fee - 5" It ' riMBKH LAND, ACT JUNE 3,1878. ' NdTlCii FOR PURIFICATION. United States Land Office, Roscburjc, Oregon. Aug 14., ioos. Notice Is hereby Riven that In compliance with the provision of the net or Congress of June V iS;3, entitled "An net for the sale of limber binds In the Stales' trf California, Oiegon, Ne ids. nnil Wnshmgten Territory," ns extended to nil the tHititic 1 Aind States by net of August 4MKS?MERCV Arri,liQATI2 HOLLAND, of Uoise. Counlr Of Ada, State or Idaho, has this (l.vv filed In this office tier sworrt statement No, 312a, for the purchase of the Slijf of Section No. a6, In Town hip No. 35 South, Range No 10 West, nml will offer proof to show that the land sought Is rtiorc valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, nnil to establish her claim to Mid land before the Register nnd Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Uregon, on Monday, the is day of January, 1903. ' She: r.hnics as witnesses' Chas. Thorn, Rose twig", irtfion. Uwid V. Ratlin, Clatksvllte. Iowa. Will F. Smith, Minneapolis, Minn , John '11)0111, (."let eland. Oregon. n Any and all persons chiming adversely the nbove-described lands ate requested to file their claims in this office on or before Mid iz day of jan, 1003. J. T. llKiiMRS, Register. 8oj TlMRER LaNI). ACT JUNF. 3. 1S78 . NOTICE FOR PURLICATION. I'nited Sulci Lind Ofticc, Roseburg, Oregon, Aug. ti. 190J. ' Notice It hereby given th.it In compliance with the rtrovisions of the act of toncrcis of lunc :r. 1873. entitled "An act for the sale of timber, Ainds In the States of California, Oregon. Ne vada, and Washington lcintors, as extended to all the JHibhc Lind states by act or August 4. Y DAVID W. RUTIN, of Ciulsville. county o( Htitler, Stale of I ova. has this day filed In this office his 5orn ets statement No. 3333. for the purchase o XU'j.i. of Sec. No. 2. Td3?S. of R 10 the west, and wllloffcr proof Id show that the Luul soitfht is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ws claim to said land before the Register and KeceiverofthUomcc.it Roseburg. OFegon. on .l.'onday. the is day of Jan. iv3 1 lU niraes ns witnesses: Will F. Smith., Mlnneapolts. Minn,. Chas. Thorn. Roseburg. Oregon, John Thorn, Cleveland, Oregon, Miss uene .ppicgaie. r.uenc. yreSon. Anv arid all persons clsimms adversely the Wxavc-ceKtioeawnas are rnjucsicu ionic wicir rtilms in thb office o or bercre jam 1a nay of Ian icoi. Bi-so-p J. T. DglDGE'!. Register. .. . ......, .TIMBER LANI). ACT J UM? 3. 18JS - NOTICE 10R l'URLIUATION. . n 'nited Sutej Land O.Ve. Roseburg. Oregon. nug mui. lyy. ...SS? . "JfST. FIW. .nf-",.p"nt. Ji!2LJ2SJ?2SvU umber unds in the States of Uiitforaia, (ire- con. Nevada, and Washlncton territory, ns extended to all the 1 "utile Land State by act of August 4, 1893. WII.LK. S.lITH, of ato3 Fremont Ae., South, Minneapolis, coun ty of Hennepin, state of Minn, has this day filed iwrchaseoftheN'iof NW1.4. SEi j Tof NW1.4 in Ihtenmr hit tweirn ct.iiirtipnlri "mt. 'or inc '. ... ...... . " - - ' - - AJ .' NEi-4 ofSWt-4.of Sec. No. sS.ln To vo. sS, R 10 vest, and will offer proof to show that' the Innd sought it more valuable forits timber or stone (nan for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ins claim to said lind before the Register and Receiver ol this office nt Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday, the 13th day of January, 1903. He names as witnesses: Chas. Thorn, Rose burg, Oregon. David W, Ilattln, Clarksvsllc. loua. Alma R Holland, Minneapolis. Minn., John Tbom, Ctes eland, Oregon, ' Any and all persdns claiming adversely the above-described lands ure requested to file tjtfcir claims in this office on or before said isth uy 01 January, 1503. 