ifcii T i- - iaKlFJBWIgJPBPiBjBBBPffEJy? rw?wwj'V'5?! rf7Tw'?T,WVf6 wv$'' WWil&tt&tik.-fa MMKV-UH ft-? wr, : v. . LABOR FEDERATION In Session At New Orleans flOKItS INSTIGATION Will. OO'fOBWARD Long Dciialc on Question of Pensions for Worll-du! Working People Now Orion no, Nov. 18-(!ontrnry to .rxpiclnttona lliu (Jcmpura Invpnllifotlon Uan not taken up wlipti tint Federation of L-ibor opened Itu convention this morning. Tho ohalr nimoiinnoil that tliti llltli member of tliu rommiltcu, who will l)u umpire, hod not yet been decid ed on. Roth Gompeus, niti Hluffur, nnuoiinc ctl that 1 1 icy ronrteil enveallgallon, It will btwofurrrul to anprclnl commit tcp of five; two to bo tulcctot by (Joiiip era' two bySluffar, und tliu four chootlug p Will. Mr, Shaffer named J. M. Slay, ton, of tliu Cujiinlorrt and Joiners, W. II. Iluikrnp, of llio Unllod Mine Work on of Hhlo. I'rrtlileutGomjidra named fo'.iu A Mvff Jtt, Uiltil Pal turn makers, Edtfar A, Agnrd, Glass Jtottlo blowers. Djbito wji luUruptud to nllow tlio Introduction of tlio foreign dcllntca who nindu brief nddrmcu. Tliu uoruiug rceslon was lorgily de voted to dohato of a socialistic rcsolu tlon oflurcd by i!ul(gao Hcyer of Mil waukce, which urged that effort be made to secure National Initiation to irovidu pensions foraged v.orkfng people. Enoch Edwards, of Great llrittan, In hli rpa-oh tuld lin had board of the Stroke Shattered My Nerves. Gave Up Preaching For Two Years. . Dr. MHon' Nervine Put Me On Active List. Are you well? Do you uleep well Df you (.'ft up icMed, f toll mi. I lcorou? Is your mind cli-r mid Active If not read the fulhwing, Ki-e wlut another lias suflercd und how he rccoveied. to.'?mncciun:o I wat afllicted with suit ttmko wnich left ine with a shuttered uerv otts svslein and cxitudlugly poor lienlth. I lufi'riol! icrril'ly uiih n.nn In my head, the topofiuy head uoulil led li t. I coti'd nut i-tudy, mid aflcr Mrivini,' for two year to wear the lroulW off, I w.is cuuiilled to i;lvc up my lusioral lulmr nnd retires to my farm where 1 tpcut nearly twa years trylnc to re cuwr.ilc It was nil of no avail. I'liyjiclaiis' trsalniFiit ami patent medicine f.uled to re hc inc. 1 wuii exccedinely nervous nnd lirllahle and rometlmcs would rhnke ten ibly. I could not beni' any noise, At the least c tltem:iit the blond would null to my fare nnd head. Two years apo I was Induced Jo try Dr. Milei. Kestnrativa Nervine. After using one lmttle I could ec impnvement in my t'onditioii to 1 continued taking it (or ticirly a yen'. I am happy to say 1 no longer litive tlmsc pains in my head or nerv ous spells. My appelitu is i;ood nnd I am aide to prcacji three tunes on Sunday with, nut f:tigue. J coiiildcr Dr. Mile' Nervine the mc-.t wonderful medicine ever dlscav. ercd." Ke. D.AIex. Hulman, I'astor U. II. Church, Marlon, Ind. All druegistn sell and runrantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Iemfdie send for free hpok on Nerypus and' Heart Diseases. Adurcsi Dr, Miles Medical Co.; Klkliartjf Ind. Morgan tiotl to purcllttoo tlio Eng lish mlncp, Ho