Wf. w i -"apRip "te VI H. , twrp -u . SURVEY AT EUGENE Great Central neers Tiiere I.O0KING TOR PASS OVER TUB CASCADES SfrcfiKllionliijf or Hie Tlicory Hint (lie Goulds arc I uteres ledTo Take Drain itoutc, Btiloin, Or., 8rpt. 'J-TIio(o1IowIiikUi patch wt.b recnlvcd today from Kuitono; 'Messrs. Cluorgo Lyman Moody and 0. E. Cook, loc.illnir cnglnecra of tho Coos liny railroad nro In Kui-)nu, tho object of tliolr visit bolnj; to vluw out the most duslrnhlo routo of tlio now rornl. "Thuy Iiavo been over tlio .MoKur.r.Io pan nnd through tho Ctucfido -noun tnlna nnd nro now uxainlnltiK tbo Mid dlo Fork pata which ia gotiurnlly con sidered to bo tlio mod duslrnhlo pasr through tint jnonntiilns, "Tlio engineers nro looking ovor the country not only with n view to flmliiij: tbo chenpust routo for construction of tho railroad but nro biro obtcrvini; bud ncn condillotiH rind tint prolmblo Unfile upon wl Ich tho road would depend for rcvonura "That tho now road will uso tbo Mid dlo Pork it confidently bollovcd by the heel informed pet eon 8 Iit'te." Thu fori-Koinc dispatch tundi) toward cstiflrnintion . of tlio theory that tho Goulds nro bohlud tho (J runt Central project, Sotno thruo months nuo n dispatch canto from Ed pentt tolling nriirn ia taww nwitn in shncklci, It Inu't n (ntc.tion of hla" winning n race, but n question of being nblc only to keep The mnn who In aulTcriiij,' from malnutrition isliko the fettered HwniimcT, His stomach uud itH nil led organo of digestion nnd nutrl nou nre mscnicu. -, If l. ... -Il... ?!'tl t lit llUfc II IfllVB.IUll wiiiiiiiinoi wiiiiiiiii K in the nice for bud lies but of (Imply keeping up under nuv circumstances, whenever dibcasu nfTectH the htotiurh it 1b affecting nl no the blood and the health of every or arji '&3 &OT gan or llie 1km I gan or llie ixxly, gg-i' -ft-a ."', '"w"4 ", V,"'A -VZ -"ltt iuou convened into SQ.wr""":tS nutrition nud nutri AeQF nun is uiu tuc ui the body nud every organ o! it. 1 Joctor Plcrcc'fl Golden Medical Discovery enrca dlscaccs of the r.tomnch nnd other otKnua of diirettlon nnd ntitri. !hc Vf "utrttlS? e3 ui bSailg ! .1 . "f r . ' . . " S means perfect health. "i'or fix totiR ycnr I sulTcred with IikIIrcv lion end my liver nud kldnej-, which Iwfllcd llio Urt iloclqr In our emiulry.'' wilten 1. I Hnu. ll. Hif.. ofWooUey. i-rlujc WllllomCo. Vn. -ufTerol with in vnronmcii nnii hpeit forn lonK lUr oml after liiklnir a' of mrdlclno fie a three doctom Incirta h.-d I could hnidly dor dw'i work. Would have dcnlh-llUe ilu III t J .lde, mid titlnd Mcll. l bcnaii laUrnr l)r .Ictce'ii Golden Dlxroxery nuil J'lsnuul I'clleU.' lleforc I hnd tnken half of ' inc jrtoini uoiwc i iwkuii ia icel relieved. rKot nix moic bottlcH nnd ucd them, nml niu haupy to fy I owe my life to I)r, I'lcrce." Accent no oubstltute for nRoldnn Mwl. l;al DJticovery." There ia nothing 'ijust ' '? " iw umeuses oi me stomacii, blood' and hint's, The Comiiiou Sense Medical Adviser, lbo3 lnrgc pages, in paper covers, is sent free o receipt of ai one-cent cturilpa to my 'expense of-.UJiriUnf only. Addrcsa i)r. R. V, 