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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1902)
K3u,lk,itSimtmm "-w- i m Minmv -rsLrr v zr&zii -"- 'ezz..rxsmr fani. i , y? iT" :"tr; itMtf&'4 rv StffJf ?te - t W - 'V,- H ' . iMawrtlimmimniri ih rm.joyTB ;i 1 I f jt i ii 4. ..lAJotd looa id rom Wednesday' Dally, Buy yonr nhocs nt Pclcr Clausen's. Fino Stationery nt Norton'o. Bay city mill is shut dowa for repairs. J. 0. Tlcrco went up Cooa xivor Tuob JnV on ft timber cruise. J. W, Flanagan "returned yesterday irom ft trip to Portland. II. Sengstuckcn has hail threo onclos td arc lampa'put in Ida double store. Fred Lllenthat has moved Into the Bowrori house juat completed, near the depot. Now boilers havo boon ordered for the Bay City mill. They are expected hero by Dec. luth. Albert Bettys nnd Fred .Moat were down Tuesday from Yoakam's camp on "the Isthmus. T. J. Parsons, president and general manager of tho Del Monto Milling Co. la In Marshfield. John Prueas, proprietor of tho Rod Cross drug store, is again on duty after a trip lo San Francisco, PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are fast to sunlight, washing and rubbing. Eold by John Preuia 10v per package. Jim llutcbeson got back yesterday from Portland, where ho attended tho Grand Ledge, K. of P. as a delegato from Myrtle Lodge. Fred Wileon was down from Snmnor yesterday. Ho reports potato digging oader way in that vicinity, but the crop not up to tho average in yield. Otto Schotter was washing tho win dows of the "W. U. telegraph ofllce yes terday, nnd It. "Walters was at work again, too, trimming at his hedge. Tho wooden awning on the front of tho Jlolland building, occupied by F. P, JCoiton and Murphy and Kruso has been orn away and will not bo replaced. Departures by Areata South Oct. 21 Mrs Dunham, II Howard, J P.oaae, Miss jClara Davit, II Welder, Lideck, wife ,aud -1 chllJre, J Rugen. B H Honder- on, It Roger a, H Msttfaldt, 3 in the jstersge. J. A. 0, Kelly and wife arrived on tjio .Areata to make their home in MarBh tfltld, and havo moved into tho Kiickeon " Jiouso la South Marshfield, just vacated ,by Mr Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly havo Just returned from the wilde of Alaska. When you wake up with a bad taeto tin your mouth, go at onco to John Preuss .drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab Je.ts. Ono or two dosea will mnko you well. They aleo euro biliousness, elck .itwdach and constipation. Too many worda epoll tho ad. A little white space in an ad. makes it stand out ..prominently on tho printed page, but ' iwilh tomo ads. rnoro white epaca tho ' Hietter for the advertiser, as then thero Ma loja chance for Jiim to prove hia fosl- .&Jines8 by bis words. I of school shoes 1 At rotci Mrs. 0. A, Motlin who, with Mr. Mot llu attoiulodtlio district falratRosoburg, took eleven premiums on embroidery and needlework, nluo ot thoeo bolng tints, including first premium on n ten cloth, na tho best, piece ol embroidery on exhibition, W, 6. Ohnndler and Mr. Droschko, ot of tho Cooa Bay Mill A Lumber Co., visited Cednr Point yesterday to look over tho situation ami tho bootulujr ami lending facilities for tho hnudllngof eaw logs, tho millcompanv having contracted for eomo 5,000,000 feet of logs on tho Co qulllo. S. A. D. E;iton, Into of Chelnlla Wash., has located nt Empire where ho will practlco hio profession of attorney at law. Mr. Eaton camo to this coast from Arkansas, where ho stood well up in his