assured tliu convonllon that Morgan would find n bo! Id union' of minors fnclnir lilrn und would bo com pelled to pay llvlni; wngoo whether tlio inlncn paid dividends or not, Tlio convontlon received a lelgram from .Mayor ficlnnllz, of Hnn Francisco, announcing ll departurp (rem Clilcngo for tbo convontlon. The momzo yen greeted with pro longed chebrlngi A tult'ifrnrn from Mit chell regretting Ida intlblllly to attend was nleo cheered. Debate on tlio jion-. rloti legislation wan thou returned. From Tueodny'o Dally. Promenade Cfinccrl. In oplto of inclement weather, tin promenade concert Saturday evening hub well nltcudul and ureal ly enjoyed Tlio icfrothmcnto were dellclnur, ni least tbo portion m lilt which to mo of tliu ladles k'ndly romrmbcrrd tlio pr.'n (pre wore of that dcicrlptlon. Log Rolled Oyer Him (Myrtle I'olnt Eulerplsp) Emery Rol'blns wait ocvoily Injured foil Saturday by n log wiling over blm. Uo was. working In n lowing camp on the Booth Fork, nnd was trying to roll semi logs, which had Joined together whori tbey t:nrtcd,Jii) being ennsht between two of them ono rolling oier blm, break !n Ida rli;bttbouldur, injuring bU barl and bruiing lllm up goncrnlly. Ho wi Immodiatvly brought to (an ti nnd I)r K A LcepdreiKcd bli uoundn. yiio yount runn lo cutting nlong iilccfy, but it will bo eoinu timu bt'foro be v. ill cnilrol n' coverer from tbo Ir-jarh f. Tho worth of on advortltoniont conio from what it Ic.jatbor llicn wbat it b not. Advertising must bo poeitive, and tbo man wbonttempts to do negative ad jertiilng will probab!y find dlsappolut niort mtliea than tatltfnctlon from what ho if attempting. Tlioiinn with pooltive Idtuj'will no doubt gain positive iciuitt frotu thp work bo does along tliu lino of publicity 34 well ni nlong tliu lino ol buying nod conducting bis huoiuese-, '1 Inrunro roncon why n treat in.tny men havo failed in tho uio of advcilhlng f!ui'e,biit ono of tbo rr.oit icrinus foaturo in whlfh thcrohas been n l.-.ek Is In tbo appreciation of tliu nccesii'.y ,of d-Ing that which la po6ttive, of tnktngn poiit Ivo position wbero goods nnd woilh com blno to glyo Handing, nnd nteett the virtue of both clock and methods. Thero aru many morclmnta who are making n intetnko in tho way tboy do thing, but tliu ono .t1io eayo positively what ii woith H.j!ng n 11 get ronilto whliib mo of potitivu value to tbo mer chant. Ad-Art. 31 Bids For Transport Servioa Special to tho Mall. Wat-hlnglon, 1. C , Nov, 10: Tur tunnt tonu .order of tho Wnr dupurt ment blda aro to be opened utmultcncouc ly today nt Seattle, roillnud nnd ?nn I'rnnciteo for tbo tranpportallon of Govornmciit troops and tuppllo.i to the I'lilllpplncH. Cbnrgoo havo boen mado that tlieCioycuuuontlinHbfeijpaylnc too much for transport fcnlco und iib a cou ecquonco tho Wnr dcpaTtiuant bcided to adopt tbia met.0( of conipatlug .tbo prccQut coat. ,wtlt tbas or a njersuaut innrlno eorvlco) Earthquake h Ufali (ilVCS THE M08M0NS. " il; A jSIIAKING UP Causes Panic in Public Scliool.aiiil Public Prayer in tlie Streets San Frnticiico, Nov. 18 Ai