. MMWXfWW awiB. 'fra " r iv V ', , ..! ,. i, J J" 4. -t ,- ir'-' w .. 4 ii '. SSSSBSffiBSrrrrswttf . Jfe I K $oas flail. MARSIIFIliUJ OUKGON Froln Sunday's Dally. I I, " 'Wm.'Watcn,of North Slouj, was do ing bnsiucsa in town Saturday. I Noblo Bros, went to tho' Coqulllo yea-1 eheep for enlny after a drove ot tnultou thelr'Unicn Market. .. -, Hire James, tho Sumner schoolma'uru ca&iouown yesterday nuu stayed over -iCht ffith friends, i t! Tho schooner Ivy tas towed down the bay 'yesterday evening with a pargo of iumber from Dean & CVa mi'.i. i .. i ; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pipor, of Cooa river, will ro1 north on tho AlVanpo 6n their way to Yarjuina, where they will Visit relatives and friends. A small offico r66hi is being built in byF. A. GoYdcn adjoining'hip drucstore. Tho laltcr building has been raited and 'he wharf repaired, putting tho proper ty into much better shape, i ' i Tho schooners Western Home and Jes slo Miner wore towed down tho bay Sat urday morning, both lumber laden, the former from Dean & Co'a mill and the Utter from tho railroad wharf. 1 . Geo. Gulovfcn had a sort of JohnUil- pin rido Saturday morning, Ho was bringing in Chas. Xoblo'i ssddto hone from pasture.andjumped on tho animals beck to facilitate matters. Events were. l " expedited a good deal moro than ho antic ipated and be and his mount camo into town as though they wero shot out of a a gun, tho boy being unablo to check f tbehorao with a rope halter. r Col. Jeff Myers, formerly a Salem and Marion county attornoy, and now locat ed in Portland, arrived by stage yester day morning to take a look at the Coos J5ay country. He will extend his trip down the coast as far as Crescent City. Col. Myers recently returned from the East and South, whero he had been i traveling the greater part of the Sum mer. Ho expresses tho utmost confl denenco that Coos Bay will see great dovolopmenta in the next few years, the preeent railroad prospects boing only a part what pf the immediate futpro haB in etoro for ps. Col, Myers ia a shrewd observer, and his opinion carries weight. Evening Party Friday night about 20 of Miea Eva poke'fl young frienda answered in re sponse to inyitationa by appearing at tho home of Thomas Coke. The occasion being n party for pleasure and it was en joyed by all who went to the uttermost. Tho evening was spent in all kinds of amusement and when all wero satisfied refreshments weto Eerved which all pro nounced delicious after which the guests doparted for their homes voting the young hosteBs a capital entertainer Those invited wore: Messre Earl Ttrange, Charloy Jensen, . Chester Walcott, Albert Campbell, Earl Savage, Edgar Campbell, Cleronco Pen nock, Fred Hofer, Howard Savage. Mr. and Mrs. Bumner. Misses: Lottie Larson, Myrtle X'ennock, Nettie Savage, ., Clara Johnson, Myrtle Abbott, Millie JohnEon, Stella Guloveon, Bessie Brown. tErorri .Tu'e$day'4ally. J. D. Laird, thednalLcontractor, was lh towri Monday i Mm Honry Wetdor and Hayos Howard leavcr-for Sin Francisco on llio Areata. Jos. Rolandeon la giving his house- n now cent ot paint In South Marahflehl. Fred Llllionthnl moved hU tnmily South Msrahllold Mumhy. to I ' onnlsson and sou Max, drovo over irom iioquiuo uuy .uonuny, buu return cd tho samo day. ' J. W. Catching and A. D. Wright, of Sumner, woro doing business in town yesterday. Mrs. Foto Johnson, of Coqulllo City is visiting with her daughter Mrs. diss. Nordstrom, in South Marshlleld. ) Mr. Sneatn.of thoCoosBayMill A Lum ber Co., was in town Monday after mon and supplies for' their South slough camp. Tho specialists to whom Miss Bird Short was taken op her arrival in San Francisco consider tho prospects very favorable for her recovery. Dr. Tower is still in ltoieburg. Ho will await tho return of Major Kinno'y from Portland, when they will como in together, probably starting Thursday. Mro. W. E. Simpton, of North Bend, who das been in San Francisco about six weeks for medical treatment return ed on tho Alliance much improved in health. Get a free samplo ol Chamberlain's! Stomach and Liver Tablots at John Preus. drug store. Thoy are easier to takb and moro pleasant in effect than pills. Then their uso is not followed by constipation as is ofton tho caeo with pills. Regular zk. 2oc per box. Mrs. E. 0. Shepherd and Mies Annio aro out