'n'KrX '-JlUlfc lfVf t4-,4 t fUIJK.f " ,--KAr!f., j t " r "J " &&9,iwtBlkJB9K&niirfy t' i -flMllKU l.AND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. ' NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Rojeuurjj, OrrRon. Aug 14, iooj. Notice Is hereby Riven thai In cbiupllnncc villi ihc provision cf the net of Congress of June $ 8t8, untitled "An net (or ihc sale of limber lands In the States of California. Oregon. No v&. and Washington Territory," ns extended tb nil the libhc Land States by act of August MR& MERCY APrUBCJATK HOLLAND, of lloise, Comity of Ada. State of Idaho. Ins thi day filed In this ofcc her sworn .tatenteut No. jjjj. for the purchase of the Sli of Section No. 6. tn town hip No. 35 South. Range No u West, nnd M offer proof to show that the land sought Is ihore valuable for It timber or stone than for stniculiural purposes, nnd to establish her cVilm to said kind before the Register and Receiver of lhiaotKce.it Roseburg, uregon, on Monday, fhe tadav of January. iooj. She names as witness Chas. rhom, Rose .jure, Oregon, David W. Rutin, I Utksvillo. Jowa. Will V. Smith, Minneapolis. Minn., John Thorn, Cleveland. Oregon. Any nnd .ill pe-ons chiming adversely the above-described lands nic requested to file their claims In this ofhec on or t(orc mkI 3 day of Jan. 1003. J.T. Hriixsks, Register. 8.3011 TIMBKR LaND, ACT JUNK 3, 1S7S. . NOTICK l'OH PUBLICATION. United States I Jnd office, Roseburg. Oregon, Au?. t, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of it-e act of Congress of )u le 3. 873, emitted "An act 'or th sale ol ttmlr Asnds in the States of California, O egoi Nc "uda. nnd Washlngto 1 Territory," r -.x.nded tofll the I'ublic I-and Sutes by nctor.uguit j, DAVID W. IUTT1N. ?f vurksviiie, countv 01 mmer, mate f Iowa, has this day filed In this office his jirtorn statement No 3333, for the purchase ot the NWi-4, of Sec. No. 33. Tp 35 S. of R 10 west, and willo'ler proof to sho thm the Und , uu.1.1 I. nut. vntititilj. frt. lie fimhr rtr tnn I MtnneuDoiii. Minn.. Clias. TIom. Roseburg, ! Oregon, John Thorn, Cleveland. Oregon, Miss LBe Applgte. Eugene, Oregon. " Aay and all persons claiming nderely the atwcdescribet! lands are requested to file tlveir aknslnthlsofficeonor before sard ta slay v i0903" 11 t Bitv RHtt P U'T.Bridgm. Renter. " "" TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNK 3. 1S73. N0T1CK FOR PUBLICATION. U,nlted Sutes Land Ornce, Roseburg. Oregon. Aug rath. 1903. Notkc is hereby glcn that in compliance wth the provisions of the act 01 congress 01 luae 3. 1873. cntiuea "An act lor n.c saic 01 '- --latmmm IT TillinTTMlTTl T 1T Kn, Nevada, and Washington Territory, as extended to all the 1'ublic Land States by act of Aneost a. i33, ' WILL K. SJITH, df3io3 Fremont Ave. South. Minneapolis, coun ty of Hennepin, stale of Minn, has this day filed t"Wioahii worn lutemen ttcrchaseoftheNHoi N i-j. hlii-4 wl .N l- K'BiufbWt4.or.Sec.Noa6.ia1p!io 5-S It 10 west, nnd will offrr t'oof to show that ire I ind sought 11 more valuable for its timber or stone ;hn for agricultural purposes, and to establish litsekim to satdl ind before the Register and Rcivroi this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Morula v. the isih day or January, 1903 He names as witnesses: Chas. Tboin. Rose tusrg, Oregon, DavM W, IlaiUn, CUiksvs.le, oha, AlnM K. HoiUnd, MmncupolM. Minn., ohn 'I horn, Cleveland, Oregon. ' Any and all prons claiming adversely the .itoYtnleseribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or Lclore said istli day of January,, 1 503. 