ono of tbo rotulls of tbo tnrtlirjuako in Utah yes terday tbo town of Santa Clnro lata not n chimney standing und two boutea aro in rulne. , fi Tlio towor of tbo Morroorfffttniplo'ol St. GeorKooeelllatcd 10 'incite. Kvtiy soiling In tliu ijipt-ncbool homo. fell, rho paniu wn'e r.o great that the tcnchcri iK'd physical forcu to prevent tliu child nti bulng tramplud to death. TboutandH of Mormons foil down in bo etrectJ nnd prnyid for their lives. MORE SUCCESS FOR MARCONI Messages Sent Daily Acrbss the Atlan tic Now Special to the Mall. ' Ilalafax, N. S., Nov. 10-A SIdnoy dispatch says Marconi has confirmed the report that wlrcloM menaces are boiuz received dally from Cornwall. It also states tint Allcrto, in Con stantinople la in cornmunlcat'on with Podhti Station, and wirolcss mostoges bavo been tent, and received across tbo ocean by tbo invontlon which puts all wonders ol tho lfj.li -century in tbo shade. o Charged With Briber? Special to tho Malt. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 10: Tbo cates against J. J. llanulgan, John II- Sc'jio' tier. Edmund Uersch, II. A. Faulkner, W. M. Tamblyn, John Helms, Louis Decker nnd Otto Schumacher, former und prcaont members of tbo houso of de legates, accused of bribery, camo up for hearlui; today, Owing to tbo widespread municipal corrudtlon recently uner.rth- ed tha oiECd now buforo th ) tourt bavo attracted great attention and (bo rcaulta of tliu trial aro awaited with keen iulcrce o Apple Grower's Congress Special to tho Mali. St.Iouk', Mo., Nov. 10 At tbo roes lona of thla tbo second day of the na tional congrcsti of npp'o growers tlje chief fiJilijects ol dUciiHtlcn were fun::! itifccto, nnd packing nnd jnarko lug l'npcra wero presented by Prof. J. T Stlnson of Slihsourl, 0. A, Williamson of Ulluole, WUilam II. Ihunot of Km tne, Samuel Il,;)ick.son of fTexae,, 'ro Lwjrenco Druiicr of NoVraslca anil o!b eVsl' i .v. if. V- M NEWS DKAtiRIl AND AGENT Lrltu-H t B n n Krnn i it ' tlio h. A 1 1 t h o TtTDTgT liKJt Y AN1) o ? rv'gf' p-t 8 it I) h c r 1 p t i :?: p n p o r b and Kino zj if tail tioi;?). :-: Boots, Shoes and Harness Repaired. John Hardin? tho thocmnker Is em ployed nt Haskell's liarneps shop. Wo alao Jreep all kinds of leather, Harrittrn rallior.S'ilo Lent ho r, Iirp l.i-ntber, I.itf?o Leather. All klnd.i of Hprlnic LcgiUvjn. If you w.int to buy any kind of har neta too IJarkcl, HARNESS &. SADDLES MARK'S COUNER : : Front Street MdliDE1EKrj9CQXSnHiEnSXSSinnC?i1 r . r- . p i . r -v . t lU5Zbpifp', w AN.9. C9 a el n u M m o ' r Vj, Taken in exchange as part payment for our new Kimball, Weber, Chickcring, riin7.e and others cf our fine pianos HH ti IN m m a ciias. GRISSEN MUSIC CO. I, 0. 0. P. Did?. H IB m i, u. u. r. uiujf. g tiacEaEEEnaiKariiDBaES.'aiaaanBSu mvjmn vnsixtuvn,miV3tKX3MikTnsanaw Professional Cards. Jl. H. Walter, D. D?sl DENTAL SUKO EON AND MECHAN- r- 1CAI. DENTIST. Ofliro NupIiiuu llldg. A. M., Phone. 