The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, November 01, 1902, Image 8

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l" - "
From Wednesday's Dally(, 4
Buy your shoes at Fetor CUmson's,
Jt'lno Stationery At Norton'.
W. H. Thotuar, of Xandon, is in town,
' Stovo Johnson of Tjurailc,
Slarshfiold visitor yesterday.
was a
J. C. Pierce returned yesterday from
& promenado through' tbo timber.
Henry Holm bought a piano for bis
daughter Freda Monday.
Mrs. Gcbrgo Stnmp, nco Luco, who
fj'aa been hero vicitlug in Marshfield rc-
Itirnotl to San Francisco on tho Alliance.
, - - ,-,- -.. ..-. -
Mm. Tuttle, of South Marshfield, waa
n passiager 6a the Alllanco south, ex
peeling to ba away three or four weeks.
" Tho Blanco went up Coos rirer Wed
nesday, with a wire cable and a lot of
railroad tics for Simpson's North fork
camp. 1 .
Best lino
of school tboea at PelcJ
Mrs. Emma Noeburg has gone to San
rrancicco to spend tbo winter with her
eon: Claud and Harry, who are attend
ing ecbpol.
W. J. Ellison, who reside in Mrs. Tow
cr's now home near tho Home bakery
purchased a fine new Whitney piano on
Monday of tho Grasen Mcsic Co.
t The quilt, mado by Mrs. Josepbson
vand raffled of! at A, Bj-CampbolL'a store
last evening, waa won by Geo, N. Farrin,
02 being tho lucky number.
Frank Adamo, representing It. L.Polk
Jc Co., tbo directory yubliehcrs is on the
.Bay collecting data for the next issue of
Jhc Oregon directory, and incidentally
doing some business with advertisers
bo can ueo tho medium bo repreccnte.
Ed and George Farrin went ont duck
ins Tuesday. If you want a feed of
,dackB, little teal, big redheads, spotted
.loon, ordinary duck or wild poeso, mal
lards co to E. C. F. and ho will cive you
all you want,
Davo Johnson an escaped incorrlgablo
lfrom the Oregon State Reform school
was taken into custody by Constable
Lewis Sunday night nt Salem.. Young
Johnson was committed from Coos
county about two years ago. He ii sup
poeell to bo the porty who held up sever
c! citiiens last Sunday night.
After the regular meeting of Doric
Chapter, No. C3, Order Eastern Star,
the ladies served refreshments, which
aero cujoyed by thoao who were
pretent. The luncheon consisted of
many good things, amonx tbem being
hot TamalM. Who wouldn't bo a Star.
This offices cend3 thenka for eomo of tho
A second operation has been preform-
sd on H. C, Ploeger's arm, which wbb
''amputated some weoka ago, In heeling,
"which it did quite rapidly-, the nerves
.7cre constricted In" some way eo that in-
tenso pjin was the result &nd Mr. Ploo
jjer" cafferod intensely. In thovsccond
Operation It wos necessary to shorten the
arm come what bat no more t.-oublo la
If you know a social nowsjitoin at any
of your friends' homes or at) item of no ws
of any kind, don't put it oft but call up
Jhtq office and give it to us, A uowey
papor depends aa much on readers aa
it doca on tbo editor, who must bo put
onto now, Ityou aro tbo only party
who knows & nowa Horn, and ,'you koop
it to yourself bow do you supposo bo cau
audit out.
A Surprise Gift
A pleaiaut curpjixo was occasioned
Monday oy J. J, Cllnkobeard, of south
Coos river on bis children who aro at
tending school at M.irshfiold. Whllo
tho daughters wcrn at homo on tbo farm
Mr. Cliokonbeard purchased of tho Gris
sen Music Co., a flno new Kimball
lni.n ,! li..1 It Itlll ! ,l.nt MM
"'""""" -u . ,.u ,m ... ,wu,,
. . k .
over (110 .bglo battery anu wlion tno
young ladies returned ou Monday they
were delighted to find tho present which
lieu been mado by their (atbor.
Creamery to Start
Tho creamery at tho . Ico and Cold
Storago plant la expected to be ready to
receivo cream on Saturday next. Tbo
creamery macbinory ia all in position
now. Finloy Sdiroeder, a practical
creamery man from tbo Coquillo, camo
over Monday and took charge of the
Tbo intention ia to atari up now and
rnn all Winter. Wbilo it ia not expc:t
ed that a great deal of butter will bo
manufacturtd, tbo plant will bo kept on
a working basis, tbo product will bo in
troduced on the market, and relations
will be established with tho farmcra and
dairymen, so that every thing will be'
ready to go ahead in the Spriog on n
larger scale.
From .Thursday's Daly.
TInro-plankingof North Front ttreet'f
has been finished by T. D, Holland, thu
Mra. Norman Nelson, of tbo Life-Saving
Station, is in this city spending eoV'
eral days visiting friends.
