The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, August 30, 1902, Image 8

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    ' mW'
T? ,.
lino Stnlionory at Norton's.
, Tho A. X. W. club met at tho home
of Mrs, Tom Hall Thursday afternoon,
a largo nttcmlauco being out,. The nusi
.e:tlnglll bo nt the homo of Mrs. J.
T McCormac.
Peler Clausen for shoe?.
G E. Cook has rented his farm on Big
crcok to Messrs. Meyers A Uollcnbocic.
Stealing wnter melons may bo fun In
tho country, but in town it is liable to
be a moro eorious matter. Make a note
i.f it, boys.
Night-watchman McCullocb has ben
sick for several days this week and
larehal Carter has been doing double
Mgr. L. K. Robertson of tbo J S. T.
A T. Co. takes a personal interest in tho
trip of Senator Mitchell and associates,
vrho sailed Wednoeday for Honolulu,
'rom the fact that Lis brother If. C.
A bctten, who ia Sen. Mitchell's pri
ato secretary, goes with the patty, oc
csmpanied by his wifo.
1 Albert ForEolI, the man who was hurl
ih the North Bond mill threu weeks ago
'i rep:rted cctting along nicely, Dr.
llorefall removed tbo dressing from hie
Land Thursday and found it in good
shape, and ho will bo able to rcsamo
work in a few weeks.
' J. M. Lawrence, representing the Orc
gbnian, has been on tho bay & few days
hatching tho wheels go round, in tho in1
terest of his paper.
nTho steamer Signal cams up tho bay
Wednesday and took fuel from the
Leaver Hill bunker. .
Mrs. K. X. Harry of Sitkum camo
Jown Wednesday for a visit with tho
,'aully of TIiob Coke.
pome of tho fishermen' for the cannery
ave been out trying their new nets and
report that Chinook salmon are quito
, 'entiful.
lie Alma took the Alort's Coos river
run Wednesday, Uib latter being onz&ged
tor the MaEonic escurelou,
'The Standard Oil Worebousa and of.
o aro receiving a coat of mineral paint.
The drivers on this ond of tho Coos
i(ay etago hne havo been changed
around, Colfax Harry who lies beon
'riving from Coos City and Empire, ox
changing with Jos. Laird, who has been
dri vlng between Coos City and FalrT,
The Misses Grace and Alice McCormac
are spending n week at tho Life-Having
ztatjou Tith Captain and Mrs. Nelson. .
Bert Anderson and Cy Noah had good
success In their first t?7p nights fishing.
TherojBsem to bo plenty of fish, though
they aro rather emtllcr in size tlian
,Cbas. Holler,. of McKinloy, will start
up his threshing machino Monday, lor
tho Beson'a run, and expects a long-run,
as tho grain Js unusually heavy in that
neighborhood, b'b well oa all over tho
oquille valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Sutnnor, of Bandon, aro
visiting their son Mdo, doputy post
master llCTO.
- Best lino of
School shoes at Fetor
Wo promid' that should you utn PPT
if AM FADELESS DYES and lie dlsatirt
ficd from any euuso wlmtover. to refund
list, (or ovory package
t'nlonvllle, Mo
Sold by John Preites.
J. F. Anderson, of Anderson A Skin
nor, who will tako charge of tho Pioui-ur
hotel at Emjrtro on Sept. 1st, bus beon
in M.ushfic.d a few days. Mr. Ander
eon comes recently from Skagway, Vlnskn,
and has had considerable experience in
tho hotel business. Ho is repairing and
re fitting tho hotel and will put it in first
class ordor. Mrs. Jackson, who luu con
duced tho hotel t-inco tho early days,
will retire and tako a well-earned rest.
of Hardwood Timber
J. S. Coke, of bftkum, recently sold
the myrtlo and maple timber on 200
aero of his Brewster valley land to (.'.
V. Hall Jc Co , of San Francisco, at f I
per thousand, slumpage. Our fancy
hardwood seems to be becoming known
on tho outside. The purchasers of thin
tract agreo to tako everything 6ultnb!o
alovo 10 inches in diameter and to take
tho trees oat by the roots.
Tho best physic Chamberlnin'a
Stomach and Liver Tablet p. Easy to
take, Pleasant in effect. For sale by
Jno Preuse.
Was a Woodman
It has been learned thnt Joe Llooyd,
the young man killed oy a falling tree
on Fchofield creek Tuesday, was n mem
ber cf tho Modern VYcodmcn and car
ried fCCOO insurance in that order. He
was 10 years of ago, and his parents live
on Sweet creek, a tributary of the Sins
Jaw. They havo now lost their three
eldest eons within fivo years, ono son
having been killed at tho government
works on tho Siublaw about fivo years
ago and another having dfod about tho
first of laBt July. Tho body waa taken
to tho Siuslaw Wednesday by the Gard
iner Mill Co's team.
