The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, October 04, 1902, Image 6

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' ""l IN
Maw C flWnMMRvMAttfMMPAP4K AJfeWft4iBMflMM P! lWIPhi M M
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,imb Mi ii eiaaagnr.' -
"1 -'ly
Coast Hail.
From Sunday's Dally.
- Thero nro now but fow tilvorsldoa In
llio bay but thoy aro coming In (ait. and
hahcrtnon expect a rood run.
, Misa Ethel Roono returned to hor
homo at'.Sumner yesterday, after a
conplo of days' visiting in town.
V rr c
The Ucclo Tom band hc been
!onio excellent Ireo concerts
atreot for a couple of days.
v Mrov W. E. Rlobarda has receive!
Iron the Woodmen of tho World tn
iJchcck for (1,008, insurance oh tho life of
her lato husband.
The San Francisco Examiner brings
;ho news that Captain Magintt, who has
ibeenin command of the steamsr Em-
. pirc ha? had his license revoked for
30 days
- .
Thevrebulldlng of the Sixes River
bridge-is in progress, and will probably
bo completed wittrin a month. Menrs
'.Jensen-' and LIndbcrg are the builders.
Port Dr.'ord Tribune.
. i.
" TI13 north spit, which baa been crowd.
ing the riverchannel on the rocks on the
' south side, at the mouth of the river, is
'putting awriy -arTd will soon bo all right
again. Bandon Recorder.
y l I- y M
A epecial train ra'n to Myrtlo Point
'ast night, carrying 25 or more of tho
'Marahfield Knights of Pythias to help
''institute a1odge'oftbat order in the
metropolis of the Coquille.
'Mr. and Mrs. David J. RcesWho
ia'e been visiting at the homo of 'Mrs.
' Reese's falhYr, Cbas. Bneddcn, 'near
Newport, or a couple of months will
JIeayo t 'their bomd in Washington
Monday, going out via Myrtle Point.
County Judge Rlley.who was stricken
with paralysis a couple o! weeks ago, ia
" lying at the point of death at his homo
uiuuiuracu. iuB u no uopo ,or
hia rscovery, and hla demise la looked
' .'or'at cny moment. Port Orford Trib
nne. When"a nan baa filed on a timber
claim and the timber burns before flnalj
It- J- .11 tt..M . 1
prooi is mane, : me rigui losir tion.
J. T. Bridges, register of tho Rose
burg land ofEce, !a of the opinion new
rights will bo granted by the'commlc
slorier of the 'teneral land office when
tho olalm is accompanied by affidavits.
estaousning lacte upon winch the local
land office may base a recommendation.'
4 , .. . . .. (Great Central Railroad (Coos Bay to
J. C. McClain, of the McClaln LumbeH c i t i u m t .
'Salt Lako). Ho will mako up a party
Co. Spokane, Wash., and Salt Lako J lmmed,at,y for fle,a work runnlng t,J0
Utah, was a passenger on the Alliance-prem,nry of U)0 road ,n ,,
. from Portland, accompanied by his 3ute4 The MW ,lno w run fl0Uth of
wife, on their way toSan Franclico.1 tho Great 8at Lakeand conai(orflbl3
( Mr. UeOMa stopped oil at this point to reHo work w u but QW th(J
. look over the eituation. He ia eryi
I y' ..j 'J
uiutu jjicooou miu hid uuiivok uere anu ;
haa invested in Bangor property.
Dick Buell met with ajerloue accident
Tuesday. He was engaged in loading
lumber onto a car and started to couple
, eome flat cars when bis left hand was
, caught between the couplings, resulting
in tho member being quite eevorely in
jured. His second finger waa dislocated,
and his hand badly cut and bruised.
.,Drs. Loop and White dressed the wound,
and the injuryis getting along nicely,
tboagb Mr. Buell Will bo compelled to
curry, Me hand lu. a al(i8 tor aomo time
Merlin r'rttill Kntrit-nrWn
, S. 8. Kautmun and V. W. Wtjgnor have
tanned n partnership in tho real estate
business and havo their olllco over Uol
den's drug atoro. Thoy nro aolo ngents
,for tho Great Central Land Co'u proper
ty at Bangor, nnd propose to do a gon-
,eral real cstnto buatneas. These gentle
men aro both men of moans, nnd they
aro woll acquainted with, tho ins nnd
outa of tho real potato business. They
camo hero recently to see a hat thorowas
in tho Coos Day country, nnd tho fact
that they havo taken hold for business
is nn indication that things are coming
our way, even If eomo of our people,
can't tec it.
