I J v., iv r ft. ITow long will it tnko tho itinti to fill the ancle If he Joco not stop tlio lcaVr To nttompt to notitlih tlio body when Ui nujuiBcii ii ens ealed In like try ln to All tlio Hack with thu hole hi It. When tlio titouinch mid other (llucutlvo mill nutritive or. nuu are dliu cased. 'there In a constant lonu of ntilrltloii. I'liounh In putrn hut tlto hotly lo-Jtn flesh,- plain proof Hint the rood cutrii in largely wasted Icuiikc it In not dlycutul mill n nhull.itcd. Dr. Plercc'o Ooldeit Medical Discovery cureM flUciinci of the it out it ch mid other owiim of digestion nnd nutrition, It tops the leak it by vhlch mitrl- tioi Ml 1 (iWfSr fi.'Wx.TClU 7)A si (yMULiW)V .V KoMl iW'.Au Zf Ion in lobt. nnd rMt n ll I r a t hi. buildiiu; up of the body by the nutri tion derived from food. The gain in weight proven the cute. "Thtrr years oro 1 wis tnVcn tick with rrlist the iluctortnllM iitrwuntKn ami iiiillucitlon," rrtle Ml, Warren It I'stkrr.of Orsnifo Blrttt, K.nliickrl. Mitt, "He ifsvr ric Mfillclue for (lie ItcKililr, tint I coiilit mm rat even h little Hint or oatmeal wltliout .ulfulmr evrttly. In n few months I lxn in iavritUtttlnif tultit riulit In Hie Jilt cl my ilomacli I railed the doctor Vltl Rlllt tie Mill I llAtt CAtlttll of slomsch, L'e rue nitillcliie hut It itlit not tlo my nuol, I lent oimii1i in three month, t then com tnenctil taking Or Merer' mrriirlnca nnd souii tMKin toleel htller I have taken sis Inttlrs of 'OoMril MriJIcal OiMovery ' two of '1'uvorlle l'rccilttl(m ' atl il villa of lit 1'lcrre't I'd. let. I lure uslutd ten ixniiid.. Cau cat every thing ' Dr. Tierce's Pleasant 1'cllcta cure cou-etlpatiou. From Sunday's Dally. MASON'S BANQUET M. W. GRAND MASTER BUTCHER The Jtahfield Lodge Spread Them selves en Banquet Friday Nfelit. by I). II. Marsh was a masterly talk and in owed in a full and forcciul manner that Maonnry was a protection to tlio SlalO, . A toast wan drank to "Our Country" which was responded to by W. M. ColylK of Jncknonvlllo, who did tlio niihjout jus Ilea and IiIh ronuirkn woro brim full of wit nnd uarpnetn an well tin palrioti'jm. "Masonry A Moral Force" by It, 0. Leu wan thu lout numhur on tlio pro gram. Thu subject wuo well handled and improcntvo. A mill wr.n mmlo on n few morn for nv markH nnd the toastinastor citllod on brothur Chits. MoKulht. It tamo in tlio way of a mirprlw to Charley hut he won eittinl to thu occasion and ocquitod hlmrolf nobly. A rail for thu M. V. Ornntl Mntttor wr.n responded to in a general talk, full of fun nnd itood ronso, ami by bin tnlk It wan shown tbnt ho win a Pant Master at etimmjuic up, for ho jjrrtcrfnlly touched upon ouch speakers remarks nnd left a gonera! good improKslou for ench. Taken nltOKUther, thu affair wan n bril liant success. Boots, Shoes and Harness Repaired. John Harding tlio shonmakor is em ployed at Haskell's Ilarutea Bliop," Wo also keep. all kinds ofleather. Ilarnotn Leather, Hole Lcathor, Lnco Lofttlior, )atl;o Lcathor. All kinds ol KpririK L(!ii;ltiK8, If you want to buy any kind of Imr- nctn ecu jiiukci, MARK'S CORNKR Front