cil II r -v. TlfllBERANDTIA(SPORTATWN '" liAST'OI1 TIID CASCADES A staff writer of tliuOri'KOtilnii, wrll inu from Klainiimtl) .Win" liua Ililn to rny uNliti (imbar ruioutccfl of (lint toe tlmi, and It linn n (llffct l)i'rtrlii(( an tliu (Ircnt Central proposition, n tlio road will tap th(irco.o of potititry rufurrcil tot Atiotfiur word ruitmltin to l)u rnld In relnllon to tin) transportation outlook of tlio Klainntli niuntiyj nuil It In In con ncct Ion with n rceorrco which lins al ready been lefumd to In thin corru .ponilunee, namely, tlio forest. Every V Iioro south of tlio l'rliiuvlllo crumtrv (ho inoro tlovatod parts of tlio rciilnn unit of tlm inoiiiitnliiH nru heavily clothed wltliplnu forest, Tliu wholo eniitern rlopdcf tlio Catcadu .Mountain range In dimcidy timbered, nnd tills condition extends to tlio footlilllii and npuin tlirouuliont ttio Klnmmath country. Them nro no reports kIvIob tli'i precise acreage of llmherid lands, but In a con cm! way It may bo said tbnt from ono fotittb toone-thlrdo! tliu wliolo iiiwr flclal area of tlio country Ih covered with trees for Hid most pnrt u mlllahlu mid very vfllunbln yellow pine. Taklnte tlio hole men Into consideration, tlio junn tlly of timber Is very (roat. U,mler tlio condition which provnll In tbo lumber market, thin icHiurco It not yobc to Ixi pennlltid uiuoh buyer to llu undliturb-ed. WOfK GQES .!lliD on run HOSPITAL C. W, I'ntcuon has received telu-' Ktnpbto Instructions irom rather Don nelly, who went to Portland on the last Alliance, directing him to go ahead vlth tbo foundation of tlio now hoipitnl, to It If evident tbnt Father Donnelly has over como Iho bishops objection to bav in K tbo work started lieforo tbo full amount of 30OO hob on doporlt in tb; bank, ,l,r. I'.ttorfon bad a crew of men col tlnu a 80-ton tcowload of mud, ycetvr dny for t(iu (ouudntlon, llu tbo itonu about ready at bis Coon river quar ry. Homo IM) tons l bo iciiulied, and it will bo brought down on two lare tcowr. Viard. Loneslaff Wedding Arthur Vlnoyjtrd nud Mien Lily Lonn fltnlf wcro milted In nitirrlnpo Jact ovon hilt Qtlho residence of Gcorno Ayro In Hoiitb Mnrlifluld. Tlio Ayrit residence won bountifully decorated for tbo occasion, and tbo happy pair blood boueatb n lovely arch.1 of Ivy, Jnsmlun cud fonts wbllo J. H. Crooks pronnUucod tio wordfl that medo them tnnti ittnl wlfo. Tlio brldo wno gowned In a mm'd voll Inland carried n botmet uf'plnl: and wblto I.a Franco roeoa. Kiln and Wll llo Lonctlnff acted us brldec-mnld and butt man. Those prctcut were: Mows and MceJnmcii Cliff Campbell, John Lone Muff, J, Cox. Clint. MlCuIIocIi, Win Kicott, It II Walter, IJenuutt hwantou, L It. Hobortson and J. L. Wblto; Mcesdarncs McKnluht, Mctlln and (Jammlll; Mines Abcrnotby, Etta IJunten, Dapbno McCulloch and Kllo both Cox. Mown Alex Campbell, W Wall, Win Longotaff and John Loptf.. staff. Tbo array of presents was beautiful and tnnluded tbo following urtlclcs: Hut of knives and forks, net sjkkhib, butter knlfo and npoou, coffeo net, set of plo plate, cake tray, borry et.wnter pltch or, k1rs tumbler, tublu llnon and par lor lamp. o ys. ca - c S5. -jLjO. . Wntblnalon, Oct. liol'reeldcntltooeo vclt today appointed Labor Commlition er Wrlubt a full member of Iho arbitra tion commit. Ion. IScforo dolnc eo bo Kniued the comont of Mitchell andllacr. Tbo operators and Mitchell both telo Kraphcd that they would attend Mon day's meeting. Houston, Oct. M Tluco real cowboys created a riot durinj; Uuffalo HIU's obow Intt night, riding tbrouKb tbo untrancu to tlio ntcim whllo drunk. Half hundred thowmen includinc Indians attacked tbo cowboys and Anal ly lansoed one, who had Ida bead brok en. Tbo others wcro fatally ttobbed. r nlnan.liwt Vv tio((cion MtMinmmr nit Oil. Ii . -V r". ttl lb itioip, V I Wwr My$ UrilutUVa Wjy. VV S m ptw.lmi W4JXL,', sl? n M rcit ll T. a TklJyC l'V" wtfyisjii ' MXi