, Booming Oregon
Tho Daily News of Denver has it most
interesting articlo on Oregon in its issue
otSopt. 7th. It is entitled "In the
Land Where Rolls tho Oregon'' and is
most ably written -by W. R. Thomas,
associate editor of tho Nowa. Tho ar
ticlo la accompanied with cuts'of Cas
cade Locks Multnomah Falls, Dalles of
the Columbia and tho steamer T. J,
Didn't Go
' The North Rend Rand and the Marsh
field minEtrcls had planned to give an
entertainment nt Gardiner Saturday
nteht. The tug Columbia went down
tho bay yesterday afternoon with the
party on board, but found the biir very
rough! and a heavy sen running out
side. It looked too tumultuous lor tho
landsmen, ao all took tho back track.
Not to bo entirely knocked out, the
boys changed their' plonB and gave their
entertainment in .Odd Fellows' Hall
hero in tho bvening.
Suppression is Suspicion
In advertising suppression
suspicion. Thero ia scarcely
man or woman but that has been
dcived at eome tlrao by tho specious-
', nesa ' somo advertisement, which fact
J naturally places them upon their guard.
advertiser necM not bo
afraid to
tako the public into his confidence. Ho
may apeak out with conudenco in tho
asauranco that thia is the best way to
cell. Printers' Ink.
Salt Lako, Sept. 23 Engineer Vilkoa
of this city haa been engaged by tho
r i cTcnu ii i Miir 1 ttiidcdc
lajiuku maiiuiiiuiuntno
" (Por.lla.nd Jour,nalJ
Emii G. Baker, of Kaciiio, Wis., re
presenting a manufacturing concern of
i .
that city, is in Portland to investigate
Oregon spruce lumber. Ho wants a
kind of timber epeciully suited for broom
lmndlea and wheelbarrow boxing. Ho
was attracted hero by a concern from his
state which recently came here and in
.vestigated tmruce,cnding in tho purchase
rf Reveral car loads. Mr. Baker saw the
J oMwr party when ho joturnod nnd from
his globing report ol the, wood,, concha!
Htl, to .acoior hlmtof Tho oilier; pur
chnso to which ho refers as for exten
sion ladders. It waa alculllcant na to
valuo of Oregon lumber that tho latter
purchase, waB mado at tho round prlco
of f 10 pur thousand, whereas Wisconsin
timber can bo had for less than that sav
ing tho freight enst.
Mr. linker goes to Kugeno tonight,
and will roturn to Portland on Saturday.
Ho previously investigated nn offer for
Puget Sound fir, tundu by tho Woyor
hatiEcra, but found llr unsuitable. Ho
thinks tho Oregon epruoo mnyd)o.whnt
ho haa been looking for, as his product
requires a timber both light nnd strong
Ho will ncod several car loada. Tho ex
tension ladder party mado n eamplo
purchaso of two car loads and has placed
a regular supply order evnn in advance
of receipt of tho sample shipment, so
Mr. Haker reports. It was tho flue, long
lengths which caught tho ladder ordor
From Tuesday Dally.
0. A. Motlinihas the lumbor on tho
roand for a sidewalk.
R. C. Domont camo over from Myrtlo
Point Monday on business.
Fred Noah and wife, of Allegany, wore
Marshfield vlsltord Monday.
i i mi in
Win. Knidell is taying tho foundation
for n now house in South MarahtlvM.
Mrs. Forty, of Port Orford, ia visiting
her son James Forty and other friends
R. Walters la putting down a now
front walk nt'his residence in South
Marehflcld and ho ia working at it him
II. G. Ploeger wont to Myrtlo Point to
help inutitulo the new K. of P. lodge,
and atayed to visit old friends for a tew
The little boy oi Mrs. J. J. Mahoney,
who haa been cry sick, ia much better
and la considered on the1 road to recov
ery. Capt. II. E. Wilcox, Js having qui to a
lo't of sawlogi put In on hiir plnco at Mc
Kinloy this Fall. Walter Lawhorn ia
doing to hauling,
i . i
Onool the Coos river plloa was knock
ed nearly out of the river Satdrday
night, and now Louis Wlrth has a patch
on tho bow of his boat.
A number of Alaska and Columbia
river fishermen arc on tho Bay and will
aesiFt" In supplying the cannery of tho
Cooa Biy Packing Co$
Sailor Jack, sonta raft of ship kneio
down from hia place on, South Cooa river
MoniTny for tho Krtiso shipyard, Louis
Wirth bringing them down.
L. 1). Smith and Wni. Honobralte, tho
cattlo buyers, wero in tho Tonmilo
country last week gathoring up calves
foi tho California rnurkot.
' t
Myrtle Pqlnt Ib rather proud of tho
improvement of her main etrcot, nr.d
has reason to be, for itwlll bo bb fino as
a Blreet can bo made With rock and
Will Elckworth ,Cal. Ray and Erneat
Morgan were out door-hunting across
he bay Monday. Elckworth had a nar .
row csonpo from llelnR run ovor byn
dcor. Ho bmpllc'd hlh 'gun nt the foro.
uloun beast, hut without doing any dam-ago.