8-JOP I T. nKiDQFS. Register. TIMBER LANI). ACT JUNE 3. 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 10 West and will offer proof to show Unit United Stages Land Office. Rasehurg.Oregpn. the land sought is more valuable lor itH uly 39, 1903. timberor stone than (ornuiicultural pur Notice Is hereby given that In compliance POiea, and to eBlttblish his cluim to said yith the provisions of the act of CongTrss of land before the Register nnd Receiver of tunc 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the vile of this oTice at Roseburg, Oregon, nn Mou Unibcr Unds In the Stales of California. Ore 'day the 22 day o( December, 1002 jon. Nevada, and Washington Terrlioiy," as ij0 named aa witnoated: Charles ctienueo io n ir,e uo,ic una maic oy aci o Thorn, ol Roseburg. Oregon, John Thorn, August 4.gfeENCE q SEWAIL j John I,nKf John Seeker, of Cleveland, or Ashland, county of Ashland, state of Wis- U"Wn. . consin, has this day filed In this office her sworn J . Anv and all persons claiming adversely statement No. 371. lor the purchase of the the ahovo described lands arc reitifbted SWi-4 of Section No. aa, Township No. 35 ' to file their claims in tlilu oflieo 011 or South, Range No. 10 West, and will offer proot bofore raid 22 day of December, 1U02. 10 sho-that the land sought Is more valuable, ,b 23 J. T. Riiimjeh, Register, for us timber or stone than for agricultural pur noses, ar.d to esUblish her chlm to said land1 before the Register and Receiver of this office I at Roieburg, CUegon, on I uesday, the 9,th day of December, 1902. She names as witnesses: J. M, Wealherby, lulius lohnsori, D, L. Martin, of Roseburg, Oregon, Ralph J. Sewall, of Ashland, Wis. Any and all persons claiming adversely the fftllove.dtfscribul lands are reauested to file their oMims In this office on or before said 9ht day of , ll ec, 1902. j.T. iwilJCM; Register. 8 9 j , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Iand Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Aug 16, 1902. . Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler h.is filed notice of his intention to make commutation final proof in support of his,' claim, and that said proof will be made before W. U.lteuglos U. S. Commissioner at' M.irshfieU, Oregon, on September 3,7, 190?, vlzr, IESSEA.SMITH, on H, K. No. 10944. for the Wi-a 0 SEJsf, NU X of SEK Sec.9. Ipaoh., K. 11 west. He names the following ivitnejses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ed Wires, .'. D. Cutllp. lames Underwood, V. 11. Morgan, all of AJarshfield, Oregon. , . . ' a-33 J. T. Bkibges, Register, l M, ' KOTICKMJI PUllLIUATlUN United States Land OlHco, Rosnburs, Or, Aug 7. ltK)2. Notice la horobjr given, ttintjln com pliance with tho provisions 01 tlio net of Counrcssol JunotUHTS. oullllcd "An Act for tho palo o( Timber Lands lu tho ... VJVHVtl A, U. mill, lory,'' ns extended to all tho Public I.nnd btntea by net bl August 4, 18112. JOHN 1. 