The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, October 11, 1902, Image 3

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While pssslng Along tho etrcot thoy
woro Rot upon by two mon. Tho wo
man's clothes who torn an 1 oho wflfj
qultu roughly Imndlod. Tho disturbance
hronnht I'rllz Uotty to tho roscuo, and
with his llttlo rovolvcr ho pcrsualud
tho woman's nsnntlntit to desist,
Thli pnrty proved to bo ono Olios. Wil,
ion, n character ol unsavory roputatlon,
II In companion was John Grimes. It
docs not appear that Grimes offoredper.
lounl vlolonco to tho woman, but ho
eedtna to havo bcon engaged with tho
Ad near as can bo learned tho affair
was a caro of mistakou Identity, and
thurpby hangs a talo. It scorns that
Grimes was In company vrlth.Vll8on tho
nlht buforo, and loth being undor the
lnfluonc. wont homo with him. Tho
result was that Grimed was robbed o( a
sum of money reported to havo been
f'iOO, and tho noted Edna Hnnpp waif
auppoeod to havu boon the party who
lecilrod it. t
Grimes and Wilton woro thorefore on
a otlll-hunt for tho Bimpp woman when
thay saw Mrs, Chaeo and in tho dark
ness Htippoicd hur to bo tho party they
woro looking for.
In tho mean tlmo, tho gifted Edna
took tho stauo Just outside of Marshflcld
Saturday, morning, arrived at HosouurK
t'unday morning and took tho South
bound overland for California, and tho
chances aro that Grimes' monoy has
gono in a good causo in ridding the sec
tlon of tho woman.
Mrs. Chnsodld not stay to proKcnto
tlu onto but wont to Portland on tho
llotli mon woro arrested latorand their
preliminary examination was to have
taken plnco yesterday buforo Jnstlco
Turpon. Hall A Hull wunt down to act
for tho (leleudaiits, but ho liwyer copld
bo found to proiocutc, Doputy 1'roeo
cutlng Attorney Fnrrin woh in Coquille
City on another case and only got back
towards evening, and the other Marsh,
fluid lawyora vrero Mattered in various
illrnettnnn. JtntlcH Turnnn nci'orilltiL'lv
It is only a few months until Christ- Icontlnuod tho caio until 10 a. in. today.
mas. There are niody things already to I WlUon was Ukon back to Jil and
unities tnuiu vu .uuinuuuiu ni.ii mid u-
the PAdlric mm
Tho i October number of tho Pacific
minor .has seven pngen dnvotcil to an
rbloy illustrated article on Coon county
from tho pen of T, V, Kano, tho gonial
ruproHontatlvnof tho paper, who recent
ly spout sovora! weeks In this nod Ion
for the purpose of making n careful in
vestigation Into Its resources and Its pros
pects for railroad connection with tho
outsldo world,
Tliu nrtlclu covers tho principle) Indus
tries of Coos, lumbering, mining and
chlpbulldlng, with some hint
cf tho stimulus to thojo and
now ontorprlscn which will be glvon by
the construction of tho Groat Central
Jtnllroad. It presents the actualities and
tho possibilities of this favored section
in an attractive light, and will help tho
other advertising which 'Coos county
has been getting, in attracting the at
tention of capitalists and desirable set
tlers to this county, Tho paper is on
talo at K. I'. Norton's.
J. J. and J. T. O'Toolo, lot of Tort
Orford, havo located in Marshflcld, in
tho upholstery and repair business,
They will open a shop on First atreot in
tho rear end of the Garfield hotel. Their
goods will como from Port Orford on tho
Areata, and they will thou bo ready (or
business. There Ih a good opening hero
for work in their llnu, and It will bo a
great convenience to havo a good up
holstering shop in town.
'jul nif.ta buuik luuua,
JL Mhnd light loads.
bod for everything
that runs on wheels)1
r -
t?old Everywhere.
Dn tt. ty bl YQd Hiri AlMfl Bot
a r
bo teen on counters which ought to got
tho Interested attention of tho avorago
buyer. Thcro aro thoso who aro plan
Ing to make this tho best Christmas' thoy
ovor spout. Thoy want it to bo as good
n Christmass as possible, and will bo
able to spend mora monoy this year
than initial. They havo somo of this
monoy now and are anxious to havo
somo suggestions along the lino of ceo
nouilcal buying of reully good things.
The man who lias good things in stock
at this timo will do well to spread tho
moseago beforo tho general buyer.
