T -:.' ' - m .-.. .-., . -, . ri-fHrttt ,''l" ,. rNNVrTfft,lW. . , ,Mmxi., .i., ... .iwr i . w -., l & t -A-WHl9HR'Mifc : '' . . khkvA'-. .. --; From Tuoodny'i Dally. "" Anoilicr .Riycr Steamer V ' (Uiuxlon Recorder) Dnvld rorldtip, John Mnomnw nnil Cuplnln T. A. Wl'iltu, nro plnuntiiK fur nnolliiir rlvor ntonmur nnil nro ilvlmlliiK nn to whether tiny m III build duilna tho winter or whether flpy will wntun til spring nnd titllfao numiiiur wcathct In tliu work of construction. Tim vawl In (o l)o consldurnblo larger tliniiiiuy Unit linn huuil IjiiIU for tliu liver, irtld tliu ilIiiHMinlotis liavu not been fully Htttlril upon, oiio point linn m:oii iltilitUtilyiivttliil nnil tlintln that tho Ih to l)u n tr.ticli finer nml liultnrlutnt tinrf. any that hnu votgrtad tho placid wn torn of Ccqulllo. ' Bins in to ho lit td up to carry pimm gcr In UrM-i'lnni ntylo, la to bnvo urcnl cr nnil bettor freight (ncltitlca mid to hnvc nil tliu rpi'Cil Hint can loiirounbly lio glvwi Iter. Hoilikn thU, tliu Mill ho supplied with electric Huhta mid other ucceary o pllnncoa. Theeo gentlemen tci-ip o bo gutting rendyfor fnturu pioopcct. If thdrtiiltond la built though to Itotthorg mid on caiI n fabt uud comtnodiouii steamer will hi n ncritiiilly on tho river nn there will tt'rtnlnly be n largo Incfrnto In trav el to tide pic co it nd polnln further South will It) llio niji.inor vialtorn to tliu ecafhoro tliculd Iticrcato nanny fold. U.NANSWCUAIJLC AKGUMPMS m A il'FCIAL SESSION (OroKonlAti) No candid porrun, no tuko It .111 deny Hint If tliu logUUturo would mot, enact tliu cuittoiiulal appropriation, tliu Port land ch.utcr, tliu supplementary inltla tlvn nni! rofcrimtam statute, nnd jote! hly n "Mat tnlar)" law, in si wock, nd Jutirn, nnd r,o homo, tliu result would fliiity juttlfy tin) expenditure of $10, 000, or lrr, that would bu Incurred. Tlio buncllt to Portland iiIomi by tliu m8C.tmuut of tliu now charter would bo nliiioul Incalculable, In vluw of tliu fearful condition of certain roalwnya For Death or Relief Jieart Disease. Dlrsy Spoils, Pain and Choking. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Saved My Llfo. Dr. Mllci' lljattCure is surn to do what no other indicine can do. If ycur hcail troubles yoi, you tinned nfiord delay or mis take In choice f n remedy. For many yean tliu preparation lu tcn cuniij: c.acs ttut othsrwiM would nut liave lieen cured, ttenil what it ha done for other. It will do the t,unc lor )mi , , "I wntc you this letter throuphcratlliulo for the lienelit t have rercived by takinj; your valuable remedied Tor three years X a auhiect to duxy spclU, nomctimcs aeveral in a day. When I had them 1 could not ratio my head from the pillow. My heart wairreatly ntfrcteit and 1 frequently had micIU of tevero paliMtitlon and HutteriiiL'. pain, tcndernt-M, chuUmn fccntations, could not lie on my left mi!o nnd wna not nlilo to do any work. I called a dor tor who helped me omo but tho ditzy inclln crew rnorc Ire iiuent and 1 was to very nervmij that I did riot care to live. One djy 1 al:cd tlio Lord to take me from this world or put my eyes ill... il.i ....!.! in nni. llit firtr on wmrthiiiL' that would help me. llio first liapcr 1 took up was a Nrw ojk paiK-r and II.. . I ..