8WEXS0N, of loin, county of WntipAcn,x Slate of Wlj hna thin dny Med In this ollko hia atvorn 8.tatomont No. SltUi (or the purchase of tho NW1-4 ol Section No. VS, in Township No. 50 South ol Rnngo No. 10 W. and wllPofftsr wool lo show C(.l.a l ft I !.. t.. fl... tmntt Vi.timli. that tho Innd sought la tuuio valunblo (or its timber or aton- than (or nvjrlcul- tural purposes, mid lo establish his claim to enld land before tho Register ami Rccolyor of this ollice nt Roseburg, Oregon, on Satuidny thu 20 dny 'o( Die centner, UV2. Ho nnuieir as witnesses: Otc.tr 0. Olson, Herman 8. Htmuniuon, Pedor A. Gulliksou.of Iola, Wiscgnslu, H, 1. Thomas, of Roseburg, Oregon. ' Any and nil pertotisclrdiiiing adverse ly the ahovo described lands are re quested to tle their claims in this ollice on or ueiore sniu , uny 01 uecumuur, 1902. 8 23 J. T. UititKita, Register. .TIMBER LANH ACT'. JUNK II, IS78- XOTiCE FOH I'UHUC.nON. United States Laud Oltice, Roseburg, Oi. Ail.; 7. IW2 Notice is hereby given, that In com plfnnco with tho provlhlon o( the net nt Pnii.r., nt Jiini,n 1STS mitltlo.I "An ,., ,. ,1,., ..i nt Tlmiw.r In mi In flu- c,,,lo, ni 1 '.lifnrnta Oti-jnn Nuvutlu !",t ,?.n,V,;" ,THrr"ltorv ' Mxien,le I f"11. T Ki ?i 1 " , l'. .?..! to all tho Public Lauds Slates by act o( August 4, 1R2. HERMAN S. HF.UMAXSON, of loin, countv o( W nupaca, State ol Wis., has this dny tlhtl In this ollke his fcworn Htatenu-nt No. 3171 (Or the purchuco ol tho NW1-4 ol Section No. ,, . . M ... .. ... ,. ,. . ,.., ;.' , ,,, . 1, . . :"i .. Ti ..'' , .'O. i ., nu.i win uiijr pruiii iuhu'-j f that the Innd rouht Is more valuable (or . ltd timber or stone than for Htsrirulturr purposes, nml to eelnbHeh his el.ilin t . Uh land beloro the Regl.ter and IU cejvcr 0f this olUce nt Rosubari:, Oii-koii, on Saturday the 20 day ol Dccetuber, jjo. t. nsmDi n wtnefAii Oicar Ci Olson. John F. Snensou. Plur A. Gul tola. AYlscomlri, 11. V. Thomni. 01 noeouurg, Urugon. Any arm all pereoni clntmlng nuvcrce ly luo auove (leecrloeit lauds are re- quested to file their claims in this ollice on or before said Lf I day of Dec, m, 8 23 J. T. Ukidokh, Rigiater. - TIMHER LAND ACT. IH-.lt l.A.MJ Atil. JL.-lK ,'J Ib7o NOTICE FOR I'UIILIOATION. United States Land Ollice, Roaehtirt;. Or. A ni: 8. 11KI2. Notico is hereby giyon that in compli ance with the provisions of tho r.ut of CongresB o( Juno 3, 1S73, entitled "An net lor me eaie 01 titno'r inrius in tins States ol California, Oregon, Nevndu, and ashincton Territorv," as extended to all tho Public Land States by act of ADgUSl 1, lbVZ, CHARLES L.CONGF.R, ,o( Mclntoeh. county of Polk, State of .Minn., has this dty tiled iu this oflko ibis Hvorn stntement No. 3101 (or the , purchase of the NH1-I of Seel Ion No. 2B in Township ho. 2J South ol Range No. TIM HER LAM), ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PURLICATION, United Sutes Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon. Aug. 2(J, t'yOJ. Notice is hereby riven tint In (.oniniunci with the provisions of the net of Congress of June 3 1873, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands In the Suites of California, Oregon, Ne vaua, and Washington I errilory," as extended 1 (! :.! iim i'iiTiiir inr. ,,c .... nn. r.m .... .... " -wmv i-itiu .imiva WJ ., ui iuj;usi 4. 