80 p I. T. Dkioces, Reguter. , ' TIMBKK LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 18M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Und Office, Ro-elwrg Oregon. ' .sept. nth. 1903 Notice is hereby glvn that In conplunce with the provisions of the act of Congress of las 3.. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of linsber lands in the Sutes of '.ahfornli. Oregon, Nam, ana iwmhi ' "'?. ; as ex act of imioi iu sh iw 1 iww miiu - ; nrgttS. 4, 1993. ....., ' l3fi3 MILLIE H. S.lITH. of Manhficld. countv of Coos, state of Ore. i;en, ba this day filed in this ornce lilt sworn Hatenwnt No. 34CG, for the purchase of the Southeast quarter of Suction No. 30, Tovvnship 90 South, of Range No. 13 West, and -aII o4Tr proof to show thai the land sought is more YBlual.c lor IU timuer or stone man tor ngrtcui taial mirnovss. and to establish bis claim to said ' - UtKlbefoteW.U. DougUs, U.S. Commission- tr for Oregon, nt Marshfield Oregon, on FrL day the ntlidayof Deeember. r. lie names as witnesses- Hertwrt ljckhart. Hiram Wright, Levy Smith, L. D. Smith, nil of Marshfteid. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely this nbove-described lands are reo,wuted to file their tlaims in this office on or belorevdd istli day of December, 1503. J, T. IlkllxiKs, I.egUter. 937 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Dsnartnvent of the Interior, I.and OTicc at Roseburg. Oregon, Sept. 11, 1903. ' Notice is hereby given that ihe following named ieitlrr has filed notice of his intention to make final nroof in support of bis claim, anu that said proof will be made before W. U Douglas, u. S, Commissioner at Marshfield, , OrvJon on Nov. 1, 1903. vu: ' ' PFThR JORDAN, j en II. E. No 3831. for the $V.V. NWtf, Ni SWf. NWK SKJf . hC 11, 1 p. 33 a., K. iu Wntt. He names the following witnesses to prove Vninlnlnrl. OiePOD than tot agricultural purposes, and to rstabUsh nnd WnshtngtonTerritory," ns oxtcnded Wsclalm to mW Und befo the Rosier and to aH th(, .ol)Uc Lana Stales by net ot Reeeiver of this othce at Roseburg, Oregon, on., . , ,,.,, ' .1omUy. the 13 day of Jan, J903. , ivini vs npiiMWSnv t.t .!..... r..u1j.nf.4 fir-Jin nnfl rtlllliniinfl UI sild land viz: Chas. K. A. Sicbtreem, Gus Carl Any ana a I person clnln.li.g ad awiuiaiiuy . . ,,:,. .11 nliovo-dittcribed Lands arurenmstisri kon. ii. v ., i.m., ..". i ..-.-, -- ,J...J i .,.. ..rr. ..-ii... TIMBER LAND ACT. JUNK 3, 1878 KOTICT. FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, liosoburc, Or, Attn 7. itxw. Notico is hereby clvon, thnt In enm- pllauco with tho provisions o( tho nut o( Coni:roaaof Jttnu3.tb7Snlitle(l "An Aot for tho phIb ot Timber Lauda In the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada, it ml Washlnnton Territory,' a extended to nil tho Public Land Btattn by net of August , lSt2 JOHN I-. swi;nso.n, ot loin, countv ot Waupaca, Ktnto ot Wis., hns this tiny tiled in thin olllco his nworn statement No. 3K5 tor tins nurchnin ot tho NWl-t ot Section No. :S, In Township No. 20 South ot Hntigo .no 11) W, and will oilur proot 10 tmow that tho I ami sought is ntoro vnhmb'o for its lintbor or 3ton- thnu for uuricul tntnl purposes, and to establish hit) claim to said land beforo tho Register nnd Receiver ot this office nl Boieburi:, Oregon, on Saturday tho 20 day ot Dec cetnbor, 1002. Ho names as witnesses: Oscar 0. Olson, Herman S. lloriuatison, Peder A. CiuUlkaon, of lola. Wiaconln, H. 1'. Thomns, ot Itoroburg, Orfgon. Any and all inroi!BdMmimndvnrsc ly tho nbovo uewrlboil lomlii nro 10 quceted to lilo thulr claims in thiti olllco on or beioto Batd 20 day of Dccombcr, 1002. S 23 J. T. llntnoKS, Itoirter. T1MP.KU LAND ACT. JUNK 3. 