The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, November 08, 1902, Image 1

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WV t4".IM.A--'l
vol xxr
HO 4-5
. 20 ijwJjifC
1 (
T JL JL m JL. Jm. M m-
V f.
Cream of the Week's Nevs.
r :
Published livery Day in Hie Daily Coast tf&ll.
V f
Manila, Nov. H Newahao been rccelv
cd huru of lliu tnurdor of I). 0. Mont
gomery, snporlntondont of schools, by
Oriental Negroes. Ho was on Ills way
to Ritleolol, Friday, when liu yens nnrnil
eil by nix natives. Illo body won badly
tmitlUtfd. This Is ttiu first Instance of
tho murder of a. teacher.
-, wwvvw
I'rom tho corJgresilcnsl elurns , and ' Frederick Inking stock.
basing calculations on flio plcet roporls
tty viiuif iiiu
' rrntiolsco, Nov. 0-Hr. Goo, C.
IV.rdco Ib fleeted governor by probably
3 to 0,000 majority but J.ouo men still
claim tlio atato.
Rolnrnss from 311 precincts gavo
Lano P015 majority out of fiO.MO votes
but thin will bo offset by Pardoo'u coun
try pluralities.
At I) o'olool: thin morning tlio count
eliOMul Kuliti la tho lead, and ho will
probably win,
' Wyiin., for congretB iJofiuts Ix)iid by
h over whelming majority, llollcombs
cccotul dlitrlct is cloco ono and wout bo
dlclded until Uttvolocoimtod, l)lanco
ronarctenion llcptiMleanr. "-
Nesttlo. Nov. C Kvury thing Is Re
publican except Cudlhco. Tho Demo
cratic eliorifl candidate lu elected. Ctull
hce man could not catch Tracy.
Portland, Nov. f Chief ICngliicor
Kinney of tho (treat Contrsl Railway
c.ttno from Rosoburg yesterday and aft
ter busy day left in tho ovcnlng to re
turn to tho rccno of operations In tho
While hero Major Kinney announced
that tho head o(l!:o of tho company In
this city would ba transferred to Itoro
Lur and Coos Ray for convunicuco dur
ing thu construction of tho railroad,
Tho removal rillboaffectod this month.
"Wo will by no means abandon Port
Inuti," sold Mr. KlITnoy, when asked if
that wou'tho meaning of tho change in
tho hoadtiunrlern of tho company, "Our
railroad outorprleo coniomplatos build
hilt to Portland as'woll aa Coos county J
but it is altogether moro convenient to
havo thn olllcu thoro,. Provident J.
Thorburn Knee and b'ecretury John Kol
loci: will retain their cilices in Portland,
The onglnaor of tho construction depart-
meht, however, can do bettor work
tho field of operations.
Chicago. 3 j), in., Nov. 6 Returns
from all states show tho Republican tuc
cossful by redupod majorities. Thero
Ijas been n groator apathy tlnn over bo.
foro known in an off yonr, both tho n,a.
Uonnl congressional commlltooa ficcm
r perfectly willing to, let the other
sido havo control of congress. Follow
ing lu a summary of tho situation.
Kansas: Republican by 25,009; electa
cntlro congressional delegation,
Ohio, 100,000 Republican.
MatuchusetUi cuts down Republican
plurality to 23,000; Democrats elect at
leant four congressmen- K
Colorado apparently carried by the
Nebraska doubtful; tooms to have
utcctod Thomprou, Fusion, governor.
Iowa Republican by OO.Ott).
'Missouri, Arkansas, South Carolina,
North Carolina, Tenneisce, Vermont,
Texas, Alabama, Mltsietippi, Georgia,
Florida and Louslaua lmvo tho custom
ary Democratic majorities.
Connecticut, Republican by 15,000.
WchI Virginia reduces Ropubllcatt ma
jority. Republicans claim ono congrcto
innu and Democrats one.
Delaware still doubtful!.
Minnotota: plutnlitlos ro.lui.-cd. Van
Bant, Republican, and entlroctato ticket
elected by sbouftea.OOO.
Michtcan: in-Jorlty of 23,000 for tc
publicans, and republican legislature
California: Democrats claim governor
liy -'000 Republicans by 1.000. Thu
count is clow.
Nobretka will havo .IRepublicnnH and
II 1'ueiou congrcsimen. Uryan'n precinct
went Republican by 10, despllo his per
sonal canvats. '
Montana Republican by lr3,0C.
Wyoming Republican by 1000.
Kentucky 10,000 Democratic, ono Re
publican congressman.
Maryland .'1 Republicans and 2 Demo
crats and 1 doubtful.
Pennsylvania, Pennypackcr, Republi
can) elected governor.
Indiana Republican. Stato ticket
elected. Congressional delegation un
Wisconsin reelecta I.aFollcltcj Re
publican, governor with nbout -1000 'plur
ality and ton Republicans and ono Dem
ocrat to congross.
Now York ro-olcotH Odollihopubllcan,
govornor by 10,00 majority, und roturns
Ropubllcnu htglslaturo.
North Dakota Republican by 10,000.
South Dakota Republican by 11,000,
Now Hampshire P.opublicuii by nbout
tiOOO: two conBroasmcn.,
Rhodo Islaud: Oovarnor Gurvln,
Dpmocrnt, oloctod by n amall majority.
