.afl.p.ciV;?;; ;J$ST" -rrvJsyatnaiWTS & v -tJyy-. -."- ,..v.ifcV ..1s - WL V- rt i .nsro LOCAL From Thursday'o Dally. Buy your elioca at Potor Clausen's. ,... TibbolVa auG V" brought vby Captain) Allen on tho Schooner Emma Uttor. Flno Stationery nt Nortou'e. The Shakespearean Club met Inst urght at tho homo ol E. L. C. Farrin. 4 Mrs. Mary Steolo, of Coqtiillo City, is visiting iii Marshtlcld With her soil, Earl, There is a grout rush tor timber claims is Southern Oregon, anil people aro oom ingnll the way trom Iowa t6 locate them. Tho schooner Ktnma Utter arrived yesterday, 22 days out from San Pedro. Capt. Alien report8 a pleasant trip but no wind. After soverol weeks of threatening and several changes of wind, tho weath er clerk Ecema to have got down to business. Miss Emma Trlbby will start Friday or Gravel Ford, whero aho will enter ns a aindout in F. S. Bunch'a academy, which opens Mouday. Ccqutllo Horald-Eld 0. P. ll.lloy .. mcutings wilt begin nest Monday night, though ho himself will not bo hero till Thursday night. ItishU wish, how ovor, tlint tho mrotiuga ehoutd bo start ed Monday evening, mm they will. Preaching each evening nt tho M. K. church in thin city. (' From Friday's Dally. II. Songstnckon made a buslnesa trip to Coos river yesterday. Tho shipyard laid off Thursday allor noon on account of tho expected rain. White A Co moved tho oven ftom the Cottago llnkery to tho Garden hotel yesterday. Edwanl Abernethy, of Data, has been tu town vlltiug friends and returned to hia homo Thursday. W. Gage waa In town Thursday on his way back to tho Coquillo after u vltit to his ranch at Allegan) . Beat lino of school shoes at Pater Clausen's. the MarshGeld Cash Meat Market re ceived a carload of flno primo mutton thcepnnd fat hogs Wednesday, from Koy Garrett of Myrtle Point. Fatlier Donnally is expected back from Curry county Friday evening, and will hold services in tho Catholic church at the nsnal hours next Sunday. MIsj Florence Twomblv li.ni finished her term of school at Mallards and is vx pected homo on today's train. i i Dr. Towor started for ltoeburgyestr day in reaponto to a request from Major Kinney, who wlshtd to wo hint there. Hev. F. G. Strango waa elected by tho Grants Puss cession of the Oregon Synod of the Presbyterian Chnrch ns one of the members of tho Homo Mission bwd. C. A. Johnson bay bought W, 0. pbristcnscn'fl interest in tho extensive business and property interests of the firm of Christenscn & Johnson, and an enventoryof the stock was being tak en yesterday. PUTNAM FADELESS DVES are fas to sunlight, washing and rubbing. Sold by John Preuea 10c. per package. Fred Hofor who hit been employcl in Win. Nnsburg'a dry. goods store hai change! his job to one more to his lik ing, that of tho grocery business, with F. A. Sacchi. He expects to go to echool after a year's vacation from study. Isadore Fahy was in town yealcrdny on his way to his post nt tho I'inpqua light house, after a vacation spent at hia homo on the Coquillo. lie reports Jiia brother Ed. recovering from his re cent accident, which hia friends will be clad to hear. The Belgian Haro has dropped out ot f-xiitenco so far as industry used to ap peal in print, but their high flavor still Hngera painfully in some of tho cnthugi t!te purses, even in remote Coos county. Jt wasfiue epdrt, In eyery community there aro i-orno persona who are-unable to uuderatand how a newspaper can bo run "without fear or favor." It keeps them guesting to account for bvery pulley or utterance of the newapapcra on tho theory of some unworthy motive and their contortlonr aro awfully funny somotimea. Hailstones two inches in dinmetor re cently fell in St. I.oula and caueod (5000 damage in flyo minutes. Qn Coos Bay we call a half-inch hailatono a whopper. j.t some of tho echoo.1 children figure out tho comparative cubical contents, and hand it in ; we haven't time. When you wako up with a bad taste iayour mouth, goat once to John PreuEs drug store and got a free