1MS NOTiCK FOU 1'Um.tCATlON. Unlttil States Land Ollice, lieburjr, Ot. Au-i 7. IWJ Notico i5 licroby Kivcn, I it in cotn plinnco with thu n.minioti ot tho nut of Com:rv3 o juiioC IS78,fiilltlctl "An Act for tho fata of limber Lnmls in tho C.... .f l'.tlt..Ml. n......M V..m.iIi. ot loin, county ol unup.ica, r-.tnio 01 is., has this day Ulwl In thin Olllco 'hissuorn Rtnlcment No. 3171 (or tho puruhOBO ot thu NWM ot Section No. 20, in Township No. 20 South of llniiKS jjo. 10 W., and will off.jr proof to slion that tho land sought Is tnoruvalunlilu for U9 t5mK,r or Mon; than or nifullurr I purposes, nnd to establish his claim U .eaid land beforo tho Register and Hc- ceivor of this office at Kosebnn:, Orison, on Saturday tho 20 day ot December, I 002. Ho names as witneeeea: Oscar 0. Oleon. John F. Sweuson, I'eder A. Cub ukB0u. of lola. Wisconsin. H. P. Thomas. , ntUTitr Oreuon. . " .. Anr and all nursona claiming adverse ly tbo nbovo described lauds nru re quested to file their claims in this olllco on or beforo said LI) day of Dec, 1002. 8 23 J. T. Ilimxika, IfeKlstcr. TIMBKK LAND ACT. JUNE 3 187 VnTIfM-' POK lITttl IP TtnV T. 'OULL 1 OIC I UJ1LILA I IU. United States Land Ofllce, ltoeubtirtr. Or. Aug S. IW)J. Notico la horeby ulycn that in compli ntico with tho provisions of tho nut ot Longress olJiino ;i, ISiS, entitled "An net tor the raid of timber lands in tho States ot California, Oregon, Nevud'i, Bnd Washington Territory," 01 extended to all tho Public I.au-l Status by act of August I. IWi, CHARLES L. CONGER. ot Mcintosh, county ot Polk, Ktalo of Minn., has thi dty MM in Ibis ofhVe his Hu-orn statement No. UK. I for tho purchaso of tlm NEI-I of Section No. 23 n1Tv'Hn8h"? N. 2f"ulh ' K-jnKe.No. ? W oat aud will offer proof to show that tho land sought moro valuablo for its timber or stono than for agricultural pur- potea, and to estublish his claim to Bald land beforo tho Kegister and Receiver ot tliis office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Mon- ,jav tj,0 j2 Jay 0f December. 1002. lj0 munQa n8 WltneH': CharleB iM.m ...,, n,.,,.- rl... Tl.n... ,.lfihn l.nm.. .Inlin :Wi.f. i,f f'l..t nl.n.1 ....... ...., w "! ' W.V.V.M...., Oregon. Any and all persons rlnirnlnt! adverse! v t.' 'above dut-cribed landi nro requcstou to flle their claims in this ollico on or beforo caid 22 day of December, 1002. 8 2.1 J. T. UitmoKK, Register. .TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. viYPIPl.' vnn itMr rfTtnv Ol IL-lv l-OIt I'l LLILA I ION. United States I and Ollice, Roseburg, Oregon. 1 Aug. aC, irw. Notice Is lireby given tlwt In compliance with the orovisiO'i of . c.o.' CorgriM of June 3 1878, nndtlr' "At act 'o the sule of timlwr lands in .' Ji'i'l-s ol C ' fornla, Oregon, Nc vada, and Was-t v;ton Territory," ps extended 10 an ins I'uunc i-inu a atcs oy .".i 01 August 4. 