The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 27, 1902, Image 4

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    V wflsv
SUIT 27 . 1W2
Published Evcrv Saturday by the
Mail Publishing Co.
One yar, (In mlmnte)
ate memhj.... , j.oo
'ilircelnontUs,. ,,. ,50
i.eo UI It eforftfil wbtn not p aid In rrivnnc
Usnnlly wiso railroad men eoufcfs they
are considerably mystified regarding tho
latest projected line irom Cooa liny, cm
Iho Oregon coast, to Stilt Lake. Tho en
lerprlee involves two Oregon corpora
iona, tho Great Central Railway and
tho Utah Western Railway. The former
!s to build the lino across Oregon, whilo
the other company will continuo tho
toad to Salt Lake. Tho entire distancu
la 9L0 mile?, ami the estimated cost of
tho xoed is tao.OCO.ft.'O.
Neither James J. IiiU nor E. II. Har
roman is likly to bo intcrostod in this
project. Ilarriman certainly would have
ho uso for seen a road. II 111 mLjht find
It useful in case his BurIlngtou llco is
extended to Salt Lk. with tJ-e Clark
road as a southern zrtn to Los Angeles
aud the Coos Hay project as a nortiicrn
branch. Cooa Buy is an insignificant
pott, but along the propoaod road aro
valuable coal cad timber lands,- -5. F,
The Examiner is cxcuiablo for not
knowing any too much about tho pro
posed road, but the ignorance displayed
In tho last tbreo lines ia ir.excuw.ble in
.-. journal that proftsws to know any
thine about the Pacific coast.
The inspired idiot who wrote' those
Jinta should Etady up bis geography a
-ittle, and & dip into ci:rrent lltorr.turo as
it sppean in the Prose dis
patches would not hurt 1 im any. He
could find matter in tho government re
ports that would cnliihten him wonder
;ully. The Examiner ought to know that
.there is n creator depth of water on tho
Coos Hay bar today than there ia on the
.Columbia bar, and that tho entranco Ib
in every other regard vastly superior.
Tho Examiner ouht a'.eo to know that
tho present depth of water hag been at
tained without linlf the work projected
by the government engineer?, and that
tho completion of tho work laid would
be likcly'tto give us as great a depth as
Jias tho bar outside San Francitce bar
bor itself.
When the Examiner says of tho best
harbor between San Francisco and
I'uget eound that it "is an insignificant
port," it fallows nn amazing ignoranco
of tho facta,
If tho Examiner had more than tho
merest glimmering of knowledge on tho
Eubject, it would know that tho "valu
able coal lands" of which it speaks as
being "along tho proposed road," are all
on Coos Boy and In what ia known by
tho government geologists as tho "Coos
Hsy Coal Fields" Thi timber land also,
of which it wrltos, la nenrly nil directly
tributary to (Jwa Hay, Tho Examiner
would bettor tend its young men to
Tho board of supervisors has bogun tho
actual work of acquiring n street i all
way by tho city. An ordinance has been
,iir..t .i.i.,..i,,.. ii. n ..,, i..t
adopted declaring that public Intorost
demands tho construction and operation
of a street railway extending from Teuth.
, ., , , . I
Avenue nr.d I-ulJon Street to tho Inter.;
section of Market and Geary Street?,
and Mayor Schmitz haa nppcndel hia
signature to the ordinance. It remains
now for ttto proposition of issuing bonds
to be .submitted to tho voters, and if tliitj
I. favorably acted upon, tha.e will bo
nofurther delayregardlng this part of tho
oystcm. A project to "xtend tho lino
down Markot Street to tho ferries will
be acted upon as toon as City Attorney
Lsno advises tho supervisors ns to tho
necessary itops to bo token.
Again tho railroad knocks aro
p'.urkini: up courage, the departure u.
J. W. Cook, president of tho Ursa!
Centrnl land Co., aud Fred K. Hunger
fonl uss'itant eecretary of that oraui
utioa giving a cluueo to jrv t'ist "they
nro puiline out, one at n tltm."