-.lI...d Kit lllt.lltMil KTK .... .i.,..l.niiUi ..I Dr. Mi 10 Merit I l.uro I faw yiiiir nuveumiii;. r ii.'....- nnd Nervine and one box ot Dr. Miles' Anti I'aln fills slnco which time 1 have had no , more dl.y spells. 1 can lie on either side ond alecp id I nlcht. 1 hnvc been able to do my own work lor three years. Ur. Mllej Heait Cure paved my life. Mrs. J. It. Dutch, llurcli, S. I). All diuiTiiljts rcll nnd pwantce first Imt. tie Ur. Mild.' Kemrdiel. .Send for free t boot: on Ncrvous.ttnd Hear Dlscaies, . Address . nn nnd liridgoii. nnil Hid practical paralysis of iilinoot ovory depnitmnnt of llio city government throui;li lack of funds nnd ilumornllrullon nnturnlly Incident to n virtual Interregnum holwcon eysloms. if nnypordoiiH ctiu ciniririi Hio nnciont theory tlint whatever Injured Portland rcijoundu q tbo benefit of (ho rest of llio t'tnto, 'they nro'rruo enough to bo i' i nogllblo. Mr. Corbott's presentation of tliu beiicflln Hint would nooruo to tlio contouulnl frarn prompt action ntn opp cinf tcnaTan nro oliuplyurinnsworablo. GILBERT BANK DIVIDEND (Capital Jonmul) ClrcuttrJuitBo-iioleu ori-Tlitirrdny f lernoon directed Itcctlver datcli to ' i i. ..i i ' i i in . .. i ii. runkon dividend of 10 per cent in tho ,,.,, ... , , , , ,. Gilbert liroB. bank rcculvcrthip caao. Thla Is tho Initial distribution that lino , I..., . f .1 t i been onlurcil of tho neueto of tho bank, nun uiu uiucr .ij'iiufi iu uu i)inuyi.u I.I I II... ... -II .. clniuia, nKKri'Katluu tl05,.W(J01. Tho amount of cash in tho bandu of Itecclv or Gatcb nnd bulotiKifii; to tho oatato Ih (10,02.01, nnd It la bolluved that tliu claim nlfiluat tbo bank that Invo not yet been presented will not exceed in r.inount (530. In cao thcro ia no further lltiKatlon to retard tbo ndmtu ihtrnllon ol tbo eatnto, tbo recilver U of tho opiulon that ho will bo nblo to mako a further small dividend within a abort titiio. Koeallmato ia tnndo na to what porcont ot tliu lUbitltica tbo maota ot tbo bank will pay out under tho iccolv urabip. Fire in Sfjjilli Marslifielcl Joint (iauimtirn realdoncu In South Mnrabileld was damaged to tho extent ol.nbont (M Monday morning by n tiro which cittiKhl from n dtfcollvu diluittoy. .Mr. Goturntll wna away from home. beiiiKcmplortd at Heaver Hill. About 7 o'clock in tho moraine Mr. (Jammill discovered that tho houto was nflro nnd rniacd an alarm. Goo, Ayrc, who Uvea ..a..