103. DUANKC. THO.MS, of Sidney, county of Marion, S'ate of Oregon, I has this day filed in this olftae his sworn statement No, 3334, for the purchase of the Sji of Sjf 'of Section No. s8, Township a6 Srwili, Range ti. v West, nnd will offer proof 0 snow : 11.1t tiie land sought Is more valuable for nmne or sione irwn lor agricultural pur- poses, and to establish his claim 'o said land h- fore the Reg'ster a.ul Rfcelver of this office nt Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, thu aoth day j"-'. "yvj He names as witnesses: Cliatlus A. Park. loieuo, uregon, 11. r. 1 nomas, cnaries llioin, 1 JWIIII . ItUlil, t lLTIIUIU, V11'KUII. versoly the to file their said aoth day ti.iiiii 111 inn uiiivu un or i;eiuie TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNK 3. 1878 NOTICE V0 PUBLICATION. United StntoB l.tvnt.1 0(Uco, RosoburK, Oi A uk. 1, 1002. Notico la, horeby ttlvutt thnt In ootnnll ntico with tint provUlons ot tho net of CoiiKrosa ot tlttn 3, 1878, ontltlml "An act tor tho salo ot tlmbor lattdn In tho Slatt'B of California, Oregon, Nevada, and WashhtHUn Territory," as extend ed tit nil Hit Public Laud Stales by not ot AllgUBl I. l.i'.'. AMItiltr A. MATSON nt Mitrsulluld. county of C001, Stato ot Oregon, hn thla day Hhnl In this olllco lib BworuBtatumout No.-KVM.for thu put uhaftt ot tho Nl 2 ot SK1-I Keo. No. 17 in Township No. 2d B, Itungo No. 11 V, and will offer nro f to show thnt the Inud nought la tuoro valnablo (or Its timber or Htono than (or agricultural purnoses. ami to establish his claim to mild Inud ho (ore V. U. Douglas, l y. Commissioner lor Oregon nt Mnrnhtluld, Oregon, on Saturday, thort day ol Dec. ltKW, Ho titttnes m wltnesieo' 1. It. Tay lor, ot KalrvioNV, Oregon, W. II. Mnrunti, Jossi Smith, Lojtur Smith, ot Muroli- tlold, Oregon. Any and all portion o'aliiilng ndvoreo ly tho abovo-iluscrlbetl lauds are rettust ed to llto their claims in tlili olllco on or hotoru said 0 day o( Dee., UMJ. 8 10 J. T. UUIUUES, Beglstcr. TIMBKR LAND. ACT JUNK 3. 187S. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION United States I-and Otlice, Roseburg, Oregon. Aug, 26. 1903. Notice is liereby 0"tn that In iiiIMncc with thi? pwUions nf the act of CoHgress ol ute j, 1S78, entllW "An act lor the sale of timber liiidsni the Sates of California. Oiegon, Nevada, and Wavlingtnn Territory." as e fnded to all the I'lVre l.snd States by act of Auifutt 4, 1J91 AGNIW R SKNV.SrACKKN. of M irslifivhl, oountr ol ('001, Slate of Ore gon, has this day liUd In this otfice her sworn statement No. 3111 lor the purchase of Ihe NWf. of Section "'o. at In Tons)iin No. 3-j"M)ith, Ring Nj it Wst, arid will offer prvwl n show that ti Und sought is inorc valuvble for its ttmtxror stone th.in lir ngrieul tural purposes, ami 10 eslabbsn Urt claim to said land before W V Douglas, t". torn mlssioncr for Oregon, nt M uthneki. Ore;on, on .Saturday, the 33l dsy uf November. 1901 he namts as itnHts Dan lie) ward. Frank Talbot, Thorn t Tallwt. ot lnipifr City, Orei'oo, II. Seitgtticlien, ol MarshAeld, Oregon. A iy and alt perstn claiming adversHy the abo-d"ctibe I Uadt are raettel to hie th ir claims in this oftiw on nr tfore sahl 3d day of Njv. 1993. . T. liKii,ns, Uejuler. 0 6 TIMBKR LANI1& ACT.IINK 3, 187S NOTICK FOB PLBL1CATION. Ujllted States Land Uhe. Roseburg, Oregon, Aug. 33, k. Notice is liereby clen that in compliance with the prov-iWoft of the Act of Congicts ol June 3. 