TT '- tj. yMr--),,,, ty . m -t ..,mwtn mitn niwit! umanni'ii.)-- --M!wet vtf tf" s i.m nJJ'-miitM hipiiii voj: xx.t; r ' MARSHFIELT) OOOS- COU TY, O.SEGOVOOT.4r, 190J-. '& : HO 40 COAST ' MAIL". aiaiJwviwi,wiiii.MJBBmtmwrwCTgiiiiHiw Cream of the Piiblislicd livery Day in Ban Francisco Kojit. 27-(Joii. Miles arrived today. Ban Frnnckco, Sept. :7 Tho Pacific Mall steamship Co. haa formed n com bination with tliu KoMiiur lino. Kansas City Sept. 27 Tlio World to day says from statements mado hy V. J. liryati to close frlendti la not on tliuiyontof tliu niicttlon to hia being a can-Jfilnto for tho presidential nomlnn tlon again. Portland, IJopt. 2'J-i:obort Fltzalm mon, tlio pugilist, who ii visiting thin city, In an intdrv'luw saya ho will fight JiffIua or any onu having money. Hu eaya ho can boat Jeffries. Hu rcfusca to predict tlio winner of tlio Jeffries-Cor-bott mill. Shamokln, Sopt. IK) Five hundred armed strikers held up n mlnura accom molallon train near (ircon Ilidgo this morning and would not allow tlio train to take twunty uon-uulonliUi to work. Shots were fired at the strikers, and the latter ft rod back Clubs and (tones v ere also used, nnd n dozen Inmates of tliu oars Hurn struck. Washington, Sept, 27. Samuel (!om psri hai Jufit issued an nppunl to or ganized labor, which aro his views ot tlio anthracite situation. Ho says tho mln en will bland firm, hut need assistance. He urgui all labor organizations to rnlso funds ncd forward tlio tamu continually till tho cud of tlio ntrlkc. Wl.erover poa- tilde to doitalo (torn tliu treasury, and levy voluntary assessments. Grauts Pans, Or.; Sopt. 20 ApjKiint mcntaftiincunwud nt (ho Methodist con fercuw t d.'. .w!tou Itov, 15. I'. Peck to MareUtijW, d It. C. Leo to Cottago O'OVO. I). P. Hummorvillo wnH choeen pro. siding elder ol tho Giants Pass district, which includes Marahllold, Dr. Ford the presidium older going to another dis trict. (Roy, Peck is recently from Ohio and hai boon supplying pulplta in Orogon.) Madrid, Sopt. 2') Asontatlonal scan dal LtiH been mndo public regarding tho royal family of Spain. King Alphonso line discovered that his rr..lhor In hor rccont journoy to Austria vis oscrotly and morganaticnlly married to hor Master of Horse, Count Kscoaura. Tho Quoon Mothor yonra ago plightod her troth to Count Kscoaura but was controlled to marry King Alphoneo'a fathoi, for roaooua of state. yhou King Alphonso learned of his Week's News. llic paily Coast Mail. -r- mother's nclton lio beenmo violently on rngrd nnd volotilly abusive IIo ordered hor to iol;ro to tho provinces or go abroad. Tliu Quoen Indignantly refuses to a&iilusco nnd tliu outcome is impossible to forceoo. Portland, Sopt. 27 In view of the ro tent movement for' a railroad between Halt Lakn and Coos Day, tho announce ment that tho Chicago, Milwaukco & St. Paul has incroatcd its capital (25, OCO.OOO, is regarded s elcnificmit, par ticularly when tho announcement says tho incrcneo Is tuppoeod to bo for tliu purpoio of gottlng to tho Pacific coast, Tho St Paul road recently enmo Into rjuito close olllllatlon with the Gould railroad intcrcalH. In Wall Street and ulsuwhoro this union is looked upon ns pertaining to another lino to tho Pacific for tho accommodation ol those trans portation propo. ties. Tho lino to Los Augclcs is ald to bo what tho combination is after, but from tho othor end comes tliu positive denial (hat negotiations for tho transfer aro in progress. This is construed in favor of tho Coos Hay project. Tho bonds of that road hr.vo been ac cepted in tho fact at f 10,000 n mile. This