The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 13, 1902, Image 3

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    T ft ,
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kream of the
Published livery Day in
0 v w
Wllkmtbnrro,Pn, Sopt. 8-Excltomont
1b nt fever heat ovor the oltootlnu o( two
niuii by tlio strikers tliln morning. Ono
la (lend of .'10 bullet wounds, mid tho oth-
ortln dying ol 8 wounds.
Tjio htrlkore, who bollovwl tlioy woro
working nl tlio collieries, called Ilium to
halt, but tlio men started to run.
A fmilladu of shots was llrcd nt I lie in
nod tliry fell. 'Hum thu strikers ran to
tlio proktrato forms, nod discovered
tliom to bo members of tliulr own party
who had Ihhiii on picket duty.
A heavy fo( caurod tho error In Indun
tlflcntlon. Tlfo strikers led end aru
now hiding in thu woods.
'It un repotted that an attack was to
hornndo on IhoMallby oolllery.nndja big
force of dcputlw hurried to.tlo scene,
und aro now trying to arrest tho porpo-.
Thu bjdy of John Kcatn, tho innn
killed, end Frank Pnlrlok, thu inun
wounded, woro Identified nl tho hospital,
whtiro further examination shows that
tho mou woro terribly benton with clubs.
It le now learned 'that an attack was
contemplated on thu Maltby colliery
and Hint (.CO strikers woro on tho lino of
Lnoknwnura railway loading to thb
mine, when Kottu and l'ntrick were
stricken down,
Mitchell tluiilce that ho has nny Inten
tion ol proclaiming tho ctriko at an end,
t'und says tho miners nro amply prepared
Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 8 Representa
tive printers from nil ovor tho country
nro arriving for tho annual convention
of thu United Typothetto of America
which opens horu lomorrow. Thonntton
nl executive committee held n Hosblon to
day in which tho programmo (or tho)
three days' meeting was approved.
, Capo Hnytlan, Sept. 8 Tho gnnboat
Croto Axplerrot In the sorvlco of tho
Klrmlnist party, Iibb been sunk nt tho
harbor ol Gonruvee by the Gormau gun
boat Panther.
Tlio crow of the Oroto Axpjorrot left
hor beforo nlio went down. Tho Uayt
lans llred tho vossel after surrendering
to tho QorinmiB and the latter poured.
ehot into bur to sink tho craft.
Thorensan for tide is that tho llaytlnu
voesol had violated Iho Gornmn .flag on
a merchant slilp, ' .4
Intoruatlouul complications, though
oefilblc, tire not lookod upon naprobn
blo, ' .
r. ""
California 'Slate Fair
Sacramento, Cnl.,So)t. 8 Thu live
stock exhibition, inoludlng liorBcs,
cattle, swlno and ehoep't Is tho dinting.
' ulsiilng featuro of tho California Stnto
Fair, which opened today, Tho Horti-
cultural display is one of liiB best ovor
"leeafCa forn a and the-ijou.'try and
leea'fiTCallfornlaand thtf-ijou.'try and
agrlebltUral departments aro mlso well
Peek's kewk
(lie Daily Coasl Mail.
llllod, Tho fair continues two weeks
and tho management expects a record'
broaklng attendance. Ilactng begins to
morrow and will Include running, trol
ling nud pacing reccs.
Tillamook, Or., Sept. 0 Capt. Ernest
Loll, of tho tug George 11. Vosburg, caus
ed n sensation FiJday by allemptiug to
tliooipity.?.Ia-oilial,Cloniu.iwa ,,.,. ,
Ifo find been drinking oud Olomuns
tried to get htm aboard his ship, when
lie coinmonccd nbutlng him over tho
bund and ho fell. Itcgalnlng his foot
1!1 ran to tho slcamor and soon appear
ed on deck with a rovolvor In bio liaud
and commenced oliootlng right and left,
with thu evident intention of killing thu
This caused n ttampodo of tho pcoplo
on tho dock. Loll fired five- or nix shots,
but wis dually arrested by J. E. Tuttlo
und Deputy Sheriff Stanley.
(Cnpt. Loll was formerly master of n
tug towing rock hcows to tho govern
meat works hero on tho bay. En. Mail.)
Washington, Sept. 11 All plans nro
being arrangud with the understanding
that President Itoosovell'e prosram will
bring him lcro only a ohort titno be
tween now and December. Daring tho
holidays ho goes south, and immediate-
. ly nftur congress closes ho goes hunting
In Colorado and will unon'd sir utclcsln
April ndJU ,trlitoiio,tT;Sciflc
Coast and tho Northwest.
