The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, November 01, 1902, Image 1

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'V i
NO 44
VT A T I -' '
1VJL xjl JL JLJ ,....'
Cream of the Week's News.
Published Every Day in lite Daily Coast Mnll,
- ' .
J' -"N- ''V-
Vioniia, Oct. U8 DJdji'ntc'Jcs from
Constantinople say (line tlio Hussion
ambassador hut recommended Hint tho
Haltnn grant such ridlgious reforms in
Macedonia nnd Armenia na will boat
prc-tcrvo tlio jicnco, Tlio recomrnonda
Hon carried a threat thtlf unices audi
concessions lw mado tlio powers will cn
forco tlio demand.
Portland, Oct. 23 Tho 0. It. A. N. Co.
today dluchargvd nil duck employes. It
hoi evidently abandoned tlio t)an Fran
cltco tradb, with tlio Columbia nud Elder
tlod up by tlio onglni-ora' strjko.
- Now Voik, Oct. .0-Tho Wall Strcot
Journat ay tlio Union I'jtcillo lini no
connrctlon with tlio lino from Bait Lake
westward known as tlio Coon liny lino.
It id looked upon aa on independent cn
tcrpritu, being built primaifly na n lum
tor lino. It It not bcllovcd that nny big"
ryitcin ia bthina it. though it Is known
that ono at least has been, npproachod
in tho effort to got such backing.
Chicago, Oct. 1 Tho I'.ccord-Hcrnld
naya that tho management of tho Narrl
ninu liuua am preparing to make n vlg
oroua compaluii fot' incroanod Oriental
traffic. With thil end in slow, orders
have bcon Riven for tlio construction of
(bur mammoth ocean going stcamora to
ply hutwocn Portland and Asiatic ports.
Tho cost of tho atenmors will ho bclwoon
fi.OOO.OOO nnd f 3,C0O,OGO each.
llaxelton, l'.., Oct. litf-"Johu Mitch
ell Day" was gonurully colohraUd today
throughout th6 n,nthrncito mining re
gion. Tho 'day mnikb tho second nn
tilvoraary of tho end ot tho big atriko of
11HX), ulioh tho men won a 10 per cent
Increase. Today 'a observance of tho
nuulvoreary took the farm of struot pa
rades and speech-making, Buslucso
waa generally suspended in Ilnzoltou
nnd (bo day vitn observed nan clylu
Washington, Oct 2!). Tlio annual
Thanksgiving proclamation was issued
Hi la afternoon. J'roijdput Kooswclt
''Oror a century nnd a quarter
has passed slnco this country took I to
place among tho nations of tho earth,
Lml durlngthat tlrno r:q hare iiad moro
to ho thankful for thau has fallen to tho
lot 6i any othor p topic
"Generation nftor geuorntiut: has
grown to manhood and paired away.
Each has had itn peculiar burdens;
each has had to fnco ita special cricla;
each haa known ita yrltn trial, when
tho country was menaced by tho mnllco
of domestic and foroign onomiu, when
the hand of ,tho Lord lay heavy upon it'
in dr)ulb Hood or pestilence, when in
in bodily distross and anguish of soul
ilpnldlho penalty for its folly and its
froward heart.
"Novorthelcsr, decade by dcado wo
havo struggled onward nnd upward.
j Wo now enjoy material well bo:ng, and
favor of tho Most Ill?h,Btrhii:s earnest
ly for actlvo spiritual nnd moral unlit tint.
"Tho year just passed hns been one of
jKJnco and plenty. P.aroly havo nny
pooplo had greater prosperity than wo
are now enjoying. For this lot uo ren
der hcr.rtfolt and Eolomn thnnka to tho
! Ctivor of nil Good. Lot us seek to praieo
Him, not in wordo only, but by deeds,
by way of duty to ourselves and to our
follow men."
Tho in ess a go ciocoa in tho usual way,
fixing Thursday Nov. '27th. as n day of
thanksgiving. .
for from tho relief fuad.