It may be well to review tho r-ituation '
f riitly, jusi for tho eako of pn:tlti th
mutter tuforo thu ninp, lure as it
rwilly standi. That Mr. Cook has cone '
lb true. It ii nUo truo that ho utiiyed
longor tiia'i he xpecUd wht'ti he csme
hero from Portland, and that ho has In- j
tereste there that have bcuti demanding !
hit attention lor fiomo timo. That Mr.
lfungorford is alto goiu i.-i true; further
that much ol the work hf camo hure to
do has been accompl.h?d and that
moro which he oxpecte 1 to do has I eon
taken off his hands by U.e dirpoicl of
a largtj block of Uinir property to
other pat tic. v;liocnnm Iiiim to look at
tho situation and remained to put ihelr i
tuonnv Into II nml takt. tlii.iiim.Iv-
Ai work in the Portland offko hai Ix-en I
crowding, Mr. Hungerford'a enicee
aru more vnluablo thore and lie has been
rttcil'eil, for a ttmo.
It will probably devoiope that Mnjor
Kinney will not return to the IUy ns
toon na ho expected when h left here.
The fact that l.o is I lid up with thu
grip nt h I'ortiaud hotel miht (txtwna
b'.y bo coii(tru-d ai having eomething
to do with this, but it will H'rhaw Ut
argued that hivcsutrai'titn' it hard cold
'Ana only part of Eornc tccrne of real
estato (-peculation.
It is persistontly rrportei) that all
thu engineers have been uisclmgcd from
the work, ami this in tpic of the fact
that a full crew of engineers ii mUltied
among ttio 75 men vmplo)!. It may
surprise tome to learn that 75 men aro
at work, for they aro Mattered at several
different nointti ins'csd iA heiriL' round-
0.1 at fiotno otto point where doubting
Thomas could iro and take n look at tt-em
without inconvenience. In fact, t-onio
of them are out tlfBhlng Uueli uhero
one can reach them neither by bout nor
by buygy. That ttte number of men aro
at work, however, there seenia to bo no
doubt. Neither is there any doubt that
uoticca aro posted in several places call-
im for mart, min.
I'lie movemonts of Geo. Lyman Moody
and C. E. Cook arc also iu nccordnMM u
with Major Kinney'a recent announce-
tnent that tbo Myrtle I'olnt-ltoseburg
routo had been selected for the road, w
The fact that Manager Chandler of thu $
C. II, It. E. Jt. It. A N. Co.. ia now g
in Han l'ranciEco, in company with John ' 4t
.S, Coke Jr. attorney for that rood also
lends color to tho report that thu Great ft
Central Co. will buy tho Sprecklcs road, (p
which, to the outside understanding, $
would seem a vory businesslike proposi-1 a
tion. I S
Tho Coaht Mah. 1h not building any ' g
railroads, and doetn't know whether tho
Great (-'entral will over tw built or not, h
but it realizes thatthia ia a matter of vital g
importance to every person n tho bay,
wishes to place ell available reliable
newH before ita readere, Further it in J
intnrcsted in the progress and develop. I s,
ment of this section, and believe that , C
the people who aro now certaiulynccom. g
plishing eomothing iu that lino, whether
tlioy liullu n railroad or not, auouiu uu
accorded decent treatment at least,
aaauajiuiii i in mi i
G. U. McGuIro of Woodburn, ia undor
arrest for ehootiug his brother-in-law
Fred C. Provost, during an alteration .
over family troubles. Provost will ro.