180a, DUANEC. TIIOMS, of .Sidney, county of Mnrion, S'ate of Oregon, las tliis day Hied In (his office his sworn statement No, 3334, for ths purchase of ibe NJ of ,SJ of Section No. ii, 'louishlp 36 Soutli, Range No. 10 West, nnd will offer proof lo show that the land sought Is more valuable for its limber or stone than for agricultural pur noses, and to establish his claim to said land lx: fore the Register and Receiver of this oftico nt Roscburc. Orecon. on Tuesday, thu 20th ilav ! of January, 1903. lie names as witnesses: Charles A. Kirk, Toledo. Oregon, H I'. Thomas, Charles Tho m, John Thorn, of Uoseburj;, Oiegon. J, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-decribd lands nre requested to file their claims in this office 011 or Leforc said aotli day of January, 1901 k , ?-3 r J. T. DKID.JLS, Register. ' TlJUaku LAND, ACT. JUNK 3, fttf (.......at.. . . ft t. .... r. Ali.Mit Oregon, on Tuesday, the 9II1 ilay ol iXc. 11)03 He names ns uilnesHi: J. M, Wealherb)', Julius lolinson, t) I- .l.ttlltl, of Koselmrg, Otegotu Horence li.Siwall, of Ashland, Wis. Anv and nil persons ilalmlng .ylveriely the nlMvc-iletcribeit lauds nte leiptt'steil to file their clnims III this bllitrou or bcfoie said 91I1 day of Dec., 190J 8 9 p . T. llHnxti:s, Reglstrr. TlMRER LANM, ACT JUNK 3. 1.H78, NOTiri'. IOIC riJHMl'ATION. Uniteil States Jjind )!fi e,iosebuig,trrgoii, i'i: a. ivoa Notice is herrby liten hnt lu tinnplunar with the plosions u the net of tnngtets of "An net for the sale of June 3. 137(1. eniuici tlmhci litnils In 'lite S .lies of CMhlotnla, Uiegon, .Nei.uta. and Wshn ,;ton letritoiy, ntesteml- cd to all the I'tiblic llind Stales by act 01 an- eust j. iDi3. ANDRLV C Rl.STAl). of loll, county of Wntipa. stile ol Wikuii sin. tkit I'm day filed In thvs otttee ins smoui sl.itemrnt No itiVi, ir Ihepuichateof the IaIs i 4. sWl-4 ufNWi-4, NWi-4 SWi-4 of See tui N'o. 4. in TowhsMp .No. 31 South. Range No 13 West ami will e.ter proof lo diuw that the laiul sought h lunc sultMble for lis umber or stone than fe(, ngrleiiliiitiil purpotrs. and to establish his claiit to snid kind lfoce the RecKtrr and KrcWwr ol thl oOce ill Rote burg. Oregun. 00 'Iueiay, thr iftli ilay of Drc. tyoa. lle naiiH-s as uitiiesse. Johnnie C Solum. il.lt. IMlw. aww A. Ilstth. Vk J. Olson all of tola. Wivntfn. An) and all prr sons clalnlng adversely the aliove-dfA-nbett lands are r4uestrd to hie their cl.nms in ihls orlicr on or lfore smmI l6lh duy of Uet.. t'yOJ. . T. IlkiiN.ts, Register. 9i f " -TI.MRER LAND-rr..IUNE3, LST3 - iNOTICE l'Ul PUULICATION. United Stales Lind CiRce. hoicburg, (rr.on, I Aug ath. ia. Notl e is hereby Mirn llm in complMticc with the MOHloiis offihc let of Cot'gtess ol 'lunej, 1878. orititlel"An Act for the sale ol Timber I -nnd In I ho Stairs of California. Ore gon, Neiaila. nnd Washlrgton Territory,' ni extended lo all the I "u bile Lind States by act ol August 4, 189a. JOHNNIKC.SOLU.lt of Iola, county cf Wa apnea, st.il- of Wis consin, has litis day Aleil In this office his iworu statrmi-nt S'o 310;. for die purchase of iheSH of .NLr.SK of NWJi and l a of Sec No 4, 'lownihip 31S, of Range laW. and will offer pi oof to show tliit the land sought Is tiwie valuable for ts imilxrr or slone than for agnrulturaf tKirpsi, nnd to rstalillsh hi claim 10 iaid Uml bfure the Register and Re-c-irr of this office nt Roeluig, Oregon, on I utttlay. tlie lott dav of Drc. iom. He names as witnesses- J. .M. Wealherby, of K-!ur;c. Oreton. Andn-w C. Kcttad, II. II lavor, (n-urge K I ajlor, of I0L1, Wltcunsiii. Any and all petins claiming adversely Ihc aboir-dtfK'nlirtt lands are requested