Miss Guttavion of Oakland, California,
is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Norman
Nelson at thqJUfe-Saving Station.
Dan Dimmick, who has been visiting'
in Douglas county for tho post six
months, returned homo Monday.
About MOJ salmon were received at
tbo cannery yesterday. From WW to
1000 fish aro being received from tho Co
quillo, daily.
Wm. Coleman of Tenmilo was in town
yesterday and bought a borso of Thos,
Coko, which ho will use on the mall
route between hero and Gardiner.
0. K. Nicholwon asks tho Mail to an
nounco that tho cold storago and cream
ery plant is now open to tho public, and
any ono desiring to inspect it ia wolcomo
to do eo.
T. D. Holland is getting out tomo tim
bers for a now derrick which 0. W. Pat-'
oreon wiir erect at iho quarry which ho
intends opening on tho South fork of
Coos river. '
Manager W. 8. Chandler went to ityt
tlo Point (yesterday, io meeWattornoy
John 8. Coko, who rea'cuod that polnl
Tuesday" n.'eht, on bis v:ay b6me,
fftany times the business wan uc
clcota an opportunity to unload an nr
ttclo at ton por cent prollt and, thou hna
to bo conlontflalthjft salo at an absolute
loss, Tbo wUlmgnqsa to accept tbo
close margin mil
real low,
The Pending Deal
L, J. Simpson was a paatungor to Han
Frnnclsco on tbo Alliance, and it fa
ported that bis trip la made in connec
tion with tho ponding salo of tbo Porter
mill property to tbo Simpson Lumber
Co. It will be n good thing for thu Day
if tho propoiod deal bo maio and "this
property paw into tho bands 0! tbo
Stores Will Close
Iho .Ministerial Union has about 'fin
ished Its canvas of tho business houtota
on tho Sunday closing proposition.
Thoy inform tho Mail that they havu
mot with cxcollent sucms and havo ob
tained tho signatures of all tiio mer
chants, with two or thrco exception,
and they cxpoot to get thoto later. They
are now confident that the movement
will be a success.
Ono men said that ho Rccidontly got
to advertising and that be realty Jforced
himtelf to continue, Ono day ho notic
ed eomo very good values in hosiery
which he felt ought to bo sold to mako
room for other things. Ho placed tin
advertisement for them In tho paper to
run three daya and in that timo alt tho
stockings wore sold. By that timo iio
had found a lot of handkorcbtefa that
would mako bargain sellers and ho
followed the hosiery ad with one for
handkerchief?. Tbeao sold also and
thonho found another good valuo in
ribbons, and by that timo ho camo to
beliovo ho could keop these apodal val
ues going and benefit the whole ttoro at
tho samo time. It waa the worth of tho
advertising that mado tho rosults, and
it waa tho man who saw tho advantage
of tho advertisement who appreciated
the chance bo had to 1L0 himself good by
koeplng tboadvertleomcnta and bargains
going all the timo. Kx
From Friday's Dally,
Wm. Bow, of Pleasant Point, wos do
ing business in town Thursday.
A fcidowalk is being laid on tho north
side of II street between Oth and 7th
in South Marshfield.
C. A. Motlln returned from Roseburg
Wcduesday eveuiiix, by way of Myrtle
Point, bringing Doctor Tower ip.
Thero wcro fourteen new houeca iti
course of construction in Marahllold
yesterday theromay bo moro today.
Amoa 8. Johnson has been appointed
postmaster at Por Orford, Or., vhjo
Henry Butcher, resigned, .. .
9Ub. Til&nU will havo chargo of tho
W. C. T. U, in its monthly incoll-gn
during tho abeenco of tho prccidout
Mrs. T. E. Dow.
U ,
Tho Artisti6 Ncedlo Workers Club
mot nt Mrs. John Bear's Thursday af
terndon. They meet at tho homo of
Mrs. Hofer uoxt w,eek.
P.usty Mlfyj's Diary, Oct. 30-A ii
ad, which 1', ea'ftood drawing qualities
as a' mustard plaster will uovor foil Co
attract Attention,
E, A, Andoraon li putting In a thor
ough soworago system for bis homo pro
porty nud bis livery stable, Including
tbo latest Improved traps ole,
Chaa, Goorgo Jhaa had a neat sign
printed on each patio of his show-win-dowa,
tho word 'Ueorgo'a," which ho
proiioeea to mako a household word in
thla vicinity,
Mrs. T.E. Dow and Mrs. Ficd 8. Dow
and children will loavo on tho Areata
for San Francisco. From thoro thoy
will go to San Diego, whore thoy expect
to remain during tho winter.
Tho Marahllold Shakospearo Club mot
Wednesday evening with Mlia Alice
Allien," There wm a good attendance.
Tho subject of tho ovunltig waa tho ulo
cdstlon 0! tho third act of King Lear.