iU :l H uiooflCtjr'lia jy (TV yf iUmtuOll, (blSND I Cold rtrywLut In cinM llilii, Mdtt SUnd'rd Oily lCompiny Itomo, Oct. '" l'opo Leo today grant ed nn nudlonco to Arch Hleliop Hiordan, of Ban Kranclico. AftorwarJ Hiordan joined in tbo Irish pilgrimage, number ing GOO, who wcro presented to tbo Pope. Managua, Mc, Oct. 27 Slnco Satur day morning Hanta Maria volcano, In tlio nortbwestron part of Guutntnala, bas been in florco eruption, Shocks bavo lcen folt over tbo ontiro area of Nlcara gun, Salvador, and Cos to Kid. The volcano is onu of the largcit In tlio world. It is only ten miles from QamltenanRO, which wns destroyed by an ca-thquako Inst April. B0wsrawf feaf tt-2i9mwMt9mi ' LUMBER X H-f1-H l 1 1 n I f H That is wtet we liave to svell, and we oau fill all orders for any and all kinds THE QUALITY is guaranteeix and the price is right OUR STOCK INCLUDES anything recjiiired in Fir, Sftruce. Bed and White Cedar. i t SIMPSQN LUMBER CO. I Norh Bend, fit Phone jaifl 151, BUkncas r.tcfll more navlnga than tin burglar. Slowly, coin by coin, the money that hno lcu no hardly earned is paid out for drugs and doctors. Blcknef.i Is the worst enemy of the work, big mini, and tlio coiymon cause of the working nian'a klckiicso In dUcaac of tin Moniuch often involving the heart, lungs, tt i 1. 1. . The uno of Dr". Plcrco'o Golden Med Now York, Oct. 25 A prcmaturo ex plosion of dynamite on tbo subway at Forty b'econd street this morning caus ed immenco excitmont In tlio vicinity of theCJrand Unlo'n nnd Murray II 111 holds. Willlamn'oniplc, continctor and super- I Intendent was fatally Injured, and Wil liam I'lerco, n laborer, was seriously in jurod. Muny othore wcro struck by fly lug pieces of rock. leal Dlfccovery will stop tbe the saving by sickness. It cures ma cuftco of the stomach and other organs 10I (ligci.tloii and nutrition. It cures dis eaten of heart, liver, lunf; kidneys, etc., when the.: dtccaoc.i arc causal ly tin (UaiMsed condition of the stomach nnd l. ..11!-. I ........i. Aliodt tru yearn nftp I b'pn to have trouble will my Moiuncli," write Win. Connolly, of M' -;i.. ! 'nt.Mt. lAculu. O do. "tt Rot o tail .1 liad to hy oil quite oltcli two nml llirtc ! Ii LtX ,m,,. . nml wm In nwlul illilrci nt ucli " I. 4 . .... ( ... IxSAIt 1 I WuBblngton, Oct. 22 Attorney Gen eral Knox proientcd his roport on tbe Panama cinal researches this morning to tho Prceldent. Tbo report Is voluminous. It fltuls (ho title valid, and tho guarantee 811(11 clent to enauro against complications in case of purchase ThniiRlitlraa 5lrl. Tfa lie used to tako mo' to tbo the ftter1 every ottier evening or o, but one evening when wo were sitting In tho parlor 1 foolishly allowed him to Uls jrSKWliot baa tbnt to do with tbo theater? TchH Well, now bo wnnts to alt Jo tbo pflrlor nil tbo tlme.-rblladclphla Presa. Gnntrnnomlo Triolet. The man who writes of thlnits to eat Una, as a rule, a good cllKcstlon. Ills cup of Joy Is full, complete. Tim man who write of thlnirs to eat Tor telllnB trutn m nara a ucu Ills vlew nro honest, without question. Tho map who writes of thlnits to cat lias, as u rule, n pood d'KwH?":.,.K -l'lusburff Dispatch. A Hirnnse Ilelosr. Ornco Ih her husband a man oC much Bcntlment? Alice Not n particle. Ho Bccms to think golf links wcro mado to play golf, on. Town TopIcs. ( r-iii. i Wien famo seems tho Tcrtest oubble, When fortune ha pasted you by, "VVhen you would mako tight of your troubto Well, thora Is tho pas Jot anlBh. Wpptncotvs. Xo Wonder. ''Tbcro goes n man who draws great bouRcs every day." l ho nn actor?" "No; rut nrchltcctual draftsman.,-v JJcw Vork Herald. ., J A Fall Jlntfle. Jlappy ilaya'll cotno onco mors; Don't keor what thoy say. . Tut somo whlto sand on tho floor; Danco tho world awnyt -.Uanta Constitution, (fi jgK3-3t$e8C)8e0e-gSCS88t3 nviiEiEEHiiiiiiBiiHiiiisiiininiiiiMiiEuiniiiiiMniiiiB S & Best and