20 MAKSIIF1KI.I). : : OREGON. E. E. Straw, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. bppobtl uttentlon to dUeusos of tbo Eye Eur. Nose i.nd Throat. Glasfies" tRtml. Office iu Senistncken &. Smith UuiUling. A. G. Gross, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Dfl!n.Niuhir-1: Uulldliif. Phono -JW MARSHKIEL. : : OREGON W. U. Douglas, ATrOUNEY AT LAW AND U. S. COMMISSIONER. Front trvel, Mnrshnelil, Oregon. S.A. D. Eaton, -LAWYElt-Will practice In till courts. EMPIRE CITY OREGON J. W. Bonuott, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. MARSIiTIEl.D ORE Jolin F. Hall, ATTOHNKV AT LAW. O.nee In t!ldqr.do block, Front street Alarih'ield, Orvson. H. flt MAUSHFIELD, OR15 O. F. MoKnight. A'PrORNEY'AT JTAW . Oflice iu the DwihC & Wftlter i- I iluilditiv. ' MARSIIEIiaD, OREGON ws m T 0 l T (TN7 clnco and Portland a loading M a g a z 1 n nTT" 1'TFflNu (j a nil " ri U 3 o n s for oil p o r 1 o d I c a 1 . Stntlonery, Jewelry, notionn o o 4 14 xtjJLti njmttj CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of Front and A Htroelg, MAltSHFIELI), OREGON, JONH SWVDER. : : : : ; :Proprfetcr rniilS VKLL-KNOWN ANDKAVORI7IV J HOTKL kis iust I e-a cntiirly rrfillnlm rt refurnished t'ircughoul ami if. again open t" ti c pul)!c for nairorgc. New he-!s and spring nuttrcsres live btr,r placed in iCwcm every sleeping room of tli s lioiitr oml ririil.er Jrouh!'! nor ejipinw hoc bccii psirril to put everything in first -ehu order. TERK3. PoAidaiid dj;lng, per week Js.eo hoard.p t a cck 4. to SncleM' .. . 35 TK STEAMER , ARQATAe . Will .IliiUa i:c;;ulnr 'l'viH BETWEEN COOS BA.lT AND SAN ERAN&SCd CARRYING ."ASSEHGERS !HD FREIGHT AT -LOWEST RATES'. 'hi Oregon Coal & Navigation Co, ,. .;,-.l, r, rroprfetoa. F.S.UOW, Agent. Martbflold, OitRon S.O. CO. Agent, Emplro City, Oregon r 'T9Jv9A 'vidit DR. JORDAN'S chcat! 'HOSEUR, OF AHflTOHY! K;ti:nicTST.,tursiicucolciL 1 ThtLri,tAiulccilctM4Waailab , VTMld. RHkltMl M f Cftrsctii ' Sp.uiUM m it. Cnu. LiL y .. ( Oft. JOHOAH-DISrACES CF Kill Q SYPBII.lt ih.ruMr fJW-icJ , mm .jkiwa vn.piiii. u. (Al v.rwrr. Tr..tlt.dt"r llFlr..iL n.l . HdkI cw. r.c -ll. iriuara txl Cemsllilbii (.. tad Mitlrrlril. Tr.tinM.iixM toulif b letter. A rMi4 ym la rttij ctl. 1 vsdfrukn Wnu for Hook. fKILOturnr .r , la nttj cu piarnr -r i RSL.3.P. f ibranj CtllMvrii. ' tHHIJitiKi HAILXD I11L IA. 1 OS. JORDAN Sk CO., 1031 Karen; We promptly obtala U. a and Foreign A rsejid model, sisetch or photo ol in vention iori i rej repon on rcicniauiuty. tor ireo lioos:, I ISSnur'IKAUt-MflHKS ".no,e V MMMOSTlStaW tW WT Ml i "i i i I Hi .ubh.. opposite U. S. Patent Office- WASHINGTON D. C. F' " 't'yLrreKsiitPHi.Kftasmavrt'-vrrti .!!: PATGNT WRITING RING s Tho'most Importaut improvement of the ugo In the art of penmnmhip makeo the poorest writer a iplnidid pfiitunn In i few weeks by tbo me of tbia' ring. J'.udorted ty proiniirt LoiIgu l'rrsl dante ard Hoards tf EdiiVatloil In Eu- l ropri nnd Aiutrlcn. Sample dr.en rtfc- I sorted eizeS nnt pfrt-wid for 1,00, in glo famplo 2k When o-dering a hinglo rlni!, Etuto wbntl.ei frv iimn. woman or child. ,x PENN MFG. GUPPLY Ca. . lNo.119 S, PctirtlSt.F.'iWatlcIp'tta 'ft 0-J.;i. '..?'! . !,V 4t .V