1878. entitlal. "An act for the sale ol limber timls in the States of California, Oregon, NVtad 1 JitA Washington lerntury, as extend. ed to all tke I'ublic l.uui Slates by act of Ail gut 4, i&;3. ISAAC N. I'ICCK. nf Knipirf Cltv, County of CoH, Si He ol O-egoo, ias this dty filed in this ornce his switfi stitenteat Nj. 3333 for the Mirchnse of ihe NIVK of Sevtiwi 33, I'o nshlp 37 South, Range is West Wiltam-lle Meridian, and will ofht txoof to shit that the liad sought ii mote valuable for its tnnlr or stone than for agricultural tiurp-e and to etUbbOi I. t cla.11 lo said land before W, U. Duuglti, t.' S. Commissions fur Oirgon, nt ,1arthneU, irecon. on SalnrUv, the te dy nf Nov, iooj. Henimesas HitniHSos: II. Hllys, William iSfllvi. l-'ttiiview. Oregon, Oeorg JaeLson, of lauuite City. Oregon, J. C. Piers.', of Marsh field. Oreifon. Any and all persons claiming advcrsl the nliove descrilwd lands are rMuetet to file their J 1 tiv ih this ollue on or Mom sale ij day of November, rn. 9 4 p , T. HKl)'.;r.s, Kef Ister. TIMBKR LAND, ACT JUNK .'5 1874. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Usd Office, Roselairg, Oregon. Sept a. iy3 Noti I liereby given that 111 compliance wii'i tin provisiuis of ih nit of Congress of Ji.'j 1 ) em i!.-d An .i-i for the sale of timber Luid i" the States of California, Oregon, Nevidi. 'u 'Vashiag'on Ti rritnry," as esieml mi to all the I'ubl c Jjii I Stales by ac. of An guit 4, i'93, ASGCVINIC I FAVOR, of Moscow, count of litnh, state of Idaho, has this dty filed in this office her sworn st'itement No. 3371. for the purchaso of the NWi-4 of Sue. No. ia In Township No. 37 s, Raiige No. it Wet, and will offer proof to !,how that the l.ndajghl is more valuable for its nm'.ier or stone than for agricultural our poses, and to eslaliWi her ihlm to Mid land Ik:. fore the kwisteratd Ris-elver of this office nt I'osebiirg, Oregon, on Monday, Ihu d day ol Febru iry, 1903. fhe name a wl ness'v. rjeorge Gate, War. ner. H, Carithers, Charles A. I'clers, Henri etta I. Carltht-rs, ill of Moscow, Idaho. Any anil all iiersins claiming adversely the abovLMlescrihed latds arc requested to hie their claims In this ollice on or Iwl jre Mid ad day of 1 eimiary, 1903. . I, lll.lix.r.s, Kegiiter 9-133 TINBKRLAND ACT JUNK 3,1878, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United Ktatoi Land Office Uouoburg Oregon. Kept. 2J-1002 Notice In hereby givon that iu cntn pllauco with th provinioiiH ot tho net ot CongroBHot Jmars :t. 1878, entitled "An act for thu Halo ot tlmbor hiiula iu tho Statea of ( iiliforniu, Onigon, Novada, and Wnahingtorl Torrltory," an extended to all thu Publid Laud Htatua by net ot Auijuut 4. 18!i2 1 MATIIJDA h, SMITH, ot Marshllold, county of ' Coot, Bfnto of Oregon, has thin day tiled In this officii hor sworn Btatemont No. 30211, (or tho purchase nt tho N. W, I ol Heutlou No. 2(1 lit Township No. 2'13,- Itaugo No. 11 w, and will oiler wool to tihow that tho laud sought In morn valuable for its tlmbor or ntoitu than lor agricultural purporon. and to ostnhllsh hori'lalm in said land bnloro W. U. Douglas, V, H.Comuilsslomir (or Oregon at Marshlleld Orogon, on Saturday, tho Oth day ol Deo,, 1002. Mho uatuea an wltni'Hses Ed. Wires Jnmi'H Uudurwcod, W. li. Morgan, M. D.Cutllp, allot Marnhllold. Any and till peimmH I'lalmlng adverse Iv tho ahiivicdoerlbed landrt itrn re UHsted to lllu their elalinn In thin officii on or noioro aani tun nay 01 uou, tix'j O-'JT J.T. llmnngii, Itcglatcr,' TIMBEll LAND ACT JUNK 3, IB7o NOTICK FOR PUHLICATION. United States I -ami Oilier, Roubutg, Oregon, Sept 11, 190J. Notice Is