would mean $lti,COO,000 for build ing tho toad, without allowing anything for stocking it. It was tuppoecd that tho F.tstcrn connections wouid provide tho rolMiiK atock. His about timo tho arrangements to ptovido tho each for thoeo bonds was taking form, for tho money must bo transferred for tlio said bonds beforo tho first day of January. This now issuu of St Paul stock exact ly fits tho theory that tho St. Paul-Gould combination is to havo n Pacific outlot at Coos Hay. Saratoga, Now York, Oct. A conea tiouat scene occurred in tho Democratic stato convention at noon today, when Dovery and Goodwin delegates in tho district woro both thrown out of tho convsiition, Tho comtnlttoo on ciedcntif.'s report rallied tho storm, Autidat n tromondoua uproar Devory forced hia way to tho pla'.form aud Appoalod to tho chairman n n characteristic Bpooch. Tho minority report doclared for tho big chief, Dovory domanded a roll call of tho convention. Nlilfcast tho flrat voto for tlio afllrm atlvo roport, which carrleo, 22 affirma tive against 21 nogativc, Ah a profound slloncoUovory arose slow ly from his scat, followed by hia frienda and left tho hall. . The platform declares for the national oporallon of tlio anthra ind tlio right of omtnonl i a no Jiluatcd for govc k Washington, Oct, J At a epocial meeting of tho ijablnot this morning to further consldej measures to bo taken by tho administration, or by tho Presi dent personally.!) tottlo tho anthracite strike, Altorno General Knox, Kccro tariea Hoot and Moody and I'almastcr Gcnoral Poynoondjtho Prcsidcrt were prcsant, and Secretary Shaw was oxpect od later, Tho President is prepared to go to the t cstrcmo limit of executive authority, hut Is as yet unabU to discover a feasi ble plan for oderal interference. IIo has been cndeavorlnc to effect a com promise, actlngln a pcnonal cspaclty. It is believed f that Sccrotary Itoot's trip to Now Yfork Wedndsday was to communicate tte Proaldont'a dtlro to tho, operators aud thai hu has submit ted a report et thin meeting. Picfldcnt jBoosoTelt has sent tele grams to all'the leading operators, and to PrcsidcntJMitchell representing the miners, ntkliKltlu a to meet him hero F. iday ' the purpose of con- tultatlorTwIUJlUieitOMe ot 'ending :Uio.l etiiko. The President has addressed tho fol fowlug dispatch to coil roads prc'Idonts Thomas, Fowolor, Oliphant and .Msrklo: 'Should grpatlv like to seo you Friday regarding tho failuroof tho coal supply, which has become a matter of vital con corn to tho whole nation. I havo cent a similar dispatch to President Mitchell, prosident of tho United Minu Workers." The dispatch to Mitchell was wordod tho snuio, oxcopt.tbo cIohIiir word . which nrtt as follows: "Ilnvu gent limi- Iht dispatch presidonis anthracite coal companion." Wilkesbarro, Oct. 2 Prosldont Mil choll, of tho Unittd Mino Workers, leaves tbia ovening for Washington ia response to President Hooeevelt's invi tation. IIo says ho has no prediction to mako, .and only trusts tho president's wisdom may point him to tho right conreo. It ia certain that tho minora will stand firm in their demands, unless the conforonco ogreoa to arbitration. In tho lattor ovont tho miners will un doubtedly stand by tho verdict. Klevon striko leaders woro arcstc this morning by Sheriff Jacobs, backcl by a company of militia, charged will rioting and making throats. Great ox oltemont prevailed whon tho men woto taken through tho streets. Fivo. havo been arraigned and held in f 2,003 bail each. Vionnn, Oct. 2 A dispatch states that 4000 . Macedonian! havo captured the. important town of Mitrovitu, Soivin, orncrnlilp and cito coal mines domnno. Bird 3. Color nor. anufhllntlngtbo garrleon. ThoVIctore deslioycd 100 miles of railway. Turkish troops surrounded ."00 rebels at ltadovfs, but after a 11 hours Strug glo tho Macedonians broke tho cordon and cecaned, leaving 150 dead, llto Turks lost 78. DanvcrOct. 