to file Iheir Uiins in this office on or before said 161I1 diy of Dec .1902 89 P J T. I1kiih;i, Register. TIMIIER LAM), ACT JUNE 3, 1S76- NOTICE VOll J'URLICATION. Urlted States Lind Oillce, Roseburg, Or, . , Aug. 12 1D02, iNotico is horeby given that in compll anco with the provision of the act of CongresH ol Jono 3, 178, entitled "An act for theanleot timber lauds in the .States of California, Oregon. Nesnda, and Wabhingtou Territory," hb extend id to nil I lie Public Laud States bv net ol August -I, 1892, LILLIEfi. FRIEDI1ERO, of Multifield, county of Coon, state of Oregon, lias this day filed in this ollke her sworn statement No. 31 IS, for the purchase ol the NE1-1, of Sec. No. 23 In Township No 20 S RangeNo. 11 W. and will offer nrooMoshow that thu laud sought is more valunblo (or its timber or stone thau (or agricultural purposes, and to establish her clnirn to said laud before W. U. Douglas, U. H. Commissioner (or Oregon at .Mamhlleld. Oregon, on Satur day, the 0th day of Nov, 1002 She names as witnesses : F. M. Fried berif. J. W. TibbettB. Jan. M. Huiclicaoii. J. J. Kronholm, Jr., ol MurshUold, Ore. Any and nil portions daimluif adverse ly the above-described lands are request ed to file their claims in thin ollice on or before eald 2!) day of Nov, 10(12. -'. J. T. Bwihikh, Register. TIMIIER LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PURLICATION. United States ijindjOlfice, Rosebcrg, Oregon. Aug. a, 190a, Notico Is hereby given that in compliance wllh thu provisions of the nut of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An net for thu sal" ol limber lands in 1 he status of California, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory," ns extended 10 nil thu Public lind States by net of August t, 189a, IASON A. HATCH. of Iola, county of Waupaca, Slate of Wis -1 :, has this day filed la Ihls office Lb sworn Mate, il.MiU.il l,AiM, AUl 'Jtifti'. ii, tfJirt. ' NOTION FOR rUUMOATIOjMi United States Ijthd Qlhce, feoscburc, Oregon, Aptil 99. tooj. Notice Is hrnby gWi that in compliance with ihopmvMonsof ht net of fongins of June 3. 1673, entitled 'Ai ft?c for the sale of tlnibei lamls In the Stntrti of CitlifoVula, Ore gon, Nevada, nml Wuttngton Teirltor)'," (is extended lo nil the 1'ublc Land Slates by net of Augusta, iU)i. RALPH J UWALL. of Ashland, county ol vMhUnd, stale ol Wis voinln. has this day tied In this ollice his sworn statement No 3079, for tho putclmij of the Southeast cpurter, )f Section' No. jj, im 'I'ovMislilp No. a; S, Range No in West, nml will offer prxif lo show that the land sought is mute vuii.iblc for Its timber 01 stone limn for iigtlcultmtl purposes, nml to is tabh,h hit claim to said land lefbin the Regis ter mid Kecclier of tliH ollke nt Uosebute. 3104, for' the purchase of ll.o'siCK u. ' 1 ni .v""1' . V' Rangn No. ibV. nnd will offv proof lo show llmt Ilia laud bought Is mure viilu.iblo for lis lliuberor stoneMhaii forngilctilimal iutpoirs, nnd lo cstnhlMi his claim icrMld land Mtirn thtt Rrgltler nnd Receiver of litis ollice nl Nuwlimg Oregon, on Tuesday, tho 161I1 day of'Div. 190a. II i names ns witnesses- J M Wwihetliy, of Reselling. George V. Titv lor, II. II Taylor, Oh! J. Olson, ollolii, Wljcohslii. ' Any and nil crsons claiming mhesly the nlwie ilescrlbcil lands nre requested to file ihelr clutiis In this ollice on or befote said 10 day of Da . iooj. 'T. Ilitlixii s, Hrglner. 