The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 06, 1902, Image 1

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Vol xxr
NO 36
4Mb J
Cream of the
Published Every Day
Ltnox, Mass , Sept. a An olOctrlc cat
running nt a ejicctl of 10 mllra ,jn liour
struck a landau carrying Frecldont
Roosevelt, Secretary Oortolyou and
Bcrrct Service Ofllcor Craig, thin morri
Inj, Instantly killing tha Inttor nllghly
injuring l'rrnidcnt Iloosovclt, wlip wns
cut uud bruised but instantly i praug to
tho assistance of Craig, Cortolyon wna
I'll addition to tho flrat named In tho
party wna Congressman I.awrciirso, of
MuBincliuaottB who was bruleod,
Tlio car struck tho carriage from tho
ronr nnd tho party wero hurled into tho
nlr, tho wreck of tho cnrrlngo striking
nftcr they fell.
Cortelyou becamo unconacloua from
tho eliock, nnd tho flrat question ho nak
ed when ho revived was: "How is tho
' Tho military guard of our mounted
men 11 rut gnvo aid, assisted by Bccre
borvlco Agout Taylor and I'ostofllctt In
rpector .Meyora. President Rootovclt
.waa attended byJJr.iunft...
Craig's body was found under tho car
horribly mangled.
Driver Prntt saw tho cat nnd tried to
urge lila four homes across, and tho
motorman attempted to atop, hut tho
Impotus was too great.
At Block bridge whoro tho party wna
taken for lunch tha I'rcaldont stopped
out of his cnrrlago, plainly under great
montnl distress, and told tho ailont na
comblcd thronz of tho accident. II o
paid a trllnito to Craig, Baying: "My
faithful friend ia killed."
Mortorman Maddon nnd Conductor
Kollv hnvo been nrrcated, na tho pnseon
gora claim tho Mr raced down tho hill
to intercept a revlow which was passing
Prosldonl Roosevelt and parly.
Driver Pratt dlod from IiIb injuricB
Tho president la greatly grlovod over
Craig's death, tho latter tolng a person
al friend.
Paris, Bopt 3 Tho Mlnfeter for tho
colonics received tho following from
Fort Do Franco thla aftornoon : "Erup
tlqn of Mt. Foloo has recommoncod
with excueslvo intensity. The volcano
extends Its activity toward tho intorlor
broadonlng the radius of-doatructlon.
Morno Iloguo. AJoupa Boullton,
Morno,I)ondon nnd tho vllliigoa of Dalai,
t'jpot nnd Bolleviow woro totally de
stroyed on Aug. 30th, and 31et.
,Moro tlm 1000 victims havo already
boon found, 800 of whom woro dead and
tnoUst will Increase
It baa boon lonreed from gendarmes
oaths) laland of Martinique that 1000
Week's News.
in flic Daily Coast Mail.
during tho laat eruption of Mt Pelee.
Tho govornor of tho Island fa arrang
lug for tho evacuation of the northern
parishes nnd tho removal of tho Injured.
Tho temperature on tho island of Mar
tltilquo la reported almost unbcnrablo.
Tho French cruieora Buchct nnd Tago
are bringing tho Inhabltanta of tho
northern part of tho Island to Fort Do
Tho provious itgoa of a panic aro
Portcgo, Wl J.. Sept. a Tho Republl
cana of tho Second congrcaelonal district
met in convention hero today nnd nop
inatcd Henry O. Adams of Madison to
succeed Congressman Herman B. Dahle.
Denver. Colo., Sopt. 3 Tho Demo
cratic alato nominating convention
which was to have assembled hero to
day has bcon postponed until next week
owing to Inability to eecuro n sultablo
hall for this date. Chairman Smith of
tho efato committee la busy making ar
rangements for next week's gathering
and says that indications point to an
unusually Urgo nttondonco of delegates
and visitors.
Bt. Petersburg, Aug. 30 Terrible
treatmont of Siberian political exiles nt
Alcxandrowskl has led tr n atrlko of tho
convicts who aro refusing nourishment
until more humanely treated. In Saka-
tau and other sottlemonts deaperato ro
volts of political convicts havo led to
Tamaqus, Pa.., Aug. 80 A nu mbor o
men applied lor work ct tho Landford
mines at Summit Hill this morning.