Thcro aro somo who will buy in rosponso
to tho early invitation and thcro aro
othors who will merely bco tho advertise
munt.teVl Its claims for goods and prices
and rcallzo that their wants at Christ
mas can bo better filled at tbla place
than eltowhoro. Tho chances aro, that
When tho timo comes to buy tho memory
of the early announcement will' havo
weight in determining tho things' to Lo
purchated and tho place for purchasing.
i c
lFrom Tuesday's Dally. '; jf,'
Empire City linn boen considerably
exorcised in spirit for a couplo of days
by u disturbance which occurred there in
tho weo small houra of Sunday morn
ing i
As the story comes to'tlio Mail, Mrs.
Ghaso, Into of Marehfleld was on tho
etrool, or tho wharf, accompanied by her
' ton, on tho lookout for tho Alliance
.which was expected dowrjtho bay, and
,on which ehohad taken pasoago for Port-laud.
Eugono will mako a move to prevent
Sunday theaters.
Scarcity of mon nnd tcauiB rotard tho
work on tho Kails City railroad.
A now postofheo has bcon cstabllbhed
at Troy, Wlllowa county.
I. W. McClung was fatally injured at
Eugono'-Thursday by foiling from a 10
foot ecaflold. II o was painting, whon
tho hoisting ropo slipped in some man
ner, Idling him fall to tho cement walk
below. '
Tho Willamotto rlvor ib now lower
than it has bcon for many years,
Shipments of wheat and Hour from
Oregon ports to South Africa Blnco Joml
ary 1st, havo reached n total of nearly
3,000,000 bushels, arid onough tonnago
is undor engagements to swell thio
amount to -I 00(3,000 bushels by tho end
of the year,
Tho fruit dryer .belonging to Norman
Agoo of UoBolmrg was burned Friday
morning loss $120O. Insurance J7G0.
Jacob Arrasmlth claiinu tho pennant
for tho lorgost hog over marketed in
Palouso, Wiiili , ago considered, having
sold to local butchorfl, a Cheater Whlto
hog, only 1.1 months old which wolghod
COO noundfl and brought tho turn of f30,
tho prlco of a good d-yoar-old steor.
Portland and Sound timber operators, to
raise tho prlco of timber claims. Ilero
toforo tho prlco that operators havo
charged as tho fco for finding tho land
and locating the applicant, has ranged
from f 75 to f ISO. Earlier in the toaton
whon thcro wcro hundreds of moro claims
to bo had than now, it was easy to got a
location almost anywhere, for tho lower
flguro. In July and August tho low
prlco was gonorolly f 100. Operations
woro almost entirely suspended when
tho fires occurred, and ro commoncing
Lrjow, the price has been over f 100, ox-
copt iu Urge numbers. Parties of eight
to ten, have been ablo to hold the price
down to 1100. Tho largor oporatore
claim that all timber that can now be
found nnywhcrfl is wort'a $150 to the
claim. Thcro want tho tmaller opera
tors to join In fixing tho higher prlco.
Thoy data thatthere will be mora profit
oven with tt smaller nqmbor of locations,
than at tho lower pric.
So far as tho proposed action has been
canvaeccd, the plan is to unite tho timber
oporators In an agreement that thoy will
not locate, or furnish information for lo
cations, for less than flCO. Ono of tbo
matters to comlder in whether or not
that will include tho expeneo of going to
and from tho land. Many favor this
much concotslon to locators, but the
trouble about that isthat tho remaining
timber ia vory rcmotofrom thooporalinc
points, Seattle, Tacoma, and Portland.
Fifty dollars will not now cover tho cost
of tho long trips, especially cast of tho
Cascades, to that locators may expect to
still pay tholr own expeneo;.
A meeting of the Portland oporators
has been under coneidoratlon for several
days. The outlook ib that timber ecckors
may expect to pay moro for their claims
in the vory near futuro.
That is what we have to sell arid
we ' can 'lill all orders for any
and all kinds. THE QUALITY
js guaranteed and the
r -"
anything required in Fir. Spruce,
Red and White Cedar.
Phone Main 151,
North Bend, Orel
Rest and Coutfort.
Im iters B
Biibstantlnl mattresses are
r k :--
They (ira comfortablo and will retain thelr "sprlogl'.
ness" for yenrs. , f Jfado In two pieces or all $ B
Tliefio .
cotton fco nrplcqual to all-hair aod cost a gre.
deal less money.
Thore Ib talk of i combtn'o among
Uttiicd Sialej I.atid OtTici', Hoscburj; Oregon,
.Sept. tub, 1903.
