The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, November 22, 1902, Image 2

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Coast flail.
from Gunday'a Dally.
Gcorgo Wilson oC Bocky Vojnt tlrovc
up yesterday on n hiuincsa trip.
Hiram King Is down from his Danloll
crcok logging camp.
Among gurcun's solid pooplo xisitin
MarrhGeld yesterday were Mr. nnd Mr?.
J. P. Wilson and Mrs. A. D. Boouo.
Hasty Mlko'a Dlory, Nov., 10, 1902.
You can't do n crooked business succost
lolly any moro than you can drivo n
crooked nail.
K. G. rlckon has botiRjft o( tho
Myrcn estato tho rcsidenco ocqupied by
U. S. Itoucbrnks in South Marahflelil.
Tho trado was made through Hull &
Hall, and the price paid was $10"3
Godfrey Strohm, ol Beaver Hill, was
ju town last evening. Ho reports that
tho lumber arrived there yesterday for
two now boiler houses, an nngluo houcp
ami electric light plant, Tho (erco at
tho mine has beon increased by 0 or
taoro men within tin last week.
J. It, Robertton an active hustler of
Korth'Bsnd who has ust clojcd a num
ber of deals in North Bend realty in
vesting about fuOCO has tccuied a rcora
on tho steamer Areata for its next voy
ac,o to ban Francisco. M-. ltobcrtson
cpes to Southern California to Jose out
all pf liis holding) there. On his return
hoTwlH'xnl:8 extensive improvements
pn ionic of hi3 holdings hero and will
move then live permanently here.
A Liberal Offer
Tho undersigned will i7e a frco im
rlu of Chamberi-iiu'i Stomanh ond I.ivor
Tablets to any ono vr.tiithii a reliable
remedy for disorders of tho etomach,
b.liousne!? or constipation. This is a
now remedy ami a good ono J no.
Flie Taurus Launced
Tho new echconcr was launched yes
terday from the Marshfisld yard, bing
christened "Trurus" by Mabel Lang as
sho slid down tho ways, The lasdch
ing went off without a hitch, and tho
vessel presents a handsomo appearance
ns sho lies at her deck in readiness for
her risking.
Work Delayed
(Rosoburg Ilcview)
Work is Ptill del.iyoJ on tho Great
Central townsito addition to this city by
the lack of building materials. A small
supply has cow begun to arrive and it ie
expected tho 'deadlock" will scon be
Broadway Repairs.
The street csmmitteo has examined
Broadway and mndjau cbtimateof thu
repair necessary and their cost. It was
found that it would not Lo uccssary to
put in new bentr, but two new stringers
will ho luid, milking nine stringorH in
stead of seven. With now plauking and
railing tho ttrect will then bo as gocl at
ever. The cost is estimated at f 1-20 ivi
What to do Until The
"Ono of my children wai taken with
cramp colic and niffored Foverely," sayr
H. li. HIwjo, of Monutt, Mo. "I telu
phoned for u doctor, then imvq it iIohj o!
Cliumberlain'd Colic, Cholera and Diar
jhoea llemedy, and a few minutej lutei
a second doec Before thodouUir catiit
tho chiltl, wag relieved." For ealo b
Juo I'tvUia.
Masquerade si North Bend
The bills aro out (or a masque
rade bnlfnt North Bcdd on Thanksglv
Itip. Tlio ball will bo in tho new prtvll-
I t0!J( far , nnest hnll on tho bar, nnd
will bo roecdo.! by .1 baud concert.
Fioo boats will run from, here, nnd tho
affair promises to bo n hrlllinnt quo.
pd Dogs.
Lester Smith, Chris Peterson, Ueub
Braiuaul and A. F. Cool: went hunting
yesterday morning in tho woodo between
Marehlleld and Pony slough, and
brought back n sack full of pups. It
seems that n year or so ago, n shepherd
bitch belonging to Win Oaniblo escaped
from custody nt Flanflgnn': slaughter
houso and took (o tho noods. SIneo
then sho has raised oiio litter of three or
four pups to dog-hood and they are run
ning wild with her. Sho also has n Ut
ter of young pupi, or had until tho hoy
got in yesterday nnd captured four ol
them, which they brought to town. The
littlo fellows aro wild utiimnla now, but
will toon be domesticated.
Big Timber Deal
An Ashland, Oregon, dispntch sya:
Tho Ashland Manufacturing Co., one ol
thu largest induitrinl enterprises in
Southern Oregon, will chango hand
tomorrow. Tho deal for tha ealo of its
property hi been ponding for thu past
week or ten days, anil was finally con-
l summated today. Tho snlo was
on n basis of fbO.NO, and thu property
nvolvtd in thu trcuonction includes
5&00 ceres of yollpw fir, sugar nrid red
pine, In tho Nell creel: district, tho mill
there, tho planing mill and lumberyard,
including tho stock of lumber on hand,
in Aehlaud..'