hetrby glvrtt that In compliance with tlm ptuvisionsnl Ihe act olCongicssol lune 3, 1B78, eipllled "An act for the sate of timber lands In Ihe States of California. Oregon, Neva da, and Washinetun fciriiory, ns extended Iu all the I'ublic I Mind Statesby net of August 4, I1S91 IIIRA.IC.WRKJIIf. of Marslifleld. county of Cons, Slate otOirgnn lias thlailay lilnt in Ihls ollice his sworn stair mrnt No 34OJ, fir .the purchase of the KM of SW54 and laiwh and 4, of Section .No 30, In lowntlilp X) Miutli, ol Kniige 13 vcti, ami win oner piuoi in snow hum me latm sought Is more vilualile for Its timber or stoni than fur agiictiltural iiihvc, and to ettabllvl bis claim to said Und before W, V, Doueta U. S. Cummisooner fur Oregon, at Maivlili Id Oregon, on Friday, the talh dvy of Dec, 191.3 lie names ns witnesses. Heibert IKkhatl, Millie Smllh. Uvy Smith, I.. D. Smith, all ol Maishneid, Oregon. Any ami all iwtsons claiming ndversely the aboveHtoserllieil land are reoiifstrd to file their ckoms In this ollice on or Ktore uhl I3tn Uar of Decern' or, lJJ 9.37 J. T. IlKltKJKS, Kegiita. TIMBEB LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 187.- NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Unltol State l.and OdUc, Rosibiirg, Oiegon, Sept 3, lyOJ, Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Ihe provisions of ihn act of (ongres o June 3, 1B78, entitled "An act for the mIc of I imbcr Lands In the States of California, Ore gon. Nevada, ami Washington 'territory." as extended to all the I'ublic Land States h aa ol August 4. 1903. (JLOROF. OALP, of .1oscow. county of Install, stste of Idaho, has this day filnl In this blllee his sworn statement No. 33?. for the purchase rf the Southwest quarter of Section No. ia, I own snip 37 Aoutri, 01 Kange 11 wen, aiul woiir pr 01 to snow mat the land sought is mote vat liable for Its tlmltor or stone than for ngtkullur al tMirtKne, ami to establish his claim to Mid land lfore the Krghlr nnd Receiver of tint ofnec at Roseburg. Oiegon, on .londsy, th 3d dty of I'etMilud, 1903 Hr ruimes as wiinetses. AngevineJ I av -r, ChiirlrsA I'clers. Warner II. I ariil.r . II n riettn I. Caniherx, at) of Motcow. .i rm Any and all pet tons eUlmmg advutely alKive'dcscribwl tamls air retpvestid to their cdilnis in Ihu ollice 011 or before said day of I'ebtuaiy, 100 a Ihe fik- 3l 9 tjj . T. IICIIK.KS, Reg.tter. Notice of Sheriffs Sale on Execution 9 Notico Is horoby Ivon that under and by vlrtuo ol an exeoution and ordor ol nslu duly ieinnil nut ot an I undur tho real ot thu Circuit Court ot tho Htnto ot Ontgou in nnd for tho County ot Choi to mo diroctt'd aud dulivorod. dated tho -Titti day o( Kuptombur, IIH)1!, upon n judgment and ordor of talo rondunil In n i-nuro iu K.tld Court 011 thu l-'tli day of Hnptombnr. P.fOl!, wlitirein Frank Lin grim la plaintiff, aud Oharh'1 A. I.iugrou Ih ilnfimdant, liolng cntm No. U0J5, o( miid Court, Lommauding mo to maku nalo ol tho cortuin mil mtiito horoimittor par ticulnrly doicrlhed. to uatlufy tho tmm of $H30.S."i tootiior with inturont on flOOM irom tho lit day of April, l'.IOI, 111111 interest on fiKiU w from July li.Jnl, lUO'J, at nIx pur cent per annum, ami tho further oum ot $12 M cohIm, now duo on naid judvtimmt to tho eaid plaintiff from tuld defendant, I have levied upon and will on Monday tho 3rd day ot No. Vfltnror, KKJ'J, at tho front door ol tho f i.ity Court llotiRC, in tho town of Co (julllu