The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 06, 1902, Image 3

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Cream of the
Published livery pay lu
Wfihiniilon, D.C.Bept. 1-Thocolo-bration
cf .Labor dny thin year itotsotscs
,moro limn ordinary elgnlllcaul'd to tho
rank of tho organized toilurs as It is just
twenty years ago slncu tho obioivanco
was begun. T,n United Stalca is tlio
only couiitgy In thu world which has sol
,as!do n legal holiday dovotwl to eclohra
.tlous by tho Hago earners. Labor day Is
now almost a national holiday, tho laws
,of nearly every stato and territory of tho
Union recognising it
Tlio origin of Labor day Is found in an
agitation begun in tlio city of Now York
in 1852. All tho urcat labor organiza
tions of tho country participated in tho
I ffort toecuru this recognition ol labor's
cauto, tho initiative in tho movement
being tuketi by I. J. Mnulro, then na
tional rccrotary of tbo jottrno men car
penters. Hut it was not until flvo years
lator that tho effort boro fruits in legis
lation. 1 hen it was that tho far western
states of Oregon which pasted a law sot
ting arldo tho fir it Salorday in Juno for
this obaorvatico. This law wan pasted
February '21, lb 87. Six years hUcr to
thu day this law was amended, and tbo
preieut date, tho first Monday in Sep
tember, wan (dieted. New Joriey was
thu second statu to legallzo this holiday,
an act being pained in tho Irghlaturo
that statu April 8, 1887. Now York
followed in May of tho rarno year. Col
orado and Mauachusctts followed in lino
tiio samo year, but it was not untl a tor
1600 that tho other states took similar
action. Ohio parsed n Labor day law
April M IbQO. Illinois passed its Uw
Juno 17, 1801 ; Indiana March 0, 1801 ;
niul Minnesota, April 18, 1S03. West
Virginia and North Carolina did not lo
galir. Labor day tnUil 18Q9.
Recognition of tho righto and dignity
of labor this Is tho spirit which movoa
in tho event. It began In n parade, and
Js usually to cehibratcd. In 1882 a great
labor demonstration was held in No.v
York, Tho Central Labor union of that
city, comisting of numerous afllliatcd
labor organizations, arranged n great
parado. Thousands of men wcro in lino
with float, banners, franaparancics,
badges and carriages. It chanced that
tho Knights of Labor wcro holding tholr
convention lu that city at tho tamo time,
ami they wcro invited to witness tho
turnout from Union Eqiinro, This was
September B, 1U82. Tho invitation wiis
accopted and tho occasslon was a great
success. Tho parado from that tlmo was
referred to as tho "Labor day parade,"
ltomcinberiiig tho success of tho nro
vlous year tlio Now York labor orgtui
xationa turned out again lu IB 53, only
tho doto was changed to tho first Mon
day in Soptembor. In 18l, when tho
Ceutral Labor union met to dlrcuss n
third performance, Gcorgo 1). Lloyd, n
Knight of Labor, nroso and offered ii
rctolution that tho first Monday in Sop
tcmber bo declaied Labor day. This
was adopted and steps woio at onco
taken to e to tiro onacttnont by tho etntu
leglalaturo making it n legal holiday, A
bill was introduced in tho leglalaturo
tho first oho for this purpose but it did
not receive favorable consideration unti
1837, by. which timo lto other utntuo had
patted tucli n law. -
Labor organizations In other states
made common causa with tho central
; Labor union and'tho movement becairio
Week's News.
Hie Daily Cgasl Mall. .
Konornl nmotiR lnbnr unionists to cat
otitto loslelnttirog (o tnkn action. In lees
thai ilvo yearn a majority of tlio stales
had falloti Into line, and by 1100 nearly
nil llio states had declared tlio flrat Mon
day In Scptcmbor a Ical holiday. In
addition to making a dlcplny oi numbers
by Its annual parade, union labor In
tondu this day or dlccurtlon and public
mooting. Ite purpoio la said to bolarg
ly educational.
In its call for this year's obeervanco
tlio cxcr.utlvo council of tlio Atnurlcan
Federation of Labor recommends to all
organized' workers In national, state,
central and local unions Mhat.they con
contralo their nttcutlon to a discussion
for tlio abolition of Injunctions In labor
disputes and tlio pastaco of resolution
demanding at tlio bands of Confess and
llio legislature of lliolrs respectho states
tlio ousctment of laws conforming to
that purpoio."
