i I i v "-' .;ioitrvnww ytfiKJt-ir ', rv MAUSHFIELD OREGON' " --'--'--'----.------t--.- i . Additional Looal jFrom Sunday's Dally. Chester Walcotl has accepted a po eitionlntho Q'Connell a clerk, hardware' store Robert Marsdcn ia bavins 80e pi the back rooms in the brewery nicely paint ed and decorated. Dr. Horsfall baa obtained a tank of crude oil and ia sprinkling it on tho "Street In front ol his reeldenco on C street. The echooner Marconi lien in thsr low ar bVy with her cargo completed and "jrlll probably go to eea Monday. She caa on board about 000,000 feet of Iura er. Dloford DtVia and W. P. Murphy anc ceeded ia capturing two fine young "Sticks out near Blu'ford Davia'e place, jthoyworo away from tho house but half an hour all told. r T. H.Supplo and John Cnrran, ot Bohemia arrived Frldar. Mr. Supple raa formerly editor of the Bohemia rTucgo't. Both gentlemen arc now in the business of selling mining itock. J. L. Kaufman of tho firm cf Kaui- aianand Wegner will-leave Monday lor his homo in Spokane. Mr. Kauf- sian erpecta to return to the Bay in tho sear future and will then enter actively into the real catato businea:. J. J. Stanley baa retired frwin the management of the Coquille Bulletin, to )e eucecoded by E. O. Holland. Mr. Stanley has btcn running a good local paper, and aa Mr. Holland is nn ex perienced newspaper man bo will un doubtedly get there Phil W. Pearson, a rural letter carrier of Marion, and en old member of the "art preservative," arrived in tho city .reiterday, haying roado tho trip from near Salem, via Roeeburg and Myrtle Point, with a bicycle. Mr. Pearson ie greatly pleated with tbia country and iay decide to locate here. Ankle Sprained Mrs. Colfax Harry suffered a severe Sprain of her ankle Friday by a misstep on the steps of tbo Heiener boarding bouee. Graham Wins In the suit of R. A. Graham ya C. II. Merchant tried in the circuit court, in Ovhich much Interest baa been taken, tho jury came in at 12:30 a. m. Saturday morning, after eix hours deliberation, with a verdict for plaintiff in tbo sum of 30,C00. A Rich Find George Farrin, of the Broiler, is in luck. While opening oysters Friday one of bia employees found a pearl aa large A3 a small pea, and nearly perfect. Its value is placed at 1)30 to $140. Steamed Up The Coos Bay Mill & Lumber Co. .blew their whistle for the first time Friday since the new owners have been jba charge. The machinery waa only started to see if all was in shape, and fcfcit wlc Mate tlmi the be owners' 1 Coast TTaiit Klll 1tt?fikclWo'Wk on general pine, Work will begin aa aoou aa tho logs can bo delivered front 11. Sengstackena logging camp on Pony slough. All tho machinery line been thoroughly overhaatcd und put in shapo for work to tho (nil capacity. Where is the Copper Queen? Tho little Copper Queen Bailed from this port for Roguo river at 17:15 Ja. m. Monday. She had not reached there Friday evening, na Mrs. llurna, wlfo ot Captain Dumb, called up John Morgan, of Empire, to inquire when tho Queen left here. Mrs. Burns raid oho had -freard from l'ort Orford and the vessel was not there. The run fa usually ruado in about 11 hours, and some mishap evi dently over took the Queen. It is pos sible that her machinery broke down and alio has drifted ojl to tho couth, A very heavy northwest wind prevailed Sunday and It wa rough outside when she went to sea. A Picnic Parly The Christian Endeavor society of tho Presbyterian church and friends enjoy ed a very happy picnic excursion on Friday. At 8 o'clock a m they took tho Flyer, the genial Capt. Painter, master, and though it was fojgy, the rldo down to the Life-Saving station waa dcHgbt ful and at 10:30 o'clock all woro nshuro, and children fond young peoplo were soon bathing in tho rand, whllo come went to undo In the ocean and others prepared tho coffee and made the din ner ready, which waa elegant and to which all did ample justice, the young ladiea holding their own with the Jyoung men. After dinner tho whole company went to the beach and eomo to tho jetty. All returned In timo for tho boat and the ride borne waa happy and greatly enjoyed. Capt. Nelson and wife extend ed every courtesy and were given tbo Chantauqna salu to as tho boat moved away. There waa not a thing to mar tho pleasure of tho day aud yotcd it n vory successful and enjoyable excursion. From Tuesday's Dally. Mrs. Hibbard, of North Bend returned Monday from a visit to Bandon. Mrs. J. D. Sunderland, of South Marsbfleld, has just purchased a fins organ. 