'tvrq "Yxrv'x v- i"-f Back (o Old Missouri Mr.nnil.Mni. Henry lilttuk ntnrt for old Missouri on Wednesday. Thoy will no overland via Coos liny vngonro.ul lo Oakland, Oregon, wiintu tlioy y, III liu mot by Torn Main who will o nut via I.0011 J.ako route nnd Join tlio party lliuro After n rliort llt nl tin; hitter plncu tliotrfu will Icavu for tho East and spend noinotliua visltlnxMr. Black's rel atives In Idaho uftar tlmt thoy will uo to ltlchiiioml, Mo, where they will vlult their old Iioiiich, Tom lilnln linn 0110 ol tliu finest ranches in I'oon County. Ilo fuels proud of tho fact tlmt liu landed in Coon Coun ty 30 years ago with but 111! In IiIh jiock ot and to-diiy, well ho says liu In cntl. flcd,L-AcauBu boring out of IhoHtumpHono of tho Huoot frtrniB on North Coon river. Ho linn boon turconeful, Wllmantlce, Conn,, Aug. 'J3 Tliu oec ond day of tho president's Now Kng land tour was m ideal day for sunshiuo and temj.oraturo. A largo crowd was on hand to cheer tho chief magistrate as ho reached the Hartford deot. This morning ho took tho train to this city Tho president wan taken out for a drive as eoou 11s ho arrived, Providonee, It. I., Aug. 1!3 A tro mondous crowd greutedPrcstdont Rooso volt when tho train pulled into tho city Jtut befoto noon today. Tho president was otcorti'd to tho capital by Governor Kimball, SonatarHAldrlch and Wotmoro. At all itops between Wilmantico ahd province tho proeident wits cnthusiatti cally greeted. After luncheon tho proe lilunt ml dJ. 11 tints, Chicago, Auk. 'if Tho Western Union Tolograph Co. Is employing girls to tako the placu ofj.iu striking uioseengor boys Twontyllvo girl woro engaged this morning. Quo hundred moro nro to bo employed in tliu olllco buildings in tho rcsldonco dintrlcts. All girls will Imj re ((tilled to wear tho regulation uniforms and deliver meages. First, nono o them will bo pormitted to deliver mes sages after dark. Men will bo paid f'J.CO to dolivcr in tho down town diBtricts. WnsliliiEton, Aup. 23-Ono of tho mostvoxlng problomH coufrontlnR tho local mauogoment of tliu coming Grand Army encampment is locating Goneral Miles during various exorcises mid tho open nutiigonlom between tho adminis tration and bead of tho army makes tho question before tho citizens committee a dolicalo 0110 mid tho Grand Army insists that Genoral Miles bo Riven 11 uoultiou of honor at every opportunity, but feel ing tho president also bo tukon into con aldorntlon. Plans for bavins tho presi dent roviow tho Brand parndu with Gen oral Miles has been abandoned. DOCTORS say "Consumption can bo cured." Naturonlonowon'tdolt. ItnooUs holp. Dootors aay "Scott's Emulsion Is tho host holp." But you must oontinuo Its uso ovon In hot woathor. If you have not tried It, tend for free (ample. SCOTT ft. JIOWNtt, ChctnUts, 409-415 l'eatl Street, Mew York, 'i 50c nd I1.005 ail druggist. WllU OTIIHftf SAY AOUT TUG GREAT CENTRAL J. R. Coos. Bay Bcinjr Advertised as flcyc BeforcMonicd Men Coming (Portland Journal) Below wo glvo soino oxtrocls from other papers. Head them for what they nro worth. "Tho people of Hult l.ako City bellovo that Senator W. A. Clark, of Montonn, will completo bis road betwcouBalt I.nko and I.os Angeles within two yenrr, that tho Moffatt road will be constructed be tweon Bait I.nku and Donvor, and wc aro alno much in hopes that tho Great Con tral road will go throuch from Coos Day to Halt Lake. Halt Laro la looking up, nnil oxpect to become a great railroad center, With tho Great Central built, Utah and Oregon will have a comioo.1 Interest that should draw the two etntos into clorer rolalions." Dr. A. U, Itower,n Salt Lake physician, spoken above at tho Portland Hotel last evening. Ho caino out to get away from the brat of the interior, and inci dentally to join tho company of Salt l.nko people who have been looking Into matters connected Kith the Great Cen tral road. "Wo Halt Lakers know your man Kltw noy, too, for ho lived with us Bovcral years, and was tho man who started tho boom In Bait Leko that resulted In the material upbuilding of tboclty and made North Salt I.nko what it now is." Dleciifslng tho railroad situation in tho interior, Dr Dower went on to say: "Thorn aro many