8a i Francltco, Col., Bopt. 1 Labor
day In Sail Francisco was celebrated by
tlio Labor unions, which avo a public
douiouatrationof their strength by parad
ing through tlio'btitlnoss icctlon of tbo
city 00,000 strong. Commissioner of
Pttbl c Works Michael Casey was tho
ginnd marshal and In company with tho
city officials and othor invited guests re
v lowed tho parado from a staud In Van
Noes avenue.
Youngtton. 0., Bopt. 1 Tho largest
Labor day parado seen hero in nany
years occupied tbo early hours this
morninK. A plcpic and outing at tho
fairgrounds followed.
Dos Moines, la., Sept. 1 Labor day
was obforvrd as a holiday bore, all tho
big stores and factories shutting down
to allow their employes to pnrticipato
in tho festivities. Tbo morning was
given up to n parado oi unusual slzo.
Following tho parado tliero woro races
and athletic contests at tho fairgrounds,
together with addresses by sovoral pub
lic mon.
Richmond Vo., Sept. I Labor day
was celebrated hero by a parado of work
ingtnen estimated at from 6,000 to S.000.
It was tho best appointed procctelon
over cceu hero on Labor day, Thu
streets wcio lined with interested and
applauding spectators.
St. Taul Minn., Sept. I Labor day
was celebrated hero on a moro extonsivo
scalo than over beforo. A largo parado
pasted through tho business etreots this
morning. A new feature was tho
participation ol many women, members
of tho gaimcut woikers, wuitrccEce
nnd eorvant girls' union. Following tbo
parndu the wo go earners adjourned to
Harriot Park for n b,M:ot picnic.
rittaburg, l'a., bept. 1 Pittsburg was
given over to tbo "sturdy con8 of toil"
today, who paraded thu etrcota many
thousand strong in celebration of Labor
day, Thu lutcrost, owing to thu mluora1
strlko, was novcr greater than this year,
and in tho procession wero workmon
from oyery -' organized trade. Tl.o
marchers wcro greeted with cnthuelasm.
Indianapolis. Iud,, Sopt.. ! Indiana'
jLicxyl looklnr '
livnpviiriu Kir iv& 'tyt'
ln( iarni l Mis jSm
: m ti.
wont Kisa or n cum Cr
Harness Oil
notmilrmakrAtlioljnrntAiyltti ,'
lior'i loom lAtior, but makni t I
lotljer coft mifl nlMlilr. ntJta It In con-1
- ;..--. . .'.,-
, anion to m jiricn i toat
(h . ut It onllnarlly uoulJ.
III. tW .fi"f U u til
viV;g uibwv. fj
ClUrf ElfelJlriV
Your im
norse a
polls labor unions rounded out an even
dczon of fjtborday colcbratlona today,
tho first obeervanco of Ihd day In lb Ik
city having been held twclvo years ago.
Thoro wcro 6,000 persons in tbo parade,
including icvoral hundred women. Tho
moldors had tho placo of honor. After
tho parado thousands of people boarded
strcot cars for the state fair grounds,
where the cxcrcleca of the day took
Washington, D. 0., Sept. 2-Labor
day was extensively observed in Wash
ington today. Government departments
and most ol tho business places wern
cIoshI and tbo labor organizations held
picnics and excursions in various direc
tions out of thu city.
Chicago, 111., Sept, 1 Tho Labor day
parado in Chicago today was ono of the
Urt'eet and moat brilliant In tlio local
history of tbtao demonstrations. The
parado was (our hours pasting a given
point, 30,000 men being in lino. Par
ticularly strong showings were made by
tho unions of tho building trades, iron
moldors, longshoremen an J rotall clerks.
Toledo, 0., Sent. 1 Labor day wan
observed bore with a parado, followed
bv speccbes and general fostivltles.
Moro than half a hundred unions wcro
represented in tbo lino of the parade.
Knoxvillo. Twin.. Sont. 1 Flvo thou-1
sand worklngrsen marched through tho
streets today. Tho celebration of the
day was held at Lountain City, whero
an oration was delivered by J. W.