8. C. Brown ia putting a new roof on tho building recently purchased by John S. Coke from O. Selander. Ransom D. Hall was brought in from tbo Salmon mountain mlneB Monday, suffering severely from an attack ot what waa supposed to bo appendicitis. Silver salmon are coming Into tho bay aa well aa a small nnmbcr of Chinookr, but the main body of the latter aro still staying outelde, waiting for a rain to raiEo the water. Tho many frlenda of Mrs. James Rich, mond who recently went to Portland for medical treatment will be pleased to learn that alio is recovering from her long Jllnees. Mrs. Jehnio Landrlth and daughter Helen are visiting In town. Miss Helen will sail on the Alliance for Portland, where she goes to attend school. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Masters, of .Catch ing slough came down Monday to take the Alliance for IVrHn,l Tt,n.', m iMwfewbtOiildj&oj wbw tby will mhOii. Itr. V M Sr?WTOiS?l 1 eel J!ffiWx "M nw, tqi WJJf v, r I nm M wmlwtc Ytfl j MiafS. tuT" laiwl.1IJf ' MTffZr t)l tvtfjtvktr fy hi V JhXyfflV lnua JV 1J i . VVl' IWIm. (L 11 K&K Mid by X J ' V VJW xA ' StmeVt! OH i&ktyf Yt vim A M' vlrit their sons S. A. and A, A. Masters, aud will then pay a visit to Mrs. Mas ters', alster, Mrs. Berbcck at Wolsor, Idaho. Thoy expect to bo gone about six weeks. ' Travel By Sea. Depatturca by Areata Sept, II: Jns. A Johnson, Max Licht, A S Itobint, Harry ltoss, Jno. Cavanaugh. Deny Block, Frank Potoreon, E T Sullivan, Fred Harknew, Thos. K Fllnn, TA Gant, L M Gror'y, T Guder, Gto. II Benedick, Mrs. Waggoner, Mrs. F Angolltti, Mira Nourrc, K M Burnham, M Itegona, GK Bates, W O'Conntll, W J Holme?, S Colin, J Ilcndoison, E J Thrift, P Tavaro, R C Elliot, Mrs. Smith, Mrr. Wright, F M Qurtls, MIih Franks, 1 in steerage. Have Mapelivered Tt is a fact not goncrally known that under the new star mail contracts that woro awarded July lat, lost, drlvoro of itlflgca nro required to dellvor nl mail to patrono along their route, provided tho Itinerary is not covored by thu free rural mail delivery tervico, In which event tho mail ia delivered any wny. Tills fact, not being known to all patrons of tho various routes, it might bo well for tho uninformed to become acquaint ed with tho conditions that exist in re lation to this matter. All that ia nec essary for thorn to do to enjoy tho ad vantago of this arrangement ia to pro vldo a regular mail box, and notify tho postofllco dej.irtmont of tho fact. In years past tho Btage drivers have been charging their customers from $2 toft a year for delivering their mall, tho charge depending on tho diotanco tho mall had to be carried. Whon tho contracts under which tho mall is now being delivered woro written, it was with tho understanding that tho mail was to bo delivered to each individual patron of tho driver, and tho bids woro onoreu witii mat feet token into sidcratlon. con- In como towns thcro aro business men who advertieo only In one papor, prefer ring to havo tho best at a good rnto rather than uso tho others at a low rato. There aro reasons why tho value of ono nowspaper should bo greater to tho busi ness man than tho other. It Ib tho quality of tho ono that makes It of valuo to tho man who wnnts to uso it. It isn't tho lowest rato that counts with the busi ness maa. Ho wnnts the peoplo to know of his valves and ho wantH them tp sco his appeals for business. That is why he can afford to pay twice aa much in ono papor aa ho can for another. It Is im portant that the consideration of Values be given by the merchant when be buya newspaper space, Ad-Art 'From Wednesday' Dally. 