profession, finding a change of cltmato neceaeary to hia health. Cho halis did not agrco wltii him, so ho has decided to try tho balmy breezes of tho Pacific at fust hand, llu holds high rccommoudations from tho legal nnd judicial fraternity ot Arkansas, and will doubtlcsa moot with succesa here. Mrs. Cfias. Ilendrlckson Insane Wxjrd was received here yesterday that the wife of Chas llendrickson, ot North Bend had becomo insane. Tho unfor tunate lady wae to linvo bn brought up to Morsh field last evening for exam ination, but difficulty waa oncounterod in getting her upon nbont, nnd the mat- ter was postponed until today. Sheriff Stevo CJa'.ller camo over on yesterday's train and will tako Mrs. Henderson to Coqulllo en ronto for Salem after tho' legal formaltlcs have been compiled with Mrs. Elrod will assist in taking her to Salem. Returned from Road Convention S. B. Cothcart has returned from tho Good Riada convention nhich wa hold Jn Portland last week. Mr. Calhcart j went becauso ho was deeply interested in the Btudy of road building. Ho went to si:ek more knowledge and feels well , repnld for his visit. Ho says tho good roads convention was not all a bait of wind, but mado up of meu who wcro practical road hidldora. Tho conven - ...... tlon will do much good In promoting lcs islation that will give tho fuluro genera tions ot Oregon passable high. ways. Ho says some peoplo call him somowhat of a road crank acd ho is proud of tho de stlnctlou. From Thursday's Daily. Painting commenced yotforday on the new cchooncr in tho shipyard. Tho cchooncr Jennlo The! In arrived Wednesday and docked at Doan & Co'i. wharf. V. 0. Pratt haB lumber on tho ground for tho new houeo ho ia about to put up, ba:k of tho a team laundry. Tho Bteamer Flyer lowed a Rcowload of lumber up Cooa rivor, from tho North Hend mill Wednesday. Tho carpenters aro toarlng away tho projecting eaves on tho gablo ond ot tho Golden building to modernize- tho front thereof. Mr. and Mrs. John Sunderland return oJ 'Wednesday from a few daya' vfclt with friends on tho Coqulllo. Beat lino Clausen's. G B. Davis, proprietor of tho Norway creamery, camo ovor on NYedntsaday'a Unlm, on a business trip. Ohas. Kronholm lo it homo again, nl tor spending the Rumtnor on tho U. 8, goedotlo survey In AInakn. Mlis Mno Mcintosh, ot Cooa rtvor ro turncd homo ycatorday, after olnylugall ulght, with trlonda In town. Robt. Maudon has bought two corner lota In Yarrow, with tho object ot secur ing n location from which to dispento his products when Yarrow lms grown Bulllclently. John 0. Fryo, ot MoKtnloy was In town last tiiitht. llu reporta much log ulm: cotnc on thero this season, nnd that nbont a.OOO logs will como out ol Middle crtek this season. Dr. McCormnc has proscnttnl a full sot, 28 volumes, ol tho Encyclopedia Brltnn ulca to tho school library. There nro duubtlois others who could follow lilt gooil oxamplo to tho advantage of tho library, Tho ladles ot tho Decree of Honor en tertained tome Invited guests very pleasantly after lotljto Tuesday avcnlmr. Gnniej, rofreshmento nud general socia bility marked tho event, which wan greatly enjoyed by tliojo prMunt. Ono ad. dotcn't nmko a bnilncH, any mor than one swallow makes n summer. It requires many and. all good ones to I build up any kind ot a retail buslne?! nowadays. One step won't tako yon vary far, you've got to keep on going. Adi. ditto. j , K. A. Elckworth received a letter Tuesday from his sou August, who ! , now working in a printing ofllce in