1'lerce, Uuffalo, N, Y. Bflgi- 1BKTitf55f SZTT. vTB .j ' -i .i o! tho activity of rallrond surveyors In lliht vicinity who had been looking for In a Ufl ncrom tho Cascade inoaritulim. J. At Straight, of Eugcuo, took an nc tlvo Intoront In tho uporntlons nnd wop unit to have soma coiuiection with the movement to build a railroad acroto thu rango, At that tlmo volco wna f-Jvon to bus plclohs tint tho Missouri l'nclflo was In terested in tho projoct. From two other "sources recently tho posltivo statement cornea that tho Missouri I'liclfic otiKi nciru stimycd two routed across the Cascades, ono from tho bond of tho Mid dlo Fork of tlio Wiihtmotio. tho other from tho head of tho MoKcuzlo within tho past four months. iNow coined the nows that tho Great Central engineers coming through from Coos Day bavo to connoltcrcd tho country through thoin pttHsrn, with Indications tlmt tho Middle- Fork pass will bo H&leclod for the railroad. This would point to the uso of part of tho survoy of tho Umptjun Railroad from Drain down (ho river to Gnrdiner lli'iuco ncroES to Coos ll.iy, joining the Dill Lino railway on tho north sido of tlio harbor. Strikers Fire Iv Mine. CHASED TO THE WOODS BY THE GUARDS Expected Trouble at No- 8 Colliery Postponed Increasing Numbers at Work, i. Cooper, W. V1., Bopt. 2 Tlio Tocn hontas colliery company's loading mlno wnB fired this morning nnd is now burn ing and groatdamngo threatene. Tho mlno lias thrco ontrancos In West Virginia nnd ono in Virginia. Anticipating troublo Btrong guards had been placod on duty on tho Woat Vn. sido, but incondlarios uffectod an en tranco on tho Virginia sido. A largo numbor of guards pursued tbo striken up awoodod hill sido nnd flrod mnny volloya into tho titnbor butitis not known whothor any Btrikoraworo kllloJ or Injured. Th 1 1 la thomino whoro Ab oxploalon nlno montha ago klllod no many minors. Tntnrqua Ta. Sept. 1 No attompt wob niado to opon No. 8 ollory thin morn inj, banco tho troublo jpredicted Batur day upou a rumor wh'ich wont abroad fftvled to mntorliUzo. The (trlkors umdo ho domonBtrntlons cn nn nna.a9 Il, 'Q mr of no union men wcro dscorted to work by tmom nlthouttli It was tho lnreost uuuv ,X)"r Worl(,K ""UIO ) tlm opening Ol tho ' striko in Pttntl mr Creek vulloy . i r- Ji . .C S , VT , i rhftfln Ta ntilei Dflfde mivuji wviuui.ii iu,vj t . fit. T'nnl At .,,n K.tnt. rntnp Identical with tboo that brought Kli 000 settlor j to the Northwest during thf Spring w nt Into ngain today, INdtT nn ni eoinent ntnaig tho Norlh Qt.i Pucillo, li Great Nonhorn, th.Boo n .id the line ithrigh tho Omnhn gnt? ivay pnerlul fares nro to ba offered overv dny durlflgiy Jbjs.viMontlMmd ne t y. M.fHIIU. II III 4VirillUlllli f MIBHIVI ...... "otliorpoirjf i In the Pacific ft orthwt et. Army Scoops the fey ATTEMPT TO CAPTURE NEW YORK FAILED Hiiiison Vacates Long island Sound After Theoretically Loosing Several Ships Now London. Conn, Sept. 2 An nt tempt of tbo nnval fleet to force n pas cage- of Long f eland found nnd copturo New i'ork has failed lllgginson's chip aitnin cnga'ped forts Mitchlo, Wright nnd Terry