Btrcot O Mi. 13 37 C3 2T8. X -Ol. . Dmm iLn y lu Kind Yc-j HaiflAhrag Bo:ito What the Eight Hour Day Wll I 1 Do :. By Profcuor FRANK L. M'VCY, Economist, Unlvenlty of Mkmwota HE EIGHT HOUR DAY, "WILL 8E0URE L'ARGER CONTENTMENT AND OILEEKFULNESS FOR HE WORICLNO PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. Tlio economic vnluo of Una gift ifl yot to bo appreciated, but tlioro can bo no doubt of ita great productivo power when applied to industry. Undor ila influonco tho old rato of daily production will bo maintained, nnd LITTLE OR NO CHANGE WDLL RESULT IN TILE LONG RUN IN THE EFFECTS UPON , .WAGES, PROFITS, THE UNEMPLOYED 'AND FOREIGN COMMERCE. None but the Best of Meats I coiiHtantlv furnlHli tho best nnd InrliiKt of iiioiiti, which nhfd tno thu confltli'iico of my pntroiH. Imeats are iA. NECESSITY lliut It it neciwary that thoy bo puro Eiind wlioh'soint'. I do nut proiuho n iillscoiint, but I will kIvo you hont'st band courteous treatment nnd value Erocelvoil for your tnoimy Sati.tfac- tloii Km-raitteed or cuhIi refunded. MARSHFiJELB GASH iAT MARKET.! m i m litrtKY iiULOi, rrop. - - rreo tieuvery. i iiune 101 a 1.W..K-t-Ht.H.j-K4.4r- I IIIIIII1IIHI 8H M III I III 4. STQP COLDS Djncnr lurks in nvory cold. Safoty and comfort both domnnd tho earl!- X Tho Mnronlc Haniuut which was ten dered Moat Worflhlplul Orantl Maeter, W. F. Hutcher Friday nisht was well nttondod and will lonu bo icmumboroJ by tho MaaonB preucnl. About 100 plntoo wore laid nnd tho Nrollor eupplled tho fenrt. There bin never been a bfltter eerved lumiuot In Coob county and tho hlKh pralno received by tho popular cat erer 1b well diiHorvwl. l'rcmptly at 8 o'clock tho uueate woro rcatetl at the featul lioanl r.nd the tonat master announced tho nddnuo of wel come which wan made by W. II. S.Hyde, nnd was delivered in Ida natural nnd improKflvo manner. Tho roBponso hy . . m u iirntiii Mntir. lhitchor. was well .. ""v' ' ' ,. lJOIipOr IttrKB 111 nvory emu. omuij nuu uuihuii uuiu uu.umm uiu iiiiu- j, r.,ctuvclt '.. eat poBdlblu euro. IlerntoforocoldH havo uattnlly had to run tholr courso of f , , ,. , . i .....r . ' from ten ilnvn to two wtek; now thoy cau bo relieved in a few hours and A u-nrn then Invited to do itJltlCOtO.. . "u",1 , " ' ... .. u ...... .... .1... rt..t.f ,..,,,,t n.flnmlW T tho feast. Alter tho couoe-oo woro eor veil nnd tint millions had cleared up thu work an Mauler Macon know best how. Worhlp(ul Maetor R. Wnltera of Dlauco LoiIko -.ecpondi'd to tho toast "Dlnnco LodRO." It dawned upon Botno ol tho Marehfleld Mneonu for tho ilrat ttmo that brother WnltorH wib nu after dinner speaker of raro quahtius. Mr. altera lomarKa wero nne, npprupnuiu nun wnll received. Tho To.ut"Whv n Now HallV" wcHre tnoiicliHl to by J. W. llonnott In hla jovi al. Inlmmltnblo natural atylu and ho did iu)v Inll to ImpriBB nil present that as a member of lllanco IoiIro ho wnB in dead earnest about tho new hall, l'jvery en tonuaj ol hla Bpccch wbh full ol hla nntur Al wit, whtuh cauKodlthonioat jovial feu htf throuishont tho ovonlnj,', in fact It nut tho paco for