conflicting rumoro going tho rounds, and eotno 0! them aro based upon erroneous ideaB as to tho control of soino of tho roads. Hero is and tho Itlo Grand Weitbrn aro operated as ono road, running between Denver and Salt Lake, and they aro Gould prop erties. Tho Moffatt road, that is to bo built, is controlled by Davo Moffatt, tho wealthy mining man who floated tho bonds at 120,000 por mile, ami wiio is actually now building. "Regarding tho transcontinental con section of tho Mtffatt road, noonc knowB excepting Moffatt, and ho won't tell. As to tho transcontinental connections of Senator Clark's roa.l, ho preserves nb ooluto sllonco, and as to the Great Cen tral, It io thought by many tnat tho Goulds aro bohlnd It, althouah no utithorltatlvo staUment to that effect has bion mado. However, with tho Goulds In Salt I.nko with their Donvor & Ulo Grand connection, and tliu Groat Central rond built to tho Oregon Coast undor their control, tboGoulds would have through connection from East to West. This Is nil speculation, of course, but It fur nishes agreeable speculation for thoao who nppreulnto tho bouoflts of having another transcontinental road come into this region," WIIAT CLAMC BAYS Apropos to Dr. Dowor's remarks, Sen ator Clark stated In Kan Francisco tho other day to tho Examiner that ho would comploto his Salt J.ako road within two yewre, that ho was not In any deal with tho Goulds, and ho mudo ttio statement In n matuiur to carry conviction ol its truth. If ho has no connection with tho Goulds, then tho Great Central Is tho only other cont lino that could bo In tho Gould Bjotoin, so that It looks much as though tho Coos U.iy enterprise wero rather surely dontlned to bo tho ritcltlo Const outlet for tho big syotom that Gcorgu Ciould has been building up, and that now takes In bo immouso a ecopo ol territory in tho Southwest. Tho lino would bo: Tho Pacific, n Gould proporty, tho Denver & Hio Orando.w Gould proporty, and tho Groat Central, a Gould property, If tho future boars out tho Indlcntiuns that aro now accepted Is plauslblo by, many well-post edmen, tr . , Soft J- Ktli Harness Ton cn mV your lir ikm m ofi m Kiura and n Unifh ttirn by nonn Oil.. You tan hniilUfn IKIIfA lucktlt liut (wlrq m lucg m It otilauUf would! EUREKA Harniss rtM If M A BOOf look torrirrr. JM UK new. liula nf pure, liwiTy UxlUd oil. f. eUllr brrmrnl la ilii. tua (ii wMttitr. BoM rrrwhr ' la cutu-all ttiW, Mill t; STANDARD OH. CO. ANOTHER QUIET DAY IN COAL REGIONS Military and Civil Forces Over awe Strikers and Prevent Attacks Hazelton, Aug. 20 Tho scenes of yes tcrday wore not repeated this morning, ne Lehigh Vnlley camp and tho mayor provided omylo protection to tho men returning to work. Tlio mobs of strikers wero quickly die ported by the doputlos without trouble. C7 JT. 3 2' c. xe. X X. fc fio ti 1M ',lM 'W Hata Alwys Basgts Blgaitaro mz&c or -a7 A YOUNG LADY'S LIFK SAYKD a-rtiil?,mi'' Colombia); ind i)iar rhoca Hcmedy Dr. Clris. II. Utlor, n prominent phy sirlau, of Panama, Columbia, In a recent letter states: "Last March 1 had as a patient a young lady sixteen years ol ago, who had a very bad attack ol dysen tery. Kvorylhing 1 prescribed for her irm-itil in. ff.wtnni ntul )in was urowim: woreo every hour. Her parents were uro biiu wouiu uie. OllU liau 1 come so weak that sho could not turn over in bed. What to do nt this critical .wo.K.nt ifnu 11 Btinlv fur mil. tint 1 Mimii.lii if Pliiimluitlniit'H f!nllp. Olioliirn and Dinrrliocrt Remedy and as a last re sort prescribed It. Tlio moat wonderful result ua elluctcu. wiuiin eigui noure In. u.