this morn lK. Tho Maseachueetts nnd Brooklyn wrre th(oreticnlly destroyed, nnd tho finally called nwey, IcAving tho Bound to the cnolny. Reports from Littlo GulletMo ctato thtt whilo attempting to etcapo Covornl o( tlio enemy's ihijs encountered enb marine mines, theoretically deetioying tho Alabama and Puritan. Gcnl. MacArtCur has notified tho war department that the uavy has retreated AtidUlock iilan'd chows uo signs activity. JIo considers Hit uitunlion In tho hands of tho nrmy and hao noUflcd tho go'ver-' nrnor that ho will not nocd to call out tho ptato militia. FOIl SALK-Ono half interest in tho CliristeoBon & Johnson furnituro cs tnbllshment. for further pnrtlctilnrs nddresa V. 0. ChriitcnEen, Moifh llold, Oro. 8-M-tf bostoTentertainers A largo nnd cnlhiietnaUc audience srcolcd tho Doetou I'ntertnlncrs last evening nt Odd. Fellows hall. Tlio nu dienco was kept in n continuous roar of laughter. Mr. Newton Is on artist of extraordinary nbllity mid Mits Durbll is rnnnll- flte. Without doubt tho en lortninment was cno of tho left heard herq in many a day, Thoro ia n yoatl hi'.ity but not n certainty of theso nj po.uini; hero again on Saturday evening o( this week. Dcflnlto announcement in tomorrow's iseno. ProfesBio'naL Cards. K. H. Walter, D. D. S. DBNT.L8UUGKN AND MKCllAN IOAI.I)l.NTISr. OiJlco NaMi'irn Uldg. A. M., PI'oni. 0 Ma'W!IFlK..I, : : OREUON. "A. G.' Gross, M. D. 1'IIYSIOrAN AND SUIttiUQN. Oflir. Nwhurc Hulldlng. Phmm .I2.'t MARSH F1EL. ; ; OREGON "" E. E. Straw, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. bnoolnl uttentioii to diseases of tho Eye Kur, Noho unci Throat. OlnBHUH fitted. Oflice in Sengstacken x Smith j Utiildtug. W. IT. Douglas, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND U. S. Front .trect, M.ushlietd, Oregon. J. W. Bennott, ATTORNEY ANJJ COUNSELOR AT JjA . MARSHFIELD- - ORB John F. Hall, A'n'ORNEY AT LAW. Olc in lihloraJo bto.b, trout street .MurshhcUl, Oregon. nnl, IJ. St MARSH I?IELD, ORh O. F; MoKiiaglit. AMrSuMKY AT I7AW Office iu tl.& lK'int & Walter j . - W I I j4KSHFIEliD, OREGON 4 ft. If. P NORTON. :: NKW8 DKALEIt h n t o h t B n n if r a n c Ijtjlloo. All the 0 U TTL Ji It rAFD S u b . c r i p t i pa porn nail Pino cig'ara and tobacco. :?: .v. J. 0". McKce's Business'College and School of Correspondence is in its 23d year. Every tcachr - is Bfi expert In hisepecialconrse. ir j" pec In I conrspfl cover tho ran (jo of butlnrnH operations. fflrOK HACK COOKS)!. COVI'l.BTfi Dusincsa Ootirco, 'iimu unlimited Civil Service " six months Khorthaud " ' English " " " tfelec: Studlps " - " 2". 15 (15 lu ?15 Theso courses aro eanrclally design ed for thoro who cannot spare the time nor tho mean to take n con rue fn college, nnd for thorn who lmvn been deprived of n common rchool education. Great enro U given each student personally, Diplomas award ed, Btnto which courso you want and ft'ik for particulars. H. M cKcb, Anorback Uld'g Principal. Salt Lake City. r. fj Will CENTRAL Corner of Front nudA"strccls, MA11S11FIEL1),: OREGON, JONH SNYDER. :::::: rropritir' rpHIS WELIKNOWN ANDFAVOK''E Ji. I