City, in mild Cooh County, Htnto of Oregon, nt tho hour of If) o'clock in tho forenoon of e.ild Jay, offer for Halo and nell at public auction according to law, to thu highest nnd bust bidder for cash In hand, all of thu following lenerllied roafrifrtato, lo-wlt: I.ot four (I; in Block eleven (II) in tho Town of .Murahlliild, Conn County, ()roon, na Niirvoyed and platted by William Hall, (or 1-2, B. Dean and Co., which idat In ot record and on (lie iu tho County Clerk'H olllco ol Cooa County, Oregon, thu uamo being tho property convoyed to tho nbovo named defendant CharhiH A. Liudgrun, by deed dated Juno ii'Jinl IH7-I and recoidud Juno 211th, 1871 011 oagea 03 & (li, Book ot Dooda Volume I HceonlH of Deeds of Cooa Countv. Ore gon, or a aufficlonuy thereof to eutlefy thu nbovo iimoiiiita together with accruing nonta ami coata on mild execution, Datrjd Hept. 20th, 1002, nt Coquillo, Or. BTKI'JIK.4 ClAI.LIi.lt Bhoriff of Cooa Co, Oregon. TI MBKR rVAriP, ACT' JUNK ,")Jl78-" NOTIOK''OR PUBLICATION. United Btutoa T.nml Olllco, lloHoburg, Or, f ai. 1 iia', Nollo Iu Hornby given inni in compli ance with tho provltilomi ol tho net o( Cnnuronn ol J111111 II, 1 878, enlltled "An nut (or lluxiulii o( timber laiidn lit tho Htattm ol California, Oregon, Novada, and Washington Territory," nniixloiitl ed to all tlm Publlu Lund Htutcn by net ol Aiiguat 1,1802. OLAUKNCK 1'KNNOOK, nf Manihllolil, county ol Cooa, Mato 0! Oregon, ban thin day (lied In thla olllco hbt nworn Rlatemetit No, MHO, for thu purchano of tlm HWt-l, of Hoc. No, SO In Towuidilp No. 2(1 H BitnnNo. 11 W. and will otter proof tonhow that tho land noiiKht In iiuiro valuablo for Itfl tlmlmr or utomi that) foruKrluultiirnl tmrposoa, ami, to URlnbllah bin claim to nald laud bnloro V. U, DouulnR, U. H. CoinmlHaloiier lor Ori'on at Mnrshlloltl, Oregon, on Hatur day, llio VUlli nay ol Uco, nil). lie iintuen na wltiirn-i'ii! J. A. Hmlth, A. L. Hmllh. Fred Taylor. K. A. Aildur non, nil ol Mamhlleld, Orocon. , Any and all persotin clnimluif ndvornO' ly thontMivc-dcricrlhpd laiidnnro ieriieai ml to (tin their claim In thin olllco 011 or buforu raid 20 day ot Drc, 100J. IU 11 J.T. lliuiHJKi, Roulatcr. " RYETAB " Whlskoy IJ0J1118. SnmiithluK ab:oluloly mm ami with which we have experimented for ynnri. Ouu heitn mnkei 0.10 kIbib ArlllhUI Whlsltoy (Byo nr HoiirlKin); vix IIouiin to tho pint. Jiiat thu thltiK for traveler, nnd cotivonhnt (orplculca, (xctiroloun, otc. Coiitnlua all tlm virtue ol tho best whlsklei without tho deletorloiu effect. Made from tho puro vegetable matter, and Kunrnntced to contain no poinouom or nar cotlcdrui; ol any deticriptlou H n buverauo li not desir ed, a Ih'isii may bo taken In the mouth without water, and tho most oxlleratlm; e( (ect still be experienced. Itux of 111 Itcntm nOc. Tho Mean- retail nt luo each, and can bo procured front any ilruinteat, fane) ix n:er or llrt-cln bar. For salu on dlnltiKcar. One box 'ont post paid on receipt ol riUceiitH. 85 lio I23 10 M H IS a Ginseng Dislillin Co. DISTILLKIIS OK Bvnnud Bourbon Whlnklon, T.I.OUIK, ; : : MO. S Good enough for anybody! yLL Havana Filler FLORODORA " BANDS en cf same value as tar front t " STAR," " HORSB SHOE," T 0 "Ml "SPBARHEAD;'"STAtWARD NA VK" "OLD PEACH & H0NEY: " S.VVLnC," " OLB'VARCINY" or "MASTER WORKMAN" Tobacco, 9-37 of January, 1903, 9'3i- J, T. 'Brides, RejjUtcr, ! b.-. f'V5-.' .' fc-JJ -a A!mZ,S,Tyi-J' tm3Km i.l, uniuuu, .wjiwivi,