earnplo of Chamberlain's Stomach nud Liver Tab Jete. One or two doses will make you well. They also cure biliousness, alck hesdach and constipation. little Hazal Tibbttta received yester day a p;esent which alio highly appre ciates. It ia a Chinoto ucodlu, and cc J. Vf, Tibbette saye. looks juet like an :Ancora itoat. It v.aa rent from San Pe ijfoTby Pick Earle, on old friend of the Total eclipse of tho moon last night; did you eeo it? Our marine reporter who genarally keeps hia lump trimed and burning, by day and by night, waa caught out, without hia lantern, Later J. W. Tibbette' eaid he could see Gro rer Cleveland sitting on tho right haud cornet fishing, just back of J. Plerpont Morgan, who waa clipping coupons from a large roll of bonds and he could plainly dUtlngslsh J. Gould running, haro head ed, down tho Great Central railroad track, headed for Bangor, Of course he must have taken an oycter cockUil or two. THK IliaOCHT 8KNHAT10N EVERY WllKIHi BILIPUT Colapsablo Pocket -STEREOSCOPE APPARATUS The amallest Stereoscope with the strongest optical effect. Highly Mulshed in different colors with rich gold ami Willll'- of art Sent everywhoro prepaid in latter form. AGKPTH WANTED. LILIPUT SIEREOSCOPE CO. '" l-'OKEST BUILDING,, in (iinereni coiora wiu ricti gou tllter decorations (mouutingB), It; irig 'M V. F. Photography Views (genre.), l'UIOB ONLY $100. ,frdm.8aiaryayVDnlly. " The regular monthly mooting of tho MarehflBld Hod & Gun club was hold Inot ovening, mul it la understood thut a measuro waa pasted providing for tho purehato of a teJu of coal, It was decid ed to call a mooting for next. Wodnoiday night to dlicuia thu question of issuing a challuugQ to thu other Coos County clubs, for n prliso ehuot to bu held on Thanksgiving to compete for tho trophy which waa scut hero eoino months ngo by thu Union Metalic Cartridge Co,, and which Is now in poeimion of (he Coqtt lllo City club. $50.00 REWARD For Information lcftdlug to tho recov ery of thu following dutcrlbcd horton, stolon from Beaver Hill, Cooa County. Ore., on the night of Friday Oct. 10th IW2: One groy Norman gelding, very pretty, long gray mane and tall, about 15 hands high, weighs about l'JOO lbs. Ten years old. One bay gelding, white spat on end of nn;e, one hind (cot between ankle and hoof la white, 153 or 1ft hands high, weight About litOO to VVjQU,o oar old. Cuas. BAi'rch, Btmver Hill, Cooa Co , Oregon. O J2. f3 3? O XZ. -X jC. . ban a. ' a l tJ Ym Hw rnn EoJ county for number of yours during lylilcll tlult) lio liKa mhtlo'V hik 'of frloiuls. In tho pftornoon tho happy couplo departed to tho homo of tho gtuom on Coos river, carrying with thorn tho best wlohoa of their many frteiulj. (R( PATHN1 cznnzaci GROSSMANN'0 FHNT WRITING RING' 1 U) most Important improvement of thu ago in tho art ol pcnmnrnhlp makes the pooreet wnttr a rphnUid pnmnn In a few uecka hy the use of thla rlu. Endorred hv prominent College I'roHt dentaand Board of lMiicntlon in Eu rope and America. Sample dor.nn as sorted eisH di'iit ost paid for $1,00. ain ulo sample 'JV. When ordering a blngle rltu, atatu whether for mau, woman or child. PENN MFG. SUPPLY CO. No. 110 S. Fourth St, PliUmlclpiilii ' ' - Tho Ingahoromou's Union ia fitting up a hall ovorthe Union Meat Mcrkct. WALTER-DEAR NUPTIALS A very pretty wedding took place in thla city last ovening at tho residence ol Mr. and Airs. JJolm Bear, whou their daughter Edna waa united in umrrlngo with Dr. U. H. Walter. Thu Hear residence waa beautifully decorated In pink mid greon, Ivy, Oregon grape, aweot peas, rosea and palma be ing tastefully ulltUud In tho scheme of embellishment. At cevea o'clock thu bride doecendod thu btalra and whs mot at their foot hy tho groom. Stepping Into thu pallor whero tho guests were assembled, tlioy were met by tho nlllclallug clergyman, ilev. It. C. Leo, who In n brief but Im pressive ccromon.v tnndo them man and wife. Alter Mr. and Mrs. Walter had re ceived tho warm congratulations o()lli(ilr