t-wrj &, CflAS; WILSON BOUND ' OVER TO CIRCUIT COURT Defendant Employes no Counsel And Ills $(ory Crlitjlnalcs Mnsclf..- ' Grimes Case Today. Tlio encu of tliu Htnto of Oregon v ClinrlcH Wllion, clmrgcil with nnnntilt mid Imtlory with nltunipttocomtnltrol). liory, witn tried In tint Juetlcu court, ho foro JiitlKn Turnin Tumidity mornluc nt tun o'clock, K. L. 0, I'nrrln n'lixinrlnK for tlm prosecution, nntl t.'io .lufoneo linvliiK no connr(i). In view of tliu ovi tlonco cIvmi, JtulKoTurpIn bountl tlio do fondnnt over to Appear Itoforo tlio Cir cuit Court, In hoiiila llxcd at f 000.00, Tliu cttto of Tliu Htnto of Oregon ve John Grlinur, on tlio oniuo clmro na nhovc, wnn contlnuml nnlll ono o'clock Tucmlny, litit na two or tlirvo very Im portant ultriutflCHi for tliu prosecution wort) not prciuit nt that time, tho cato wnt rut for hearing nt 2 o'clock p. in. Wcdncrdny, In thin caBo Hull nnd Hull will npper for tlio defence Tliu nuarn rnncn nro tho otitcomn of tho hold-up In Kmplru City curly Inist Ettndny niornlnit of which tho Mail kVo n full account In Tuoulny inornltiK'fl Ic itio. Wllion Ravo his vcrtlori of tho nffnlr which wnn to tliu effect that hu nnd Grimm woro looking for tho Hnnpp wo unui with n viuw to recover Iiik thn tnon oy of which bIiu liftil robbed Grinicn. hvciriK Mrs, Chnru nut on tho S. 0. Co'a, whnrf, whoru alio wn looking for tliu Alliance, hu unit up and put his hand on hor ahouldur nnd raid: "In that you, Kdnn7" Tho woman hcrcnmcd nnd ran, nnd Wilton ran nftur her, clutclilriK nt her clothes nnd trying to ktop hor, "to Aooir.)." With thin Inudnhlo purpoio ho chnrcd hor nhout two hlocka nnd over hauled her on tho corner hyClny Mooro'n raloon, where ho brought -her ton qtntiil ttlll with ono hnnd on her ohouldcr. Otli'ir ultnotBCfl tontitlod that ho hnd lila othor hnnd on her thront, utid it ia rnid that ti'ttlmouy ia forthcouilac to $&$&&'& fdrffm There exist often a very beautiful cortJjmiikniblj) twlwccn the mother nnd Iter dnnlilcr. Tlio Intimacy Iji frank, free nml nytnpnthctlc. Hut miiib day the mother feels as if something luul chilled this Intiumcy. Tbo child in bilcut and Mil, nnd neenw to elum her mother iusUul of fcoekiiif; her. Tint c!tuijr,e very oHru oceur.i when the tiftf rhI li crawlu tliu lor lcr line of vu:iiai! liooJ. bur h niCT iUl. ncrvmu. (car. fid, a h nlw enler.?f upon (lib ncv ex jwric.ito. The tt of Ur. rierce'a 1'rworitc Prescription nt finch n tiiiiu will do more limn rc r.toro the normal Inlriucc of iiilihl mid IkxIv. It will eitiiblluh the wont- only function upon u basis of Kotiud lieultlt, ns well na inijrrovo tho nppo titc. nduriflh tlio nervea. tho general pliynlcal health. "Two yeaM njro my itniK'itct'n hrnllli bennrt tn fill." wrllci lira. Um 1UII. nf llnxlhotiL On -ii Co, Wit. "liverytliiug tint wmlil l tlioi ;ld of nai douo t help ltr tmt It wan of no uc When Us Imi to romtUuItt flic vrnt quit ' ntmit: vrrlj;Ucil 170tlie picture of rikxJ )if 1II1, until ntioiit the arc of fnmtccu: then In nil iiioMlIu like voj so run Aor hrr welRlit wns tul i. I felt I could nt i;lvc her up an the vui Ilia only child I hnd, ami I mini .av, Doc tor, th:it only for your 'IMvofllu rrviri)liou' my (hivlilcr wmilcl luvo leen In her enw to day, when "lie hail taken one-hnlf tcttle the iniurat fmictlnii yni entnblUhetl niul vc Kiuijlit nnotticr one, uial.iiiR only two UHIle.1 In nil, mid rlie ronitiletelv ivunvrcU, tilucc tlicil Mia ism y: im pun lc The Coiiimon Sctuio Medical Adviccr, j xS I'.vjcn, in upcr covcrn, in neutzw 1 ii receipt of 31 one-cent ataman to pay i":pcuv9, of iiinillnK only.