The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, October 04, 1902, Image 8

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i , i . 4 r
From Thursday's Dally.
Buy your shoes At rotor Clausen's.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Flanagan drovo
up from Kmplro yoaterduy.
R. 0. Auistcin litis been conflucd to
her bod sineo Saturday.
aml'dHSl'ifa Tow "hour's lsb6a"fbfj;olt6n " CAtDaiV Roborti'haa roturnod trom
or only romoinborcdnsHcutloilty. This Rogue r Ivor, wont up Coos ilvor
with his family ThuieilAy to spend a
might also apply to tho short spurt ad
vertiser, l'hoiigh it Is nil right whllo It
lasts it would bo more beneficial to glvo
n tnoro continuous performance.
Kav, Thoa. Irvine returned Monday
Un a tu days trip to Gardiner.
Raw G-o. llunvnn wni down .Vom n.1inr1tt t
t aiuuati M ii"-: i
J. T. Cv.ror nnd family, of Catching
slough are visiting out In tlio vnlloy.
Tho fitst table ever brought to the
Pacific coast has boon located at Sell-
wood, Oro. It is only a plain, ordinary
lablo bia Its p-ojont owner paid $'U for
it ns n curio. It wan brought on tint
good chip Louson. Tho table was pur
chased by Joteph N. Garrison, Mrs,
G.irrUon is tho present otvner of (ho
table nud resales nt Oregon Oil.
week or so,
L. W. Sanctuary, of Hotoburg mot
with n iicrtous accident Sunday. Ills
Bhotitiu exploded blly Irceratlujj his
lo t hauu.
Miss liter. lluccli.of .MeKluloy, camo
ovor on Veduasday,s train and wunt i' j
t.iAkgany to vitit tho fr.nllyol Capt.
C. K. Kdwi"de
tho 'jiiant' bavins roachcd:a pcn'nt wh'ord
It can supply ico regularly, Tho Ico Is
clear as crystal ami w.ll comparo favor
ably with any to bo had lu any man's
Tli In marks an epoch lu tho history of
Uoos ll.iy's dovolopuient,' nud It should
iiu n matter of local priiio, ns well ah a
matter of buidnoeit, to eoo that tho now
entorprleo meuts ovory ponnlblo oncour
'Tlio School llbrAry was opened yostcr
day to thopupllu-for tho first tlmo nud
they wrro allowed to tnko books out, '
Jack Grimes camo up on tho Areata
, to spend a short vacation in Coos.
P. S3. Weaver is having a now sido-
vra'k put down in front of his reiMonco
a South Marsh field,
A good livo advcrtUor will chango h1
Ail. every tlmo tlio pape. in m.Ii!i:'i ho
rdvortltos is issue-1-; if It bun dally,
"i i ,' results will amply repay him for his
I...-0. And ho should clvo to tho ad -
John IVoucs, proprietor of tlio Hed
Cnwa drag sl'oro, was n passengsr to Situ
1 - "oon a htuiuetM trl:, expecting
to bu oao a couple ol wcoki.
Tho A. N. W. Club mot at tho homo
of .Mrs. 0. W. Patorson on Thureday
afternoon. Tho next in tot i 13 will bo
rcadir: public something that wocl 1 -! " Mr-4 ' J- Soely on om!wy.
Mi Era S.rocJur, of the Coqulllo
it rfslti'-fc oa ' fay, nud weut over to
t'te craamo ; TeJnuedar,
rino Stationery at Norton's.
Mn. T. R. Sheridan nnd daughte. ;
started en Wednesday's stage for tbetr
Lome in l.ssebur.r, after sending sav
er! 7r.01.ths on tLe bay.
:ere8t !':: i: ho sr.w t in tho auvr t
mcut of a ' , 1. T'ltis ho uiii not on...
t .! crtothoad.-. . ".dtngpart of 'houv.d.
C's, but era- 3 from tboro
r. JO havo formerly titl.-o no ii.tercLi .
anything but tho faebious, etc., fo no
mon, after all, nro tho chief ouc& tho 0.
dinary ndvertieer has to d. t" d ujou.
Cxpiillo Ilci'
I'upt. Uobert Jonef,
When you wnko up with n bad trfsto
in our mouth, goat mice to John l'ruiits
driig store and got a lru nnmpo o'
Chamberlain's Htomarh and I.lvur Tab
telp. O110 or two dorca will make you
well. They alto euro blliouiuei, tick
headache and constipation.
Business Change
llobt. 1'rldgeon has sold tho Hon Tun
Kv. Geo. Gellespic, rresbytarlan
ruiotisternt Part Orford, is in town on
hi way oot to thu I're.'iytery whieh
o;ncd at Torfaad Tunday.