Thu purchasers nro Messrs. K, T. Sta
ples and C. C. .nderson, of Boito, Idaho
acquaintances nud friends oi the former
owners. Metsra. J. If, Chambers, U. M.
Burdic and Mayor D. B. Grant,
A New Organization.
An organization knoanns tho Pioneers
of North Bend has just been started.
Temporary ofllcers hawjbcori elected nnd
members of various committees up
pointed. Tho object of tho organization
is; primary, to promote tho intcroats ol
Coos Bay through tbolnedium cf adver
tising and secondary tho tothl and
financial wellfaru of its member;. Kn
roltn.eni of membership is rapidly in
crouing and bids fair to bo ono of the
strongest fecial orgauizationB on the Bay
Tho construction of n suitable building
for reading and writing rooms and re-
cc-pliomi for pedal functions la under
cotuideration, Tho town is already in
joying a building boom. Tho now hotel,
taw mill and other factories already oh
tured vlll givo it a great impetus. It is
generally conceded tint under tho nhlu
leaderrhlpof Mr. I.. J, Simpson,
North Bijud through in preoniluur:t
location uilPbo one of tho strong foster.
in thu building up of a seaport cilyun
the magnificent Bay.
Birthday Surprise.
Friday night will be rumomberid by
ihoiu who hud tho pleasure to attend the
surprise party which wpb given Mis
Itty Larson, by her young friends,
The burpriuo wui vory completo Mint
-aricii una at thu honiQ of her tiMer,
Mrs. Basemujson. Tho uvtniug wnb
uiokt enjojably epent in games inter
Hjiersed wi.ii irifttrumcntal and vcal
music and tho3o chootlug enjoyed the
j mazy dance.
"pcjS S0S4OIJ
'ptni on Xrui
Delicious refreshments woro served
In abundance at tho proper time, They
nil wont homo wishing Miss Larson
many happy returns of tho day,
Those present were:
Mhsces 1dty l.imon, Lena Lcrscn,
Po-sio Twanbly, Alice McCurmac, Clam
Johuron, Mdlio Johnson, May Bennett,
Vivian Tty'or, Geneva voSengitnckcn,
Lnurn Ktcott.
Messrs Jay Tower, Buss Toner, Wal.
tcr Butler, Willie Harnett, Claud Brown,
Pred llofur, Larl Strnugi', Frank Wick
man, Albert Campbell, Kdgar Campbell
Albcrf. Slpep, Daniel Keating.
From Tue:tlny'c Dally.
ThoSaltim has rulargtl
to n full sirxd 15 oolumn S pao paper.
A very hijh tido camo In yesterday, a
good indication thai tho rain is lll.ely to
continue for tomo time ;ot.
Tin C-mtrsl evidently Intends
to feed ita liorros well this Winter. Thy
received -10 lacka of o.ita on tho Alii
Joe Voakani will i-tart in a few days
with n hand cf about lllty calves for
folk county.
Busty Miko'H Dbry Nov. 18, 1002.
Advertising need no much and constant
enthuelarm aa has a fellow courting a
W. II, Noble started for Tenmllo yes
terday with his long gun and two flh
polt s, for n few duya recreation.
L. D.Smith started Saturday for Boiu
burg with 1-0 head of beet cattle, which
he will ship to Portland.
John S. Coke ond J, II. FUungauhave
liten cauvussing tho town in tho liner
estd of the euhdidv for the proposed now
R II dciKit.
W. II, Samtnons, lato of Colorado
has loeited in Marrhfleld with h:) Iain
ity. Mr. Sammon h u painter and paper
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Vinyard, of South Coos
river, camo Sunday and visited
friend here.
'J hu Portland Telegram is respectfully
iiiformod that Marshficdd's daily paimr
m not tho ret tilt- of railroad proHpcutn.
The Daily Coast Mail wno started Jan.
1st, 1U0-', teventl monthu befuro thoiu
was any tallc of tho Great Central, Tho
daily is not n Doom papor, but n per
manent institution, and while it wel
comes thu railroad activity, that ii not
thu reason for its existence.
Bert Folconi, who has had charge oj
thu Coos Bay Mill A Lumber Co'o. camp
on South MourIi, hnu rotiirned to his
homo tt Dora, wham ho. lino n largo
nuhihorof logii In tho river which re
quire hn attention. Ho hnu boon mtu-
cei'ilid I iy Jus (.'own In rhttrgo of thu
South t'oiigh coti)p.
Tlios Coke Surprised
Thos. Coke, iilght-wntchuinii nt thu
U lldj.ot, wna given i wrprlau party
Saturday night by touio of his lady and
gentlemen friends, who brought refresh
merits alot'g, and pntaed a few houra in
Jolly mnnnor.
Lutheran Social.