89 p TIMHER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878- NOTIOE FOR PUULICATION. Vnlled Btntea Lund Ollice, Roseburg, Oi Aug. 1, 11102. Notice is hereby given that In cotnull mice with thu provisloim of the net of CoitgniM ol June it, 187H, enlltled "An net (or the sale of timber land In tho Htntt's ol California, Oregon, Novadit, nnd Wnshlngtoii Territory, " ns extend ed to nil the Public IjiiiiI btates by act ol August 1, 181)2. ALHERT A. MATSON ol Marsiiflnld, cAunty n( Coos, Slate ol Oregon, litis thin day llled in this ollko his sworn statement No.-UXX), (or theptii chnsoolthoNl ''oISEl-l eo. No. 17 In Township No. 2(1 H, Range No. II mid will odor pro floMiow tlmttlie laiul sought in more valunble (or its timber or stone thmi (orngrirtiltiirnl ptiriiones, nnd to establieli his clnliii to snltl Innd he lore W. U. Douglns, l. H. Commliiiiouur lor Oregon at Mnrslillelil, Oregon, on Satunltiy. thud dny ol Dec, li"02. He untiieH ns witiii'sms: l R. Tay lor, ol Falrview, Oregon '. II. .Murium, Jussu Smith, Lester tjuiitli, of .Mnrrh ileld, Oregon. Any nnd all twrsons clnimiug ntlvnrte ly thu nbove-dercrlbed latiils urn request ed to Otu their claims in this ollko on or More said 0 dny ol Drc.. UK)J. 8 10 J.T. llRIIKiE.S. Rfglstcr. TIMIIER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878, NOTICE l-'OK PUULICATION United .State Usnd Ollice. Kowliiir.Orrgon Aug. aft, 11y. Notice 11 neirby tclrn ilwl In compluince with the Kovivionof Iheait of (.rotgie of une 3. is?!, rntnlcl "An ju for the sale of umber lands In the Mules of CilffortiM, Orrgon, S'evad-1. tin! Washington 'Icnitory. ' ns e lendeil to all the Public I .and Stale by nit of August 4. iHi, AONLS H. SKN'fiSrACUUN. of MarsrifieM. county ol Coos. State of Ore gon, Ims Ihlsda) filed in this olhcn her sworn stntement No. 33. for the wiilnm of the NWJi. of Sreiion No. ai In lownshlp No, so iotith. Range No 1 j West, uud villi offer proof in show thai the land toughl is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricul tural purposes, nnd to cslablisn her claim lo said land Mote W. U. Douglas. U, S I om nussloner for Oregon, at.M.inblield, Oregon, on Saturday, the aad day of November, 100a, She nadirs as wltnrsse Dan (Iryward, Frank Tulhot. 'Ihomns Ih1Ioi. of Empire i Ity, Oregon, II. Setigstnil.en.nf MarshWd. Oregon Any nnd all arsons claiviing ndvrrsely the above-iiKrilrd lands are retpimled lo llle III Ir chums lu this othce on or It-fore said as.) day of Nov. 1001 . T. tlkiiM.i.s. Register. 9 ' TIMBER LAND, ACTJL'NE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOIt PURLICATION. UniicilSute Lind Ollice, Kojclmrg, Oregon, Aug. 33. 190a. N'otlcc Is hereby nlvcn that in loinpluncr with the provisions of the Act of Congress ol June 3. 178, enlltled. "An net for the snle ol timber Unds in ihc StiteS of nillfornl.i, Oirgon. Nevada ni.d W.ivhlncion Territory." ns rstrnil. rd 10 all the Public l.md Suites by act of Au gust 4. 