f' ''fiw 7 """JE ,p yr r fy'StHF"'-' ' r t& . t '" Jl"". ""T. IT" " f 'i PFT7WW!3( V ;.;? , ' ..,, tiiiWWwwt urn' in. a-1 W ttt,VHmfttw). i ( Jl' 4 , -V I" J TV .'. t -iaWlffci w r -3fc h... ' 1 Prom Frldny'o Dally, LAWLOR-IIOWAIID NUPTIALS Tio marrlngo of two audi oatlmnblo yoiltiK jMjopIn ns Mr. Win, J!. I.nwlor nud MIbo J-Jllaabolh V. Howard doacrvoa n moro extended notlco than wo woro nbl9 to glvo It yiistordity, Tho Uownrd lioiho wnu tnstofully ilecorntud for tho cccnslon. Tlio invited guoMa woro: Meadamos Mary llrown und 1. (1. Htrnngo. Mlsaua Annn Flwlior, Htolln O'Connell, Kltlo Jlomiutt nml (IiimIo Hrowit, Meororo Uw. (J. Lnwlornml J, W. I'Innnuan, mitl ltov. F. (J. Ktrnngo, who apoko tlio nccea aiy wonts whereby tho happy couplo woru united. Tim brldo wan liMideomo ly gowmid lit n blicult colored cropo, trimmed In Inco incdallom. A (lor tlio ceremony nnd tho usual cotigrntulutloiia tlio Hr'ldo nud Groom led tlio rompany, Including Mr. ami Mn. Howard, nud tholr daughter l.ollrln to tho dlnului: roam, wliuro n moet boun tiful tupply of the inoti appetising vlntida woro beautifully served and groatly on foyed. Tliuru wna u lino display o( olc Ktit presents, useful nnd ornSmontnl from vnrloua Mnrahfleld Irlomls, nnd innny others, tin doubt, cqunlly vnluablo nnd beautiful from frlunda In California uero itlll In tlio wnro bouto or nlioard tlio Areata, just Arrived. Mr and Mra. Iixlor go nt nncu to a now liouto built nud furnlhhed for thorn at North Hcud, whoro thoy will bo at homo to tliolr many frlunda, who wish thorn Imp VlneeH ealoro. May their Union bo crowned with over increasing Joy nnd prosperity. , North Bend to the Front Among tho mnny other now enter prises thatnro bolng put Ih operation in that thriving town, tho rawmlll beat knouuna l'orlrr mill, will bo one of tlio flrit to atari Ita wheels in motion. Mr. Hlmptfon ii linvjuy tlio wholo ,)ii II I overhauled and put in llnt-ches condition to turn out gooJ work. Tho cottngeaon thu premisca nro being rcno vnted nnd reconstructed for tho ueu of fnmlllcit. Many of (ho homes hnvo at ready boon npol.rn fur. Tho scarcity for houica la nppnruut. Thin mill nlonu will glvo ciuploymunt to nbout 76 men. If wu will atop to cor. nlder thu iiuinlu'rof men to bo employed in thu ItnniO'liato futuru In tho construe, tlon ol thu uuw liotnl, which ii to bn lOOXltfO tcet, thrco ttorlea high nnd ImaeiiHtiit, the now city dock, 'JOOXIWJO foot nud ita Appronchca, built und dona ted to tho town by Mr. Bimpaon, thu vhlnitlo mill, tho anth nnd door factory, ijio Inrno dcpartiniit atom, tho l'lrat IS'ntloiiAl Itunk huildiuK ol North Jl.'iid, nnd it number of other now autnrprlu nlremly venurtul, tho retnll mrrc.Aiitflo cHtabliehmunt, which must, o( uereadty follow theso ontorprlaes wo will, uutut nily nBk: "Whoro will nil tlicaft men 11 vi) I" Tluit la exuetly tho (iiktlou, "Whoro will nil tlicHO inenllvoV" Tho nuw vnterprlbcn positively recur ed lor North Ileud will unquuatsoiiahly U'lvo it il populntion of from 2000 to 5000 lthln tho next yenr or two. V.'o tiuist have Iiouhcp for theau pooplo to Jllyi) In. Thero nover wno n tiino (In tho history of nny community whon men ol moder ate means could eocuro a homo 40 con venloutly orimm of htrso cnpltnl could find I otter or oafer Invcalnienta for tliolr money than tho opportunity (iioronted