Cam- bridge, Mats. Ho exproKes himself as well pleased with his nurroundlngs, hut says tho weather is getting cold. Ho will probably bo longing for soma ot tho Coos Bay wlntor climate pretty soon. Mist Ruble Grills, who went to Snn Frnuclsco rcccnty, wrltcB her mothor, Mrs. Murphy, that sho arrived safely and had a very huppy meeting with tho family ot hor mother's brother, Mr. Mack. Sho will spend some tlmo visit- 'fog her riiothor'a relatives, who 'oro , among the early settlers of San Fran i franclsco. (Coqulllo Herald) Georgo . Majory, of Bandon, was fatally Injurcil by a fulling limb Satur day afternoon whllo working in tho log ging camp of J. T. Jenklu'o, which Is lo cated noar Prosper. Tho deemed wai acting as hook-tender and had jnsthrok ml tho turn to a long log which swung around hen tho team started It, etrlk ing a det.d treo near by from which tho jar brought down a Jlimb which struct; Mr, Marjory on tho hoad, causing con cussion of tho bruin, Ho never recov er od consciousness nnd p.issoJ away thu following morning at 2 o'clock. vajss&aaaxTszv&s&ummnt i GROHfinlANN'S PATBNT WRITING RING Tho inobt important imprnvomont of tho ago in tho art ot ponmnnthip innknB thu poorett writer n splendid ponmoaJij. a fmy wooltM by tho uho ot this ring "KmlorEed by prominent Collego Presi (liiituand llonrdH of Education in En ropo nidi America. Sample dozon n HurtylphcB eent post paid for $1.00, sin 'lo eamplo 21c. Whon ordering n fcinglo ririg. state whether for rnnn, woman or child. PENN MPG. SUPPLY CO. No, 119 8, Fourth 6t, Philadelphia ', Boat Solcnf ' Potcr 8cott'a flahlnn boat nnd not wcro taken from hln landing plnco ncartlm coal bunker yesterday morning about rlx o'clock, nud Mr. tkolt Is anxious to get Boino trnco ot tho thlof. The Cont Returns That Goat Cont ot Qoorgo'ii, which disappeared Monday ovcnlug from In trout ol his store, suddenly put lu nn np penruueo again last ovoulug being die covered hanging up lu front ot Mngnoo i Mntson's. When tho Co apt Mail man enmo along Mr. Mutsou wan considering offerhiK a prUo to any ouo who would guero who put it thero. flew Vessel at Prosper Major Tower pasted through town to Emplru Wednesday on his way hqma from tho Coqullle, where, ho measured tho now eteamor v.hlch Is nnproachlug completion nt Prosper. Tho dlmenMonn of tho boat nro, lom;th ICO It Hln, Beam niftftin, Depth lift Oin. .Sholsbulll by Geo. 11. Itas, of Snn Francisco, nud her master ulll no C. G, Peterson, Shu will Ixi launched lu nbaut ten dayn, nud tho intention Is to tow hur to Han Frun clico, to rocelvo her mill s and tnachl cry thero. Looking- After Coos Dussincss Adam Wlthelm, Jr. of tho firm ot Witholm A Sons, Flourlngmill ohm titers, who have mllUnt .lunation City, tauo county, nnd one nt Monroe and another at Hnrrlsbnrg Linn county is lu town in tho Interest of tho Arm of A. Wlthelm A Soiu. Adam Wilhslm lw tuperluUnd out ot tho Junction mill, Coos county li a good markot for flour as thuro tru no brwtd stuff grown here, nud wideawake mill men aro seeking our t ratio which It now practically lu tho hands of California people. Bird McCuIloch brought In n rcowload of hay from his placo on Haynco slough yestcrdey. An Enterprising Blaii. J. R. P.ohcrlHonpf Long Beach, Cali fornia, who ban located nt North Bend was in town today. Mr. Robertson Is nn old hoafarlng man nnd has oxtenslvo property interests In California but Is residing horo nt Cooa Bay now. Ho Mioms pleated with this locality and thinks thu cllmnto hero will much