-nn fi.nl i in. mnrh hotter. IuhIiIu ot three days oho wus upon her (cot and nl tliu etui Ol 0110 weoK wua uuiirci vtvu. For Bale by Juo Preuss. PLAYING AT WAR BY THE NAYY Washington, Aug. 25 Information ot Commandor Pilhbury's defeat lu tho at tack to ontor tho Salem harbor nnd hold It against tlio ships ol Admiral Ulggln- sou'd fleet, camo to tho navy department Sunday morning, In a dispatch from tho commander of the attacking ilcot. McKinley's Regiment. Lnkcsldo, O., Aug. 20-Tho Twenty- third Ohio Yoluuteor Infantry, tho regi ment to which tho lato President Mo Kluley belonged, began Us annual re- uulon hero toduy to coutlnuo until Fri day. Tho attendance, of the vetorans and tbolr f rienda is lai co and tlio reunlou, though not bo largo kb in years gone by, promises to bo ono of tho beet ever hold by tbo reglmeut. Tho Boston Entortaluora, Cyrus Brownllo Newton and Jean Duroll, aro o'xpooted to glvo an entortalnment hero soon. ARirrrsitMA'N' - . DENIES INTERVIEW (Docs Not Favor Expulsion of Friars From The Phil ippines. Now York, Aug. 20 Archbishop Ryan, of riiilndolphla, officially donics that during tho recent intcryiow with Presi dent Roofovclt ho cxpressod himsolf in favor of expulsion of the friars from tho Philippine. Ho said it might bo found expedient to substitute friars of other nationalities for those now thoro. Journey for Senators. Has Francisco, Cal., Acg. 20 Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, and his fellow mem Iwrs of tho Senato Hawaii Commission, sails today on tho City of Peking for Honolulu. Tho commission purposes to spend a month or moro in tho islands in order to rnako n thorough invostiga lion of tho industrial and othor condi tions with a viow to ascertaining the island's needs in tbo way of futuro legis lation. FOR SALK-Onu half interest in the Christensen it Jobneon furnituro es tablishment, for further particulars address W. O. Christensen, Marsh field, Ore. 8-20-tf TREASURY OF ELKS . SHOWS BIG SHORTAGE Grand Lodge Finds $16,000 Has atcd Omaho, Nob., Aug. 20-Tho fact has juet leaked out that tho auditing com mittee of tho Elks has found during the Inspection of tbo order's books at the Grand Lodgo meeting at Salt Lake city that a shortago of $10,000 exists. Ti...tr ..nmmittpnfnund that tho money had been gradually misappropriated for a number of years. It Is not likoly that there will bo any prosecution. ALL WOMEN Wlno of Cardul Is tho guardian of n woman's hoalth and happi ness from youth to old ago. It helps her Mifolv into womanhood. It sustains her during tho trials of pregnancy, clilldolrth anil 1 motherhood, making labor easy I and preventing Hooding and mis carriage It gontly lends her through tho dangerous period J known as tho ohiuigo of llfo. WiiE"CARDUI I cures louoorrhaja, falling of tho womb, nnd menstrual irregularity in ovory lonn. It is vaiuaoio in every trying period of a woman's life. It reinforces tho nervous svstum. acts directly on tho geni tal organs ajul Is tho finest tonlo for women known. Ask your 1 druggist for a $1.00 bottlo of Wine of Cardui. ntttcBTllle. AU.7July It. 1M0. .. .. i.. An.h.i.ii ami rrliAH. lord' lUuck-Draucht wid I Jeel llko a 1.. AH KlAn.. KrtVATItl Id. dies lioro keep tho jnodloino In theu homfHnll tho t mo. I havo thrco glrU nun m ... - v.v:;-Wiiftwnr.n. I iTinptuilif. "1W 1JUIW1-. autihit ni.. ' fninv'5. "l Omtuuiooga SlcOlcUio t'oiupani, rcr auTi rjwi i:t"r-. . "!""l,?.llr vmvv ) - - JCeep Out tho Wet 'mums im I2TCLOTHIWC3 Tri ltrt w.m... 'oun. MM, Irotj the Lt intrlAlj sii b roih.t wore qrlhf r, 2Sh. fey teiS "!., TfcrodMhr ofid.--,iMriKS5ys',."aM irnrMtil,! .. i" rfi"r"i" ff aZ: ,Y7 Kt.'JW """R "!?i mnta it 111 r1'""" wrniiHiM ( vi;iV:i'it.'V.ruiI wan. -- vaniffiuj'ri BM, The Old Reliable Firm, E.B.Dean&Co. C. II. fflERCIiANT'ffEoa; n Is constantly adding to its slocR of General Merchan dise already Jho largest in Martlificld. Vhcn you buy at tho Mill toro you knor tho goods aro first class and Ihoprico is nil rigbt. All kinds of lumber and building material, " feed and sup plies at wholesale and retail. Coos Bay WMesalB Linn TTnnnn HEADQUARTERS FOR HIGH GRADE LIQUORS CHOICE WINES AtfD PURL BRANDIES. LEADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEER pomily Orderj Solicited. SOLE AGEST FOR THE CELEr BRATED Ranier Beer. Family orders for Pops, pints and quarts, delivered by tho case. Robert Marsden. Fast and Commodious Steamship ALLIANCE 000 000000 ooocsl HARDWIOK, Master Makej regu'.ir trips between San Francisco and Portland via HumbolptandlCoos'aiy, calliDK at above ports each way. Tho ALLIANCE is .1 Hrat class passenger boat, and has all tho modern conveniences and is ono of the fastest Steamers of her class. For Freight and Passenger Rates or Sailing Dates, Apply , to . SENGSTACKEN, Agent, MARSHFIEIvD, Oregou " f