Charleston, W. Vn., Sept. 6 This has
bi-on tho blggc6t day in tho rurroundlug
coal Ileitis slnco tho strike began. Many
mines aro already operating to tholr
fullest capacity and more men nro at
work than beforo tho strike. All thu
guards, were withdrawn this morning.
Tho returning miners nro quiot.
Trttnnqua, Sept. 0 Thlo morning Ma
Jor Oencrnl Gerhart found it necessary,!
;to send troops through tho Panther
Creek region to allay apparent unrest.
No conflict, however, took.placo, though
trouble is fearod.
Southhampton, Sept. C A great trans
atlantic raco botweon tho rrmgnillclcnt
htenmora Fuorst ltismnrk and rhllndol
...... ... ,, .,,
plna started nt noon today when tho
latCor enilod from Now York. Tlio Dls-
mark sails tomorrow morning. Uoth
Btcninora liave pioked cpal and aro equip
ped with wlroleoe tolograph pnrnphor
nnlln,'espectlng to comlnunlrato with
ench othor during tho ontiro trip.
v. y Order's Sliver JtMlce
Now York, Sopt.0 In ovory part of
tho country whoro thoro is a branch of
tho Kulghta and Ladles of lUnor thoro
will bo a colouration today and tomor
row of tlie silver jubilee ol the order. In
thin elty.he 12,000 memboraot the order
are hold&k'a Jubilation atUIraer Pk
pi,i- . r ','
Bna la OtiJcRKO, Boitont Bt. Louis and
other cities slmlur fcejebratlous are in
Tho Knights an) Ladle of Honor was
organized September 0,1877, in Louls-
vllle. Ky. Founded'wlth unselfish mo
lives on tho part of Us promoters, con
ducted upon strictly business prlnclp'oa,
Improved by an expetfence of twpnty
flvo years, 11 has sffl the facilities for
ouccoufdlly promoting 111 objects fra
f ornal union, moral and material aid to
its members and their depondonls, edu
cation of its members, assistance of
widows and orphans of deceasod mem
bers and payment of substantial death
benefits. In New York Btato alone
there aro ovor 1 CO lodges of the order.
Since Its organization the -order has dis
bursed nearly fl8,C00,000 In benefits.
Tho general headquarters at present aro
' 4
located at Indiantpolis.
'Homo yearn ago I was ono of a party
tbnt Intended making along bicycle
trip," says 1 h. Taylor, of New Albany.
Bradford County, Pa. "I was taken mid
dunly withdiarrhoea, and was about In
vivo up tlio trip, when editor, Ward, of
tho Laceyvillo Moswnger.mniKeBtedthat
I take a doso of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholura and Diarrhoea Remedy. I plir
cbated a bottle ana took two dopes, ono
beforo starting and one on the route. I
mado tho trip successfully, and never
foil any ill effect. Again Inst summer I
was almont completely run down with
an attack ot dyecntry. I bought a
bottle of this snwo remedy, and this
time ono dose cured mo." Eor ealo by
John Prou8s.
Maine's Poiilical Campaign
Augusta, Me., Sept. C-Tho Maluo
political campaign practically closed to
day. Tho election will bo held next
Tuesday. The cambalgn has been ono
of tho most spirited the state has ever
MeriIffatToft-year. The- Democratic
Congressional campaign committco has
made a warm fight, flooding tho slate
with literature and tending out 6tump
bpeakors In ovory direction. They havo
not douo this with any hopo of carrying
nny of tho congressional districts, but
on account of tho Influeoco a reducod
republican majority will havo on tho
campnign throughout tho othor elates.
They hopo to cut the usual Republican
majorities down to cuch an extent as to
cucouraco Democrats everywhere to
mako iv hard fight this Fall.
From Tueoday'e Dally.
Travel by Sea
Departures by Alliance Sept 7t W
II Smith and wife, Mrs Morton Tower
and two children, MrB I.ifthtnor, Maude
Mills, Minnie Mills, Patten nud wife,
Cnpt Wnlten and wifo, Iticliard Roo,
Miss Ada Walton.,' PV Schroeder, W
Ellis, M Roppopno, M W Ryan, Peter
Scott. J Young, F 5AVard, M Wester
laud, Miss Hovo r, J Pasca, JesEo Noah
MrJ3.J.oingon A R Campboll, T Zoh,
O S Trondwoli, C II Springer, Mra Ren
fro,T D Lnytou,
Only 50 Cents
to make your baby strong and
well. A fifty cent bottle of
Scott's Emulsion
will change a sickly baby to
a plump, romping child.