IO J r.1. t5 lust teen entirely rcfittM u 1 tefiirnisl.cil thrcucfiout nd Is aj.ilncper. to tie pt:l)lic for patronage. I Nrv Uil nnd spring mitircstfi luve tei ' rlacrd in ulmoit ecry sleeping room of tliSj note nud nciilitr trouble nor exams': ha, beet jxitcd to put everything in firsKlAU order. ; terms. Hoard and I.odgin;;, per ucek J5-fO' ISonrd, per week 4 co SiikIcMwIj 451 ., tM smtM TH AROATA. Jr. O, X!LOX, IHastci . Hill .llnKv l!eKrIi( 'I'rip" -BETWEEN COOS BAY AND- j S.tN FRANCISCO .-CARRYING PBSEKfiEaS Hm FREIGHT LOWEST PATES. j Oregon Coal & Navigation Co , Proprleloss. F.S DOW, Agont. M.wehfleld, Oregon S.O. CO. Agont, Empiro City, Oregon -jiXg-iJi'Lyaj,"Ky 'g-j- ijm nr sjsr-i . mj ........ n r. i ri u r n ii -; mm n- f EiUSEUES 0? AflATOHY i"5iKiEK;r!.r..nri;iKi:n,cii. T!i I. '( AmiiIcI MH'tuvi la Hit WihhL .-.lici.ii bt r C"nii.cKil iU t-lltrlru.iy li,olJ.l bwtl'l m iIm Co.iL U jju. on. ocnrAii-DisEASts of i.m KVI'nil.lM lhur(.,Mhlr .UilWxtot (loin i) Uul wnkiAit hi u. .(St vrrary, J) tt Rrq I Trnwiithr. li'i'ifc mhk X m ll ll ' ur4 (of iMirr A quick mt Vl'nl. I' lit, JwJia". iiUt piui I... m.tktMl JI Caiuultttloa fit $ mtlypliM. Tirtlmtiil ptr. Y to.-uli oi by Ituti. A y'ht Curt la r cut A utdtiuhti) w,u fui n-uk rHiioMU'Hv r f iiLtu i'muu. rx iit k OR. JORDHfCO., tOttftoffW.,S. F. HiM iy.1 m fl ir '"&'?". .V. 7 Ti AND AGENT . " 'if 9 c 1 b c o nnd 1' o r 1 1 n firu loading M a ftnz 1 ii.h. 1- jATl NO O A JC J i o n h for all periodical. ( Btntlonory, Jewelry, naflons 5 iwrm wmn- k Flanagan & Bonnotr BANK', DIRECTORS : T. K. SliI rdnn,J. W.Ilpnueix; PltKOj nud . IL Flnnngitn. VICX, PEES.: It. F. Willirtrrjo, C'ASHJKR, Capital, $50,000' oitHfia-: .uakki:b'ibx. - - b ras u. b so a a m as ia a gb sat sV GEE FEE. R swmtx DEALER IN 'lltOCERIES' FRESH Fit 01 iy.VEGE'TA i. a a 9 H it BLES PROVISIONS. FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE BEST Q UAL1TY. PRICES REASONABLE. FROZEN OYSTERS EVEEYiVY. : : : m m m. m m m u H H w Hi 2a Street, Marshfiekl, Ore Hi CC MaEQnattatsra?jKnnat3u Wo promptly obtain U. 8. tatl foreign I F 1 llil. II 1 sl-1 l-lkll 'Bend raoJel, BKetch or photo ol Invention or : ireoropon on jcientnuitty. ror tree book, llatcnunnd TnAUC'tiAnKS to ! 'pposltc U. S. Patent Office WA&r-UNGTON D. C; t 1 coseeeii48 !F YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE j; IN NEWSPAPERS'! ANVWHERB AT ANYTIMB ' Call u or WrlU ' KG. DUE'S ADYERTISIKG 1GEIGY ; 64 ft 6s MrcIUBts.ExckMS I i , BAN FRANClSCe. CAU irain ' Tradc Mawcb nrusM CnsvSlMMTa Ac! Anrnna sondlni a sketch and derlPtlon aT nuloklr nscruin our opinion rrea tinner an tiantloii 11 Drobablr twtaijtoblo. Communle. tloniftriciiTc tout I tvteitii noiu&t. winuu-.vuiB, w fcv"V"..r?-r?."Ar"7.".-rr Scientific American. . .. TI (StflSV A handtoinelr Hlnttraiea weeur. ianrH r dilation or any solentltlo Journal, lormi, M a jonrj four months, (U Sol4byall nawtdsalarf. lUNN&Go.3"' NewM BxaucU Office. SH V Kt., Wa)ilnetoi!. D, C. WBiiAiti . BO YEARS' IHH EXPERIENCE v i la Rfe r"l'''PPPPB m TVllslklKi Bl BBv m I 1 Bk BW.1 v rrnni KW,i, -ff" .fe Ifl, V f W "