Tho Raitgor Exchango has born dis
continued ns i weekly publication, but
tho pnjirr will bo continued an ft month
ly. Tho rnuon for thu change wni ulvun
to an Orognnnti ropotter by .Major Kin
ney, na follows'
"Thu rtiwm 1 did tint is that lt edi
tor,! woro making too much of n nuwe
pnpor of It. That was not my ldei of it
at all. It had too muoh tho colorinu of
i Hnneor. which la not yet a town and
i will nut stand high coloring wlthnut
. k .,, ni,mnllrnnco nf frtko Wo
"mHt not awi-ll too much nlmut ih
things that nro to bo. Hut thfltu to nil
that mm-iillktMit country botwtwn Con
llav nml Halt I.akn City that thu world
knows iiothlmr of. Infotinatioii ubout
'iot rouion should till thu Huiiuor Ex
ihnngu for tho present until thu time
bhall enmu for making n nownp.iporof
It, U ahould toll tho Until ubout the
country that Una In our Held. Its mm-r-ion
irt to carry that Information wUlo
, to tho people who wnut now Investment,
'Pol hue killed tho third Iseuonf tlm
, weekly. Wo shall continuo thu pnbllcn
". , ":. .VJ 1 1 .
duvelopmonl of tho country."
t HU ' V. ' tlMMVMipt ll' tllVSM t V III t
If jetties nro to bo built at tho mouth
of thu Columbia, construction will not
begin for moat a yar, and thu time till
then will bo take up with preparatory
I. II .I.-.I.... I ... t. -! I .
wor'" " " wwa ,0 "' uo "" lt
thu mouth of tho Columbia, it will not
bu available for fix months or a jcr.r. It
would therefore appear that navigation
. ..,. i. , .,,! .-i.n,, ,., nr.t
Is " ntn,ast !l for " i:ooJ wh"0 ot- n'tl
even if tho bar gets worso this winter it
nill have to lw left to do as it pleases.
A Im dredge oould lo provided for
nbout ?4Ci,000, nnd tho operating ex
penses for two yonra would amount to
about 11 10,00 moro. A dredge could bo
r0moiIold out of nn ooean-golng atvam
voesel in eix monthe, perhaj, or at
moat 12 month;. Thoro nro roriouo
doubts whether it would ho effect ivo in
the heavy awi-lls of the Imr and Ihw
rough reas which aro pecutUr to thu
moutli of tho Columbia
Tho engineer decline to reveal thuir
opinion about tho ifflceryof n drctlKf,
and thdr opinion will not b aunotinctd '
until tht-y haw reported to Vaeliiuu'iou.
Thoy will f ubtnit thu result of thrir in
eititi''n Mimo tlmo n-xt mouth.
A to iilntlitr 11m iirnMint lutli.' Im to.
Iw txtrndoil or n new onn iii to b.i built)
froniLaj-Di ipiwinttnont, the oiiglnesre
are extreme. retiront,
S 00?C050BalIC0C0tSOi0&a'9t0Cf&00S,Oa5a(8OG3CC
lie new stock
here, showing
The new garments
.'JA. Jl'
Arc well tailor;d,
Rev. Wallers Discusses Probable Plans
of Greal Central and Transpor-
Itillon to Coos.
(Poctlttnd Journnl)
Row J. J. Walter, Immigration atr '
of thoOroat Contral llallroad, was loirn
by a Journnl reporter thin tnortiliix ituil
in nnewor to iovotuluuat!onu stated; '
"I Intend to Induce only tho bnct
clusnta of pioplo (o go down to tho Cooe
Hay country. 1 wiHhlojetfarttuire, mur
chants, physicians, anil to nn, and not
merely cpcciilntnrH. intend innkiti
the trip down to tho Cooa Hay country
with Major L. I). Kinney, our chief on
gineor, over uu mucli of our proposed
linuaas iioslble, so that wliou 1 go East
to Iilluoii, town, Kansas nml other ettitcn
where I Intend getting ImmlgranlH, 1
shall Im ablo to toll of tun vast rcfourcoa
from pereonr.1 ktiowlodo,
"Oh, yes, I can j;et nil tho penplo I
want but I cannot j-.ot thu trntiPK)rta-
tiou. (Juito n crowd loft for the Coos
Ity country last night on thu Hteamor
A!liauuo, infart tho crowd was ho large
tl m wni no tuotu room (or another
"Townrdi winter tho transortation
will uocMea'ily bu only by way of tl.n
(A'can. Htjvornl Fall Lake capltallits
1 wli9 ivout down theru apoku of placing.