humor. Tho noxt toaBt "Tho State of Oregon," we j responded to by L. J, Simpson and blH talk wan brim lull of Hplco and tart with wit ami dl-ltho royal net by OroRon, W.lJ.DouKlatTanMwered in rcHponso to tho toaBt ' Tho Mnuon a Rrolhor" by ro lutlnu a quaint Btory which waa nhonutl ful illustration. "An Othera Seo Ua" was responded to )y Mr. Durham, of Portland ami thc Xiapoi.rO wua ontlrely Impromptwon nnd v.aaonoof tho boBt ol tho evening. "Mftsoury a frotectlou to tho Btajo" ! ; cured In a day 11 you ugo tho right remedy promptly. Sonjistaclcon's Luxntivo CokLTiiblots I Ib n remedy tbnt, taken In tinio, romovoa ovory vosUro of a cold in 21 houre, I 4. and leavea you' leolitiK better than you did before tho cold began. It cannot T harm. Prlco 25 cents. SENGSTACKEN'S PHARMACY, ; Marslifield, Oregon JHffH-l'l ' I IHW'WH-W ! II I I I I I I I 1 H 1 1 I I H-H-HHhH? CENTRAL HOTEL Comer or Front and A streets, MAKSIIFIELD, OUKGON, JONH SNYDER, : : : t S sProiiric,tor flllUS WKLL-KNOWN ANDFAVORME X I IOTEL has lust been entirely refitted unit rcfurnl&liccl throughout nnd is nKainopen to the public for patronage New bed nnd upilnR mattresses have beer placed In almost every slccplpR room oi this lioiiso and neither trouhld nor ipins lias beet ppicd to put everything In lirst-cuss order. TKRMS, IJoardand Loduing, per weRk..... JS-co lloard, per week.... ,. 400 Shiglo Mods,...,. rt , ..,......,,, , 35 A Coatly I'rccvdcnt. Ono of Phlhtdelphln's rich young bncholora returned from u trip to tho PncHlc const with u Chinaman as valot, lutvltiK been ltiduceil to eugnco him by Sun Fnmclseo frlenda, who Bald that orientals mnko ndmlrnblo ecrv ttnts. Ono moi-nlnt; tlio Clilnnmnu found a half dollar on tho lloor nnd wns told by his employer to keep It for hla hon cuty. Somo days latqr tho bnchclor mlHticd u scnrfplu and inquired of tho valot na to Its whereabouts, "Mo Hound It on lo lloor, an' mo kopt'lt for my honesty," was tho csplauatlou, PhUa. dclplda Tlmca.. . ' V MMHaMawawaHMaMnaMaMHnBMaaM(naHHMaiaaaaaatHMaviBi.vBa aL ' t .. " fl' " Tf. P. W (K R rr n n. - ." KEWB DBALER'AyP AOENT . '' '"'ti Latont Ban KmnclHCo and PortlanlT" ' 5: g da jll oh. All tho loading M a gaz 1 n ort't & ' I (JU'lTbKltY AND I'LAYIMU OTItli' H t ? g I ? 5 - rt Sl, ' t 1- " a 8 ti b fl c r 1 p 1 1 0 n h for nil Z . 2 papo rfl an d por io dl ca 1 s. "'.. Flno cigars and tobacco. Stationery, Jowolry, notional Professional Cards. JR. H. Walter, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON AND MEOIIAK- IOAL DENTIST. OfUco Kasburft Cldg. A. St., Phone. !M MARSIIFIELD, : : OREGOlx. E. E. Straw, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to diseases of tho Eyo hur, i060 una inroat. u losses utteu. Office in Scugstackcn & Smith gv'ni Building. P ! I I P I A. G. Gross, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oflico. NasbnrK BuildlnK. Phono 423 MARSUFIEL. : : OREGON W. U. Douglas, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND U. 8. COMMISSIONER. Front street, Marshlield, Oregon. J. W. Bennett, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. MARSIIFIELD