lioro. Doth proporty nnd lumber nro ns yot very chea), nud nn ndvunco in both la the uaturnl coucctiuoucce, , Tho Coqullio Ilorald hna, lualnllod in ita ofllco n Country Campbell Oylimlor lircea. It la tho boat prcea over brought o tho county, nnd wo nro glad to eco such nn uvidonco of tho Heiald'o pros perity. At tho eiimo tlmo we now hnvo It in for Ur other Dcnn. Uo has gono and cot n bettor press than wo hvo. tfO EXTRA SESSION To Be Called by the President fe'Ars asdeadLock BETWEEN TV0 HOUSES t May Appoint Commission to Gather Information with Tariff Revls- - lonjln View Opeclal to tho Mall. Washington, Nov. 21 Tho I'rcsN (dcnl't Mceango wan almost tho wholo topic nt tho cablnot eciiton. Tho proof ahecta oro ready. Tho prcaldcnt Ih laid to bo op poacd to calling nn extra session ol congress niter March lth on tho matter of tnrll revision. Ihlloving thntoyen tho ImshI Informed men in tho homo hnvo much to learn on tho question, ho isde elrous of appointing a Tnriff Commission to collcdt nil poatiblo information, en abling Congress to npprcach tho mnttor Intclllgonlly. . nn ir acaiwn ..... re anlt In n deadlock between Bonnie nnd House. Order Balls From German Firms Opeclal to tho Mall. Montrcnl, Que, Nov. 21 Mitckenzlo, Mnnn & Co., ownora ol the Cmndlan Northern Hallway In Nova fccotln, hnvo just closed with Gorman rnllmnkera for 10,000 tonn of rnllanid fnatcultiKa. Thia la tho largest ftltiRlo order over tent out of Canndn, nud compotition for It wna keen. Tho Grand Trunk nnd Canadian I'ncillc Itiilroad have recently placed Inrgo contrncta with German makers, tlio laat-uamod road ordorluR eorno nround the Horn to Vancouver. d STATE AND GENERAL NEWS. r.sperta In WnahinKton county hnvo found n deficiency in tho booka of Ex sheriff llrndford, Hosohuri hna been asked for n alrcot enr franchise Tho froBhct hna dono errnt tltMnnpo to tho fish hntchory on tho Cluulaw, many minion otcaptng. Secretary Hitchcock nnnouncea that hu will mnko forost rosorvoa in Knatorn Orojon. Tho body ol Albort Anderson, who wns drowned nenr Wostport on Nov. 7 liHa not boon rccovored. t' Attorney linker ot Modoc county, Calif, who hna Just boon, trying n cnec in tho Oregon aupromo cqnrt enjoya tho distinction of having been elected to Bucceod tho judge who oontencad him to n term In tho ponitontinry. Tho now Gormnn Lujhorap Zlon church wns dodlcated nt Astoria Sun day. A new post-ofllco lino boen eatabllshod nt Tillor, Douglas conuty, A, D.'Morg mnn Is p. w. N CANNON WILL BE IT Speaker of Next Hpuse of Representatives WILL GET WILLIAMSON'S AND TONGUE'S SUPPORT Burton on Rivers and Harbors Like ly to Help this C6a8t,on, .t M Appropriations' ' Opeclal to the Mall. ,, Waehlnglon, Nov. 21 It la gcnornlly conccdod that Joo Cannon, of Illinois, will bo tho next speaker. Tho dignified coarso followed by Con grcaaman Burton, of Ohio, has tended to Kive him additional promlnonco oa a nntlonnl character nnd prcciically Icavos him without n formidable opponent for roappoiutmont nt tho head of tho Itlvcra nnd Harbora Commltte. Under roor Kanlutiou Ilurton will wield moro in lluencci thus having an opportunity to carry out plana forsroatcr improvement of Pacific const points'. Congresemnn Tonguo iswcllknown ns a staunch friend of Undo Joo Cannon, of Illinois, nnd w'tll bo woll taken caro of. Thero wna oomo question of Can non's position on Irrigation, ho having nlwaya fought tho sale oftmbllc lands to bo used for Irrigation promotion, but Tonguo has boon satisfied on that polrij, nnd thu chances nro that both Oregon congressman will eupport Cannon for epcakor. Tonguo ic certain to RCt a nore promi nont position on a Western commlttco, nnd will moro than hold his owu on commiltoo of Rivers and Harbors. 