- I.. fmlnil ! lnllAII t 1 A llfil in "c"r " '""' u hoover tho Mttina room. A nolo wm i cut throucb tbo coillnir nnd thu tiro wna cxlingulabed with buckets beforo thojotood nolgnal nndaa nrcBultthoateamor hoto company, which bad been aum- collided with tho steel brhhro yostorday moncd nnd responded f promptly, could nftornoon, Ket n lino of hoo to tho houip. I T,' "tenmor had dlccharpcd froiCht nt Thu iiurrest hydrant w.ta nt Itoland- tto Gray Btcnmahip Company's wharf nt eon'd corner, three blocks nwny, and I tho foot of Couch 'Elicot, nnd dropped this itiejdont calls attention to tliu fact J down to Ainaworth wharfjuat below tbo that n hydrant Ib badly needed n few brldtje. It wna whilo making alandiitj; blocka further out. Thuro aio quito a Ihcro that tho trouble occurred. ItH bunch ol hoiiEca in that Ivleinity winch ato now practically without protection from flro. ... ! intlM MITrimil CATKPIPn OjIN .MITCHELL SATISI ILD WITH PRESENT POSITION Gpeclal to tbo Mall. V4lkiNbnrro Nov. 10 John Mitchell today Mated that ho is not a candidnto to ruccced Bnmtiol Gompers, us prosi- dcut of tho National Federation of Labor nnd would not nccopt If elected. II bolieven hn con bo of moro Forvico to tho minora in hla present position and Gomnora is 0. K. F K Nelson and wf to J N Nolson, 1-2 . Int In lot -1 blk !J North Mart hfleld $S0O. J J A llambloclc to It I) Sanford c'l of ncl of 8 8 nnd 2 of nw4 8 0 t 29 r 13, (1150. - Michael Kroll and wf to Thomas Dov orous lota 10, 11 mid 12 blk CO, KUlott's add, Coqulllo City, (000. AK Uottytt to Fred Mnat 1-2 Int in e2 ol uw-1 RitdBwl of bwl e 21 1 27 r 13, (500. ii. ALLANCE COLLIDES WITH PORTLAND STEEL BRIDGE foremast Carried Away ancL,Ptot l!osp DaniaJcdCaplai(j Har(: yJck Slightly Injured (Telegram) Tho filoam 'scliooncr Alllanco, wlillo comlriB up tho rlvor rtbout I'.'O thla nftenoon ran Into tbo cnat approch of tho Btcol brldKC, nnd wns badly dntn oKnd. Tho vearcl etruck with euch forco no to break tbo foremast, near tho deck. IT''" nwt foil attatnet tho cabin and pllot'houao, botb-oLwliich wcro badly ' - i w-,-, , a- ! uem,KU" , , , , Tho ocbooncr wan arriving In from I S I CSm !MMnlf. nn1 Mn In .Win nf Alti.a , Oilll I IIIIIUIW im n4 .w ... . woillidock. It appear, however, that thuro was n mUunderet rindln,; of Biennis, and Intecod ol lnrnlln,; tho Allinuco Jatoamcd ittftiKht nhead. There v.oro tbrco cara on tbodrnw nt tlio time, n Lower Altilna. Upper Alblna nnd Irv InRlon, nil well loaded with paeacngora. Tlioioon tho bridgo who eaw tho Alllanco atriko thought tho draw would Klvo nwny undor th heavy etraln, nnd tliiscauBcd much excitement for awhile, Tho onluca wcro ruvcracdiu thus cud tbo brldRO la not daroaRcd. Tho Alllanco was in chnreo of Captain Ilardwick, end lto was on tbo bridco o'. the btoamer at tho titno, while the quar termaster, was nt tbo whcril. Captain Ilardwick narrowly oacapad with lib life. Ono of hla nrma was bruiaed by tbo fall Idk debrjH. Tho CXt niato nnd n numbor of tlio railora who woro on tho htw at tbo titno ran oft nnd all escaped uri injured. Tho direct cause of tlio accident will not bo known unlill nn invalidation is inailo by tho Gorornmont inspectora' (Orcsoniar.V An engineer oa tbo Alllanco mljunder