going passengers on the Allianco, enruuto for their homo in Du.'ur, Or., after a two months visit at tho homo of T, M. Collver. J. D. Clinkenbeard. oi Coos river, was in town Monday. He will have charge of tho Piper placo during tho uu eence of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. PJpor, who went north on tho Alliance for a visit at Yaquina. Father Donnolly is a pajEengor for Portland on the Alliance, expecting to be gone at least a week, and perhaps two weeks. Ihcre will thoreforo be no services at the Catholic church next Sunday. in m i -- luo timbers lor the newconmissary building for the Great Central Land Co. are on tho ground and will begin imme diately, Tho entire building has been framed at the mill and it will not take long to completo tho work of erecting it. 31 r. and Mrs, C. II. Merchant sailed on the Sierra last Thursday from San Francisco for Honolulu, whero they ex pect to spend several weeks among tho Islands. Mr. Merchant's health is much in proved, and this trip will doubtless iresult in a etill further gain, Chas. Oanech who lost two horeeo from his placo at Beaver Hill, October 10th, found them Saturday on tho South alough trail making their way toward homo. Mr.-Banech has concluded that ilv) horses Wero not stolen but strayed away. H. McCnllom, purser on tho steamer Areata, Will loavo his prosent berth nflor this trip, to accept a liko position on tho stoamer C?.arlna, which will bo put on this routtt between tho 1st and 15th of November to carry coal from thb Heaver Mill mine. Chas. .Jennor will probably bo Mr. McCullom'ti succostor on tho Areata, Dr. nnd Mrs. McCormao roturncd on tho Alliance from San Francisco, wiicro thoy have spent several weeks. Tho doctor has been taking Items about tho San Fraucls'co hospital, and ho return moro than ovor convinced of tho neces sity for a well-equipped hospital hero. Ho reports Bad Fraucltco enjoying a full mcaauro of busmen prosperity, a grand ruth TcmE Tho rulo in all lines. A. B. .Campbell, Win. Donning, T. Holland, Wm. Elckworth, Frank Mer chant, A. F. Cook ahdjAlbott Campbell medo up a flshjng party and chartered tho launch Rosebud Sunday. They went to M. D. Cutllp's placo 'on Coos river and cUim to havo caught an applo box full of flno largo salmon trout, 101 iu number. Thoy used salmon eggs for bait and tho trout fairly fell over each other in their anxiety to bo caught. BAN A TEN PENNY NAI LTHROUGH HIS"HAND While opening a box. J. C. Monnt, of Thrco Milo Bay, N. Y., ran a ten penny nail through tho fleshy part of his hand. "I thought at oncb of all tho pain nnd soreness this would causo mo," ho says, "and immediately applied Chamber lalu'a Pain Balm and occasionally after wards. To n,i' aurprljo it removed all pnin and sorcncfKnnd tho injured parts wero soon healed." For sale- by John Prcus9. Jo Be Installed Rov, F. fi. Strango, having accepted tho formaljcall of tho MarshQcld Prcsby torian Church to becotno its pastor, will bo installed by tho following committee-o! Presbytery on tho 12th of Nov. at 7:110 p. m:ReM. W. 6. Holt, Geo. Gillospio and A Htberly, That Goat Coat Tho pair ct t3 shoes, which Ctias. George offered for the first correct guess as to what kind of fur went into tho makeup of a winter coat which hung in front of his store, were awarded to Dave Holdenon hlognc.sof "mountain goat." Tho coat waa made from tho skins of Montana mountain goats. Holdon also bought the coat, nnd about 7:5 last evening Mr. Georgo was hunting tho city marshal, as tho coat had disappeared, Jlirce New Cottages G. W. Bca! bc,an the erection of three new cottages at the 4th A. A streets cor ner. Tho new structures will contain l rooms with bathe, closets and every oth er convenience of a modern dwelling bou;o. Ho will havo them completed and ready for occupation in 0 weeks time II. L. McDonald, bulldor nnd architect drow tho plans for nlUhreocottagos nnd will build one of them himself nnd J, 1). Johnson will build tho othor two. Tho cottages will bo put up substantial and ncntly painted and finished. Thoso cottages will not bo cheap-John affairs but neat and convenient and will be ononnd-rhalf story with a largo base ment in each. O jT J3 P C5 T!. X fl w . tv i lla Kind Yoa Have AUays Eotfgte 8lDtnro Cr, -.yg-- i ftf Anotlicr Milestone Pasted. i Mrs, E. A. Elckworth had tho plans