0 Jr.ck Flanagan rccolvod DO tons of freight on tho Western Homo for tho Del Monto Milling Co. rjssr 2 . ' AAAAVAVAVVVVAAVVAVVVAA Special Mackintosh Sate .. Childrcn'a double Capo ltdtca Mackititoshco, largo Ladies extra 300J Mackintoshes In Drown, Green and Navy nsunl Uorva MiteklntoBh'a good hoary quality down to l,Cb,each. l ' MCIN'S WET WEATHER GfeiYlENTS ALL REDUCED IN 'Vi iASWVVWAt .Tv- MISS ELLEfi GORE San Francisco Girl Murdered in Paris, Gpsclal t the Mall. I'arls, Nor. 21 Miss Ellen Goro, the rouBlcnl studeqt for whoso murdor 11 Kusalan officor lo hold, It Is learned to day was born io San Francisco, Yvbero her maiden aunt now lives on Ellis street. Miss Gore wont to Mexico when a child with her parents both of whom subtequcntly died. Sho married a Mex ican named Juan Sanchez who beat her and from whom she obtained a divorce and returned to San Francisco. Sho then moved to Los Angolcs, whoro sbo otudltd music; then to Chicago. Sho camo to Paris' August 1st lo con tinue her studies. Sho bad a lino Voice. Ilyddumski ia still hold: Tho' evidenco shows bio pistol had been taken-from tho cato, but no quarrel had been heard botween tho young poopfo. Stores Close Tomorrow Surdny closing goes into effect tomor row. Tho Minlatcria 1 association ia en tittlod to much credit for successfully engineering this matter. It is to bo hoped thai nothing will arlso to Inter - ferowith tho auccota nnd pormanency pi tho reform. If you nro seeking investments In real c3tato in Coos county wo havo thorn. Cnn suit you In price nnd character. Phone 757 Mnrahfleld, Or. i. i at NASBURG'S MncklntoUics usual price 3.25 and 350. fcfale Military capoa'ueual prico 4J0.' OCIIC taie ..A SAME PROPORTION Wm. N.'asbuTM. i iij r MEET M NEXT WEEK- H ' Minersand Operators Getting Together May Settle Out ' of Court Special to tfie Mall. Scran ton Nor. 21 Council for botll aides inv the anthracite bearing will have 8 meeting tonight. Everything Indicates that thoy will attempt to ar rlvo at sn atnlcablo settlement and satisfactory agreement beforo next week, thus relieving the commission of hearing further evidenco. Portions of tho operators' counsel' hurried "to Now York today where a conference will bo held with (ho coal presidents. Neither Gray nor counsel would deny or affirm, but ultimately thoy told tho reportera they would have something to say after tonight's meet ing. r.,iMm rAHft allAM I m m Tmnav aaI edjEat, tho miners .and' operators will at tempt to, eetllb their differences before tho commission again meets, and a de cislvo m'coting will bo held next week, 1 cither hero or in Now York. , Operators' counsel Eny there may be it mooting of miners nnd coslpreeldents, 1 nnd thia ia admitted bv both aides. - 0 Rusty Mlko'a Diary, Nov., 22, 1002 Poor advertising le liko poor seed, never grows a good crop. $;t.! VVAAAAAAAAAVWVi'1 lJrice, Sii.HD eacn IJI'lUC) QOtUU S.WUII Pnco 0.50 ' piMce .sso cucn J M-MltW ' . .i.