Si W. Iknnctt. C. F. MeWr't ht and
?ll Wright started for Xortli tlouell
iaday on a bunting and Ashing
cpectinc to return Sunday.
trip; exr
of t'o 1 ''.uiu-, 3u'o over Friday and
remained with us till yesterday mornin8. ; Ba,oon ,0 w J' 'tton' ln" "' Aehlnnd
Ho ucurcd a boiler nt this phco and w,1 cam,e ,,e, wUU ,,iB 'fl,nU' a 8,10rt
visltwl the lower river to secure machin. I l'mo "K0-
ery for a larco drcdceini; scow he la build I '
in which will bo used on tho bay lido, . ... ..
lor tho pu:roc ol deepening channels i C0Url ,I0USC
and at the ramo tirno usir.g that which ) T 0'd Court Houio.proporty at Km.
Ih taken from tho channel to construct pl" c-ty w o-(- r " coa ity Thurs
Tia'vcl by Sea.
Arrivals by Areata Oot. I : .1 II Lower,
A 1. Camptmll, It ! llemlntMnn, It W
l.uuday, K N Storey, A i Halan, 1(
llncliau, V A Jcuscii, (loo, ICeddio, MIir
Kllr .'hitler, Mrs Geo Keddle, Geo Krd
die, John Grlmef, Ctxpt Colitrup, L J
Union, Miss Miller, 'm Heel, 1) Scontt,
K Carcfgaw, 1) Marvottl, D Calbo, li
Doparturea by Areata, Oat. 2 Clmi.
K Carroll, Henry Hums, It V S tndUy,
.1 I'roiiBi, 1) Duncan. Mr i'liraon, I.lxtlo
Jotiiifon, Mlrs J. Htowart, Mrs Vlnnlng,
A'iss Helen Dixon, C 0 Heudetson, K A
llayei, Will Hennlug, .InnCurn', Mrs
K V Kruse, Fred Kruno, Hertha Iv.aso
Laura Kruse, Miss M Kruno, MK Kruso,
Herman Kdwards, Miss Dnyln, M.itsNub
lie Doylo, H I' lloylo, W Smith.
ll.uulon Oil Oompauy, of llandon, has
llleil nitlcliis of Incorporalloii with tho'
nucivlaryof statu', capital stock, (."(H);
liicorporntoro, W II iliillon, A .MoNo'r,
J Donholm, M It Leo, I) M Charles
ton, liny Chirk, Chorion Loronx, J W
Keller, A Frederick Ltnejar, .lolin Cur
tail, Stop!. en GAlller, ICIhort Dyer, T W
(Jlatk, A L Osburii, Fred N I'orklnn,
liiomna Andurenu nnd W it I'nntur.
Fnthor DonicMy tlnrtod for fiold
Ikuic'i lant ovening, lifltivt cillr I theno '
to ndmlulMter iiplrltiml omohtlon to
John McVcy of Hint plaro, who wan rc
pord dying. Thuro will thoreforo ho
110 ror vices ot tho Catholic church (3-morrow.
dykes. This will provo n great conveni
ence and benefit to ranchers on tho bin
tidp. Tho Ucqnillu needs a mp.chino of
this k'nd very much.
Uucbimetl Lelers
day at public salo and was Lought !u by
John Flanagan for f 1700.
tfsv. F. G. Slrsngo will start Sntur-j,
)J m raing for Portland to attend tho
P.vJ. 'try. He will go out ovor tho
CvC-iry wagon road, stopping at Doia
t J preach Sunday.
Birthday Party.
On Wednesday Mirs Mlldrcnl Coko in
vitcd n number of hor friends to help
bor cc'ulirnto her 11th b'rthdny. The
to sunlight, washing and rubbing,
by John Promts 10c, pc packsgo.
Uat.dou ItvcorderCaplniuHnns Itce.l,
tho shipbuilder, of .Vifthritdd, cniuu
over last Monday and will liolnMr, Itooi ,
the hulliltir of tho ship under construc
tion at Profiler, during tho next two
Thn baby boy, c."d about .'1 month,
of Mr. and Mm. Ciutlcs 'Ihruih, who
reeidonn .lolin Uear's placet on Willauch
slough, died (ulto Hiiddnnly Wednesday
and was hurried heroThuirday.
From Saturday's Daily.
'I ho teachors in tho Marsbflold pchool
held n meeting last evening nt Dr. Mu
Cormtic'n residenco for thn purpoco of n Shakespeare club,
P.iet lino
of school shoes at Peter
r.oioburg Review J. J. Lamb, of Co
quilie, with hij wife and daughter, Miss
J rare, ware in town Wedncwlay night
p. :outo hoaie from a visit to Portland
end Willcmttte valley points.
C. A. Jensen returned on tho Areata
Lorn fian Jose, Cal., wltore he has been
attending butinca college. IJo will
rlttiid his vacation with bis parents and '
rat urn to Suisb bia courae in about two
List of Unclaimed Letters remaining
in thu .Mar-hflcld, Or., Pott Ollice, Oct. j tlmo was spent in games nnd merriment
ICHOns ca' I tig for tho lUtl'O'nfnll vln.!. 'Ibnin nilnndiiu tti.iK!
. - .... -...,.., . .... , w .......... -.
I 1M-J
...IIII-.. . k
h- y aneruicu. Anuerrnn isalpls nud Maud Coke, Dortha am)
Victor, Rror,n Lewis, Ihker. J J, riiw'iur, Watson, Kva Flarmean. Kdit'i
?s -worn, ujiriMoiiwrscn .Martin, Llark Strang, Kbtbcmnd Inez Johnson.