all thhir financial atri'tigth into It, iih
thoy fortfo .. grcnt future for llangor,
our intended western tiirtnlnua,
"Wo liojio to have nhuudant facllitleA
'shortly mjbh to Im nbl to moro readily
transfer tho crowds intending to rcttlo
""l"" TTrtlirHn
FOR SAL!: Oni half interr.t in tho
ChriHtDiiHtn & .Milinwm lurnltiirn n.
tHtilieliiiiuut. Tor fiirthttr mrtliilnm
mldroM II. SflnwUckiin MHmli-
tlold, Ore. 8-Srt-tf
Among tho many Initiiries received by
the Mail from Eastern hmi.I regarding '
this sec Ion Homo curixis t ItitiKi otnn
out. For itiMnncK, .Michigan man
writes Inqtilriut! nlmut an optutlnt; for n
grocery etont. Ho nlno witil a copy of
thu paper a in I he nocloiw h CaniuliHti i
fliO'Cent plwo uith n large jiygud hoU !
r, l tf wm Bt.t thL irr.
j. :j
There is lively interest in the delightful new
center of interest for the faashionablc,
perfectly fitting and drcssyIt is time you saw the
Profosional Cards.
ICh. waitoV d.' bra"
Olllcu Nimbuitf Ct'l.' A.M., I'hnnu. W
MAllHIinEI.D, : t OI!KU0N
A. G-. Gross, M. D.
Olllcc, Nsuburg lUiililn , Phono IUX
ffi. IH. Straw, M. D.
S lit t iitliMitlon to illifHSfti of thu Kyi
I-... Ninti t.lid 'I'lmmt. (ilBMon nttil.
OiTicc in Sciisluckcu & Snittli
W. U. Douglas,
1'ioiit ii'iri, M.n .liii. i, liiegon.
.T. W. Bouuotifc,
John F. Hall,
Offlc in lli.iM.Io t.iv k. Krol lrt
,tml(loW. i)r i....
""C. F. MoKnigiTt
ArniHNr.Y at r?w
Oflicc iu llie Iktmiil'i & Waller
MAiisiiriEiD, nitunoK
Whlslcoy Honim.
Siimiithliig nlMMltit'y in
and with ulnrli vm have
exi'iinim-ntm! for y,-nr.
Cut I mi ii ike i ii.if tuf
ArtiflciHl Wlii-M-y (l'.y ur
Itonrbiiii); ix IIimi.H t., tit.
pint. Jtitt I lin tlili k fur,
ItKVdlejc, iuhI ci)ii. iu i,t
forpicnica, exrurnlMtp, etc.
(' titnlt.n mil tl.n irli .-1 (
tllM l.'ot Mllirll.-I Without
ilii ililt lorlmi i IT. ct. Midi
'r'in tlit piirn Mu"t.l!i'
iiiittcr. nnd gimrHi.:.f, to
i-otiUm nn (M.inui.'ii urtinr
ctt led rugn of any il'-n-ilhtl'in
If it brerjic U ti't I'.nrlr-
m, h bmit nitty Ihi t.ikfii In
the tiioulh without wil.-r,
and tb mot "xii'-fntf if.
fwt will Ui eiti ..)..- I.
U().v of V2 Mc.iim RUc.
Tim Iiiati4 t.'Ml! nt UN'
'4 r.
I'tlrli, nnd run !' i.,i iin-d
from niy ilriu'ir', i:'i-
nftr nt llrt--ii) lir. l-or
rt)i oh dliiii'irc.w". i. "I x
'flit pt j.ud Hi rtt 'nt til
'.I cent),.
biilsci; iHstillin; Co.
Cynmii' lk.ur I on U'Li-Ulft
ST, L()UI, : : ,M()
things, and this ptorc is the
cJ ja