quires moro or leoa backiuR nnd filling to got a boat alongside n dock, When tho proper moment arrived Captain Hardwkk Ravo tbo orders to go nstorn. Second Aatlsfant Knglneer Mannn thoUBht ,10 fl!gIinUcd (0 K0 RhMd nml pulled tbo lover r.ccordIoKly. Tho eteam- er W7B moviiiR up ttrcnm, nnd tboimpo tua eont her nbcad nt n good rate. Capt nin Ilardwick ruthed to tho englnc-rcotn skylight mid called out to (ho engineor to roverro, but it wns too lato. Tho At' llnnco butted into tbo bridgo with n crash, mid her foremost snapped off cloto to tho deck, Tho rigging also cava way, tearing up eomo ot tbo railing on both eidca of tho bow. Tho heavy mast full directly back upon tbo pllot-houso, crushing n part ol tbo root uud breaking utvornl of tbo windows Captain Ilardwick wna siruci: uy part of tbo falling rigging, and hli nrm wna pallfully bruicud. No ono olio on tbo steamer was hurt. All aboard tbo boat prniso tbo enptuiu'a coolnoea nnd preEonco of nilud, and say that but for Ida prompt action tho result might hnvo beeu moit uorlous. Chiet Engineer Lindloy, who wbb in tho uppor engino- v., 9 . p. n 0 . , -.a AKJVg. py.ALVAl AND AUBN'T, rtSBIt W Ijimt'OHit H.n n V r a it jSii !t A l U J I JL 8 u b h c r I p 1 1 p n p (i r h nnd Kino tltfitilM8H, o room at tho time, tayn bis department wrr wjiolly responaiblo for tho nccidont. Ilia Second estlstont is n veteran nt tho butitieas, hut eltnply roiainterprctcd tbo'ordcr. 1( any inrcatigatlon is held by tho Government inspectors it will bo at Han IVcncfico, tho Lome port of tbo Alliance. Tlio amount of domnira Is placed at not to exceed $300 or (CCO. Robert Lol ler, the tbip carenter, has been given tho contract to put in a now mact and maco tho rcpairp, nnd tho aajling of the atpnmor will not bo delayed moro than a day or two. VflrtK Stmrr to Improve Roaili. Tbo farmers of Wnlla Walla couuty. Wash., nro tryliiR tbo cxpcrlmcut pf byln;; their roads with straw to lm provo them, huj-h tbo Now orlc Trib une, livery fall the hlghwayn becomo deep with dust, making traveling bard on man nnd beaut Heavy rains meant mud, nnd tbo dust could not bo re moved without destroying tho road way. It then occurred to an enterpris ing Individual tbnt If nil of tbo furmcra would contribute straw mid nil bands csslut In laying It on tbo roads moat traveled thcro would bo a great change for the better. The experiment wsu n decided success. Tbo fnrmcra turned out In foret', plenty of atruw was of fered, ready bands laid It to tbo depth of a foot or more on the main thor oughfares of the couuty. nnd travelm,-; iH-'camo easy. Three hundred miles 'jf roada will bo covered with straw this fall. Rood Ilunil In 3Ilclilcnn. Last year several counties In tbo rrtnto of Michigan expended over $000. 