2 Tho Natlono; Llvc Bloiic Association, Bovoral large West ern railways and tho Rovcrniutnt legal department will lo In tho fight against the packing houso merger. President Springer of tho association niac'o tLo stAtnmcnt today, after a conference with Prcsidcrt Moore of the Kansas City Block jc. Js, and officers of tho associa tion, that a capital of two billion dol lars Is represented in the fight against tho merger. Black Diamond, Wash., Oct. 2 A fiighliul disaster occurred at tho Law son minea half a milo from this place this morning, Firo damp exploded in tho rnlno and 1 J lire known to havo been killed. Ono body has been discovered. Tho others aro imprisoned. Men, women and children for miles about cro rushing to the ecene. The miners aro mariied men and while. ThVnriswtircrTOnW8 Pacific Coast Co. and Ms been conMucr cd eafo. Special assistance has been called from Seattle O JZ. GS 1? CD 25L K j&. m aus ti i 1IW.KM Yoa lla Wirars EaS Ifca.Kiad Yoa lla Wirars jtittro i:iZnEHEIIUUKnilXEISHIE a' Com ins events cast theirl S t1 H snaoows -, 5 This may sscm ?. queer lixQZ to clteitss Wmtcr Cbthoi bti v. .; v.ui'. ir take un f:.i.c' : to 00 oitJ .J':ircrnrj utt hcvA. -' The gfjat Kirsnhbaum Tailor Shops, o PhHadelpbia, the home ol the iaiooua Klrcchbaum ilaud msdo clothes, are making TO OUR SPECIAL OKDEIt a lane ol Soils and Overcoats that will bo El'itplv Irriaistablo j the man who would pay less and dress better. Y a will seo heia tho most exclusive fabrics, cut. made and mmed in a way nover beforo atjen'pted, except by the livjt i oil merchant tailors. Neither 1 vu ,vo slighted our oth orl.nea ni-u in HATS, SHOES, nnd rj4 WISHING GOOD8 we havo made preparations that will coming miles to see. We want yoi'r L?cte his fall and will make every lsitimnic cifort lo that end V fllKMMlMMlBlSllllMlllMllMWlMMaMMaWMHI JV1AGNES K1 CiXHHKiailllM M OUTFITTERS, M Beets Instead of Wiieat Spokane, Wash., Oct. 2 Several hnn dred farmers In eastern Washington and Oregon are finding it more profitablo to raieo sugar beets than wheat. They aro turning an increased acreage from wheat laiaing to bcot culture, with largo pro fits in sight. The averago income per ace (or this season's crop of Bugar bcest is estimated at -AGO. Farmers are nov? pulling the crop. They eay beet raising fa threo times as profitablo as wheat growing, besides 'rciujrlng less czpon slvo machinery and apparatus to handle tho crop. O J&. m 1? C3 st E J&. m 3n lis ) Ito Kind Ym Haw Alivars Bsazft ?JraatB? Sif S17 mo&i Cf l X.ntj Honr. j "Tou nover stair out after 10 o'clock do your - "I did once," answered Mr. Meo' ton. "Henrietta forgot nnd locked t door." Washington Star. (Miming Fprnaces Next Washington, D. 0., Oct. 2 The in ventura of the country seem to believo that a revolution is about due in tho present method of healing houses, hotel 1 and large buildings. Certaia it ia that there is a pbaeomenjd, rash for fateirU on all sorts ol devices for converting furnaces and etovca into consumers ol gas and liquids. This undoubtedly has been caused hy tho high prico of coa and the discovery of oil in California, Texas, Lonisann snd other Southwest ern states. HMMUHIII1IHIXHEMS1!2 Derore. & MATS0N 1 IIIM1IHMIII1 & FUENISHERS8 ''V S