bono (It hla health. Ho has Invested somo in property nt North Bond nnd Yarrow, nud Is much pleased with thu prospo:t. Ho tays that ho connot ico why things havo boon held hack luiro an they have, with our resources. This U thu caeo, but an era ot advancomont has bogitn ' before which all tho coneorvntlvo olo mont must glvo way or ho left lu tho rear. North Bond and Yitrrow nro bound lo ho In it iioino diiyjnnd .Mr. Robcrlfon has placed liimoolf In n position not to ho entirely loft when that tlmo comoj. Mr. Roberta hao invested in Cooa county to tho extent ot nhout 5O0O, and will recldo horo and Invest more as tlmo pnBtcs. BORN McORACKEN-At Eastport, Or,, Oct, 0, 1002, to tho wlfo of Mc'Crackon, n daujhtor. ENEOREN On Coou rlvor, Or., Oct. 20 1002. to tho wlfo of Chan. Eucgren, a daughter. BONEBRAKE On Ross slough, Oro gon, Oct. 2t, 11102, to tho wlfo of 0. L, Bonobrako, aeon. , . j. u From Friday Dally, .-' Tho Alliance was to nail (or this port lftot evening, Matt Matron was down frcirj Catching slough (arm Thutsdny' Mo Mr. nnd Mm, Frank e'reoluinl'n baby lo down with pneumonia, nt North Bund. (). McDonald, vfho hat boon suffortng lor somu tlmo from typhoid (ever, la get ting bottor. Tho harotnotom lu town woro down to 20r0nud falling yesterday nttoruoott,' nud If wo don't catch It somebody will, Doan ft Co'fl. mill stnrtod u yentarday nftor several dnyn Hhut down to patch tho hollers and maku other repairs. Goo. Bonlo loaves this morning fqr Fnlrvlow, whuro hn will meet hla broth erlu-lnw, Ed Lnbrlo, who Is bringing In n baud of Angoro gnatn for Mr. Boalc. Cpt. Harris, of Humnnr, lias born in thuTenmllo country thin wrok piloting hln brother-in-law H. J. Defrecso, of California, who Is vlsltlug him and look ing over the country, Ik. nnd Sam'l Lnndo nro back from Snn Franolr-co wher.u they wero in at tuudauco nt thudenthbrd ot their fnth-r, Jwupli Undo. They overland via Myrtlo Point. Tho A. N. W. club met Thrjrsday af ternoon nt thu homo of Mrs. fa Lando. Tho club woro royally entertained. Tho olub niMts nt tho hami of Mr a John Bsaron next Thursday. Four thouiaud dolui Ima bcon sub ccrlbed by Grants Pass cittxens for thu terminal grounds to tho Oregon nud Pacific railroad, tho final survey which has just boon corn plot ed from there to Crcscont City. Tho oxcommuulcati:d duntlst firm In Portland, who woro oxjmllcd from. practice- on account of advertising now oporato eleven chairs. Professional othlci and advertising dont mix very well. Hattlu Forroy tho young daughter ot our townsman Jamea Forroy has on ox oxhtblthm in tho show window nt George's drygood Btoro, It Is n bouquet of crystal tlssuo flowers Thlsplccoof work shows great skill nnd mucharttstlo tnsto. Tako a look nt It. P. Is not n. daisy. Club Meeting. Tho Qhakeopoar club met with Misa Mrtinlu Mnhonoy lVoduosdny ovonlng in regular weekly russlon nnd the evening was dnvoted to tho nnrond net of King Loar. A featurn of ho evening was tho regular monthly food. Part ot tho bual nuss trnnr.ncteil wno tho passing ot a taa oliitlon limiting thu membership of tho club to 25. Tho next mooting will bo held nt tho homo of Mr, nud Mrs. A, G, Aikcti, Dr. Horefall, nBHlstcd by Dr6. Gross and Toyo, performed n cccond oporntlon yesterday on Roiibou I). Hall. Ho had boon getting along nicely ainco tho rq cent oporntlon for appendicitis until tho last fow days, whon it beenmo apparent that n Bocond operation would bo uccea eary. Hln physician expects tho caeo to progrcta favorably now. .K A V-