A. J. Cottincham went to Washington
County, Ark., to seo his sister and while
thero woe taken with (lux (dyEonterv)
and was very bad off. Ho decided to
try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and wan much pleased
witli tho prompt cure which it effected.
that ho wrote tho manufacture a letter
in pralto of their medicine. Mr. C'ot
ingham resides at Lockland, Ark. This
lCemcuy is lor sale by John i'reucs.
Joo Lloyd, aged about 20 years a
workman in the GardincrMill Co'e camp
on Schofield creek, a tributary of tho
Umpqua, was killed by a falling tree
Tuesday morning.
Tho particulars of tho accident aro not
available. The unfortunato man was
not known on the Bay, havinc como
from the Slunlaw where his parents re
side, and where (ho body was taken for
burial. This fatality comes only eight.
day a after tho accidental death of Prank-
San ford who was killed by falling undor
tho logging train at tho eaine camp,
fllFJSRS-SMITII-At Truckeo, Co',
Oct 20th, 1001, Frank L. Sifera of
Verdi, Nevada to Emma M, Smith of
Mr.Sifora was raised near Marehfield
and lias many frionda and rolatives in
Oregon, which ho baa,npt heard of for, bo
long hd thought thoy would bo glad to
bear something of htm,
An Excursion to llic Life-Saving
A Royal Treat to nil
Attending '
Tlio II. A, M. oxcurslon to tho Life
Saving ntation was a splendid affair and
was attended by about ono hundred peo
ple. A ricnlo in thogrovo was one of
tho enjoyable, after which an exhibi
tion beach drill was in order. Thin crow
of life-savors aro about as well drilled us
any on tho Pacific and under the cap
taincy of Norman Noltou, criticism Is
out of thu initiation. Everything about
tho institution is in applcplu ordor at all
times, and tho unbounded hospitality of
Captain Nelron and his crew makes It n
pleasure indeed for visitors.
After tho beach drill n surf drill ex
hibition was given which was vary en
joynble and showed to the catijfnction
of all tho wonderful capabilities and of a
modern life boat, and indeed It imbues
ono with a guarantee that should a
terious accident occur in Coos Bay en
trance that as many lives would bo sav
h! as it is pofsiblo for any crew of men
to savo.
Ccptaiu Nelson is making many Im
provements at the elation and ore long
tho buildings will be treated to a fresh
coat of paint. This work is all done by
tho crow nnd costs the government
nothing extra for services.
The picnickers left tho station
about 4 o'clock and arrived in Marsh
field at ii o'clock making an exceeding
ly quick trip All tho vhitlng Itoyal
'Arch Mason wero highly pleated and
speak iu tho highest terms of tho whole
Travel By Sea.
Doparturco by Areata Aug. 27: P F
Clark, W Alter, B O'een, A Valento, N
Curry. II Loadu, Mrs A vine, A Avlne, W
Johnson, A L Curry.
Perfectly Fitting
Hest line of Mens' Dress, Street
and Working Shoes. Some
thing to give you satisfaction.
Prices reasonable. Exclusive
Drawls, Good Goods.
Ladies' and Gents' Furnishers.
Too Modest
Tho Myrtlo Point Eulurprlso evi
dently hasn't much of an opinion of lie
own reputation for voracity, for
although wo published its fig
tires for tho distance from ltoso
burg to Marehfield via Myrtlo Point,
and Intimated that wo had lied unlntnu
tlonally, it still eays tho .Mail ban "fail
ed to correct ltd inlselatomtut," How
ever, it knocks off 10 of tho 13 tniloB by
which it exaggerated tlio distance from
Marehfield to lloiobugr, and that Is do
ing pretty well.
Protected Ms Accomplice
It has developed that Tracy, tho dead
outlaw, by destroying or hiding tho
original rltlo with which ho inadu IiIh es
cape (rom tho Oregon state penitentiary
has l rotectcd his accomplice, unit has
made tho identification of tho gun, and
the detection of tho party that delivered
tho firearm to him almost an impossi
bility. Kduin Baker, who has a farm (I miles
above Myrtlo Point, drove over to tho
bay Thursday on business nnd returned
yesterday. He ro orts everything pros
porous iu his neighborhood, tho crops
being unusuully good and fruit first-class.
Major Kinney, chief engimor of the
Great Central Railroad, arrived tide
morning by Bingo over tho Coos Bay
Wagon road.
Fred K. Hungerford, assistant secre
tary of thu Great Central Land Co., is
fitting up olllces over thu Golden Drug
Store, and will make hl headquarters
in Marehfield. Mr. Hungerford had
charge of tho selling department of the
(I. C. L. Co., and handles their real os
tato In Empire, Marehfield and Bnngor.