Cbicapo, Oat. UO Tho mooting of the
Stationary flremeu'a Association, called
' I
(o meet trtlay nt Toledo, has boan post
poned for a wcokon account of tho olec
lions, t Hlnco Fresulcnl'Mdrlon'a thrat to oi
lier a boycott agolnstSho nnthrcclto col
lories, unlets tho fljiruon in tho anthra
cito mines were 'reinstated, Truosdalo
and many independent operators havo
given the men their places back. Other
operators have also im-da' concussions,
and a peaceable solution tscms probable.
Washington. OctiiW Tho Stato De
partment today received a tolcgram
from Conscl McMallcy, at Guatomaln,
ctntlng that tho eruptions of Mt Santa
Maria continues. A
Tho city of OjitizuarJenango is covered
with a layer of slxInches of volcanic j
Rich coffuo plantations on tho coast
sido aro hurried undcr.7 feet of rand and
Dotonatloes are hoard continu-
Wireless Telegraphy
Marconi. Attempting to spjid Messrs
in Full Across the Sea by Ills
ouoly in tho
aro frequent.
ported in tho d,opartmeat of Tompador,
and the inhabitant. ars fleeing to places
capiUdjiand oarthquakes
Anathir eruption is re-
Special to the Malf
Now York, Oct. 8l--The Italian war
ship Carlo Alberis, with Marconn
aboard, arrived off Glaco Bay, Capo
Urctan this morning according ton cable
dispatch received at Marconi's offlco in
this city. 'This marks tho beginning of
tho most extensive experiment evor at
tempted in wireloso tolegraphy. Mar
coni spent much time arranging tho ex
periments at Cornwall, Nova Scotia.
Tho first attempts at transatlantic com
munication of a message in full will be
made tho first of tho week.
of safety.
Wilkoolwre, Oct. 20 Ton thousand
minora paraded hero today in a falling
snow Btortn. Mitchell day ia boing cole
b'ratod nud tho popular president of tho
rilnoworkero Union is being continu
duoly choorcd, Ilia carriage wan literal
ly filled with flowers.
After tho pnrado spcecheo wcro made
nt Y. M. 0. A. park, It wau tho great-
oat labor demonstration oyor seen In tliio
city. '
Sl.amokln, lit., Oct, iitt-Sevon thou-
sand rnlncfa paraded thofitrooB in hoijot1
of Mitchell day. A jegimenVo. mll'ltW
Bcranton, Oct. SO Tlio Arbitiatlon
Commission began its inspection of tho
mines with tho Krlo compauy'a mini)
this morning, accompanird only by tho
eupcriulqndent and flro boso to guard
against accidents. Thoy will return
thio evening.
Scrunton, Oct. 30 Aetlia ntombors of
tho arbitration commission woro propur
iug to cntor tho mlno thla mornlni; thoy
hnd to wait botido tho shaft until tho
body of a dead minor, Just killed by fall
ing rock, was brougli up.
1 i
.Ilrrolton, Oct. !tO-Upon tho ndvico
of Mitchell, District l'rotldent Duffy
thin morning ordered tho otriko continu
ed ut tho rolliories of tho Marklo, l'ar
deo, Cox IJros, nnd "Wontr. compaulea.
Fifteen collorlcs, with 7,000 mon, in
cludlnu atean: workors, a;o 4nffeotod by
tho strike, vyijdch will bocouinuedi ,1,n
til ',tho objectronnblo ftgriiomtihtd'1'1 aro
Must Pay to Scj tlanging
Portland, Ore , Oct. 30 If Sheriff
Storoy,of Multnomah county, consu
mntos his present intention, murdoror
A.L.'ilolding, who doliberatoly killed
his wife, tier paramour, Frank Wood
ward, and Jior mohor, Mrs. Lemuel
McCroskey, last July, will pass into
history tomorrow as tho first criminal
who mado money on tho scaffold. Tlio
Bhoriff proposes that thoso who nttou 1
tho hanging ahall pty $3 towards tho
support of Holding's 0-ycar-old boy,
whom tho nooso will make an orphan.
At last account! there Iwao n brisk de
mand for tickets to witness tho oxecu-ion.
,- . n.. lr... -it a .- - -
XUITUB uoaut jiaiu '."Si'"- VZ.
