr
iHitludrtigH of any description
If n iMivurnge t not dvtir
el, n beau innv bu tiirn'ii tr
the mouth without water,
ntul the most xdenittig ef
fect will bit expt!rle;:e.l.
t). of IU Kcanit fsOc.
The Ihaiii relntl at I0e
tnch, and t nil bo procured
from any riruggi'M, fancy
gr e'er or llrt-rlnan bar. For
Mile on diuir grata. Ono box
ent pot paid on receipt of
Ginscnir Distilling 0:
i:entnt HoiirlHiu Whlitlo"!
T, I.OUI8s ! : : A.O.
Mra. Fred Unnxth.
rrealdent S'ountry Club, Jtcutiiii
Jlurtiur, .lltcli.
"After my first biby was born I did not
serin to rcgcln my strength clthough the
doctor gave tnc a tunic which lie consid
ered very superior, but Instead cf qe'ttlntj
Letter I c,rcw weaker every day. My bus
bind Insisted tint I (she Vine of Ctrdul
for a week fend tec what It would do for
me. I did lake the medicine and was very
grateful to find my strength nnti licallh
slowly returning. In (wo weeks I was out
of bed and In a month I was able to take
up my usual duties. I tin very enthusi
astic In lis praise."
"Wino of Cardtil reinforces tho orgnii3
of (feneration for thu ordeal 'it prcu
nr.ncy nnd childbirth. II prevents nils
enrrinrio, No woman who takes Wino
of ('nrdui need foar tho toniiiiL' of her
child. If Mrd. Uuralh hatl taken
Wino of Onrdrfl before Jier bnbycnuio
she would not have been weakened na
oho was, Her rapid recovery should
commend this freat remedy to every
expectunt niothcn "Wino of Cardui
rojiiilak'B tho iiiunitruul (low.
W W8f rW