Mr. Hungorford'ti family arrived a few
days ago, and they havo moved into the
neat modern cottage recently erected by
Mrs. C. W. Tower, on C street.
urn till '
New Styles
Ladies' and Childrens' Shoes.
We have placed in stock a line
that we arc sure to be satisfac
tory in fit and wear. Styles
) that arc New. Prices that will
commend the goods.
Phone 436
Double Wcddlnjr of Two Mnrsliflcld
Couples Made a Brilliant
- Social Event.
Ono of tho in out enjoyable ovunt of tho
milliner took placo Wednesday evening'
tt thu residonuoo! Mr. nnd Mr. L. II.
Ilolmier, when thu cryntnl wedding ol
Mr. and Mm. Hnlmior and tho tin wed
ding of Mr, and Mrs. G. T, Coleman
were Jointly celebrated.
Tlio guests weru received iu tho front
porch, which had beon cloned In will:
canvas and beautifully decorated with
overgreetiH, bunting nnd Chinese lan
terns. Throughout tho hoiiHothodecor
r.tlons were pretty and eifecllve. 'Iho
hall wan In Ivy, cut (lowers and autumn
leaves, the douhlo parlors, in Ivy, ferns,
white dahlian and autumn leaves; din
lug room in cut lloweru and ferns.
A pretty pavlllton had been erected
In tho yard, with tables arranged on three
sides, whero refreshments wero served.
Music, games and conversation inadu
thu tlmo pass nil loo cwlftly, and tho
guests, warned by thu Into hour at last
departed, wishing tho charming hoitesesH
and genial hosts many Joyful returns ol
tho day.
Many beautiful prosonts wero received
by the happy couples. Ono hundred and
forty three beautiful pieces of glass-waro
including roveu pieces cut glass, nnd
threu whips, contributed by eomo
thoughtful friend to train up tho man
iu tho way ho should go, weru received
by Mr, nnd Mre. Hehner, whiloMr. ami
Mr. Coleman woro tho recipients of
about ns many pieces of tinware.
Following is a list of those eo forturi
nto ai to rccolvo invitations,
Moiara and Mcsdamoi Chas Paterson,
J McCarty, W 1) Uoedy, M I) tiiimnor,
Ed Cole, Ed Colgan. W P Murphy, R M
Welder, A II Prcntis, J II Milnor, A J
Savage, 1. Kavago, O II Hall, Thos Coko,
J Bear, T Chapman, It C l.en,0 Hanson.
A Abbott, OA Melliu, W Jacobs, I
Lando, J T McCormac, FK Dow", Dow, '
V O Proit, E .1 Masters, J L Whlto, 11
It Mynatt, .1 WTihbettu, L M Johnson,
J Barrio, U Bradbury, Win Barkao, J
Hook, P H Weavor, W I) L F Smith, A
POwen, OM Skeoln, D F Dean, A II
Hodglne, J B Hiblmrd, It G Amoteln,
M It Brown, W L Douglas,
P O l-ovnr, Ohao Hlckox, Art WIllianiH,.
Falrchllds, Geo Wat kins, Geo Gam
inel, Lewis, Edgar Mauzcy, Thos
Irvlno, Jackson, P Clausen, John
Dolan, M O Gerinan,CaptHolland,Geo
Ayro; Mcsiluincs M Chnpman, BM
Hoork, Nelllo Owon, NHiinio Followo,
Lydla Lang Hutchosou ; Misses Alico
McCormac, Conbtnnco Irvine, Mamlo
Guloscn, Maggie Fox, Mnbolv Mnuzuy.
Sadlo Hall, Myrtlo Abbott, SiihIo Mynatt,
Hozul TibhottB, Bertha Paino, Mabel
I'liirciiildh, Pearl Hcisuer, Harriot Do
Novtio, BessIoCoko, Mildred Coko, Eva
Coko, Florence Lang, Maud Lang, Hadlo
and Ida Hall, Lottie Hovott.-LlllyMorch
ant, Edna Bear, BubJ- Woidor, Kdna
Welder, Boesio and Mary Brown, Joeio
Cowen, Nettie Bavago, Cora Chapman:
Messrs James Hutcheson, Dan Keat
ing, 11 II Smith, L A Bavago, Win Mc-
Oluro, Tog Mlckolwright. Howard Sav
age, Earl Savago, Spado, .1 Cowan,
Perry Mauzoy, Jacob Fishor, Dr Waltor,
Capt OiiriBtonuon, Hoy Abbott, Wm
Smith, Bey FQ Strango, Jack Davis,,.
Oiia& Kovcnrs, P B Matizy, L II Chris '
toneon, J Fishor, II Bridges, Lenord
Mauzoy, Chas Arnold, Wm McOloo,
' jMt
;j6a-i J.jAi-..,