1B91. ISAAC N. PECK. of Empire Ciiv, County of foos, Sialr nl Oregon, lias this day hlnl in this ollicn hi, sworn statement No. 3333 for the iuiIi.im oftheNWj ofSrctlonaa, IWnvhlp 37 South. Range la West Willamette Meridian, nml will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valinhle for Us iimlr or stone than for ngriculliir.il purpose and lo esubllvh his clnlni to said land before W, U. Douglas, U S. Commissioner for Oiegon, nt ,1arshlirId, Oregon, on Saturday, the 15 day of Nov, 1904. He names ns witnesses II. lltys, William lhll)s, l-airvlrw, Oregon. Ororge jarlwin, nf Empire City, Oregon. J. C. Pierce, of Marsh field, Oregon. Any nnd nil persons clnimlpg adversely ihr nliovc dcscrlU'd lands are rcquc ted i' file ihrir claims in Ihls office on or befoic salt 15 day of November, 1903, O'G , T. IlKltKii'.s, Register. TlMRER LANI). ACT JUNE 3, 1878, NOTICE FOR PURLICATION. United Slates I-nnd Office, Roseburg, Oiegon. ., Sept a, iioa. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the net of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An net for die sain of llml)er lands in the Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ten liory,"n extend, ed lo nil ihc Public Lind States by net of Au gust ., 1893, MtiliVI.NK I, IAVCIR, 01 Moscow, county ol l.il atah, statu of Idaho. has this dny hied in this office her iwnm st itement No. 3371, for the purchase of the .wi-4oi?ec. No. tain 'lownshlp No. 37 S, RangeNo. 11 West, and will offer proof 10 show that tho land sought is more vahiiib'e for its Umber or Mono than for ngriculliir.il pur poses, nnd 10 establish her claim lo Mid land be fore tint Register mid Receiver of this ollicu 111 I'oseburg, Oregon, on Monday, lliu sd day ol February, 1903. Mie names us witnesses: fVeorgn dale, War ner, H, Cnrithers, Charles A. IVters, Henri etta P. Cnrithers, nil of Moscow, Idaho, Any nnd nil persons cl.iimiui.' nilvrrinlv tin- fihavfili'Scribed lands me rruurvti-il tuhln thru- claims in this office 011 or before said ad day of Fcbiuaty, 1903. J.T, lJMUuts, Register. o-X3'9 ment N'o. of Section 1TIMJ1KR LAND, ACT JUNETi, IH78. NOTICE Hill PUHUtUTlON. United States I .nnd Oilier, Uosehiitg, Oregon, rrpt, t, 190a, Notice Is hereby glien llmt hi compllanco with ihc provisions ol the net of Congress o June 3, 1II7II, entitled "An ml for 1 la sale of rimlii'r Limls In llin Slites of C'ntiroriiln, Ore gon, Nevitila, nnd Washington lenltmy," ns rMcmlcd lu nil Ilia I'tiltlio Lind Stntrvs by net ol Augusta, 1901, lll'OKOIi OALE, of Aoscow, county 1 lifts 'this day filut of Litnli, tlMe of Idaho. ill this nlhni I1I1 unrn if tn trm nil No. 3iY), for Ihn pnrolmio of tlio Miiiiiiwesi ipi.uti-oi ,sciion No. u, town. Nhip 37 South, of Itnugr 1 1 West, mid wilt offer lr ol to show lh.it Ihinaml soughl Is inure vnl' liable for Us limber or s(iine than for ngrlcullur nl purpoiri, uud tursiahlldi his claim lo said hind brforeihe Krghter and Receiver of- this ijllcent Rosrhiitg, Oirgon, 011 ,1onday, the 3d dny of lehmanl, lyij ' He names ns wiiiifMes AngrvlrmJ. Favor, Charles A. IVtBr-., Warner ll,.t itrllher", Hen. t testis I'. Cnrillieii, nil of Moirow, Idaho, ' Any nnd nil eisons clalnilng ndvetsel the nboso deti'Mbot lauds nte irqtiriird lo file ihelr claims lit tint ollice on or Mure laid ad dav of Frbrttnty, lyot, , tf'Ul ! T. llsliKJl'.s, Rrglslcr. 1 . ' . ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Notice Is hereby uiven thtt Ihouniler sltfiifd wns, on the2(lih dav nf August, Wl, by the County court nl Coos coun ty, Oregon, duly ajiMttitt! executrix ol the eslnlool Fredrick L, Miller decitav ed. All pimonn ImvliiK clniiiiH ngntuit thu raid edittu nre hereby notified to liresniit them, inoperly verillml, to mo' at MarshlloM, I'oih Co . Origoii, within six inoiitlih (rnm the dnt ol (his tiolli'ii, DAled Sept. Uth, R-02. Mahy JllLLKit Ho'KU NOTICE- OF SALE OP COUNTY PROP ERTY. NO TICK IS HEREIIY GIVEN THAT RY virtue ol nil Act ol thu l.vgitlnturft passed nnd minuted by the twentieth L'ghtlntlvo iiHMiinblv ol the rjtntn ol Oregon, spi'clal ression ol 18.'8, entered on pages 2o nnd 2d, IjivvsoI Oregon, nml npproved by the governor Oct lfi, 1SUS. To nttlliorlio Coos County to sell anil ronvoy by deed, signed by tlm rlerk nnil judge nl tlie county umrt with the peal ol Mild rotirt nfllxiil, and to the highest bidder for cash nt public auction ail tlm property belonging to Coos county, sit naled lu Empire City, Coos county, Oregon, the former county cent of raid county, nnd dnacilhrd as being lots numbered one, two, three and (our In block numbered tweutyfour (21) with nil the buildings thereon nnil appur tennncen thereunto belonging except thu ollicn ol I lie recorder of the said town ol Empiru City. No then-lore in consideration ol tho. premises and iu nrimrdnuro with sid net ol thu Lgiilntiir, I will 011 Wod nuitlny the 1st tiny ol October Hi. 2, nt the hour ol 10 o'clock In the fore-iuon of Mtid tiny, tit the court houe door st Loquillo cily, Coos county, Oregon, at public miction nml outcry, oiler (or sale to the highest bidder (or rash nil the above iler.crilu'd property and prowl"!-. Dated at Ccqiillli. City, Oregon, this 10th day of August 11XJ2. 8 2.1 It L. Harlockor. County Judge nl Cnui County, Oregon, TI.MRKU LAND. NOTICE FOI ACT .IUNE 3. 1878. OR PURLICATION. United States Lind Office, Kosrhurg, Oregon. Sept 11, ltoj. Notice Is hereby glvpn thai in compliance wllh the provisions of iheacl o(Congrssof June i, i8;ll, entlilnl "Anml forlhesalc of ilinU'r lauds in tlie State of California, Oregon, N'rvii. da, nnd Washington 'li-rntory, "n wtiniilnd 10 nil Ihc Public Lmd Stati'shyaci of Aliens! 4. i3oj. IIIKA.IC WRIOIIT. of Marshfield. louiiiy ol r"jos, Stale of Orrgon, has ihls day rdiil 111 this bihce his sworn state ment No 34ft-,. fur tlie piirchavo of the. I'-Kof SWtf and Iais j and 4, of Seclioa No. 30, iir'lowesiifp 99 .ouih, ol Range 1 West, and will 't nioof to show that tint l.un'i souglil Is more valunldr for Its Umber or sloni than for ngriLnliii.il puqioses. nnd 10 establish Ills claim lo Mid land befoiu W. U. Douel.is. L. S, Commistliiiier for Oreiiiui. lit Manliliclil Oregon, on Friday, the ulh day of Dee, 1003. ne names ns witnesses, lluriiert lichliarl, lllllic Smith, Levy) Smith. L U. Smith, all of Marshfield, Oregon, Any nnd all persons claiming ndvrrsrly tlm above-described lands nre requested to file Ihelr claims In tills ollice on or beforu said ulh day of Orcein' or, 1904 937 I. T. llKHKiKS, 'trglsler. NOTICE FOR PURLICATION Department of the Interior, Ijind O'lici: nt Kost'lilirg, Oregon, Sept. 11, irj, Notice is hereby given that ilia following named settler has filed not leu of his intention 10 make final proof In support of his claim, nnd that Mid proof will lx mnde beforti W. U. Douglas, U. S, Commissioner nt Mnrshficld, Oiegon, on Nov. 1, 1003, vU; PIJTIiR JORDAN, on H. K. No 11841. for tlm SKI NWtf. N'w SWjf , NWjf hi'., .Seo 11, Tp. 33 S., It. iu West. Ho names the fiili'wing witnesses to prove his continuous lesidenie tiiion nnd ciiltlvalioii of 11 vi." i.iMB. v rt. hirstrrem, tins Carl son, II, W. Wllklns, Frank I., Fierce, nil oi Templeton. Oregnn, ).T, ISkiixji'.!, Rrghier, I . 9.37 t T '-. . rmimfsmr?