ORE John F. Hall, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Eldorado block, Front street Marslifield, Oreqon. B. St., MARSHFIELD, ORF C F. McKnight. ATTORNEY AT TAW Office iu the Bcnuc4'r & Walter Building. MARSIIFIELD, OREGON Ti-STEAMER ARCATA. Jr. O. XJ2L&0X, Mibtct . Will MuKe ItuKulur TrliH BETWEEN COOS BAY -AND- SAN FltANCISCO oarrying PASSENGJERS m FREIGHT AT- - LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coal & Navigation Co., Propriotoss. F.S.DOW, Agent, Marehfleld, Oregon S.O, CO. Agent, Empiro City, Oregon Tlio Cnreful Grocer. "John," said a butter dealer, "always put In a couplo of Bheets of paper wheu you weigh. Customers will think you neat and cleanly In your business. They dou't llko to havo their butter slopped on to n scnlo that, for all they know, ltnB nover been washed. And, besides, thero's a good protlt In buying paper at a halfpenny per pound nnd selling It for 18 ponce." London Standard. Bfa)g IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPtKS ANYWHURD AT ANYTIME Call on or Wrlto E.C. CAKE'S ADVERTISING AGENCY 64 & 6s Merchants' Exchange SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. Flanagan & Bennett BANK, DIRECTORS:'!1. R.Sheri-!.-rit, J. W. Bcmiott r- PRES.-: and . If. Flanagan, ' VICE TRES-; It. F; William's, CASHIER. Capital, $50,000, nAuunriFAAt - - okeoox IMMMMMHSMSNaMBHWMMM mtmwmmw'g.wnmm'JiMmi SO-EE FEE. fl H DEALER IN GROCERIES FRESH FRUlfs.VEGE TA BLES P It 0 VIS IONS, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE BEST QUALITY. PUIOES REASONABLE. FROZEN OYSTERS EVERYDAY. : : II ft m m m u 9 M H m m JA Street, Marslifield, Ore j Wo promptly ot, TuBTandlforelgn 'f iM4im Bend model, sketch or photo ol liiTcntlon lor iiniiciwruMi TBitDnoimjr. rorrreebook, teTTRADE-HARKS 'pposite U. S. Patent Officii WASHINGTON D. C. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Ijmrra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anrosa tandlns a iVeteh and doacrlptlqa mar quick I r ascertain oar opinion tno wnether aa, Inrentlon ! probablr Patentable. Commanlca-. Uontitrlctlroonildemlal. llanilbookonl'ateuta lent free. Oldest agency tor tecarmg patent. lltenta taken throush Mann & Co. rocetT,. rjxctal nolle, without chtrve, lathe Scientific JUnerkctti. 1 A liandiomelr Illustrated, weeklr. Ireeit etr calatlon o( anr (ClentUlo journal, Terms, 13 a, rear t four months, L Bold byall newsdealers. MUNN&CorsNew,York llrauch Offlco, St& I BU Washlnston, D. U 1 visit DR. JORDAN'S orcat! MUSEUM OF ANATOMY lOStllUBTSTe.lliriUCUOI.CUu Tt LsVrtulABUomlcst Uwiiati tb i wuiw, nNUNtn w s7 ismwwma i f pNUtj ( HI OJOsWt . vtHtWHlNINVMM JUfcJT4r. , OR. JORDAN-OISIASES OP HUN ( Trstir.la tkaraUr .ndlotO i !.. Stud br ta Eiirt. Bill. , . mI m for M.it.n. A qlkld ..dlcftl cur. for SMI.. sfUMr . vi. him. d, ui, jorum-, icuiimw. ItH SttltlOdl CoM.lllllo. fix tad lUltllrrrirtti TnHaaicu. , loiully or br Ktttr. A Mit. cwi la ...rr cue iiudrrttsc Will, far Book. sHli.OHOrHV ( ' ssiiiv.i HAiuao rasa, (A rwuwttkwk . lorne&i vuivrviu. w DR. JORDAN 00 lOSt MvHttVl.a. P.