Now Jorsoy: Rfipubllcnuo elect 10
conijre'oamon out of 11,
, Nobaska: Ooriploto 'jroturtja oloct
IJopubllcau, QovnnJor JlcCallsy' and B
congressman. lcaiucrhth oloct i5na
from all nlatos, It is safe to
election results as follows :)o Ropub
llcaiis'control tho next houtof congrosi
by 10 in the lower branch rid 18 In tho
is a strong
mpors win
. . - Vl
Was i nt! ou. Nov.O It
probability that b'amusl) Ql
bodofeatod for the' prtildwcy of Iho
American rderotlon oll.alor.
Tho Industrialists walto morgo all
smaller organisation n!o larger oner,
disbanding tho fctnallV unions. Tho
fuction is mado up of aincrs, car pen
tors, prlntoro, browrrs Ind plumber?,
and tho n,uoatlou of mglog will bo. bit
turly fought by tho cpveptlon, svhlcli
mcots In Now Orloam lyov. 13th.
it Trill rcqnlro 310 votes to elect
Mitchell, and tho ind striellsls already
havc2CO0. Gompors w non committal
in (ho matter. t ' I
Washington, Not, 10 Chalrmsu
Griggs, of thu Democratic congressional
onccded the
committee this mornkig
election of a Republican Iif
Jorityof It.
tco claims 20 tusjotlty.
mule bv a rrs-
V .4
Tho, RepcbHoAS' commit-
Now York, Nov. C Tho lotvst figures
glvoOdell 11,000 plurality. Tho RCner
al Improssion around Democratic head
quortcrs this morning Is tlstt thero will
bo no content. The leaden will investi
gate tho uietato voting, hov.-ove.r.
Ban Francisco, Nov. 0 Th ler.'al com
mltteo of tho Democrats ' today' discuss
ed tho advisability of eont'cilng Par
dee'. election. It was deddeJ not to do
so without moio ovidcuco regarding tho
votes thrown cut in Alameda and Ban
Uernardino counlico. Caminotti has in
structed county chairmen to rush in all
evidences of illegalities.
Tho promotors, who woro anti-salcra
arc downcait becauso ol tho weakness
of tho sentltnont in favor of aiding tho
West Indian Planters,
Tho loaders of tho movement Intend
to appeal to King Gsorge of Greece,
Quocii Alexandria and tbo dowager czar
Inn of Russia to buy shares.
NW York, N'ov. 7 President Tho mas
of tho Krlo railway emphatically denies
tho stories that anlhracito coal will bo
eenrco nil winter. Ho savs ehipmfntB
ore increasing dally audilOOiOOO '.onj aro
now mined daily in the Lickawana val-loy.
dcc!d: the statns of tho national gnard
when on tho field on activo duty.
Washington, Nov. 7 Walk Ins, of the
stiiko commission, tolegrn plied Com
missioner Vvright that all inuopenccnt
cperators in the Wyoming and I.icka-
wnna region havo informiid him of nn;
ojreoment among themselves to becomo
parlieo to tho controversy and bind them
selves to accept tho commotion awards.
Good enough
for aqyit oily!
(ll Havana Filler
Pittsburg, Nov. 7 Privato Arthur
Wndiwoith. of, tho Eighteenth Rogi
ment of tbo national Guard, was arrest
ed this morning for the killing of Wil
liam Durham, at Shenandoah. Wads
wo'th fired under the orders of his su
perior olllcer whllo on duty.
This case is a test cato, to ecttlo I'he
dieputo between tho civil and rnllU-ry
nuthorltler. It n ill bo carried to tbo
suprcmocourt. Thocasois of unutur4
Interest throughout tho Union nz it wil'
i zmtmmmm
of same value as tags from '
or "MASTER WORKMAN" Tetccco. ,
Mahonoy, Nov. G Tho' slrlko commls
sionerH this morning complotcd tho first
phase of tho work outlined by President
Roosovclt, and mado a formal adjourn
ment. Scalding and Walkins lott for
Wctt Scranton whero tley will remain
until next Thursday, wtscn tho commls
clon rccouvonos for tho hearing of test!
mony. Tho remaiudor of tho pnrty
wont to rhilr.delphla.
Lakovlow, Nov. 0-O. A. Fitch, editor
of tho Lakovlow Harold, died at
o'clock last night from an ovor Uoau of
morphluo, taken with suicidal Intont.
Coponlmgori, Nov. 7 Tho tlmo for
subscribing stock In tho Danish Wo:t
Indiau Company has expired. O ono
million' dollars nominal capital only ono
fifth baa boon subscribed, notwitbstand
Itjg tho advortiporaont given tho concoru
I by Kinc Christina fond Crown Pr!nco
Pi IeT)ariabl? StoK of
Boys IotliQ
M l'ho Now Two
111 Pulton Double
K Droastcd Sack
C&f "Ifw
TT T (1 ?D A Aaa ft t mmmm laLalltil
W tho eamrt tallorlnu for boyo cloth-
Ing as for men's ; styles that havo
boyish graco with tho manly finish.
Beautiful suits for tbo little follow;
strong Bturdy sulto for tho older boys
Tho practical and tho novel A splendid
collection of boya clothoa that Is not matched any
whero That no pnrentsof boys can afford to miss
seeing. : : ::::::
. W
Too Norfolk, in 5
Sill ne'es.
The Mother's Friend shirt watst
Tlic little suits, shoes, caps'sliirts
and neck wear.
Wmt &
1 i
S MATS'Ofi .
HWW iaiOUgff,IMMIIitlTl.lT.-
jn-mtwHi hi -i Mi'Wy VWiWmKI'll'l
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