I want to put myiclf on record in fav
or of tho town accopting any reasonable
proposition that tho Spreckles interests
may make if they will make tho im
provements they claim.
Wo nr- all hoping that some day oup
town will bo a city, and tho quickest
way we can make it ono is to encourage
shipping. ')
Our water front is all cut 'up In 25
foot lots and with one exception there'
is not a wharf where &)boat can lie with
out touching from three to eight separ
ate owners of property which makes it'
very'disagrecablo all around and with so
mady owners there Is no. system, nnd
as a rrsuitfirjy ono coming to our town'
is mot with t viotr of a lot of old wharfs
apd shod. '
Coos Bay fs bound to support a city
and it may bo Marahfleld, Yarrow or
North Bond as I believe it fs to be now,'
or it may bo JBangor or Empire. The
railroad will take tho town where oyer
the terminus may US. ' "" ' '
Wo can settfa this for nil time by on4
conragln;; tha Sprockloa people to build
this dock and warehouse.
' Thoy are not spending this amountof
money simply bficamo they lovo Miirah-'
field, bnt because they cxpcct to mako?
business which will warrant' the larj-o
investment, and wo should look on any'
bonus as an investment that the aver
ago town would Jump at.
I am leaving on the "Areata" 'to ' be
i i. .
away two weeks so will cot bo Hera to
subecribo when; the committeo which
certainly will trke this matter before
the peop!e, cornea around. To help
start things I will notify them that th -tj
can depend on mo for 50.00, and if .1 eeo
tbat.U JajJKaawryJLKiU da Ua.vktj-
Marshfleld wants that dock and' she ?
must havait to hold the railroad and we'
must not think that wo have a cinch
on it, for thore nw other towns and.
townsitcs tliat would ho toogad to have
this offer, eo let us all pull togetbor and '
B'icreis is ours.
Yonra for Marsbfield first 'aet and all
tho time.
F. S. Dow
Marsbfield, Or, Oct. 81, 1002.
Fred McCormnc ic thu happy possessor
of a water spauial pup. It i3 hard to
tull which of tho two is moat happy.
Cut this out and tnko it to tho Bod
C'roisdrngetoro and got n free cnrnplo
ot Clmmborlniiv'fl Stomach nnd I.tvor
Tablets, tho best physio. Thoy cloanao
OS mlX
I Til'
( Ierarlabl Sto of
Boys Iotl?ii7
Now Two
nnd Invifiorntotho stomach, luinrovn tho
niinntlto nml Toaulnto tno noweis.
ular size, J5o
niinntlto nnd T02ulato tho bow
,. ... - ,
por uox. cur
Jno. Prcuss,
ealo by
ltJ!taiMTCTnxegaKaaCTTiPAgiaag2S3r I
rri. mn,) lmnninnt tmnrOVOUlOnt OIL M
.m a L atilu himI.-ihI ?
tlio ngo in tlio art oi penman-my "-.
tho poorest writer n splendid penman in
n low vfcokn by tho' ubo of tula ring.
Endorsed by prowinMit Col ego Pros I
donta and Boards of Education In Eu
rope and America. 8amp'o dozen as
eortod sUea eont post paid for $1.00. sin
glo samplo 2riCi Whm orderiug a ainglo
ring. eUto whether fr man, worian or
clilld. ., . l v
, "PnNNJrliPG. UPPlV CO.
No. Ill) 6. Pomilt t, pftlLndcIphlo
w Button Double
SlBronsted Sack
ll E Eamo rigid scrutiny of fabrics,
tho samrt tailoring for .boya cloth
ing ns for men's; stylos that have
boyish graco with tho manly finish.
Beautiful suits for tho llttlo fellow;
strong-sturdy suits for tho older boya
The practical and thp novel A splendid
c Election of boys clothes that is not matched any
whoro That no parcnts-of boya can afford to miss
seeing. : : :::;::
Ttio Norfolk, in
NattyMafarialB, j
The Mother's Friend shirt watst
The little suits, shoes, caps shirts
and neck wear.
HWT aa
ltliiraWa, Tho striken . to bo snro