000 on road Improvements, and ti:tn year more than that amount wl Le expended. THE STEAMER AROATA. Jl.P XJ2L.lOX,Matct. Will HJtiko ftcKxlur Trip IiETWEEN COOS BAY AND SAN FRANCISCO CARRYING PASSEUGERS AND FREIGHT AT: - LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coal & Navigation Co , Proprietor. F.R.DOW, Agent, Marehflold, Oregon P.O. CO. Agent, Kmpiro City, Oregon tlC-Clky-OSk-fcaO visit DR. JORDAN'S oheat QUSEUH OF AHATOKY Kit BIUKET ST.. SiSratSCISM, C1L. Th tctiti Aulwrnlctl Hnua la Ik 4ii rrti.rir.a.acritt oi4ni . ap.vtiiM wi in. (..Mil. Hl..)rMrf. I L'ft. nDAN-DISAdt80F MCN tITPUIf.IM IkxcutMr trtdlctitd i (njlualikiwtlMut.miB.r. ' TraM.aStiwlWtnHiiiMi. Iilln vul ct. (oi plr.. a quick ud V l.dlu.1 cult tar I'll... lfl.Mr sd4 PUtulm. by Of. jmOiV. i;cUlpla- ( lu mtlttKiv CmkuIuiIos lie. ud llri'tlrprlllii. Trulrolil mr 'i ontir et by lciif. A rMht curt la ry an f t&nta huh in uow.riiuu.uriiir mw J 1III,. UK. MAILSD VSBH. (A llluUl fcMk a.) cm of iut -r" v i . iOltDAN Ii CO 1081 fftahdtst, . F... m9 i ft rJ wa ' nnrnnr c I w c o""n ud 1 o r 1 n, n l 1 ' M n oft a 1 n okT I o ii n lor nil ji o r I o d I c tt 1 h . A j Stationery, Jewelry, rmllonn CgNTRAL HOTEL Comer of From nnd A utrceln, marsiifij:li, OUKGON5, OHH SHVDER. : : : : : :Proprfetcr rnnis veukncw.v and favorite J. JIOTEI hn iu ten entirely refitteiJnrd rcfurnidird throughoui and Is again open Jo trc public for patronage. New brrts nnd sprlnp matins? have lieen plccrd in nlmott every slrepio room ot th s hmuc and neither trouble nor etp;ns h.c leij pared to piu cvcrytljJng in first -chit order. TKRMS. Poardand dclng, per week jjeo Koad.j! ck ., 4.CO Single M- fMSratMBHstaHBcsaa n SGEE. . FEE. Taw-Tko DEALER IN &1KOCERIE8 FRE.SI1 FRUITS, VEGE TA BLES PROVISIONS, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE BEST QUALITY. PRICES REASONABLE. H M B FROZEN OYSTERS g EVERYDAY. : : : CI A Street, Marsh field, Ore Z 9 Flanagan '& Ecnuetfi BANK, r ' DIRECTORS: T. R.Shori, dan, J. V. Ilennctt; PKES.i nml, II. FlniiHgaii. VICE PRES.: K. F. Williams, CASHIER. Capital, 850,000, ? V 4 .. .. jSl.w w :?: inwiiiinannmiini ininwmwwii MW4saRMSSsnflktfaKrakMk4WHaWaiVaaa ' I IK BO YEARS' EXPIiRICNCE Trade Marks Designs COPVniGHTS &c. Anyone trr.Alna t uLetrh nnd description mi; qulcklr tuccrulii our opinion frso nhotber an liiTOiitlon la probnblr pntemnblo. Connnunlcn tlonaatrietlrconUdontlM. llandbookon I'atcnt sent rro- UMcst azencr foriocunn.-r patentj. l'.ilentt taken thrtiueh Munn t Co, reeolra rpUU nMct, nldiout charge, lu tba Scientific American. A hand6molr Illustrated wecklr. Iircet clr. cuUtlon or nnr aclcntmo JoUniaL Tonus. t3 a) year i tour rnonttis, (1. Bold by ail nentdcnlers, MUNK&Go.30'Bro"NevVor( Uraoch Offlco, CS ! tJL, Waslnston, 1). U. iCO0909W9BbQ4Si3iQ$Qtti Ii-TUU WISH TO AUYt.1 list, J . , IN NEWSPAPERS M iKvmi'innn at ANrv-nvn S & ' I-.ll nn Writ fc S.aDAKE'& ADYERXtSlKQ AGEKGY v 6-1 S $5 Msrchsnta' Excbsngo 14 SAN PRANCIACO. CAL. , x . al m t i m a 'E wfimwwtiwitwftwiif Lk......' '' i V V . fc.A " . 1 v. lyh!,Wf-w"J1fWWCfH sjgLA.iiL t ?mm!&mite iasrft tap- iiMKtfiwBMavwai.v.assaaaMaanii tft:iMMwiiniinT,T.H jXJrz