Jackson 2, Dave S T, Dunbar J K, Ku-
nls James, Flanagcn Chin It, Franron,
Mrs Sigvald, Gebbardt Fred, Girola I) 2,
v' ro Cjlombo, Hon.
Heavy Lumber JUiipitrnls
Lumber shipments !) water from thn
1 (Vilnmliln lttv'nr trill lliia (nr lie.
ry, Ilearn William, Hotlam' A'f, King ' . ,, ' ' , , 'rMnt,
n T 11. 1... x, ,,' , , b,fi "t tlmcon tto'd, (xcerd lfOO.OW)
........ . . 1 feet. IlMJ
Port Orford Tribune Mr. nnd Mrs.
Wm. Sherrad, of Sumnor, Coos county,
nro visiting nlativcs at Port Orford nnd
Mr. Hliahau, who took J. V. CookV
pierc ni thu Head of tho Great Central
Land Co., nt Umpire City, was In town
II ii eitlinatod that nt loan 16.000
China Phrasantn wero blrt on Oel. lit
It being thu tlratdayof tbo ntnon. In
Linn and Marian ooiintien v.honi thuro
b' ill nro nuinorouo, hundreds of epnrtn
w arn nud a fucllsilo nl guns could bo
heurd all day long homo parties coining
In with over P" birds.
aA' vvyvv
i Gafiefully Sclotd Fall
Mubn Miss Mary, Smith It Y, Tomlin
eon C C, Wensala Mies Helena. Cictcr
W. C. Cl'RTIS, P. M.
jnoif aid four Illitnsyt r
fir itWj,SrJrsj,Brii:inifcnilUlttJrllk.aan
I uj:jw Add. vitthui i.tic .,i titsvut .
From Friday's pally.
J .7. Joidan, the old j iojcer of tho
Ky, was in town TLurtday,
erorir.Gtiti total 1b already
ntsured by tbo actual shipment, made
f"f .ho first nino months of tho year,
nnd tbo tonnage engagements whlcl nro
to bo filled prior to December 31. Tho
shipments for tho pastnlno months hav
amounted to over 7l,0CO,O00 foul, of
which -J3.S! i.OCO feet viero rent coas'i
wiio and 30,'-'J5,(iC0 feet foroigi.
Money spent for advertising is very
ruflfcfa liho money put in z savings bank,
yqt Set tho benefit of it often when you
oifd it rnoit. It insures your having
rTftehiwe while the competitors who havo j K. C. Whitley, of tho North fork of
r,t spent money this way con get none. ' the Ccquillo v,e.i in town Thursday,
Tho etcomor Signal coaled at tbo Ilea,
ver Hill bunkers Thurtdny.
Ceic.ille Herald Kid. C. P. Bailey, Tho Schooner Macie C. Ruts camo
Jlisnionary of the Raptist C'r.urch, will up the b3y Thuriday nnd do;ktd at tho
I In Cr..iui!!e and bcjln a protracted , railroad wharf.
JItrtlag Thureday cvcn'ng before the Jth
Bosday in October. Kldet Railey
prtaclicd hid first sermon in this county
Rome fJ years ago and many will no
doshthko to hear him. Look out for
farther notlcej.
S. C. Rrown ha just completed paint
lug the Eiiecopa! church and it now Lob
a fresh appearace.
Kvery admirer of flowern knows that
tho greatest ploaeuro corned from thoio
.Which aro lasting. Tbo blossom wtiich
bursts forth in all its beauty only to fade
Gut a free sample of Chamberlain 'a
Stomach and Liver Tablets at John
PreuBi drug storo. They are easier to
take and moro pleatant in effect than
pills. Then their uo is not followed by
constipation as is oftun tho case with
pills. Regular size, 23c per box.
frafciiwl Surprise
Tlio meribers of tho Fraternal Union
gavo Mr. and Mrs. Charlds Albrecht n
pleasant urptir.o Wednesday night.
A 1 tor the regular meeting thoy raided
tho Albrecht premises and pattod tcvor
al hourfl ury pleanantly with gamoE
and tccial recreation. Refrctlit.e'itH
wero brought anuTthu whole affair was
very enjojnblo. A generous sharo of tho
good things to eat found their way to
tho Coaht Mail and vas highly appre
ciated. (Nolo As a matter of fact, nothing
showed up at this ofilco, but wo bad tho
promlno of a Bharo, nnd hayo concluded
to tcko tho will for tho deid.)
. ' 'ilie First Ice
The first product of the nuw ico works
j found Its way around town yesterday,
Je iaue
Largely increased every dupart
tiibiit In tho linos we carry and feel
confidently ublu to supply your
wntitn In
Clothing Gents Fiu'
nishings, Shoes, Hats,
Caps, Oil Sk'.-is and
and Rnbber Goods.
and Silk
Standard Patterns,
and Publications
Samples Sont on Application
I. O. O. F,
nbiLDi.-;c. rhopc436
T'T'.Wtaift fsn j-iu t