assembled friends, the party repaired to the dining room, whero a bounteous wedding repRjt waa ecrved. Tho feature of the table garniture was n beautiful bridal rake surmounted by a wedding bell, thu work of Miss Nellie Bemitt. Later In tho evening tho happy pair and a fuw of their frtenda were taken in a carriage to JSouth Marahfleld, wheru j they commence honwkooplng In the I elegant Walter resilience. Tneso young people aro both well and most favorably known on the Bay, bavin-; lived hero from Infancy. Tho hrldu Is tho youngostdaughterof Mr. and Mrs. John Bear and otiuof Marthflolcd'n most charming young ladles. Thu groom ta tho only eon of Richard Walter. A thorough Course- Ih donlUtry In tho beat Eastern dental colleges,1' ho rocontly opened nuoflloo In thin city, wlioro his trained t kill mid geutlomanly dumonuor have pin cod him In n leading ponltloii. Mr. mid Mm. Waltor communcu tholi married life tiiidortliuhupiilent mirpleos, with bright projects, nud n largo clrclo ol friends to wltth them joy. Tlioso proaent at tho weddlim wore': Mr. ami Mru. John Ihar, Mr. and Mm. A. Q. AJIson, Mra, J, L. Wlilio and son, Mm. v7is. flornltt, itlchnrd Walter, Ml r r.tnnm Boar, MIyn Nellie Koriiltt, Al beit, Chostar nud Charley Bear mid Charles Jensen. NYLUND-At North Bend, Or,, Oct. IS, IW. Victor Nylund, aged .12 yearn. Deceased hud been on the Bay about twelve years ami had worked In thu log ging catnpi, nt Llhby and at North Bend. Hlif'health had been falling for some thing oeru year, and ho had inado n trip to California In rcarch of relief from his malady, consumption, but without avail." He leaves a widow and ouo child. Tho funeral services will bo conducted at thu Swedish Lutheran church (u thbi city at - p. in. today, under the auspices of tho Order of Odd Fellows, of which deceated was a member. SMITH At Marshtlold.Or.Oct II, I03'i, Kennur, u of Mr. and Mra'. E. W Smith, aged two ymra, Tho little fellow had hedn very low (or aover.il day, and tho best medical at tention could not save him, The bereav ed parcntH have tho sympathy, of tho community. Tho funeral will Isavo Marshlleld to day nt 12:t!0 bygojoltno launch and pro ceed to tho Coon river cemetery, whero Interment will tnko place, services bolng After 'conducted hy Rev. Geo. Bunyan. n TURNEIt At Marehfleld, Or. Oct., 13, IW, to tho wife of H. Turner, a eon. ANDERSON-Iu North Bend, Or, Ot;. N, 1002, to thu wife of Victor Ander c n, a boy. (,10 1-2 I be) . AvvvvvvVvvvAvvvvvAvAl .vsvnvvvvvvvvvvs Capefully Selected Fall GoodSo MARRIED GAVANAGH-ARCHER-At C(XiiHlu City, Or., Oct. 15, 1!X)2. Win. Cavan- agh to Miss Martha Archer. i'KEV BOOKE-At the farm rcoidonco , (d the bridft'a parents on Coos river, ' Oct. 15, IWJJ-'raiik Prey and MIhb' Kate Uooke, Rev. 11. C. I-ooolllcIating. Tho bride h the dougtiter of Mr. end Mra. Robert Booko, and ia a bright and popular young lady. The groom hi an industrious young man and well thought of hy nil who know him. They willr commence housekeeping in u neat nt-1 ready prepared near Allegany, with tho best n lades of all. SIMONS-TUOBNTHWAITE-lu Mnrsh- fluid, Or., Oct, 10, 1002, Horry Slmona and Miss Edith Thornthwaite. Tito rnari.'age waa solemnized in the presence of n few Invited gtiustu in thu Methodiat church nt 10:30 a. m., Rev. B. V. Peck oillclatlng. Tho hrido is tho eldest daughter of John Tiiornthwalto, tlio proprietor of a largo dairy much on Cooi river. Tho groom ia a-highly re spected young cqan.and.hoD lived IflCopa i Qood5 Corsets QIOU85 Iaees fotio75 papeie osiery Domestics tinder uear etc,, etc;. Ue laue largely increased every dmmrt mont In the lluti wu carry and fnd coulldeutly nblu to supply your wants in v "'--V' V V0 Olothhi' Gents Fur nishings, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Oil Skins and and Rubber Goods. Mackintoshes, "Wrappers, Waists, "Wool and Silk Goods Standard Patterns and Publications Samploa Sent on Application CHARLES GEORGE I. CO. R. BUILD TIM ft. P!, A.u yyv'NAVry?fwVVWV