Only one cent a day, think
Ui it. ia aa line ma .iwttu
Send for a free sample, and try it.
409-415 ran Dtnci,
2 '-T ".w " ' "' r T.'T' ..
fe A" M
l L- .miT mm
juw, wa f t.uui i
y .
New York, Sept. 9-The Journal of
Commerce says (a steamship company
has been formed to enter Into active
competition for the Oriental trade, the
large gains n shipments to Faciflc coast
points having a traded marked atten
tion. Tho now lino will 1)0 oporaled b the
American and Asfailc Steamship Com
pany, which Is capitalized at $5,OCO,O0O
William Uarckleay Parsons Is president
and Cornelius Vanderbllt one of the
directors of the company. It Is propos
cd to establish a regular tervko with
China, Japan aid Philippines, com
moucingtbe middle of October, The
company will build its own fleet. 1fc-
Good enough
for anybody!
yLL Havana Filler
of same value as tag from'
-spsarhead;'"Standaro NAvr.,
o jo, c r o aet a: -flu -
ttr, ti, & Kind Ym H3 Wnp Efi
I !
Ashovlllo, N. C, Sopt. 0 The Presi
dent passed the night at a Biding at Hot
Springe nud pulled out this mornimr.
At Marshall the President spoko from
the platform, briefly thanking tits crowd
for their prosenco and congratulating
thorn on tho prosperity of the country.
Twenty thousand persons heard rcsl
dout Roosevelt's Epcech this afternoon.
A eccrot service- ofllcor knocked down
a negro who came too close to tho carri
ages. Pittsflold, Sopt. 9 Inquiry Into the.,
death of Secrot Service Ofllcor Craig is
iu progress bofdro Special Justice Ilib
bard today. All witnesses are being ex
amined alono.
Tho President's outriders and Jbe
drivers of tho carrlaces wlilcli followed
is v i. . . it'iivi. -. '.."ttw." ti
iiiu xrcBiueui wnen toe acciucni occur
t ' '
red Are being questioned.
rs tm
Keep Out
the Wet
turn d. wHinrproai ffraftai u
orid. MU' Uom (fa hrt tffI
rarrnntrd wutrrpronf. Uii to a
vrarrnntrd walprnrmir
tbfojertwork(f wlhfT.
6Ht not Lt tbwB, rilt tor Uloo to
I. T. fUHht rukl fe.. .ru. f Trunin.
I.nok fnpflmfrMJaitiBBk. IfMMilialis
IH,M. fAWYKHUt fm. nolo urn.
t CmbMff, M w.
t '
& ,4 jflSlSJlJSHk , 1
Firm, ' iv 8JL,.
.Is constantly adding to its .
atoclc of Gnner&l ilerchan-
disc, already the largest in
Marsbfiold. When yot; buy
at thai1 Mill Store you know
the goods are first class and
the price is all right.
A.11 kinds of lumber and
building material,
feed and sup-
plies r
at wholesale and retail;
Coos Bay .WlolusalG Linir
nuAnp. T.imimic
-m m.9 m. M-f m a. v A fc V .
AI)K ;
Family Orderj (olicHcd. '
BRATED Ranier Beef.
Family orders for Pop9, pints
quarts, delivered by thocasej
Robert larsdeiur !'
Fast and
Coin m odious
000000 o c 00000s
" Master.
aIltaVe$ regular trip bctweoc
.an Francisco and Portland ii
Humbolpl andlCoos Iky, calling
nt abova ports cadi w.r-y. .
Tho ALLIANCE Is a first
class passenger boat, nud lutti
all tho modem convenience
nnd is ono of tho fastest
Stcamora of her class,
For ,
; Freigliti, 4
? and Passenger
Rates or Sailing Dates,t
.y. "PP'y
r wf i
n AiXik VV!!1"
;M.1RSHFIUID, Oregon
.... . . . lOilll
i.-- J(W- -
1111 iwiwi. 'Jifi-P1 "
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4 t
1 flt 'in. 1 . r .i
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1dllP KAAml J-JFtt vlkj