Tho atrlkers massed along sido the
railway tracks but turned backs and
stood in contemptuous etlurco wjjorjtpo
non-unionlsta, escorted by twer corn
pantos o soldlera boarded tho cars.
Cor bin supplemented laat night's or
ders by instructing tho troops thla morn
ing to grroBt nil men or women who in
nny way moloht tho workmen.
London, Aug. 30 The Amorican liner
St. today sailed (or Now York
having on board tho romaina of Ohas.
Fair and wifo.
Washington, Sopt. 4 It is reported
that Secretary Wilson early next year
will resign, from tho cabinet to accept
tho proaidonoy of tho Iowa Agricultural
Norfolk. Vn Aug. 30 Tho schoonor
Annie Harris was out Bquaroly in two
by tho steamer Charlotte off White
V i
Point this morning in a dense fog, Two
m'aiv w thereto ww3 drownw. '
Oyator Bay, Bopt, 4 PrHeHlItooFC
velt arrived at 10 this morula and un
derwent an examination by Dr. JLunge,
who announced h C conditio good. Tho
President Is Miff irora severe brslsea.
r t
Becrotary Cortelyou it is bow consid
ered was worse injured thwi' any living
member of the party with the exception
of Pratt, Ho went to his home at
Ilcmpslcd, Long Itlnnd, last sight, and
is now confined (to his bed by the
eevcro ncrvotia e)iock. Ho euntalncd
numerous painful cuts and bruises, tho
worst being a split, nose.4 Tile physic
ians say It will tako him 'AOtno llrao to
recover. t t
President Roosevelt haevannounccd
thflt the program of trip, previously out
lined is unchanged.
Pltttflold, 8ept.4-Mortormtm Mad
den and Conductor Kelly f who were in
chargo of tbo electric car'during the ac
cidont, were arranged in district court
this morning but the cam was continued
until Sopt. 18th, when reports of medi
cal examination by Dr. Cole and the ro-
sultB of tho Craig Inquett with tho med-
leal report will be available. Madden
and Kolly wero relented Vm ball.
The ally bouncil will take Imro'edlato
actionto regulate .tli8j:fl of trolly
Washington, SeDt. 4 The war de
partment has received mall advices
from tho Philippines saying that the
Sultana of Bucalof nnd Mnclu still de
cline to bo conciliated. Tho latter ro
pllod in n messugo to Colonel Baldwin
that ho had no deslro to be frlouda with
any nation, and defiantly said, "if you
don't want war, oavo the lake region
at onco."
Oya ter Bay, SopJ. 5 Prosldont Roose
velt and party departed on theSylph this
morning carrying out the southern trip
Secretary Cortolyou will accompany
him, although ho is etill suffering from
tho accident.
Tho Prosldont lain, receipt of n largo
number of tolegrams, cablegrams and
lottors congratulating him on his cscapo
from Borloua Injury In Wednesday's ac
cident. Tamnqua, Sept, 6 Panther Crock
Valley is in such tranquilly that non
union strikers went to work this morn
ing unescorted by troops. Two meala
ratlona were Issued this morning', with
indlcotions that tho intoutlon ia to etill
keep guard,
Shenandoah, Sept 0 The troops wero
trouble thrfatnod last night and the mob
disponed quietly.
Sidney Smith, WaH Butler aud "Will
Ireland went up to Allegany yesterday
on a flehlng trip, They will return Mon
The Hague, The internatlon
nl arbitration tribuncl which is to de
cide tbo Plnua Fund Claims caie be
twecn the United 8 tales and Mexico met
today and formally organized. The
arguments will be bsgun about ten days
hence. Those, in attendance are Sir
Edward Fry of England and F. De
Martens of Kawta, arbitrators for the
United States, T. N. 0. Asaerand 8a
vornin Lohnmadn of Holland, arbitra
tors for Mexico, and counsel who will
conduct the arguments for the two
parties to the dispute. The American
counsel consists of Judge William L,
ronflcld, Solicitor of the State Depart
ment: Jackson II. Ralston, agent for
tho United States; Walt? 8. Penfield
and Henry V. Amies, assistant counsol.