'v ANOTHER NEW BUSINESS VENTURE FOR AtARSIIFILD Appreciation of the cenoroua pntron age received from tho peoplo of Coos County, Ohafl.flrlriien will open n pencr al Muilo atoro in tho Odd Follows ltldg. upxt door to George's Dry Goods sloro, about October 1st. R. K. Lee will bo In charge during Mr, Grlwen'a abtonco. Mr, ClrlHcn la a business gctitfotnnn, who in coming to Marahlleld with his branch music house ia only backing up hie own estimate of Coos County. Hid teries of illustrated articles of this sec tlon will bo remembered aa appearing In the Portland papers, It ia to bo hoped that title bualueaa will succeed mid there Is no reason to doubt, that tho Hold of Coos county is larjo enough to justify tho carrying ot a supply pf all kinds of instrnmsuts. Success to tho now enter prieo. o Bob-Tom in (lie Road Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Trbby and child ren and Mr. and Mrs. Hnffechrnldl and family wont up Cooa river to tho form or'a ranch on Sunday last. Near tho r: nch, thoy were confronted, by a largo Eu:-!l'd wlld'cat. Mr, Bobtail stood in the middle of tho rend mid didn't seem to worry much on account of their presence or their demonstrations. After a whllo ho bid adioti to tho party, much to tholr comfort. Mr. Trlbby says ho' . Tt,iMi M,i ... i ha, been up and down that road fori0 WholOSftlO and 1'Otail. years and this ia tho ilrst tlmo ho over! "" ri,rr:;r irr'Cii Bay Male Lipr mauo a suuuen departure, but as it wn lyj was a mlddlo ol'the-roador alio and ni or jd on when ho got ready, Marslificldcrs llaiifr on to Their iCasli Mcssr. Supplo and Curron, of Cot tage Grove return to Myrtlo Point today after having spent tcvcial days hero canvassing Marihflold peoplo lolling mining stock In the Bohomla mining country. Tho gentlcmon did not mcot with tho most flattering success, aa thoy say Ma rshfl old era aro just now holding all tholr cash watching dovolopmonla of tho now enterprises. Thoy aro satisfied had thoy been hero a low months earlier thoy could easily have placed a largo lot of stock. Watch Presented. Rev. Thoa. Irvine haa received a now watch, to replaco the ono ruined in tho waters of Cooa River not long ago. A fund waa raleod for th'j purpose by Mr, Irvlno's admirers, in iccognltlon cf hla heroic conduct in colng to tho help of Chas. Woodward when tho lattor was struggling in tho wntor with the uncon icioua form of llttlo Chnrloy Desmond, who had fallen from tho Aiort, and who would havo been drowned but for tint prompt bravery of Mr, Woodward in instantly aprlnglng overboard to hla roecuo. Tho following inscription engraved in tho watch: "Prcaonled to tho Rov. Thoa. Irvino ty tho Cltizona of Marahflold, Oro. in recognition of tho heroio rescuo of little Charlie Desmond, from drowning, Aug, 9, 1102," ' o Jolinny Manning has been engaged on tbo dock back of the Pioneer Markot in squaring up a piece of Myrtlo 12 inches square and C feet long, which S.R.Davis will ship to Portland on the Alliance. SAttVM9 vi' iMtf. r..v.ii i iu:ruiuf . . k . u.A ut.. . Ait r MIL l - wfwJ J, 'lirJ'. tf ?-j I i t -.i.-i - ij. fa uJ .? i'.A.Ii. 1 " lh-1 "ivIlWMMVI. 1' 'A lra,7WC'l !, i ft li!?'! H.1'W, ih.t"',:, i' ?". nJl."j"H'. ") I ftMtA.4.f,MnM,MMH't , wrr MiwyijwwFyyip '-rr "jf "jw Tho Old Koliablo Firm, E.BDean&Co. C. II. MERCIIANT'MS2SZ2S Is constantly addliiK o its atooic of Gnncrnl IMorcliAn dlso, nlrcndy tho largest In MarMiflold. When you buy tit thu Mill Storo you know tho goods nro lint class nml tho prico is nil right . All kinds of lumber and building material, i'nnrl otil oikt i . I .IKAI.QU.U.TI.JUf FOR II US II ORADH LIQL'OIIS CIIOICK WINKS AND 1UKK URANDMtg. LEADING BRANDS C" BOTTLED BEER Family Orders Solicited. SOLK AGE NT FOR T1IK G'KJ.H BRATIU) Ranier Beer. Family orders for Pops, pinls and quarts, dcltvorcil by thocneo. Robert Marsdeii- rj Pnstnud Conitnodions Steamship ALLIANCE - ?ooovooooooooo HARDW10K, Master Makei rccuMr trips !ctttu San l'mnclico und Porlland vl, Numbolpt timi;Cooj Iliy, calling or- KM" KW at above ports each wny. Tho ALLIANOK Is ,i first class passeugar boat, and 1ms all tho modern oonvonloiiocM and is ono of tho fiutcst Bteamors of her oluso, tw For Freight nnd Passenger , Rates or Sailing: D.-.Ls, Apply to . SENGSTACKEN, 'Agents AIARSHFItDOregoa