Notice Is hereby ctven Hint in compliance
lth tiic provUlotu ot the net of Congress of
lune.3, 1B78, entitled "An act for the sale of
tunncc i.uhij in me amies 01 cniiioniM. uregon,
Nevado, nnd Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public 1-and States by act ol
Avgust 4, 1893.
11H.I.IE H. S.I1TH,
of .Nfarshfield, county of Coos, state of Ore
gon, lias this day filed in this ofllcehis sworn
statement No. 3466, for tho of the
Southeast quarter of Section No. 30, Township
39 South, of Range No. 13 West, nnd will
otfer proof to show that the land sought is morv
v.iliiiible fot- lis timber or stone than for ngricul
turn! purposes, nnd to establish his claim to said
land before V, U. Douglas, U. S. Commission,
er for Oregon, at Mtirslifield Oregon, on Fri
day tho lath day of Prccniber, rooa,
lie names Us witnesses: Ilcrtwrt Lockhart,
Hiram Wright, Levy Smith, I D. Smith, nil
of Miirehficid, Oregoft.
-Any nnd nil perxons claiming adversely the
Kbovu.dMcrilcd lands pre requested to file their
clalriii.ln tliUVpfliccon tr belore said 13th day of
December, 190a. J, V. UkidgV:s, Register. 5-37
W-H. I II IH 1 1 1 K4-H-f444-fH l II I I HI I H-MH 1 1 lI 1 1 1 1 I
"Oil lrMll If LmldlAF 'rHA'1' c use no injurious diemicals and
..Bill lji ItlBII VW omy mc very ocst 01 soap nnd we guaran..
. T- 1 . f .... ,ce 0,v wPrli ws " wrfected modern"
. ..tuchmrry and we DON I WUAR uu f I'Hh CLOTHES. Laundry ork can berc."
..turned In 13 hours nftcr receipt. Remember wit employ white labor onlv. Follow-. '.
'. !'mS-i fmci01 our ngtntsi Cieorge Lorenx, lUndon- N. Lortnr, Coqullle; E, A. Dodge, . .
Mviiln Pntnl stt f Iflnvt WrtK llA..l. T it r i M
-w .w... w. ..M.ww..f Viii wi-uu, j. iujj;nn, empire
. .-" '.-' ATJ-w X JLHAXN .
advanttfflea-for youny
pcnlo of unmll menus who dcslro nn oducaiinn. '
.sItt020ruftCo"h?ra. ,N 0REG0N hasalfRcr Per"t of gradwtea -in good po-
stonlHhliigly low ratea for Qrst-clnsa ndvantngGs,
Send for new cntuloatle.
Address, B. E. EMKKICK, Pre.,
Jw 'JVBkfekws.
r jjkLKNA 'ml wt3h
rV'SMVan 'RjfiiMHl
fV fir fkZMt VIM I lift Sm
Ilk 111 m Iff
jWkn m WE WANTa
PAAA tlfatt mrado naRrartea! IBflS Mann A tin
SJIBlJIBj overstock of p-io of tho test known ft K. tf' 'P
""fKtoriM or tho country, -secured rRM 10 rh 5l
bjr us at ouo-hsltcost. Fitur Atocart Kif lu 'N
lyuu ana ivui iVioGeiis s r?7 o OS
,i ouiuiuyuca wiiu. jargo pnoiogmiihw otyix't'ins tin
luii uuiuueu Bpcctucttiiono sa.irrto 10 any nucyoat.
Wo SUSP ON APPE3VAL to cnVona I-i.U fcy
or Canadcv taftot.-t a cni in ededntre r.' u all.
10 mn free mmi &$&
no fSaS: In ordcrtoir frcM -?, lis you.tlo .fcrV
noed to pay a cent if the blcycln dyca not TsykL'tu-
Ut'nn t ImiV Vtv i PlitrtflCil rtl1 ! r"f. IT'S
1'li'nfl. fufM!ttnit-mtirti
rieo, ia uuruiK irw pyitjrjv4atuK
standard cinkrf. rnnny xk! iu ncv..
ico, la ourbitf rrvo vuivji
mm agehi
M model blcvclo. I
WE WANT a, rcU
53 0 sa
nlotf. A roiMorliifui';r.ilii U'si:
raifLrBITf? U!H?tVI?!E In eooli town to rl
UUIA miSl!8t;l Liiilux!i!b!i.svh).
10J model bicycle In your soaro tlmo you ran inau 01
fDU A WCOIC DCSIUOS IllVlUi: o nmi iu u lor juiirwr.
l&Mo WTMn In each town to distribute ciulo;ruc for nslu