- Addre Dr. 1;. V. Plcico, Duflulo, U. V, 'A&v&rzr l 4iJXJllrz li ruul ahd'w that he left his finger mnrkj on tho woman's nook, Tho poojilo of Kmplro nro nnld to bo qullo worm over tho ciino. New President Installed Opocl to the Mali. Topekn, KnM Oct. 7 Tlio InniiRnrn. lion todny of tho Itov, Norman I'lnis at president of Wniliburn collto wna n great dny for tho Institution. Trustees, faculty, nliimnl nnd atuduntn took part in tho nftornoon cxorclocn nnd this even Iiik thoy nnsctnhlu to llston to nu nddroufi by I'reeldent TIiwIiik of Wjstcrn Ko sorvs University. Meeting of Druggists Cpeclal to the Malt. Monteroy, Cnl., Oct. 7 Tho nr.nual convention of tho National Afocintion of Wlioleinlo DrUKKlstfl was formerly opened today with William J, Wattling of Toledo preeldinic. TJo peelonfi con tlnucrt rjuvernl days nudquoBtlouR of vital Interodt to ovcry drtiKKiet in tho United Btntofl will bo dlscuiitcd. Thcto include local or(ian!zntlon, the cutrnto evil nnd 1 emulation for puro food nnd pure druse, Shaw and Gage Hie Speakers Special to the Mall. Now York, Oct. 7 Secretory of tho Treasury fihaw and former Hecrctnry Gago woro tho principal speakers today at tho la)lnc of tho now cornorutono of tho iiorv Custom Houco building, nt IIowIIdb Orcon. The cercmonlod began with prayer by lliebop Potter and be sides tho nddrcHics Included music by a regimental band and tlio firing of a sal ute by n detachment of regulars from Fort Hamilton. o To Consider Foreign Trade Special to the Mall. Philadelphia, l'a,, Oct. 7 Tho ndvls ory board of tho Philadelphia Commer cial Mueoum, constating of representa tives from nearly all tliu boards of trade, chnmbu;s of commerce and other trado bodies in tho country, began n threo davit' mooting hero today. Tiie purpoio of tho conforenco is to coueider tho for uIrh trado of tliu United Stntor, tho Im proved facilities now afforded for trans acting foreign business and tlio disabili ties still to bo met. Owing to tho im portsuc of tho subjects under diecua bIoii and tho high btnnding of tho con foroos thn deliberations of tho confor enco will bo followed with closu Mntorost In commerical circles. Will Demand Nine-Hour Day Special to the Mall. Detroit, Mich., Oct, 7A nine-hour working dny U tlio subject of n confor enco of tho fouudrymon nnd iron mould era of the middlo West is in eeaalon hero today, Tho elites roproeonlod nt tho conference nro Clovolnnd, Milwau kee., Dotroit, IndianaiKili;, St. Louis, Chicago and Cincinnati. According to tlio teadoro of tho movement tlioro ia no doubi tho rosult will ho n nine-hour day and no troublciis anticipated in indue ing tlio employora to elvtu an ngreomon't to that effect. Encampment on lit Earnest. ft Opeclal to tho Mplh "Wrjibliigtoii, D, 0., Oct. 7: Tho thirty-sixth national encampment of tho Grand Army of tho Republic Is on in earnest nnd tho constant succcoeslon of ovonts Icavos lllllo rest for tlio votoraru and other visitors. Tho day has wit nessed tho customary parade of tbo na val vototano rotlnions of tho various army coips, meetings of tho Woman's Itolief Corps nnd other auxiliary bodica nnd n monster reception for tho votorans nt tbo I'onslon ofllco. Commissioner Wnro rccotvod tho visitors and to each veteran presented a aouvonir card, JSusinoss ecessona of tbo encampment begin tomorrow. Tho pre-election con test for commandor-In-chct( is hourly growing wnrmor. Tho supporters ol Gonorol Stowart of Pennsylvania declaro that his eolcctlon for tbo honoris assured, but tho friends of General Black of Cfil- cago, General McKlroy of this city and tho others whoso names havo been men tioned hnyo not abandoned hopo and givo ovidouco of an intention to fight to tho lost ditch, o For Municipal Improvement Special to the Mall. Rochester, N, Y., Oct. 7 City oOlclals throughout tbo United States and Cana da nro attending tho ninth annual con vention of tho American Society for Municipal Improvement, which began its Rcselona in this city today. Tbo eocioty alms to promoto tho best meth ods to bo oroployod it), thq management of municipal departments. Street pav ing, streot lighting, taxation and nsress mont, ditposal of garbage, municipal franchises and snwago and sanitation nro snmo of tho matters scheduled for consideration. Good enough for anybody! Havana H lief i" PLORODORA " BANDS en cf samr vatut as tags row ' STAR," HORSB SHOE," ? SPEARHEAD,"" STANDARD NA Vf," " OLD PEACH & HONEY," . ' SAW IOC," "OLE VARGINY" - or "MASTER WORKMAN" TtAacca. 6; x ,tAll !