'the Catholic church In America, which
ia vitally Interested in the case, Is rep
resented by Archbishop Riordsn of
aan i-rnncieco, anu uarrot Alcbnerney,
the Archbishop's attorney.
Aside from any importance attached
to the Pious Fund Claims case in itself
the proceedings of the tribunal will be
watched with clorcst attention nil over
tho clrlll'.ed world for the reason tnat
tho case Is the first to be tried under the
provision of the internatioeal arbitra
tion agreement formulated by The
Hague peace conference.
The hlstorv of the Pious Fond cots
back to 1G07. when St was Btarted in
order to enable the Jesuit missionaries
to carry on their work In what is now
New Mexico and California. When tho
Jcauite were expellul from the Spanish
dominions in 1707, the fund was seized
by the crown ahd put in the hands of
tho Franciscans. Later, when Mexico
won hor independence, the trust of the
Vlous Fund waa transferred frotii Spain
to the Republic. In 18i Mexico feold
the properties constituting the fund and
put the proceeds in tbe treasury, stipu
lating, however, to par to the church
authorities 0 per ceat, in perpetuity on
the capital. When, by tbe treaty of
Queretaro, Upper California was ceded
to tne united utates. Mexico ceasou to
pay its sharo ot the interest on the fund,
and in 1803 tho church authorities made
a claim en Mexico for the Interest for
twenty-one years. Tho caso was decid
ed against Mexico and the Republic
paid over to tne cuurcn tne Bum ot siHH,
700. No further payments were made,
however, and now Archbishop Riordan,
on behalf of tho church, is pressing his
claim for interest since 1800,
Moir Are "Tour Kidney V
TJr. Hobbi' fl Mrasua Pllli rare all kldeer II
lo Irco. Add. bierUiu llemodi CM'MiNn or U.
Xdacate lour Bowel With Ciueam.
Candy Cathartic, curn constipation rorerer
um.w. uuuuaiuanii
eclsta rotund moss
J ; - jtWrVW-tw f.r
The celebration of the anniversary of
tbe birth of Sobert Morrle, tbeinstilutor
of the Order Jof the Eastern Star was
held at Coqullle Sept. 1, and was partici
pated In by DotleOhapter of Marsbfleld,
OseidentaLChaptet-ot' Bindon, Elgin
Chapter of Myrtle Point and Bala
Chapter of Coqullle. A fine program
was rendered In the groTe In the after
noon, dinner being' first served In the'
Masonic hall.
After supper In the hall In the even
ing Bula Chapter was opened by its ot
fleers after which the floor was given
over to Occidental Chapter. which gave
an exemplification of the inlatory cer
mony In beautiful form. Tha floor was
surrendered by Occidental Chapter to
Elgin Chapter which gave, hp Floral
degree, which is one of the b'eautiful
thlnt,a to be seen within the Myatio
walls of the Chapter. It was well done
and when that is said no higher word of
praise could be given.
Refreshments were served to 78 mem
bers after the oloee of the chapter and,
tho visitors tendered a hearty vote of
thanks to Bula Chapter for the royal en
tertainment ol the day.
Those attending from Marshrleld were
Mesdamee A. D. Wa'oott, J H.Taylor,
W. U. Douglas, J. MeCarty and Che.
Marsh. - - -
Water Cure ior Chronic ' Consti
pation. Take two cos of hot water half ah
hour before eat'i meal and Just before
going to bed, also a drink of water, hot'
or cold, about two hours after each meal.
Take lots of outdoor exercise walk, ride
urire. aiEKB a regular Habit of thls'and:
In many cases chronlo constipation may
be cured without the use ol any medi
cine. Whnn a purgative is required
take something mild and gentle like
1 lets. For sale by John Preuss.
-.-ww....... a uvwwu HUU XilVOr iOD
A Bewildering ProfusirQn of :
Beautiful Shoes
aV ? O flt
SHOES to suit every fancy. Shoes M
to fit every foot. Shoes to suit 1
ovory purse are gathered together
here in our ahoe section. This shows
what a determination will do to get
together the best the country affords
at the least coat to our customers.
tJ" J J 3 J O O &l J J
will find ours the best. Something ,1
uere to nc anaeuiiaoio tor every waiic -
mute. : : : : :
A Manufacturers Guarantee,
backed by our personal
vouch for satisfaction goes
with every pair. :
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