Honu, presldunt of tho district organ!
r.'itlon of tho United Mlno Workers.
Mino workers from many of tho unions
of Fast Tencoeeo took part In tho dem
onstration. Woodshall, Mass., Sopt. 1 Tho flrat
movo in tho war gamo between tbo
army and navy was mado this morning
when tho cruiser Olympla entered port
and landed bluo Jackets and seized tho
telegraph and to'ephono linos covering
communication with Martha's Vineyard
and Elizabeth islands.
At Block island this rooming aftor
bombardment by tbo Brooklyn nnd
Indiana troops wcro sent ashore, seizing
tho signal stations.
Ganeral Barry reports that tho' first
knonlcdgo ho had of tbo fleet was off'
Point Judith early this morning.
At dawn tho Kcwsargo, Massachus
etts, Scorpion, Panther tend Nina ap
proached tho isltuid in column forma
tion. Tho Island h to bo used ne a naval
bate, Tho mariuee captured two signal
Costiios, St. Lucas, Sopt. 1 Tho
British stcatnor Norona, just arrived
from Fort DoFrauco reports that Mount
Foloo claimed 200 additional victims
S.attirday night. Morno Itoguo was de
stroyed and buried under a
ashes and a tidal .wave swept the village
of Lecarbot.
All Martinique is panic stricken, and
ashes aro again falling In tho adjrecrit
London, Sopt. 1 A report is current
hero tqday'to the effect that King Ed
ward will Tint America in the latter
part of September aboard tbo royal
yacht Victoria and Albert.
The American embassy disclaims
knowMgft, but intimates that report
came from Marlborough house
Cape Town, Sept. 1 A terrific storm
Is raging In Alegna bay this morning,
and thirty-eight veascls ar ashore. Uu
less the storm subsides a heavy Joes of
llfo is feared. Five vessels were smash
ed to pieces and all hands on board,
numbering almost 100, wero lost.
Tamsqua, Sept. 1 The ranks of the
non-strikers at Landsford and Summit
Hill wero augmented this morning by
300 additional men reporting for work
at tho former placo and 100 atthejattcr.
This being a holiday probably pre
vented disturbances. Trouble is ex
pected tomorrow when it is reported
No. 8 colliery vlll bo put in operation.
Charleston, Sopt. 1 Governor While
has d;cidcd that in view of tho uncer
tain conditions bo will retain troops at
Thurmond a few days longer if everyr
thing continues .quiet.'1
Parkersburg, W, Va., Sept. 1 Eleven
members of tho Parkersburg company
of national guard have deserted becaueo
of sympathy Iwitb tlio strike. Olders
havo been issued for their arrest.
Good enough
for anybody!
ll Havana Tiller
9 of same value as tags from
1 fir "MASTER WORKMAN" Tokceo.
Tfi 3J4 V. Iw vrtr .
7 trvriH'? sort i7:;a
Billed Sum
vantf &ttefsi)i'
tCNUilirAtlMr. infirjivlO .
. rt. If -mir fnwt O'Xmt i
lrtralU.i!.riKirJfsllal't. ,
Reliable -
Is constantly adding p i!s
stQcc of fioneral MJcrcbapT
disc, already the .largest n
MarsbfioJd When yot; byy
at .the Mill Bt$re ou .kjioy
tjio oods ro first .olass tn ,
t,bo prjc.p Is all right .
All kinds of lumber an4
jbuilding material,
feed and sup
plies at wholesale and retail.
Cobs Bay Wholesale lipor
rmmily Ordrj Soltc!aci,
Ranier Beer.
Family orders for Pops, pinta ail
quarts, deli vored by tbo caso,
Robert Marsden.
Fast and
o o o o o o p oq p O O O SI"
Makes regulfir trips between
San Fmnckco and Portland vi
Humbolpt and'Cooa.Day, calling
at above r crt each way.
Tho ALLIANCE is .i llrst
clasi passenger boat, and bus
all tho modern con venionooa
nnd is ono of tho fasten;
Steamers of her class.
nnd Passenger
Rates or Sailing: Da tes,
J f JMkff
W II 6
w U,Pt
"" , - "Jk
MhtW4mUtWMWW-mmimrMi '' - -"'! ftptiaw