nut cumpnny ol'n number ol heir ninny friends on Monday nlturnoou who hiu- plnml in to remind her that aim had Just panted nuothur inltoitouo In tho Jour mi y of llfo, It was a pleasant ovont ituloed (or nil. Whlie partaking of tho most delicious refresltmontf, served by tho hostess, many choice lomluusconcea of hy-gono days woro iudulgod in and n very happy afternoon nua spent, Thcsb' warm friends one nnd all departed, wishing her tnnny tuoioblrlhdaya and thnVthoy might all bo a) pleasant ns this ono has boon. O fJ S O IX 3C JX. m ti,, y; lhe Kind Yea Hjw Atoin Cl From County Exchanges (Bandou Recorder.) A. E. SucKau was arraigned in tho Justice court ol Itaudon district, last Monday nnd placed under (220 bounds to appear before Circuit Court for lar ceny. Undur tho authority of a search warrant Constable llfrtckorby had found a number of articles of wearing apparel in possvsilon of accuted which belonged to btlior parties. ' J. A. Murr.ty, of San Francisco, ar rived hero Monday, having como up to take chargo of the diamond drill for tho Bandon 0 I Company who are protect ing prospect work or. W. II. Button's ranch In Northern Curry. Messrs Button, nnd Murray left, Inst Tuetday for tho J scenoo operations and dritltug wae to commrnco Immediately. A. E. Wither?, who hr.a been super intending inprovemonli nt tho Capu Blanco light station, was In.town Friday nlKht. From Jijni wulcarnod that nnow road had been constructed from tho Hughes placo up to tho light houio on a sixteenth inch grado. Besides this thcro wero somo outbuildings construct ed and a new fenco around tho light house Mr. Withers arrived hero last evening again and n ill super vlto somo improvements at tho light station hero. te f a MR.S. L. S. ADAMS, Of Onltofuii, Tcjiii. "Wine ul Cardul It Indeed a Mining to tired women. Ilivinj suffered for even yean with weakneii nd bear. lntdown palm, ind hnvlntf tried tev cral doctor! end different remedies with no lucceu, your Wine of Gudul wai the only tiling which helped me, end eventually cured me It teemed to build up the week parts, itrtnqlhcn the system end correct Irregularities." By "tirrd women" Mr-. Adams means netTous women who havo disordered mi nw, fullirifr of the womb, ovarian trouhli 3 or any of tluHo uiliiii'iiU th.it v.-omen have. You can euro yourself nthnuiu with this wreat woiik'h'h remedy, Wino of C'ardui. Wino of Cnrdiil hiw cured thoiiiiiiii'lrt of ennei which doctors havo fulled to benefit. Why not begin to r;ot well today? All dmguists have $1.00 bottles. For nny stomnch, liver or bowel (Unor der Thodford'n Uluck-Drrumht bIloiiM bo used. KorillM,iniiUllrnlnro.tililri,BlTliii niititwn. 'Ili Uillr' ArtvlKity liuniti. llinil, 'I 111 (1tiUlitt Vtlllltl Vi Moiucliio l( I'lmllAncwktv, Ti'im. IWINECARDUI 'c3TW?bw Keep' Out tho Wet SAWYER'S KmtltUrllranil A Tht vnlcirproor ijnrmpiil In h rllll M IM ffttlit Ilia Ita.L lit.lft.lla AM. I yitrrnntril M-niiriMmi, Utd U Uu4 lliarullihMl wuf Olut vral,-r. , liimU in-1 It it irnilt' ninrii. Ilrnif '1lf II J HOI ll.TO ),nllt, Mrll. fur (tlttORM lu I. T. Mllttmil- (., Jilt,, SrriMtii. Mil. M. ma Vfll A oS, N.larr, l.all Vhitt4tr, llu.., ZJl Tho Old Roliablo Firm, E.B.Deai&Co; C. II. jtf:RCIIANT-2f la constantly ridding to ita Mock oi (innornl Murchan dtso, already tho l.ugo.t in Mnrfhfluld. When you buy nt tho Mill Storo you know tho goods are first class nntl the price Is all rlg'it. All kinds of lumber and building material, food and sup plies at wholesale and rotail. a? HEADQUAltTEItS FOR HIGH GRADE MQUOUH . CHOICE WINKH AND i'URU BRANDIKS. LEADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEER f-amily Ordorj c6olicitcd. SOLE AUfciNT FOR THE CELIC BRATEI) Ranier Beer, Family onlera for Tops, pints nnp qunris, delivered by ihucaso. Robert Marsden. Pnst mid Couiniotlious vStcatii!iii) "alliance vr car $.iU.fiAS&zSL: or fjr gr ver vsr HABDW10K, Master Mnket uvular trips Jx.Ucru Hut I'mnclico utl'l I'ortlnnd ia I IiiiiiIkjIiu anii;Cooj liny, calling at nbova ports a.ich ny. Tho AhUANOE U ,i llrt cImhh )iiNneiigor bout, nnd uh nil tho iiiodoinconvunluncort nnd ih ono of the fiibtl'B' HtciuucrH of her chins. I'or Freight , nnd Passenger Rntcs or Sailing Dates, Apply .to . SEiVGSTACKENy MARSIIFIIiD, Oregoh &r Fif'lll((!l:nr.n sf9SuK&n:J Liniior '-; !ft. H t -f-W W f r- . - -If jgA w -w.m '