Comfort. E a M m M m m n m sa m m Th?e substantial mal(rcsf3 are flccp inHowS They are comfortable and will rlpln Uieir Vpringi ness"for years. Jlado In two pieces or all ln ono piece. Theo Imsk matresses, with cotton face nrejequnl to nll-lmlr and cost a grea deal lefB money. QllRlSTENSEN JOHNSON i m S3 K us!iiKiii!iiiiniiHiiBisiiQiaEiiiiEeiiiiEiiMniniia! nif.l ll ! Jc'Tist' fi5o0.c clty'but " no ... wluteVer. Dy omc wny or uther I Vi jppenr.l to kc t Ih.M of n Oil of your ' rellctl.' and) Uiouclil R!Jv tllied me If oi then I wrote to ypu loi nKS-o'u.u.jImeJhutby.nyn liMimtti i nmi iivcr lui iwtumti . --- - iV.n nf vour noldon MetJlct DlMjjvtry' oiid fleofont l't lifts' lit connection. inee nieoi cli " I hove taVeu o. directed, and m vcr, happy to tnte tint I coiumeneed to get bf ttei from Hit t.rt and" mv not lo.t a day tliU iui iiiier on account of mytomBCh. I fctl tli ton and Sltcr tlmn 1 Iwre lor ten yenri." Accept no aubstltutc for "Golden Med ical Discovery." Notbbig else is "just USDr.i'ierce'ii JJlcoWt TeUeU ircauUU Uw bowel. Chicago, Oct. 25 J. Hamilton Lowls, formerly of Beatllu, was dofeated in a cIoeu contest for congressional oandidato in tho Ninth district by Lockmotul Hon ore, n brother of Mra. Potter Palmor, Tho oandidato was chocon to roplaco James-Dardcn, who wlthdrow on ac count of reports .cent from Portland, whoro bo bad been Indicted for ombez elomont. DO GOOD-IT PAY8 A Chicago man bas observed tbnt, "Good deeds nro hotter than real eatnto deeds omo of tbo latter nro worthless. Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend n helping hand. You cannot possibly 1080 by It." Most nion appro cintoaklnd word nnd encouragement tuoro tbnn substantial help. THoro" nro porsoua in this community, who might truthfully say : "My good menu, cnoer up, A few doBOs of Chamborlaln'a Cough Romody will rid you of your cold, nnd thoro is no dangor wbatovor of pnonmonln when you use that medlcino It always cures. I know It for It has helped mo out many a timo." Sold by John 1'rouaa. 4-4-H-r-w-4-KH 9 ?' 0 YOU KNOW THA'I vc use no Injurious chemical nnd only the very best of soap and uc guaran . . tee our votk. We UJe perfected modern " i i ryriiiic i -..j... 1. . w.w ...m.1. Muiiutr wwii van ucic LiiUkh.ncrynnd we LMJ.V1 UU.AK UU I' turned in is hours after receipt. Remember uc employ white hbor only. Follow ing are wine of our agents: Gcorje Lorenx. IJandon; N. I.orcnr, Coquillc: E, A. Dodce. iJortte Point: Si Hanson. North Bend; J. Horgan, Emphc. JECOQS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY T o a "rrrhtniTvT '" ," JbJLU- v JC3.XVJ.kJ X. JJJ J.XN . fH4H44.H-M44-5 PHILOMATH COLLEGE S3SS&. KS peoplo of small lucnns who desire an education. NO SCHOOL IN OREGON ha n larger porcent of grmluntes Ja good pn-. slllonsits teachers. - Astonishingly low rnte3 for first-class ndvnntnKes. Send for now cut'ilocue. Address. B. E. EMElllClf. Pros.. PHILOMATH, : : : : : .'.'.. OREGON WJf rTBft? ft m Slym sm km IS MB ?Lf K Virfl5ailM " In t-nflr 1'.vir ' !f'iro x-iusttor. C A iilM MwMffmWlM Manimttliijii.w.rn.uv b.-iciiio .. , . ,.!, '.J nl'N UVil:. IftS HAN If I 'I'lrca. oiiMtluetH.MniWii, ;if r ..air ps-. . in k'. t4irjr . 1 El 158EB usEtrirs ?iOTS air; v.ri;s i m V ffif wo GSO n foek Ivsidw twine a wUot tt riuo for roti .,, yM W cTchnngonirsbioyWe. Wrltototar;orfrocatalc-.'uoiiaour..--W.lni.VA- W j. l mm mm m, m,;m, u. t$v. mmommim fSfUffittt'fsl' sratta sasfuntcosi 1S02 MODELS tho, WWWWf,clorltti of tlm country, sccurcu ef-1 fifh 1 by ns at ono-half cost. Foe? ti.vo'tt, ., . v" '; 19UO and jyui models $& 57 l'j Catalogue v.'Itlt larjro ,Viofoi;;-.v.1i t.iyri t'tnos .u!l full dttr.tlod opccIfln.T6Hn ser,i,ne to any adilrci-?. Wo SK2P QH APPEDW1& to uoyouo .'a V .:. or Canada tctfiot:. ( cc?. - odtcitcs w.d ftHoi- nn flxfc in order! T iro:-i v.'?. :;u y.)U!o x. w mmi - -- - '," . . ." r . t -i-jto'y. f