-' X 9 -X DVP. Bilimi KEW8 DEALER AND AGENT L u t o a t rinn KrnnclHco nnd Portland (I n 1 1 1 o h. All tho CTJ T T 1. K it Y AN D S u b h c r i p t i pa pom and Kino clgnro and tobneco. m T INBER LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Offlco. Roscburg Oregon, Sept. 22 1002. Notice is hereby givon that In com pliance with tho provisions of tho act ..' CongrcBSof Juno H. 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lauds in tbn States of California. Oreson. Nevada. and Washington Torrltory," as extended to all tho Public Land States- by act of August -1. 1602 MATILDA L. SMITH, of Mnrshfield, county of Coos, Stale of Oregon, has this day filed in this ofllco hor sworn statement No. 3520, for the purchase of tho N. W. 4 of Section No. 20 In Township No.' 203, Kongo No. 11 W, and will offer proof to aliow that tho land sought is moro valnablo for its timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before W. U. Douglas. U. 8. Commissioner for Oregon at Mnrshfield Oregon, on Saturday, tho 0th day of Dec, 1W)2. Kho names as witnesses Ed. Wires'! James Underwood, W. II. Morgan, M. D. Cutlip. all of Marsbfield. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tho above-deecrlbed lands aro re quested to file their claims in this ofllco on or before said 0th day of Dec, 1002, 0-37 J. T. Bbioqks, Register. CENTRAL HOTEL Corner or Front andA'streets, MARSHF1ELD,', OREGON, JONH SNYDER, : i : : j :Proprletot mHIS WELL-KNOWN AND FAVORITE JL HOTEL, bos lust been entirely refitted and refurnished throughout and is again open to the puuncior patronage. New beds and spring nuttresiei have beer, placed In almost every sleeping room of this house and neither trouble nortp;nv? ha: been iued to put everything in lirst-cbiss order. TERMS. Hoard and Lodging, per week 35-cb Hoard, per week .co single w wis .. ..... 95 THE STEAMER ARCATA. jr. C. XJ2LSOX, Maste). Will Jlultc Itcyrular Trip -BETWEEN COOS BAY AND SAN FRANCISCO -rOARRYING- PA8SENGERS ANK FREIGHT AT - LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coal A Navigation Co., FroprletosB. F.B.DOW, Agent, Marsbfield, Oregon S.O, CO. Agont, Empiro City, Oregon JF YOU WISH tO ADVERTISE IN INEWSPAPEKSH ArmVMERQ AT ANYTLMB j Call on or Writ E.C.DAKE'S ADVERTISING AGEHCl! ! 64 65 Merchants' Exchange - IAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ) ' I: a ? T. I . V: K- 'ft. - t lending Mngnzlnca. sr S3 1 L A Y INU O A HU o n s for nil poriodicnlfl. Stntionory, Jewelry, notions Flanagan & Bennett. i BAtfK, DIRECTORS ; T. H. Sheri dan, J. W.Bcnmstt; PREH.r and . II. Flanagan, VICE ; rRE.3.; R. F. Williama; CAStllER. Capital, $50,000. IMlllHIHHHHiBlllll, GEE PEE. m DEALER IN 9ROCERIES FRESH FRUITS, VEGE TA p BLES PROVISIONS, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE BEST Q UAXITY. PRICES REASONABLE. , FROZEN OYSTERS EVERYDAY. : : ' : JA. Street, Marshficldl Ore .... - "MMLIHHBlHBHI jim 1 mM m hi Bend model, sketch or photo ol lnvcnUon for ireureponon paienwDimr. For free book, fc'SdTRIDE-IIIRKS "2 Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D.C. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks Dcsions Copyriohts Ac. Anyone lending a sketch and description m7 quleklr ucertaln our opinion freo whether ma tuventloD l probably ptentble. Commnnlca, tloiiitrtctlrcoiiBdoiitUl. Handbook on l'tenls sent (roo. Oldeat Kency f or lecurlnffpatOBU. l'atnt taken through Mann A Co. reoetTt Scientific flmcricm. 1 Ahandiomely lllaitrated weekly. TrEeat elrx Term. SS a eulatlon o( any etentlSo journal. year I Tour months, L Bold Dy all newsdealen. MllNpCo.36,Bf" New York Uraaon Offlco. CXYBU WaahlnglOD. 1). C. ear 1 four months, ! Sold by alt newadealora. 'visit DR. JORDAN'S qrcatI MUSEUM OF ANATOMY IHIIlUETIT.,UlrBUCl3C9,flL. Tk. I Jrf.it AmiooImI Muuua H Ibt j Wo, Id. M wkiwu t ay coatftcuil ' ali.ti. rl.lr r4b)r it oMut DR. JORDAN-DISEASES OF MEN 1 vvrniLU Uwoukir trtdktuji MWMtjMMUBeMiIJ.Ut)(iarJV7. 1 I !!- - -. i-.T " --' At for Ksjsfar. A aniOlr A rauinu rarv iov - mimmwm tad tiu uttbodi. Coatttlutiott fit and itritttTPtfiit. TrutaatMi. oa&llj br If lltr. A J" ttr la try cjut uaitruhtft Wnn far Book. ftUl&.OMUf aV r rAKBIillK UkLXD9tLKJU (A Vftluibl k twmm, I LM 99 viuv w ML JORDAN 4 CO. I M I aMK it. U, F. . We promptly obu. ulaTaadiSrelKnf' -v. S woUMt:- '