Tho ro:inl held Surday ovonilig by
thu Undies' Aid Society ol tho Ltithotim
church wni a great success nnd netted
about f S-l for tho eoctoty. This will go
toward puylng for tho now hall nnd Ini;
proveuieutH rtceutly madu to thu church
A Nevy Candidate
(Salem Statesmnu)
Tho rumor has gained circulation that
Hon. B. D. Hume, Joint Bepruiountive
Irom Coos nud Curry countief, Iiaj tent
ed tho W. W. Martin property, on Court
and Trti'llth ttriots, and will maku hir
liead(Uarterj ther.i during tho coming
session of thu I.rglilaturo. It in also
rumor od that Mr. Humu will cumn out
strong us u catidldatu for tho United
StKtct Siuatorship. Ho is n cry strong
unit! in politic-!, is Ki4ttd of consider
able means, mil will provo n foruildablo
loo fot thoflu nlready in lliu race.
A Magazine Tltirty Years Old.
Tho Chrik'.mas (December) Number
of Thu Delineator is also tl.o Thirtieth
A onlvurtary Number.
To do justice f) thi utimbor, nhioh
for henuty nnd utility touehoi the high
est mnik, it uonld bo mcetrary to print
tho etiti'o list of contents, It Is tuf
lleient tt state that In It tho bust mod
urn writira nnd nrtiits nro ger.nrnutiy
rt-pres nted. Thu hook couhdiin over
'1X0 pager, witlLllfulI-pagoillustratlonF,
ol whicli 120 nro in two or more cnlorc.
Thu uiPguitude of thin Ducumher num
ber, for which 728 tons o( paper and six
tons of ink have been need, may be un
derstood from thu fact that HI presses
running 1 1 hours n day, hnvu htou re
quired to print it; thu binding nlono of
the edition of 015,000 copies represent
ing r,vr 20,000,000 sections which had
to bo gathered individually hy human
New Football Team
Homo nf tho younger gonenitlon of
foothnll playeisgot together hut even
ing, nud a team was organized under thu
nam') of tho f udependent Football Team.
Half Mtiteon will ho captain of tho team,'
and B. Mnrtdon ma linger.
Thu team w III bo coached hy Win
.angworthy, an experienced player late
ly from thu J-Jast. A room will hu occur
ed nnd regular practice instituted, nnd
tho hoyu expect to soon linvo u titroug
team for their weight. A gamu Inn
1 1 ready boon arranged with tho High
School team for Thanksgiving day, ami
t it expcr.tod that Corj'iillo Cily""wlll
turn out a team that theno boys can
wipo up tliH ground with. Tho member
chip of tho team will bo mi folio we:
Center. It Golden ; It (i, 11 Bridges;
LG, A Bear; It T, It Mntion; I. T, (i
Snydor; HE, II Leslie; L I, O King;
It II, O IlroKii; 1. 11, P. Maridun; Pull,
K Camphvllj (2'iartcr, it Golden: Sub
ttitutce, Scott, C Hayes, T Crundu'l.
Bjr 'i
Keep Out
the Wet
Thft I jl
y iM. M;id i. ., il. ... I i,i. um, j A
wnriiiil'it tvitli'niruul. ililn tu tjl
lliirod !'' win 4 Oii'l n ,
I.imiU fur iIck iritiln it.trli. l'-nir ititjir
ils ml Iim Uirui, fur cnlnluuit lu
1. I. fLItlaVitfl lilf r 11. ... 1-....I...
rw .'11.-4 . l.K ID , -.,,, pS4 , r.nil.fff
.rU.Il, HAV l.Il a hO,,,,air.
l.Kit I'iio.IoI.Il'., AIM.,
Firm, B.B.pean&Co.
Iii constantly uilding to its
stncK of (h'liuntl Murehnti
'Jixo, already tho l.irgent in
Mnlilohl. When yon buy
nt tho Mill Store you know
'thu goods nro first olnrs and
thu prino is all rig'it .
All kinds of lumber and
building maiorial,
food and sup
at wholesale and retail.
raurrMTvtmntinT. nnimmm t-iuumrxw -
(JKADK LlQl'iHts
"partuly 0rdcr5 Solicited.
Family orders for Pops, plnu n u
(tiitrts,d'livorcd hy thec.tsu.
Robert Marsdeo.
i.MM'mnmi:MnHrrJtinvxvm iwcramreg
I;ast .'111(1
HnMby Y
Goes ay insi Lipr
M.tkc ifgulitr ln;ii Ulnirn
Smii l'raiiclwo tti',1 I'uiiIukI vl.i
Iiiiiiilxiitiinil Con I sty, n'.Hiri;
nt jIhvh mii i JVli ,ny.
Tim AI.LIANCi: U .i lirit
clilH- piMM'tigcr lion t, nml Ii.m
llll ttlll IIKHlDIIHMIlVCIlltMICl'i
mid M iinu of tho faleti'
Bloiiinorri of her cIiikh,
unci Pnsflehj'cr
Rales or Sailitijj: Date.1?,
Apply '
AI-VRSHW13L,D, Oregon