Ono thing that strikes oven nhlght
tlmo visitor to Myrtle Point Is tho ex
treme "ecattorntlon" oi her business
section. Tliii prulmhly arises (rain hav
ing so much good ground to build on,
and tho day wIM coino when tho vacant
Btretchas will bo filled In with bunlur
blocks, for tho town tins n future ba
ton it.
T. II. Dixon, t. cronmory expert cf
lurgo exporlouco In Iown nnd Wlccomln,
holding suvornl stato diplomns and one
from tho Pan-American, arrived Inst
week t(i,tnko erhnrgu of tho tcruamory of
tho Ico nud CVd Storaga Co., If it Is de
cided to htart up this Fu'l. Mr. Dixon
lectured nt Sumnor Friday ovonlng on
creamery matters, nnd hits been looking
oer thu iirnea-produclug lands of this
eoctloii. llo la plensod with tho out
look, and recommends that Uio new
creamery ho put In operation this Fall
instead of waiting until Spring.
Oregon Apples
Among other cargos, tho Indrapura,
srtjling for China and Japan, will havo a
c. load of Oregon apples, consisting ol
GOO boxes, They nro consigned to var
ous merchants In Now Chwnng, Tlun
Tfln and NngaHiki. This is tho largest
shipment of apples over shipped to the
Orient from 1'ort'aud.
f V t
Advertising ,is an Investment
Whon a man invests hla money in .1
per cent bonds, ho doea not hcsltnto to
put up thu coin nnd loavo it up other
wise ho wouhl got no bonds hut when
it comes t.o advertising ho wants to get
his dividends without putting up the
money. It cannot often bo done. Ad
vertising requires that a reasonable
amount bo Invested boforo dividends
can bo declared. Advisor.
1 '"
vt How About .Coos?
Washington county, having had or
ganizod existence hotweon forty and
fifty years, finds Itself hampered in to
curing rural free delivery of tho mails In
some of its m,oro populous sections bc-
causo tho Government postal agont ii
unable to find n map showing tho loca
tion of ita roads. And now tho taxpay
ers aro atking thomiclvca wliat thoy
havu kept county surveyors in olllco and
on salary continuously all theso years
New Use For RefincJ Paraffinc Wax
A now and important uso for R.A.:cd
Parafllno Wax scorns to havo been dis
covered by n prominout resident of
Ohio, living near Lancastor, who had
two trees badly damaged by storm', ono
being a maple nnd tho other nn nppio.
In each caeo a largo limb was broken
down from tho trunk, but still Uttachcd
to it. Tho llmbij wore propped up' and
fastened uccuroly with straps, very
much as a broken log might bo fastonod
with epllnte, and then moltod reflnod
wnu poured Into and ovor all tho cracks,
Tho"Burglcnl operation" was. entirely
fiuczessful. Tho I'aralllnq prevented thu
eacapo of tho Bap, kopt out tho rain nnd
moisture which would havo rotiod t':o
treos, prevented tho depredations of
insects, nnd tho limbs seem thus far to
bo perfectly reattached to the troos.
Brtncoto ronr Xlowls IVIlti CMcar.
Cnily mtlmrtte, euro coDStlpatlon rprorsr
( itcao.ialUdrUkriiUwirrlusdtnontf.
r . "c. j it i Tf
iA.i.' .
.H I u. f Ml I i I
. . .
i. i niA
Y.'i '-.i .'.ii
,l ilial. I ' l'll'
XI ll'lit ll ll I lh-ll'l
ii KVJeE. i' ii -n, m.i i mii.i-i'. .
lit constantly nddlng to its
ntooi; of (in no ml Merchan
dise, already thu largest in
MiinOiitulil. When you buy
nt thu Milt Btio yon know
tho goods nro llrst class and
the price is till rlg'it.
All kinds of lumber and
building matorial,
food and sup
plies at wholosalo and retail.
Coos Bay lolesalo Lipr
(HtADE I.HllJOltH ' .
IIRAN1MES. . ( ,
f-omily Ordcrj Solicited.
BRATEI) Ranier Beer.
Family nnlcrt for Pops, pints m d
quart delivered by tho case.
Robert Marsden.
I?nst ntul
f.Hki-s regular trip iH-tAtfcn
Sin rrnnclicu mil I 'cilia ml l
I himlMjIpi nnil'.Cooj D..y c.vllmg
nt nlaivo r)ortt each way.
Tho ALLIANCE U first
ohthii piiHsengor hmrC, nnd liii'a
all tho iiioderiioonvcnloi'icu.i
nnd is ono of tho fnstcat
Btonmoru of her ohiua.
nnd Pnslctigcr
Rntcs or Sailing Dales,
. Apl)ly