Tho club mcoto uoxt tluio with Mlsa
Dcarnls at tho residence ol 11. J. Coke.
If all busluera mon vlowcd tho ndver
Utlng proposition In tho samo way thuro
would bo such a vast amount of same
ness In tho advertising that the pcoplo
might not try to read it all, being
couteuted rattier to look at ono and
think tho others would bo similar. II
is variety that give llfo to buslnots.
Arrivals by Areata, Oct, M-Mrs M
Caldwell, It Caldwell, W V Murphy,
Mra Murphy and child, Mrs Tibbctts,
Hazel Tlbbotte, Miss K Nelson, Misa A
Leo, M M Allen, Joslo Stewart, N Cope,
J A Falkeuttein, I) Hirichfeld. II 8
Illrrcli, J M Nye, B B Henry, KGundlo
finger, D Jackson, C II Dellard, Mra
Cope, Mra Hongell, Tom Ylng, 11 V. Sa
tan, Js: KllioU, J W Loating, J D John
eon, J Bradley, A Scopullo, B Satora, A
Iizrarutto, T Gincare, J I) Mattton, 0
Tommeson, A Schafer.
Ds Moderate
Tonight ia Ilnllowo'eu and tho witches
will undoubtedly ba abroad in Marsh
field. Tli in Ih generally an intorostlng
ocnt for tho spirited young pcoplo. It
Is to bo hoped tho event will bo colo-
jbratcd within thu bounds of reason, Do
.' not go so far as to destroy auytblng that
has a value
-. --
Coos River Items
Coos River is aa crool'ed aa it over
was. The Alert geta there Loth onda
first, but always on timo whllo
D,n Is at thu wheel.
It is gratifying to ceo how well tho
stronger" aro pleased ylth our country
and cllmato. Ono man tells mo that ho
left Colorado C w coke ago and the snow
waa fnlllnr; uhon ho left. Ho snva this
is good enough for him. Ho la going to
aend hia coats back to his friends, an hu
dont need them here. Ho will bu pul
ling out for Colorado next Spring to get
his clothes dry.
Grass ia growing like in Spring tlm.u,
crttlo doing Ino.
Jack Bunch'H dog chased n panther nt
Noble's camp a short tltno 10. Jack
chased hiuiEolf In tho other direction
though ho wont acknowledge tho corn,
What ia tho matter with South fork
Hncli? Them are others, Ills cry for
help through tho Mail must havo beon
a howling success ; i( not, why so quiet?
It is ntrango lpw easy things got loBt
hjro on tho bay. For lnstanco, Geo,
Btommormuu left Marshfield on tho
Aloruwilhn lotof npplo boxes. When
he arrived nt Allegany, ho was thoro,
but whoro wah tbo applo boxes? Why,
thoy wufot up,ty)rno of tho crooks in tho
fog; perhaps Saltcreok, y, '
faoroabouf itcext timo, ,
Dack From Roseburr,
Dr. Toworhaa roturnad from Rom'
bur;, Miijot Klunoy did. .not como In
wiih him an was expected, but will bo
hero uoxt week, Dr. Tower nays that
matters In connection wrtli tho Great
Central aro going aa woll an nny ono
could wlult, nud thuro la noihatlon but
tho road la going through, Tho Itoso
btirg people aro taking much Intercut In
tho now road and tiro ulto oulhuslastl
over tint fact that Iloiehurg la oho tho
Junction of Hid Great Central r.nd tho
Southorn Pacific.
To tux ICditoh;
Having rend tho notlco lu tho D.Ui.Y
Coast Mail of tho intention of tho
Sprockets Bros, to purchase tho old mill
slto of Dnui A Co. fordejiol grounds otc.
I think the people of Marshfield should
show their appreciation of thu move of
this promltiotit firm In purchasing thla
property for tho purpose otatod and
should promptly subscribe tho small
amount of Wins ntkoJ, ni tho benefits
nccuriug toourtowu woulljurttfy it,
CtTiznrr or MAitHiiruu).
OF Tim BiiT LINt
Tho ron tract for Ihn construction of
tho BHt LlnO railroad, from Kinpiro
City ton point on Pony slough whom it
will connrct with tho section lot to Con
tractor Small, has been let to Frank
Wade, Moriarty, John Dlcrs, Fred
Mcl.ano and George Flanagan. TliU
will bo alt trustlo and, plo work,
Tho contratct has been closed, and
McLnnn Is now in Portland to purchaso
two piledrlvers for tuo on tho work,
which will be fully under way in a short
Good enough
for anybody!
ll Havana Tiller
of samt valu (s"tagVfotnA
?spearhead:'"standard m vr."
' " OLD PEACH & tfONnr,"
' tf,tAWi.nn." f OLECVARniMY'i
ft jt;;.-;..7;;.;..::.-.
OfWAjicK icurawflw iwacco.